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Studies on planktonic amphipods of the Indian Seas


Academic year: 2022

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Research and Management


V.N. Pillai and N.G. Menon

Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute

(Indian Council of Agricultural Research) Tatapuram P.O., Cochin-682 014

Kerala, India



studies on planktonic amphipods of the Indian seas

Molly Varghese


An accoiMt of the past 50 years of research carried out on Amphipoda by the Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute and

most relevant works carried out on the topic from the Indian seas are presented. The paper highlights the qualitative and quantita- tive composition, distribution in space and time and the taxonomy of planktonic :imphipods of neritic and oceanic waters of Indian region as well as from antarctic waters. Considering the gap in the work done, future research progranvnes are suggested with a view to satisfy the present net^d.


The order Amphipoda is an i m p o r t a n t group in the zooplankton u n d e r the class C r u s t a c e a . It forms a major food item of fishes like Etroplus sp., Johnius s p . , Pomadasys s p . , Polynemus s p . , Ilisha s p . , e t c . ( S u s e e l a n &

Nair, 1969).Realising the Importance of these animals in the food web the Cen- tral Marine Fisheries Research Institute started work on a m p h i p o d s since

1951. Now, the contributions by the CMFRI covering the entire west and east coasts of India, in the neritic and oceanic waters of Indian EEZ including Lakshadweep a n d A n d a m a n s e a s are available.The s t u d y on eimphipods was extended even to the Antarctic waters and brought out useful informations t h r o u g h the Instituti; s participation In the third Indian Antarctic Expedition.

The s t u d i e s by the Institute were mainly concentrated on quantitative and qualitative distribution,diurnal, monthly and seasonal variations and tax- onomy. The p r e s e n t paper is a review of the work done on the various a s p e c t s


Marine Fisheries Researcli and Management of the a m p h i p o d s .

T h e r e s e a r c h c o n t r i b u t i o n s from t h e I n d i a n s e a s by Rabindranath, 1971,1971a, 1971b, 1971c, 1972,1972a, 1972b, 1972c, 1972d, 1975;

Nair etaL, 1972, 1973, 1977, 1979, 1983, 1992a, 1992b, 1993; S h y a m a s u n d a r i et at.,1972, 1973, 1973a, 1977, 1977a, 1979, 1988; Lalitha et a(., 1988, 1989, 1989a, 1990,1990a; S i v a p r a k a s a m , 1968, 1968a, 1969, 1969a, 1969b, 1969c, 1970, 1970a, 1971, 1972, 1972a, 1977; Asari et a l . , 1 9 8 2 , 1 9 8 3 , 1 9 8 3 a ; besides the work carried out in the Institute during different periods of time are worth mentioning.

P r e s e n t s t a t u s of research

Rabindranath(1971) investigated the a m p h i p o d s from the s o u t h e r n In- dian region and identified two new species of h a u s t o r i i d a m p h i p o d s , includ- ing a new species of liljeborgiid and two new g a m m a r i d e a n species [Arugella indica & Orchomenella mannarensis]. He a l s o s t u d i e d the g a m m a r i d e a n a m p h i p o d s especially of the family Ampithoidae(1972), Amphilochldae(1972), Ampeliscidae(1975) and a new species of Podocerus( 1972).

Nair(1972) observed a swarm of a m p h i p o d s along the SW coast of India, a n d s t u d i e d (Nair, 1977) t h e d i s t r i b u t i o n a n d r e l a t i v e a b u n d a n c e of Paraphronimidae{Hyperiidae) in the Indian Ocean. The life cycle of Corophium insidiosum was studied by culturing in the laboratory (Nair & Anger, 1979).

