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Lecture 14: Myhill Nerode relations and regularity


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CS310 : Automata Theory 2020

Lecture 14: Myhill Nerode relations and regularity

Instructor: S. Akshay

IIT Bombay, India




I Automata and algebraic models: DFA, NFA,-NFA, regular expressions.

I Regular languages: All these models accept the same class of languages.

I Conversions: from NFA to DFA (Subset construction),-NFA to DFA, Regular expressions to -NFA, DFA to regular expressions

I Applications: text search using automata, regular expressions in GREP, emacs, python etc.

I Properties and limitations of regular languages

I Closure - under union, intersection, complementation, reversal I Pumping lemma.

I Examples of non-regular languages and how to show non-regularity using pumping lemma.



I Automata and algebraic models: DFA, NFA,-NFA, regular expressions.

I Regular languages: All these models accept the same class of languages.

I Conversions: from NFA to DFA (Subset construction),-NFA to DFA, Regular expressions to -NFA, DFA to regular expressions

I Applications: text search using automata, regular expressions in GREP, emacs, python etc.

I Properties and limitations of regular languages

I Closure - under union, intersection, complementation, reversal I Pumping lemma.

I Examples of non-regular languages and how to show non-regularity using pumping lemma.



I Automata and algebraic models: DFA, NFA,-NFA, regular expressions.

I Regular languages: All these models accept the same class of languages.

I Conversions: from NFA to DFA (Subset construction),-NFA to DFA, Regular expressions to -NFA, DFA to regular expressions

I Applications: text search using automata, regular expressions in GREP, emacs, python etc.

I Properties and limitations of regular languages

I Closure - under union, intersection, complementation, reversal I Pumping lemma.

I Examples of non-regular languages and how to show non-regularity using pumping lemma.


Generalized pumping lemma


L is not regular if, I for eachn,

I there are words u,w, andv such thatuwv ∈Land|w| ≥n

I for each breakup of w into three words xyz =w such that y 6=and

|xy| ≤n then

I there is a k ≥0 such thatuxykzv 6∈L.

I In our earlier version of pumping lemma, u=.

I This is not an iff either. What other properties of regular languages can we use?


Generalized pumping lemma


L is not regular if, I for eachn,

I there are words u,w, andv such thatuwv ∈Land|w| ≥n

I for each breakup of w into three words xyz =w such that y 6=and

|xy| ≤n then

I there is a k ≥0 such thatuxykzv 6∈L.

I In our earlier version of pumping lemma, u=.

I This is not an iff either. What other properties of regular languages can we use?


Generalized pumping lemma


L is not regular if, I for eachn,

I there are words u,w, andv such thatuwv ∈Land|w| ≥n

I for each breakup of w into three words xyz =w such that y 6=and

|xy| ≤n then

I there is a k ≥0 such thatuxykzv 6∈L.

I In our earlier version of pumping lemma, u=.

I This is not an iff either. What other properties of regular languages can we use?


Generalized pumping lemma


L is not regular if, I for eachn,

I there are words u,w, andv such thatuwv ∈Land|w| ≥n

I for each breakup of w into three words xyz =w such that y 6=and

|xy| ≤n then

I there is a k ≥0 such thatuxykzv 6∈L.

I In our earlier version of pumping lemma, u=.

I This is not an iff either. What other properties of regular languages can we use?


Generalized pumping lemma


L is not regular if, I for eachn,

I there are words u,w, andv such thatuwv ∈Land|w| ≥n

I for each breakup of w into three words xyz =w such that y 6=and

|xy| ≤n then

I there is a k ≥0 such thatuxykzv 6∈L.

I In our earlier version of pumping lemma,u =.

I This is not an iff either. What other properties of regular languages can we use?


Generalized pumping lemma


L is not regular if, I for eachn,

I there are words u,w, andv such thatuwv ∈Land|w| ≥n

I for each breakup of w into three words xyz =w such that y 6=and

|xy| ≤n then

I there is a k ≥0 such thatuxykzv 6∈L.

