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Malayalam Paper


Academic year: 2023

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Language — Part I — MALAYALAM — Paper I

Time : 2.30 Hours ] [ Maximum Marks : 90

WOr]ÕVV : (1) A\ÿa]\ÿf]R£ wOÈf DrÕOvqO¾OÐf]jOSvº] S\Lh| SkÕ¡

kq]SwLi]¨OW. JRfË]sOU fq¾]sOç WOuÕoORºË]¤ Da¢fRÐ zL¥ yPÕ¡RRvyRr Ar]p]¨OW.

(2) IuOfOvLjOU Aa]vqp]aOvLjOU WrOSÕL j}sSpL j]r¾]sOç ox]oLNfU DkSpLY]¨OW. \]Nf°¥ vqàOvL¢ Rk¢y]¤ DkSpLY]¨LU.


I. IsæL S\Lh|°¥¨OU wq]pLp D¾qU RfqR´aOR¾uOfOW. 6x1=6

Choose the correct answer :

1. SpL^]\ÿv S\¡R¾uOfOW.

1. D¹Lp] vLq]p¡ & 1 Bj

2. WaÚj]Ÿ qLoWQxVe¢ & 2 KLeÕLŸOWL¡

3. yOYfWOoLq] & 3 jt\q]fU

4. RRvSsLÕ]ç] & 4 jh]RpLuOWOÐO

(a) 4 3 2 1 (b) 1 3 2 4 (c) 1 2 3 4 (d) 3 4 1 2

2. Bf]q vqOÐfV JfV oLy¾]sLeV ?

(a) ijOoLyU (b) WÐ]oLyU

(c) \]°oLyU (d) SoaoLyU

3. j]f|oSjLzqpvjh~}kV Iv]RapLeV ?

(a) RR\j (b) rx| (c) NY}yV (d) CT^]kÅV

4. WLt]hLy¢ qL^Wv]pLp]qOÐfV Iv]RapLeV?

(a) oLtvU (b) WLw] (c) oYi (d) D²p]j]

5. Rkq]p SWLv]s]R£ jap]¤ jRÚ BW¡x]¨OÐRfÍV?

(a) v]NYzU (b) yUY}fozL¥ (c) jÎ] (d) SYLkOqU

6. fqUYRRh¡Z|U JãvOU WPaOfsOç j]rSofV ?

(a) j}s (b) vpsãV (c) k\ÿ (d) \OvÕV

Register Number


II. IsæL S\Lh|°¥¨OU wq]pLp D¾qU RfqR´aOR¾uOfOW. 8x1=8

Choose the correct answer :

7. v¡e|¾]¤ BwË ^j]¨OÐ AsËLqoLeV.

(a) qPkWU (b) h}kWU (c) Dko (d) D¤SNkƒ

8. KqO WOrvR£pOU WOq°R£pOU kqy×qmÌU SqXRÕaO¾OÐ WgpLeV.

(a) oQf]fLtU (b) r

(c) ARRh~fnLqU (d) Bh]Swx¢

9. KÐ]Rj ksfLp]j]jàOÐ AsËLqSofLeV ?

(a) DSsæXU (b) D¤SNkƒ (c) Dko (d) DhL¾U

10. AãOSkLWL¾ KqO W¹] IÐ Wgp]Rs WgLkLNfoLeV.

(a) AsLvOÇ}¢ (b) mL^]

(c) AÚO¨OŸ] (d) yThLo]j]a}\ÿ¡

11. SWLv]s¢ IÐ fPs]WLjLo¾]¤ Ar]pRÕaOÐ WgLWQ¾V ?

(a) mx}¡ (b) a]. khÜjLn¢

(c) fWu] (d) v].v]. AáÕ¢

12. kf]ÐLs]ÐLrOYeU vqOÐ vQ¾SofV ?

(a) oÆq] (b) WtWLµ] (c) WLWt] (d) SWW

13. fq]wOj]sU BqORa WgpLeV ?