Nair et al (1973) m a d e a detailed study on the distribution a n d a b u n d a n c e of planktonic a m p h i p o d s in the Indian Ocean and investigated (Nair,1983)the population dynamics of e s t u a r i n e a m p h i p o d s in the Cochin b a c k w a t e r s while Nair a n d J a y a l a k s h m y (1992) studied the distribution of Oxycephalidae in the Indian Ocean. Significant seasonal variations in species composition was noticed in the SE and SW Indian Ocean d u r i n g the NE monsoon and during the SW monsoon in the Arabian Sea and SW Indian Ocean. Again, Nair (1992) s t u d i e d t h e d i s t r i b u t i o n , e c o l o g y , a n d polymorphic b e h a v i o u r of t h e g e n u s Oxycephalus of the Indian Ocean, which is the first comprehensive account on the distribution of this genus covering the entire Indian Ocean through s e a s o n s . Polymorphic behaviour is mostly restricted to O.piscator, mainly due to p o s t - m a t u r i t y growth, the geographic variations in length are discussed in detail for the first time. Nair (1993) observed Metalycaea globosa as a valid species of Oxycephalidae.


studies on planktonlc amphipods of the Indian seas S h y a m a s u n d a r i (1972, 1973, 1976, 1988) studied the salinity a n d tem- p e r a t u r e , oxygen c o n s u m p t i o n in relation to salinity and t e m p e r a t u r e and the developmental stages of the tube building amphipod Corophium triaenonyx from V i s a k h a p a t n a m h a r b o u r . Again, she (1979) studied alimentary canal of amphipods: histochemistry of cephalic m u c o u s glands in Talorchestia martensii while S h y a m a s u n d a r i a n d Rao (1977) described the alimentary c a n a l : mor- p h o l o g y , h i s t o l o g y of c e p h a l i c m u c o u s g l a n d s a n d h e p a t o p a n c r e a s of Talorchestia martensii and Orchestia platensis.

Lalitha et al. (1988, 1989, 1990) made detailed s t u d i e s on the littoral s a n d h o p p e r Talorchestia martensii-eHect of salinity and t e m p e r a t u r e , the em- bryonic development and effect of salinity a n d t e m p e r a t u r e on the develop- m e n t of eggs. Again Lalitha et al. (1990) studied t h e a n n u a l life cycle of the talitrld amphipod, Orchestia platensis.

S i v a p r a k a s a m (1969, 1970, 1971, 1972) observed four new a m p h i p o d s in the collections from the Gulf of M a n n a r , he s t u d i e d G a m m a r l d e a a n d Caprellidea from the east coast of India, observed a new species of Idunella demersalis (Liljeborglidae) from India,a new species, Atylus processicer from the Gulf of M a n n a r a n d studied the Leucothold amphipod from the Madras coast. The organisation a n d classification of a m p h i p o d s , a basic s t u d y which is helpful to the beginners in this subject was carried out by S i v a p r a k a s a m (1972). A review of the literature a n d keys to the families of Indian a m p h i p o d s are given in this account.Again, he (1977) studied the skeleton s h r i m p s of the Tamil Nadu a n d Kerala coasts a n d made descriptions and figures of 9 species and keys to the families and Indian species of Caprellidea along with notes on the ecology, distribution a n d evolution of Indian Caprellldae.

A s a r i a n d M y e r s ( 1 9 8 2 ) m a d e t a x o n o m l c s t u d i e s on t h e g e n u s Grandidierella a n d described five species from India, while Asarl (1983) s t u d - led on two new species of g a m m a r l d s from Andaman a n d Nicobar Islands.He (1983) studied the biology of b r a c k l s h w a t e r gammarid a m p h i p o d s , Eriopisa chilkensis and Idunella chilkensis. The a m p h i p o d s of the family Hyperildae from the International Indian Ocean Expedition, 1959-1965 was studied in detail by T h o m a s and Maura (1982)and they noticed t h a t the family which comprises a b o u t 4 5 % of the Amphlpoda , contained 15 species.