I In our earlier version of pumping lemma,u =.

I This is not an iff either. What other properties of regular languages can


Properties of regular languages

Let L be a regular language recognized by A= (Q,Σ, δ,q0,F)

I For all x,y ∈Σ, we definex≡A y iff ˆδ(q0,x) = ˆδ(q0,y) I That is, the state reached after x andy are the same.

A is anequivalence relation.


Properties of regular languages

Let L be a regular language recognized by A= (Q,Σ, δ,q0,F)

I For all x,y ∈Σ, we definex≡A y iff ˆδ(q0,x) = ˆδ(q0,y) I That is, the state reached after x andy are the same.

A is anequivalence relation.

Properties of ≡A

1. ∀x,y∈Σ andw ∈Σ ifx≡A y thenx·w ≡A y·w (right congruence)


Properties of regular languages

Let L be a regular language recognized by A= (Q,Σ, δ,q0,F)

I For all x,y ∈Σ, we definex≡A y iff ˆδ(q0,x) = ˆδ(q0,y)

A is anequivalence relation.

Properties of ≡A

1. ∀x,y∈Σ andw ∈Σ ifx≡A y thenx·w ≡A y·w (right congruence) 2. if x≡A y then x ∈L(A) iff y ∈L(A) (refines L(A))


Properties of regular languages

Let L be a regular language recognized by A= (Q,Σ, δ,q0,F)

I For all x,y ∈Σ, we definex≡A y iff ˆδ(q0,x) = ˆδ(q0,y)

A is anequivalence relation.

Properties of ≡A

1. ∀x,y∈Σ andw ∈Σ ifx≡A y thenx·w ≡A y·w (right congruence) 2. if x≡A y then x ∈L(A) iff y ∈L(A) (refines L(A))

3. The number of equivalence classes of ≡A is finite. (finite index)


Properties of regular languages

Let L be a regular language recognized by A= (Q,Σ, δ,q0,F)

I For all x,y ∈Σ, we definex≡A y iff ˆδ(q0,x) = ˆδ(q0,y)

A is anequivalence relation.

Properties of ≡A

1. ∀x,y∈Σ andw ∈Σ ifx≡A y thenx·w ≡A y·w (right congruence) 2. if x≡A y then x ∈L(A) iff y ∈L(A) (refines L(A))

3. The number of equivalence classes of ≡A is finite. (finite index)

An equivalence relation on Σ satisfying the above three properties is called a Myhill-Nerode relation.


Myhill-Nerode relation

Right congruence

An equivalence relation ≡on Σ is called aright congruenceif∀x,y ∈Σ and w ∈Σ x ≡y =⇒ x·w ≡y·w.


An equivalence relation≡on Σ is said torefine a a languageLif x≡y thenx ∈Liff y ∈L.

Finite index

An equivalence relation≡on Σ is said to havefinite index if the number of equivalence classes of≡is finite.

Myhill-Nerode relation

An equivalence relation≡is called aMyhill-Nerode relation for languageLif it is a right congruence, it refinesLand it is of finite index.


Myhill-Nerode relation

Right congruence

An equivalence relation ≡on Σ is called aright congruenceif∀x,y ∈Σ and w ∈Σ x ≡y =⇒ x·w ≡y·w.


An equivalence relation ≡on Σ is said torefine a a languageLif x≡y then x ∈Liff y ∈L.

Finite index

An equivalence relation≡on Σ is said to havefinite index if the number of equivalence classes of≡is finite.

Myhill-Nerode relation

An equivalence relation≡is called aMyhill-Nerode relation for languageLif it is a right congruence, it refinesLand it is of finite index.


Myhill-Nerode relation

Right congruence

An equivalence relation ≡on Σ is called aright congruenceif∀x,y ∈Σ and w ∈Σ x ≡y =⇒ x·w ≡y·w.


