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Academic year: 2023

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Time allowed : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 80

The question paper is divided into four sections:

Section A : Reading Comprehensive 15 marks

Section B: (i) Writing 25 marks

Section C: Applied Grammar 15 marks

Section D: Literature 25 marks

SECTION – A [15marks]

1. . [4X2=8]

, , , ,




. .

. , ,


, .




. (i) ?

(ii) ?

(iii) , , ?

(iv) ?


. . [5x1=5]

(i) ‘ ’ .

(ii) , , ?

(iii) ?

(iv) “ ” ?

(v) ?

. . [1x2=2]


. . . . . .

. .



. . . . .


2. . [10Marks]



3. . [ 5 Marks]

(i) You must choose your friends carefully. You should always take care to be in good company. We feel like doing what our friends do, don’t we? We might be well behaved, confident and honest, but if we keep bad company, we will slowly begin to develop bad habits. This is how many people develop bad habits and wrong ways of living.

Early rising leads to health and happiness. A men who rises late, can have little rest in the course of the day. Anyone who lies in bed late is compelled to work till a late


hour in the evening. He has to go without the evening exercise which is so necessary for his health.

(ii) . [05]


iii. . [05]

SECTION – C [15marks]

4. . . [2x3=6]

i. ? .

ii. ‘ ’ ‘ ’ ? .

iii. .

i. , ii. , iii. , iv. , v. , vi. .


.? . [03]

. . [1x2=2]

(i) ……… ……. . ( )

(ii) ……… ? ( )

. [1x4=4]

i. .?

i. ,. , iii. , iv. .

ii. .?

i. ,ii. , iii. ,iv. .

iii. .?


i. , ii. ,iii. ,iv. .

iv. .?

i. ,ii. ,iii. ,iv. .

SECTION- D [25marks]

5. . [05]

“ ” “ ”

“ ” “ ”

“ ” “ ”

“ ” “ ”



. [ 3x3=09]


? ii. “

” ?

iii. ?


. [ 2x2=04]

i. .?

ii. .?


6. . . [1x3=3]

(i) ?

(ii) ?

(iii) ?

.. . [1x4=4]

i. .?

i. ,ii. , iii. .iv. .


ii. ?

i. ,ii. , iii. .iv.

iii. .?

i. , ii. , iii. , iv. .

iv. .?

i. ii. .iii. . iv..



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