Marine Figheries Research and Management Amphipods of t h e w e s t c o a s t

Among the work carried out along the west coast, the c o n t r i b u t i o n s by George (1958), Pillal a n d PlUai (1974), Silas and Pillai (1977) a n d Rajagopalan et al. (1992) are r e m a r k a b l e . In the Cochin b a c k w a t e r t h e more i m p o r t a n t species notced were Corophium triaenonyx , Photis longicaudata , Perioculodes longimanus. Eriopisa chilkensis. Grandidierella s p . a n d Hyperia s p . (George, 1958). He stated t h a t the a m p h i p o d s contribute to a n appreciable p o r t i o n of z o o p l a n k t o n in C o c h i n b a c k w a t e r w i t h i t s m a x i m u m in the p o s t m o n s o o n m o n t h s and m i n i m u m from March to August. The most com- mon species occurring in the p l a n k t o n may be Corophium triaenonyx Stebbing which is observed t h r o u g h o u t the year a l t h o u g h in small n u m b e r s during certain m o n t h s and seems to be hardy enough to w i t h s t a n d the variations in s a l i n i t y . He d e s c r i b e d t h a t t h e d i s c a r d e d s k i n s , more especially t h a t of C.triaenonyx were plenty and on several days it contributed to well over half t h e e n t i r e p l a n k t o n . According to him Photts longicaudata also occurred t h r o u g h o u t the year with m a x i m u m n u m b e r s p r e s e n t in a few m o n t h s in the monsoon season. During the study he noticed a few specimens of caprellid a m p h i p o d s in J a n u a r y and February. The a b u n d a n c e of a m p h i p o d s in the night collections was recorded by Pillai & Pillal (1974) a n d t h i s a b u n d a n c e was Irrespective of the hydrographlcal conditions and the s t a t e of the tide. In Cochin backwater, Pillai (1977) studied the m a c r o b e n t h o s and noticed a rich fauna of a m p h i p o d s and a m a x i m u m of 6 8 5 0 / m ^ w a s recorded at a station in December a n d the d o m i n a n t form w a s Grandidierella megnae. Again, Pillal et aL(1977) observed maximum a m p h i p o d s in the V e m b a n a d lake a n d adjacent waters d u r i n g D e c e m b e r - J a n u a r y a n d absence during F e b r u a r y - J u n e ; while a b u n d a n c e was recorded during postmonsoon season, rare during premonsoon a n d apparently a b s e n t during monsoon (Silas a n d Pillai, 1977). They observed t h e a m p h i p o d s p e c i e s - Corophium triaenonyx^ Photis longicaudata, Perioculoides longimanus, Eriopisa chilkensis, Grandidierella s p . a n d Hyperia s p . During spring tides, at T h o p p u m p a d y of the Cochin backwater, amphipod was one of the major group which were more in the bottom waters during the full moon days in J a n u a r y (Rengarajan and David Raj, 1984). Rajagopalan et at.(1986) observed a m p h i p o d s in the tidal pools and creeks of the mangrove ecosystem of the Cochin b a c k w a t e r s , burrowing a m p h i p o d s in the mid-tidal zone and a m p h i p o d s were a b s e n t in the u p p e r tidal zone. Bottom macrofauna is found to be different in the backwater s t a t i o n s and culture fields. The domi-



studies on planktonic amphlpods of the Indian seas n a n t species recorded were Grandidierella gilesi a n d Melita s p . In t h e b a c k w a - ter a n d Melita s p . In the c u l t u r e fields (Singh & Menon,1993). Amphlpods are found to be one of the major group in the mangrove ecosystems in Cochin a r e a (Shajina & Balan,1993). On s a n d y b e a c h e s when p u r s u e d , a m p h l p o d s dig rapidly into the s a n d , h e a d first a n d d i s a p p e a r qulckly(Prasad,1958).