An equivalence relation ≡on Σ is said torefine a a languageLif x≡y then x ∈Liff y ∈L.

Finite index

An equivalence relation ≡on Σ is said to havefinite index if the number of equivalence classes of ≡is finite.

Myhill-Nerode relation

An equivalence relation≡is called aMyhill-Nerode relation for languageLif it is a right congruence, it refinesLand it is of finite index.


Myhill-Nerode relation

Right congruence

An equivalence relation ≡on Σ is called aright congruenceif∀x,y ∈Σ and w ∈Σ x ≡y =⇒ x·w ≡y·w.


An equivalence relation ≡on Σ is said torefine a a languageLif x≡y then x ∈Liff y ∈L.

Finite index

An equivalence relation ≡on Σ is said to havefinite index if the number of equivalence classes of ≡is finite.

Myhill-Nerode relation

An equivalence relation ≡is called aMyhill-Nerode relation for languageLif it is a right congruence, it refines Land it is of finite index.


Myhill-Nerode theorem


Let L⊆Σ. L is regular iff there exists a Myhill-Nerode relation forL.


Myhill-Nerode theorem


Let L⊆Σ. L is regular iff there exists a Myhill-Nerode relation forL.

Proof. =⇒

I IfL is regular, consider DFAAfor L.


Myhill-Nerode theorem


Let L⊆Σ. L is regular iff there exists a Myhill-Nerode relation forL.

Proof. =⇒

I IfL is regular, consider DFAAfor L.

I As shown before ≡A is an equivalence relation that is a right congruence, refines Land of finite index.

I Thus ≡A is a Myhill-Nerode relation forL.


Myhill-Nerode theorem


Let L⊆Σ. L is regular iff there exists a Myhill-Nerode relation forL.

Proof. ⇐= Conversely,

I Suppose≡is a Myhill-Nerode relation for L.


Myhill-Nerode theorem


Let L⊆Σ. L is regular iff there exists a Myhill-Nerode relation forL.

Proof. ⇐= Conversely,

I Suppose≡is a Myhill-Nerode relation for L.

I Let [x] ={y ∈Σ |y ≡x}


Myhill-Nerode theorem


Let L⊆Σ. L is regular iff there exists a Myhill-Nerode relation forL.

Proof. ⇐= Conversely,

I Suppose≡is a Myhill-Nerode relation for L.

I Let [x] ={y ∈Σ |y ≡x}

I We will build A= (Q,Σ, δ,q0,F) for it.


Myhill-Nerode theorem


Let L⊆Σ. L is regular iff there exists a Myhill-Nerode relation forL.

Proof. ⇐= Conversely,

I Suppose≡is a Myhill-Nerode relation for L.

I Let [x] ={y ∈Σ |y ≡x}

I We will build A= (Q,Σ, δ,q0,F) for it.

I Q={[x]|xΣ} I q0= []

I [F] ={[x]|xL}

I δ([x],a) = [xa]

I Proof of correctness: By induction as always.


Applications of Myhill-Nerode theorem-I

Consider L={anbn|n ∈N}

I Consider an equiv relation ≡on{a,b}

I Suppose it is a right congruence and it refines L. I Then, we will show it cannot have finite index.

I Suppose there werefinite many equiv classes. I There exist [an] = [am] forn6=m.

I Butby right congruence[anbm] = [ambm]

I Whichviolates refinement ofLsinceanbm6∈L andambmL I Hence contradiction.


Applications of Myhill-Nerode theorem-I

Consider L={anbn|n ∈N}

I Consider an equiv relation ≡on{a,b}

I Suppose it is a right congruence and it refinesL.

I Then, we will show it cannot have finite index. I Suppose there werefinite many equiv classes. I There exist [an] = [am] forn6=m.

I Butby right congruence[anbm] = [ambm]

I Whichviolates refinement ofLsinceanbm6∈L andambmL I Hence contradiction.