(a) IU.a]. (b) fWu]

(c) oLiv]¨OŸ] (d) yOYfWOoLq]

14. S\¡\ÿp]sæL¾ qº]Rj S\¡¾O R\LsæOÐ AsËLqSofV ?

(a) DSsæXU (b) poWU (c) h}kWU (d) v]xoU


[ Turn over III. (a) JRfË]sOU oPÐV S\Lh|¾]jV D¾qRouOfOW. 3x2=6

Answer any three questions.

15. IuO¾±Rj kq]\pRÕaO¾OW.

16. mLsLoe]pÚRp¨Or]R\ÿuOfOW.

17. v]xvLfoPfL¾ v]xvLe]SW¥¨L¾ v]xj}¡ WOa]¨L¾ jLRav]Ra o¨St ?

(a) JfV Wv]fp]Rs vq]WtLe]fV ?

(b) CRfuOf]p Wv] BqLeV ?

18. \R¾LqLoqU oPWU RoLu]vP, ""WOS´, j}pOU

\¾]qORÐË]¤; WLeL¢ vSáj]¢ ozLhO@XU!''

(a) JfV Wv]fp]Rs vq]WtLe]fV?

(b) CRfuOf]p Wv] BqLeV?

(b) JRfË]sOU qºO S\Lh|¾]jV D¾qRouOfOW. 2x2=4

Answer any two questions.

19. fµLvPq]Rs Wq]ˤ RRsNmr]pORa NkSf|WfW¥ IRÍsæLU ?

20. BWLw¾]jV RkLfORv j}sj]rvOU qLv]RspOU RRvWOSÐqvOU

\OvÕOj]rvOU DºLWOÐRf°RjpLeV ?

21. kOñW vLpjRp SyLNWŸ}yV Wt]pL¨]pf]R£ RkLqORtÍV ?

IV. JRfË]sOU JuO S\Lh|¾]jV D¾qRouOfOW. 7x2=14

Answer any seven questions.

22. vLW|¾]¤ NkSpLY]¨OW.

(a) WL¾]q]¨OW (b) I¾]S\ÿqOW

23. fLRu RWLaO¾]q]¨OÐvp]¤ wq]pLp kh°¥ IaOR¾uOfOW.

(a) R\svV, \]svV (b) v]f|LyU, v|f|LyU


24. ospLt¾]Rs qºV kuRµLsæOW¥ IuOfOW.

25. k]q]R\ÿuOfOW.

(a) RRWpƒqU (b) W¹}¡

26. KãÕhoL¨OW

(a) kqooLp BjÎU (b) k]fLv]SjLaV SyÔzU

27. I¢.v]. WQxVevLq]pqORa qºV Wv]fWtORa SkRquOfOW.

28. vLW|ShLxU kq]zq]¨OW

(a) Av¢ SfLãf]jO WLqeU kb]¨Lf]qOÐfORWLºLeV.

(b) Av¡ kqy×qU ASj|Lj|U SjL¨].

29. ospLt¾]Rs qºV WaUWgW¥ D¾qyz]fU IuOfOW.

30. IuOf], WºO & CvpORa nLv]WLs qPkRouOfOW.

V. (a) JRfË]sOU qºO S\Lh|¾]jV D¾qRouOfOW. 2x4=8

Answer any two questions.

31. Wv]pORa KÐLoR¾ v}a]R£ yv]SwxfWRtRÍsæLU ?

32. WLŸLtjV v]q©] SfLÐLjOºLp yLz\q|RoÍLp]qOÐO ?

33. KLe¾]R£ \q]fU kLa]S¨ŸfV Iv]RaRpsæLoLeV ?

(b) JRfË]sOU qºO S\Lh|¾]jV D¾qRouOfOW. 2x4=8

Answer any two questions.

34. YLÌ]^]pORa DÕOyf|LNYzvOU Af]jV SWqtU vz]\ÿ kËOU v|©oL¨OW.

35. CT v]t¨]q]¨RŸ S\ŸR£ RRWp]¤, vu]p]¤ CfV Rvt]\ÿU fqOU &

yΡnvOU BwpvOU v|©oL¨OW.