In the coastal waters of Calicut, George (1953) observed a m p h l p o d s soon after the o n s e t of t h e monsoon a n d thereafter only nominally p r e s e n t . T h e more c o m m o n forms h e observed belonged to t h e family H y p e r l i d a e . In Vizhinjam also amphlpods were sparingly present{Rani,1986). But Rajagopalan

et ai.(1992) described the p e a k s in a m p h l p o d s d u r i n g 1984-'85, 1985-'86, 1986-'87, 1987-'88 & 1988-'89 of August, February, J a n u a r y , August a n d April respectively in Vizhinjam w a t e r s . They also noticed the salinity a n d tem- p e r a t u r e a t which these p e a k s occurred during 1984-'85, 1985-'86 and-1987- '88 a s 3 2 . 7 p p t . , 3 4 . 3 p p t . & 34.6ppt. and 25.20C, 29.20C & 280C respectively.

At Colachel, S u s e e l a n et al.(1985) noticed only Hyperia sp. t h a t too in negligi- ble n u m b e r s . R a m a m u r t h y (1966) observed t h a t a m p h l p o d s occur rarely (10 per ml) during J u n e , J u l y , August, September a n d October along the n o r t h Kanara coast. In the shallow waters of the Karwar Bay a swarm of a m p h l p o d s Atylus minikoi (Walker) is reported (Naomi, 1979) to occur a n d in t h e Inshore waters of Karwar the common a m p h l p o d s were g a m m a r i d s especially during August-October (Naomi, 1986). At Kandla in the Gulf of Kutch region it was p r e s e n t d u r i n g February-April (Ramamurthy a n d D h a w a n , 1 9 6 7 ) . Along the Bombay coast, Pillai (1970) observed t h a t t h e common a m p h l p o d s p r e s e n t were Hyperia sp. a n d Primno sp. the former species being fairly a b u n d a n t during the m o n t h s of November, February a n d March while Oxycephalus s p . and Simorhyncotus s p . were observed only d u r i n g May a n d F e b r u a r y respec- tively. Monthwise o c c u r r e n c e of a m p h i p o d s in t h e shelf w a t e r s off Bombay s h o w e d i t s a v a i l a b i l i t y in O c t o b e r , M a r c h , S e p t e m b e r a n d N o v e m b e r ( R a d h a k r i s h n a & Pillai, 1985); while Pillai & B h a t (1987) noticed a m p h i p o d s to form 0.4% of the zooplankton d u r i n g the p o s t m o n s o o n m o n t h s along the n o r t h w e s t coast of India.

Amphipods in t h e mud bank areas

The formation of m u d b a n k s is a common p h e n o m e n o n along the Kerala coast a n d realising the importance of mud b a n k s in the fishery of the area, s t u d i e s on t h e different a s p e c t s including zooplankton in t h e m u d b a n k s were


Marine Fisheries Research and Management

carried out and the s t u d i e s on a m p h i p o d s was one among them. Studies on the diurnal variations in the distribution of a m p h i p o d s in the mud b a n k at Purakkad-Thottappally region s o u t h of Alleppey in Kerala, d u r i n g May a n d August were carried out by Mathew et al.[1977] and noticed its presence in moderate n u m b e r s in August(0.8%) b u t during May it was poorly represented.

Their percentage composition in the collections of August varied from 0.20 to 2.40, however,they did not show any d i u r n a l variations. Only stray speci- m e n s were recorded during monsoon period {Mathew et aJ.,1984).