Applications of Myhill-Nerode theorem-I

Consider L={anbn|n ∈N}

I Consider an equiv relation ≡on{a,b}

I Suppose it is a right congruence and it refinesL.

I Then, we will show it cannot have finite index.

I Suppose there werefinite many equiv classes. I There exist [an] = [am] forn6=m.

I Butby right congruence[anbm] = [ambm]

I Whichviolates refinement ofLsinceanbm6∈L andambmL I Hence contradiction.


Applications of Myhill-Nerode theorem-I

Consider L={anbn|n ∈N}

I Consider an equiv relation ≡on{a,b}

I Suppose it is a right congruence and it refinesL.

I Then, we will show it cannot have finite index.

I Suppose there werefinite many equiv classes.

I There exist [an] = [am] forn6=m. I Butby right congruence[anbm] = [ambm]

I Whichviolates refinement ofLsinceanbm6∈L andambmL I Hence contradiction.


Applications of Myhill-Nerode theorem-I

Consider L={anbn|n ∈N}

I Consider an equiv relation ≡on{a,b}

I Suppose it is a right congruence and it refinesL.

I Then, we will show it cannot have finite index.

I Suppose there werefinite many equiv classes.

I There exist [an] = [am] forn6=m.

I Butby right congruence[anbm] = [ambm]

I Whichviolates refinement ofLsinceanbm6∈L andambmL I Hence contradiction.


Applications of Myhill-Nerode theorem-I

Consider L={anbn|n ∈N}

I Consider an equiv relation ≡on{a,b}

I Suppose it is a right congruence and it refinesL.

I Then, we will show it cannot have finite index.

I Suppose there werefinite many equiv classes.

I There exist [an] = [am] forn6=m.

I Butby right congruence[anbm] = [ambm]

I Whichviolates refinement ofLsinceanbm6∈L andambmL I Hence contradiction.


Applications of Myhill-Nerode theorem-I

Consider L={anbn|n ∈N}

I Consider an equiv relation ≡on{a,b}

I Suppose it is a right congruence and it refinesL.

I Then, we will show it cannot have finite index.

I Suppose there werefinite many equiv classes.

I There exist [an] = [am] forn6=m.

I Butby right congruence[anbm] = [ambm]

I Whichviolates refinement ofLsinceanbm6∈LandambmL I Hence contradiction.


Applications of Myhill-Nerode theorem-II

Consider L={an! |n ∈N}

I Consider an equiv relation ≡on{a}

I Suppose it is a right congruence and it refines L. I Then, we will show it cannot have finite index.

I Suppose there were finite many equiv classes. I There exist [an!] = [a(n+k)!] fork >0,n>1. I But by right congruence [an!an·n!] = [a(n+k)!an·n!]

I Which violates refinement ofLsince l.h.s∈Land r.h.s6∈L(show this!) I Hence contradiction.

Try the same for{1p|p a prime} etc.


Applications of Myhill-Nerode theorem-II

Consider L={an! |n ∈N}

I Consider an equiv relation ≡on{a}

I Suppose it is a right congruence and it refinesL.

I Then, we will show it cannot have finite index. I Suppose there were finite many equiv classes. I There exist [an!] = [a(n+k)!] fork >0,n>1. I But by right congruence [an!an·n!] = [a(n+k)!an·n!]

I Which violates refinement ofLsince l.h.s∈Land r.h.s6∈L(show this!) I Hence contradiction.

Try the same for{1p|p a prime} etc.


Applications of Myhill-Nerode theorem-II

Consider L={an! |n ∈N}

I Consider an equiv relation ≡on{a}

I Suppose it is a right congruence and it refinesL.

I Then, we will show it cannot have finite index.

I Suppose there were finite many equiv classes. I There exist [an!] = [a(n+k)!] fork >0,n>1. I But by right congruence [an!an·n!] = [a(n+k)!an·n!]