36. jÒPf]q]kq]ëqe NkòLjU yLz]f|¾]jO j¤W]p yUnLvj IÍV ?


[ Turn over VI. JRfË]sOU oPÐV S\Lh|¾]jV D¾qRouOfOW. 3x4=12

Answer any three questions.

37. i}qfàOç AvL¡cV Sja]p yOzQ¾]Rj AjOSoLh]\ÿORWLºV WR¾uOfOW.

38. fLRu RWLaO¾]q]¨OÐ X¼]W vLp]\ÿV S\Lh|°¥¨V D¾qRouOfOW.

SWhL¡jLg]¤j]ÐV oPÐV AqOv]W¥ DÂv]¨OÐO. jLsLoRfLÐV SWhL¡RWLaOoOa]¨V If]¡vw¾ORçLqO k¡vÿf¾]¤ j]ÐLeV KuOW]Rp¾OÐfV. CT ^skLf°RtsæLU yUYo]\ÿV oÎLW]j]pLp] oLrOÐO.

\OãOkLaOU v|Lk]\ÿOW]a¨OÐ k¡vÿfyLjO¨t]¤ j]ÐOU fLSuLRŸLuOWOÐ Rvç\ÿLŸ°¥ oÎLW]j]Rp kq]SkLx]Õ]¨OÐO. CT v]wOÈf}q¾V kOqLfj WLs¾V z]oU RkLf]´ j]qvi] k¡vÿf°tOºLp]qOÐORvÐOU WLsU R\ÐSÕL¥, B z]oLj]WRtsæLU ANkf|ƒoLp]RpÐOoLeV wLNñ}pj]YojU.

1. SWhL¡jLg]¤ j]ÐV INf AqOv]W¥ DÂv]¨OÐO ?

2. jLsLoR¾ jh] KuOW]Rp¾OÐfV Iv]Ra j]ÐLeV ?

3. oÎLW]j]Rp kq]SkLx]Õ]¨OÐfV IÍLeV ?

4. oÎLW]j} f}qR¾¨Or]\ÿOç wLNñ}pj]YojU IÍLeV ?

39. j]°Rt JRr v]xo]Õ]\ÿSfL ySÍLx]Õ]\ÿSfL Bp KqO AjOnvR¾¨Or]\ÿV WOr]RÕuOfOW.

40. AyLi|oLp] KÐOo]sæ

SveRoË]¤ \¨ Svq]sOU WLàOU & Cvp]RsLqO kuRµLsæ]R£ BwpU v]wh}Wq]¨OW.

VII. (a) JRfË]sOU qºV S\Lh|¾]jV D¾qRouOfOW. 2x6=12

Answer any two questions :

41. mLs|U, pTvjU, vL¡iW|U IÐ} AvòWt]Rs YQzyˤk°¥,

'IR£ oPÐO v}aOW¥' IÐ Wv]fp]¤ Avfq]Õ]¨OÐRf°Rj ? ARsæË]¤

jtjOU hopÍ]pOU fÚ]sOºLp yUnLxeU \OqO¨]RpuOfOW.


42. kOñWR¾¨Or]\ÿV ozL¢oL¡ kr´ v\j°¥ DÈq]¨OW.


Ca¾q¨LqORapOU yÒÐqORapOU wLkoLp]¾}¡Ð]q]¨pLeV RWŸ]a NkfLkU WLe]¨¤ & SsXW¢ C°Rj krpL¢ WLqeRoÍV ?

(b) fLRu RWLaO¾]q]¨OÐ kh|nLY°t]RsLÐV kPq]Õ]¨OW. 1x6=6

Quote from memory.

43. (a) IË]¤ j} . . . j]°¥ vL°}aOSoL ?

(b) I¢oa]¾Ÿ] . . . RqR£ o¨¥.

VIII.qºO kOr¾]¤ Wv]pLRf D¾qRouOfOW. 1x6=6

44. ARRh~fnLqU IÐ WgàV By~LhjRouOfOW.


'r' IÐ Wgp]Rs NkSopU yUNYz]¨OW.

- o O o -


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