Amphipods of t h e east c o a s t

Along the east coast, investigations on amphipods were carried out mainly by Nayar (1966).He m a d e a detailed s t u d y on the g a m m a r i d e a n a m p h i p o d s of the Gulf of M a n n a r with special reference to those of the pearl a n d c h a n k beds and a complete list with synonyms of all the reported species from the Gulf of M a n n a r together with the descriptions h a s been given in this a c c o u n t , which can be used a s a guide for those who p u r s u e work on this group. In the inshore waters off M a n d a p a m , a m p h i p o d s occurred during February-May a n d July-November which were mostly hyperids (Prasad, 1956). The a m p h i p o d s are found to get associated with seaweeds in n a t u r e a n d a detailed s t u d y in this line w a s carried out by J a m e s et aJ.(1986) a n d noticed t h a t qualitatively a m p h i p o d s form one of the major c o m p o n e n t s while quantitatively it took the 2nd place.They were found associated with cultured seaweed Gracilaria edulis in the coastal waters of the Palk Bay and the Gulf of M a n n a r . In the stomach c o n t e n t s of fishes and c r a b s c a p t u r e d from t h e s e seaweed c u l t u r e sites a m p h i p o d s also were observed. In the inshore waters of Tutlcorln, amphipods were noticed d u r i n g M a r c h - J u n e a n d October-November periods in negligible proportions (Marichamy et al. ,1987). The s t u d i e s on a m p h i p o d s was extended to K a k i n a d a Bay w h e r e they formed less t h a n 0.2%, Hyperia s p p . a n d Corophium s p p . being the common forms (Narasimham et al.,1984).

Amphipods of oceanic regions

The Investigations were carried out in Indian EEZ including the seas around Laccadives and Andaman-Nlcobar islands and brought out many useful information on the a m p h i p o d s .

Pelagic a m p h i p o d s u n d e r t h e families Vlblllidae, P a r a p h r o n l m i d a e ,



studies on planktonlc amphipods of the Indian seas Hyperiidae, Phronlmidae, Phrosinldae, Lycaeopsidae, Pronoidae, Lycaeidae, Brachyscelidae and Platyscelldae in the collections of CMFRl made on board R.Y. Varuna from Arabian sea were studied in detail with species wise illustra- tions a n d descriptions by Pillai (1966) which helped to correct certain errors in the earlier descriptions.In a n o t h e r a c c o u n t full illustrations with key for the identification of all t h e 15 species u n d e r the family Oxycephalidae were given (Pillai, 1966). Seasonwise study in the n o r t h w e s t coast of the Indian EEZ was carried out (Bapat et a!., 1982) by collecting a m p h i p o d s with a n In- dian Ocean s t a n d a r d net(vertical h a u l s from a s t a n d a r d depth of 200 m to surface). It was found t h a t the relative a b u n d a n c e (in % a m o n g different zooplankton groups)ln the three s e a s o n s were: 0.087, 0.738 and 0.245 dur- ing p r e m o n s o o n , monsoon and postmonsoon s e a s o n s respectively.

Amphipods are found to be p r e s e n t in sheltered rocky a r e a s in Indian w a t e r s (Panikkar,1951)while in the i n s h o r e w a t e r s of the s e a s a r o u n d India, their r e p r e s e n t a t i o n was poor (Girijavallabhan et al.,1983). The occurrence of a m p h i p o d s in the EEZ of India and adjoining seas was investigated by Revikala et ai.(I990); b a s e d on samples collected d u r i n g the cruises of FORV Sagar sampada and the observations are as given below. While a m p h i p o d s at a n average r a t e of 2278/lOOOm^ occurred in the shelf w a t e r s off the west coast , only 1 5 0 1 / 1 0 0 0 m^ occurred in the s a m e a r e a off the east coast. On the other h a n d , in the oceanic region the n u m e r i c a l a b u n d a n c e w a s relatively low being 1 0 1 4 / 1 0 0 0 m^ off the west coast a n d 9 2 5 / 1 0 0 0 m^ off east coast indicating that the a m p h i p o d s were a b u n d a n t in the shelf w a t e r s of the west coast t h a n other regions. The seasonwise study showed always m a x i m u m d u r i n g p r e m o n s o o n except the first region(40 30'N -10° N) off e a s t coast b u t there w a s no regular p a t t e r n in the e a s t e r n Arabian sea. The n o r t h e r n region (20° N - 2 3 ° N) above 2 0 ° N off west coast ie. 4"' region, c o n t r i b u t e d more a m p h i p o d s t h a n the other latitudinal regions off the west a n d east c o a s t s . The faunal distribution (specieswise) in the DSL of the EEZ of India w a s in- vestigated by Revikala (1996). According to her s t u d i e s the a m p h i p o d s of this area belonged to 13 families viz. Cystisomatidae, Oxycephalidae, Pronoidae, Anapronoidae, Vibilidae, Lycaedae, Lycaeopsidae, Phronlmidae, Platyscelldae, Phrosinldae, Scinidae, Lanceolidae and Hyperiidae. Qualitative distribution of a m p h i p o d s showed t h a t the n u m b e r of species were more(30spp.) in the oceanic waters of west coast t h a n in the shelf waters(23 spp.) of t h a t coast.