I Which violates refinement ofLsince l.h.s∈Land r.h.s6∈L(show this!) I Hence contradiction.

Try the same for{1p|p a prime} etc.


Applications of Myhill-Nerode theorem-II

Consider L={an! |n ∈N}

I Consider an equiv relation ≡on{a}

I Suppose it is a right congruence and it refinesL.

I Then, we will show it cannot have finite index.

I Suppose there were finite many equiv classes.

I There exist [an!] = [a(n+k)!] fork >0,n>1. I But by right congruence [an!an·n!] = [a(n+k)!an·n!]

I Which violates refinement ofLsince l.h.s∈Land r.h.s6∈L(show this!) I Hence contradiction.

Try the same for{1p|p a prime} etc.


Applications of Myhill-Nerode theorem-II

Consider L={an! |n ∈N}

I Consider an equiv relation ≡on{a}

I Suppose it is a right congruence and it refinesL.

I Then, we will show it cannot have finite index.

I Suppose there were finite many equiv classes.

I There exist [an!] = [a(n+k)!] fork >0,n>1.

I But by right congruence [an!an·n!] = [a(n+k)!an·n!]

I Which violates refinement ofLsince l.h.s∈Land r.h.s6∈L(show this!) I Hence contradiction.

Try the same for{1p|p a prime} etc.


Applications of Myhill-Nerode theorem-II

Consider L={an! |n ∈N}

I Consider an equiv relation ≡on{a}

I Suppose it is a right congruence and it refinesL.

I Then, we will show it cannot have finite index.

I Suppose there were finite many equiv classes.

I There exist [an!] = [a(n+k)!] fork >0,n>1.

I But by right congruence [an!an·n!] = [a(n+k)!an·n!]

I Which violates refinement ofLsince l.h.s∈Land r.h.s6∈L(show this!) I Hence contradiction.

Try the same for{1p|p a prime} etc.


Applications of Myhill-Nerode theorem-II

Consider L={an! |n ∈N}

I Consider an equiv relation ≡on{a}

I Suppose it is a right congruence and it refinesL.

I Then, we will show it cannot have finite index.

I Suppose there were finite many equiv classes.

I There exist [an!] = [a(n+k)!] fork >0,n>1.

I But by right congruence [an!an·n!] = [a(n+k)!an·n!]

I Which violates refinement ofLsince l.h.s∈Land r.h.s6∈L(show this!) I Hence contradiction.

Try the same for{1p|p a prime} etc.


Applications of Myhill-Nerode theorem-II

Consider L={an! |n ∈N}

I Consider an equiv relation ≡on{a}

I Suppose it is a right congruence and it refinesL.

I Then, we will show it cannot have finite index.

I Suppose there were finite many equiv classes.

I There exist [an!] = [a(n+k)!] fork >0,n>1.

I But by right congruence [an!an·n!] = [a(n+k)!an·n!]

I Which violates refinement ofLsince l.h.s∈Land r.h.s6∈L(show this!) I Hence contradiction.

Try the same for {1p|p a prime} etc.


Applications of Myhill-Nerode theorem-III

Consider PAL={w ·wR |w ∈Σ} I Consider an equiv relation ≡on Σ

I Suppose it is a right congruence and it refines PAL. I Then, we will show it cannot have finite index.

I Suppose there were finite many equiv classes. I There exist [x] = [y] forx 6=y,x,yΣ. I But by right congruence [x·xR] = [y·xR]

I Which violates refinement ofLsince l.h.s∈PALand r.h.s6∈PAL I Hence contradiction.

Try more examples!


Applications of Myhill-Nerode theorem-III

Consider PAL={w ·wR |w ∈Σ}

I Consider an equiv relation ≡on Σ

I Suppose it is a right congruence and it refinesPAL.