The oceanic waters of e a s t coast also h a d higher n u m b e r of amphipod spe-



Marine Fisheries Reaearch and Management

cles(19 spp.) t h a n the shelf w a t e r s of t h a t coast(17 spp.). T h u s the west coast w a s qualitatively richer t h a n the east coast. All species of Cystisoma, Phronima colletti, Phronimella elongata, Platyscelus s p . , Phrosina semilunata a n d Anchylomera blossevilli were found to be u b i q u i t o u s In d i s t r i b u t i o n . B u t Eupronoe s p . was restricted to the shelf area of both the coasts.The d a t a on the relative a b u n d a n c e of the various amphipod families in terms of day and night distribution a n d frequencies of occurrence in b o t h shelf a n d oceanic waters of the Arabian sea and the Bay of Bengal are also described.

In the lagoons a n d open s e a of Lakshadweep, a m p h l p o d s c o n s t i t u t e d less t h a n 1% of the zooplankton in Kadmat, Kiltan, Chetlat, Agatti, Kalpeni, Bangaram, Bltra and Kavaratti islands (Girljavallabhan etal.,1989). But Silas (1972) noticed contribution of a m p h l p o d s a s 2% of the total zooplankton in the deep scattering layers in the Lakshadweep sea. He also studied the day and night variations a n d observed 77% at night and rest in daytime collec- tions.

In the coastal waters of A n d a m a n & Nlcobar i s l a n d s a m p h l p o d s were recorded in all collections b u t only in negligible ratios (Marlchamy,1983). An elaborate study on the quantitative distribution a n d a b u n d a n c e of a m p h l p o d s in t h e A n d a m a n sea in space and time was carried out by Molly et al.(1996).

This study w a s b a s e d on the a m p h l p o d s p r e s e n t in the zooplankton samples c o l l e c t e d d u r i n g 1 9 8 8 - ' 9 0 . T h e s a l i e n t f e a t u r e s of t h e s t u d y is given here.Monthly distribution revealed t h a t the m e a n n u m b e r of a m p h l p o d s per 1000 m^ of water reached the m a x i m u m of 1763 in J a n u a r y and the minimum of 3 1 5 In July.The seasonal density was m a x i m u m d u r i n g the NE monsoon and m i n i m u m for the SW monsoon a n d their m e a n n u m b e r s were estimated a s 8 1 2 a n d 4 6 3 per 1000 m^ of w a t e r respectively. The s p a t i a l distribution indicated t h a t the a m p h l p o d s were relatively at higher concentration with an average of 732 per 1000 m^ between 12° 30' and 14° 30' N and a t low concen- tration with 5 1 3 per 1000 m^ between 10° 30' a n d 12° 30' N l a t i t u d e s , while the overall mean n u m b e r estimated for the A n d a m a n sea was 629 per 1000 m^ of water. In general, they were a b u n d a n t in the region .where the station d e p t h s ranged between 50 a n d 100 m with the m e a n estimated as 800 per 1000 m* of water. Analysis of day and night s a m p l e s did not show any re- m a r k a b l e variation.


studies on planktonlc amphlpods of the Indian seas Amphipods of antarctic waters

CMFRI h a s participated In the third Indian Antarctic Expedition a n d a m p h l p o d s along with other zooplankters in t h a t region were s t u d i e d . Daily variations in t h e a b u n d a n c e of a m p h l p o d s in the coastal w a t e r s off Queen Maud Land, Antarctica was investigated from 12"' J a n u a r y to 2 5 " ' F e b r u a r y

1984 le. from mid s u m m e r to the beginning of winter (Mathew & Vincent, 1986) a n d observed t h a t in the 5 * & 6'" weeks the a m p h l p o d s showed r e m a r k a b l e i n c r e a s e in n u m b e r , registering a n i n c r e a s e of more t h a n 100% over the preceeding week's population. During t h e 6 "" week, t h e h i g h e s t of 50% of zooplankton w a s contributed by a m p h i p o d a . Percentage of i n c r e a s e or de- crease of a m p h l p o d s in the weekly m e a n n u m e r i c a l a b u n d a n c e d u r i n g the s u m m e r m o n t h s were + 2 3 3 . 3 3 , +660, a n d -7.04 during 5"" week, 6"" week a n d 7'" week respectively.

Regarding spatial distribution of a m p h l p o d s in the Antarctic w a t e r s , a highly patchy, with a meagre r e p r e s e n t a t i o n of less t h a n 1% of the total zooplankton was observed (Mathew, 1986). They were p r e s e n t mainly in the s o u t h e r n grid and their latitudinal occurrence was interesting In t h a t they were almost c o n c e n t r a t e d towards s o u t h . T h e middle a n d n o r t h e r n grids h a d t h e m only a t one s t a t i o n each t h a t too in very small n u m b e r s . T h e occurrence in each of the grids from s o u t h to n o r t h was 17, 2 a n d 1 respectively p e r 1000 m^ of water. Again, s t u d i e s were conducted in t h e latitudinal distribution of a m p h l p o d s in t h e , s o u t h e r n ocean, covering an a r e a between 61° 3 1 ' S a n d 21° 34' S a n d 22° 56' E to 56° 53" E which included the Antarctic, sub-Ant- arctic, a n d sub-tropical zones (Mathew & Vincent, 1986).Amphlpods formed

1.15% of zooplankters d u r i n g the Investigation a n d were relatively more in the sub-Antarctic zone. They were comparatively more a b u n d a n t in the mid zone between 40° a n d 50° S. Relative a b u n d a n c e of a m p h l p o d s in the v a r i o u s l a t i t u d i n a l zones expressed a s n o . / 1 0 0 0 m^ of water is given below:

Antarctic gub-Antarctic gvb-troplcai

Amphlpods 236(7.55%) 2461(78.78%) 427(13.67%) Future research priorities and c o n c l u s i o n

In future, the study of a m p h l p o d s have to be t a k e n u p , considering the gaps in the work already carried o u t in this topic.Taxonomlc s t u d i e s h a s to be s t r e n g t h e n e d further a n d full illustrations with descriptions a n d keys of all


Marine Fiaheries Research and Management

the Indian species of a m p h i p o d a h a s to be brought out which can be a useful reference for the beginners in this subject. S t u d y on specieswise availabihty in time a n d space h a s to be carried o u t to u n d e r s t a n d the behaviour of each species. As amphipods are a major c o n s t i t u e n t of food of many fishes their culture will have to be taken u p in future to a s s e s the possibility of u s i n g this a s a live food organism. Since a m p h i p o d s can w i t h s t a n d a wide range of sa- linity t h e c u l t u r e of this can very well be tried along with s t u d i e s on its n u t r i - tional value a s live feed, its acceptibllity in the c u l t u r e s y s t e m s , e t c . .

A c k n o w l e d g e m e n t s

T h e a u t h o r is g r a t e f u l to D r . M . D e v a r a j , f o r m e r D i r e c t o r a n d to Dr.V.N.Pillai, Director,Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute,Cochin, for their e n c o u r a g e m e n t to carry out this work.I wish to record my gratitude to Dr.K.J.Mathew,Senior Scientist,CMFRI,Cochin, for critically going t h r o u g h the m a n u s c r i p t a n d offering valuable suggestions for improvement.


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Marine Flgheries Research and Management

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