I Then, we will show it cannot have finite index. I Suppose there were finite many equiv classes. I There exist [x] = [y] forx 6=y,x,yΣ. I But by right congruence [x·xR] = [y·xR]

I Which violates refinement ofLsince l.h.s∈PALand r.h.s6∈PAL I Hence contradiction.

Try more examples!


Applications of Myhill-Nerode theorem-III

Consider PAL={w ·wR |w ∈Σ}

I Consider an equiv relation ≡on Σ

I Suppose it is a right congruence and it refinesPAL.

I Then, we will show it cannot have finite index.

I Suppose there were finite many equiv classes. I There exist [x] = [y] forx 6=y,x,yΣ. I But by right congruence [x·xR] = [y·xR]

I Which violates refinement ofLsince l.h.s∈PALand r.h.s6∈PAL I Hence contradiction.

Try more examples!


Applications of Myhill-Nerode theorem-III

Consider PAL={w ·wR |w ∈Σ}

I Consider an equiv relation ≡on Σ

I Suppose it is a right congruence and it refinesPAL.

I Then, we will show it cannot have finite index.

I Suppose there were finite many equiv classes.

I There exist [x] = [y] forx 6=y,x,yΣ. I But by right congruence [x·xR] = [y·xR]

I Which violates refinement ofLsince l.h.s∈PALand r.h.s6∈PAL I Hence contradiction.

Try more examples!


Applications of Myhill-Nerode theorem-III

Consider PAL={w ·wR |w ∈Σ}

I Consider an equiv relation ≡on Σ

I Suppose it is a right congruence and it refinesPAL.

I Then, we will show it cannot have finite index.

I Suppose there were finite many equiv classes.

I There exist [x] = [y] forx6=y,x,yΣ.

I But by right congruence [x·xR] = [y·xR]

I Which violates refinement ofLsince l.h.s∈PALand r.h.s6∈PAL I Hence contradiction.

Try more examples!


Applications of Myhill-Nerode theorem-III

Consider PAL={w ·wR |w ∈Σ}

I Consider an equiv relation ≡on Σ

I Suppose it is a right congruence and it refinesPAL.

I Then, we will show it cannot have finite index.

I Suppose there were finite many equiv classes.

I There exist [x] = [y] forx6=y,x,yΣ. I But by right congruence [x·xR] = [y·xR]

I Which violates refinement ofLsince l.h.s∈PALand r.h.s6∈PAL I Hence contradiction.

Try more examples!


Applications of Myhill-Nerode theorem-III

Consider PAL={w ·wR |w ∈Σ}

I Consider an equiv relation ≡on Σ

I Suppose it is a right congruence and it refinesPAL.

I Then, we will show it cannot have finite index.

I Suppose there were finite many equiv classes.

I There exist [x] = [y] forx6=y,x,yΣ. I But by right congruence [x·xR] = [y·xR]

I Which violates refinement ofLsince l.h.s∈PALand r.h.s6∈PAL I Hence contradiction.

Try more examples!


Applications of Myhill-Nerode theorem-III

Consider PAL={w ·wR |w ∈Σ}

I Consider an equiv relation ≡on Σ

I Suppose it is a right congruence and it refinesPAL.

I Then, we will show it cannot have finite index.

I Suppose there were finite many equiv classes.

I There exist [x] = [y] forx6=y,x,yΣ. I But by right congruence [x·xR] = [y·xR]

I Which violates refinement ofLsince l.h.s∈PALand r.h.s6∈PAL I Hence contradiction.

Try more examples!


Applications of Myhill-Nerode Theorem-IV

What are the properties of the automaton constructed from L

I ConsiderL to be all words with odd number ofa’s. I Does there exist another DFA accepting it?

I Thus, the DFA representationis not unique! I What doesMyhill-Nerode construction give you?


In a DFA (Q,Σ, δ,q0,F), statesp,q are called equivalent if for each wordw, ˆδ(p,w) is accepting iff ˆδ(q,w) is accepting.


GivenL, the DFA constructed from Lusing the Myhill-Nerode construction has minimum number of states possible.


Applications of Myhill-Nerode Theorem-IV

What are the properties of the automaton constructed from L I ConsiderL to be all words with odd number ofa’s.

I Does there exist another DFA accepting it? I Thus, the DFA representationis not unique! I What doesMyhill-Nerode construction give you?


In a DFA (Q,Σ, δ,q0,F), statesp,q are called equivalent if for each wordw, ˆδ(p,w) is accepting iff ˆδ(q,w) is accepting.


GivenL, the DFA constructed from Lusing the Myhill-Nerode construction has minimum number of states possible.


Applications of Myhill-Nerode Theorem-IV

What are the properties of the automaton constructed from L I ConsiderL to be all words with odd number ofa’s.

I Does there exist another DFA accepting it?

I Thus, the DFA representationis not unique! I What doesMyhill-Nerode construction give you?


In a DFA (Q,Σ, δ,q0,F), statesp,q are called equivalent if for each wordw, ˆδ(p,w) is accepting iff ˆδ(q,w) is accepting.


GivenL, the DFA constructed from Lusing the Myhill-Nerode construction has minimum number of states possible.


Applications of Myhill-Nerode Theorem-IV

What are the properties of the automaton constructed from L I ConsiderL to be all words with odd number ofa’s.

I Does there exist another DFA accepting it?

I Thus, the DFA representationis not unique!

I What doesMyhill-Nerode construction give you?


In a DFA (Q,Σ, δ,q0,F), statesp,q are called equivalent if for each wordw, ˆδ(p,w) is accepting iff ˆδ(q,w) is accepting.


GivenL, the DFA constructed from Lusing the Myhill-Nerode construction has minimum number of states possible.


Applications of Myhill-Nerode Theorem-IV

What are the properties of the automaton constructed from L I ConsiderL to be all words with odd number ofa’s.

I Does there exist another DFA accepting it?

I Thus, the DFA representationis not unique!

I What doesMyhill-Nerode construction give you?


In a DFA (Q,Σ, δ,q0,F), statesp,q are called equivalent if for each wordw, ˆδ(p,w) is accepting iff ˆδ(q,w) is accepting.


GivenL, the DFA constructed from Lusing the Myhill-Nerode construction has minimum number of states possible.


Applications of Myhill-Nerode Theorem-IV

What are the properties of the automaton constructed from L I ConsiderL to be all words with odd number ofa’s.

I Does there exist another DFA accepting it?

I Thus, the DFA representationis not unique!

I What doesMyhill-Nerode construction give you?


In a DFA (Q,Σ, δ,q0,F), statesp,q are called equivalent if for each wordw, δ(p,ˆ w) is accepting iff ˆδ(q,w) is accepting.


Given L, the DFA constructed from Lusing the Myhill-Nerode construction has minimum number of states possible.


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z On no bank should the cannibals outnumber the missionaries.. Algorithmics of Search Algorithmics of Search.. , not already on either OPEN or CLOSED ) Add these members of M to. OPEN

– Nondeterministic finite state automata (also with ε-transitions) – Kleene’s regular expressions, also appeared as Type-3 languages in.. Chomsky’s

– Nondeterministic finite state automata (also with ε-transitions) – Kleene’s regular expressions, also appeared as Type-3 languages in!. Chomsky’s

We have seen above two different automata based techniques for reasoning about heap manipulating programs: regular model checking, and Hoare-style reasoning using a logic called SAL

We have seen above two different automata based techniques for reasoning about heap manipulating programs: regular model checking, and Hoare-style reasoning using a logic called

I Non-deterministic finite state automata (NFA): the Subset construction, worst-case exponential blowup.. I Applications 1: text search

Regular expressions in emacs and lexical analyzers I Search function takes regular expressions.. I Try search

cbna CS310 : Automata Theory 2019 Instructor: Ashutosh Gupta IITB, India 2..