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CMFRI Newsletter No.131 October - December 2011


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1 Cadalmin : CMFRI Newsletter No. 131 9th Indian Fisheries Forum 3

Research Highlights 18

Events 24

Training Programme 25

Official Language

Implementation 26 Latest CMFRI Publications 28 Programme Participation 29

Personnel 30


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Director speaks

Editorial Board

Dr. R. Sathiadhas, Chairman Dr. R. Narayanakumar Dr. C. Ramachandran J. Narayanaswamy


V. Edwin Joseph

Secretarial Assistance P. R. Abhilash

Published by Dr. G. Syda Rao Director

Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute Post Box No. 1603, Ernakulam North P.O.

Cochin - 682 018, Kerala, India Telephone: 0484-2394867 Fax: 91-484-2394909

E-mail: mdcmfri@md2.vsnl.net.in Website: www.cmfri.org.in


The Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Cochin, is a premier research Institute under the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, devoted to research and training in marine fisheries and mariculture.

CMFRI has three Regional Centres viz., Mandapam Camp, Visakhapatnam and Veraval and seven Research Centres distributed along the Indian coast line, catering to the marine fishery policy needs of all maritime states of the country.

Dear Colleagues,

“Wishing you all a happy, prosperous, peaceful and productive New Year 2012”

Year 2011 was signed off on a flourishing note with the successful completion of 9th IFF organized at Chennai during 19 -23 December 2011. The success was

mainly due to the whole hearted and committed involvement of all of you, which deserves high compliments. We worked as a team and we have realized what is our strength. Thanks to all of you.

Now, we look forward to a prosperous and challenging new year ahead.

We have to consolidate the gain achieved and be prepared to take up new projects and schemes in the forthcoming XII Five Year Plan which commences from April 2012. Already we have charted out a plan of work by identifying the thrust works to be addressed in the XII Five Year Plan.

We need to approach these schemes systematically with meticulous plan to fulfill our objectives.

Let us join hands together with committed efforts to make a good beginning of the XII plan.

Once again wishing you all “A happy, prosperous, peaceful and productive New Year 2012”

Front Cover: Dr. M. V. Gupta, the World Food Prize winner inaugurating the 9th Indian Fisheries Forum by lighting the lamp.

With best wishes,

Dr. G. Syda Rao Director


3 Cadalmin : CMFRI Newsletter No. 131

CMFRI hosts 9 th Indian Fisheries Forum at Chennai


he five-day national triennial conference with the theme

“Renaissance in fisheries-Outlook and Strategies” was attended by more than 1000 fisheries experts from various research institutes, universities, fisheries- related industries, and NGOs across the country.

Dr. M.V. Gupta, the World Food Prize Winner

inaugurated the 9th Indian Fisheries Forum hosted by Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute (CMFRI) in association with the Asian Fisheries

Society (AFS) at the IMAGE auditorium on 19th December 2011 at Chennai. He outlined a twin-track strategy for bringing about renaissance in Indian fisheries sector by focusing on sustainable intensification of aquaculture and implementing a scientifically informed

governance system in the capture fisheries sector. He pointed out that the government should pay more attention in making the State level delivery mechanisms more efficient.

Dr. B. Meenakumari, Deputy Director General (Fisheries) ICAR in her presidential address remarked that priority will be given to targeted fisheries sector development in the 12th plan in order to reduce the demand supply gap in fish production. By 2012 the fish production has to be increased to 12 million tons from the existing level of 8 million tons which demands an integrated and need based research and developmental approach.

Dr. Balakrishna Pisupati, Chairman, National Biodiversity Authority in his felicitation address called for an IPCC like platform to ensure biodiversity security

“Fisheries to provide a renewed vital link in India’s Food Security”

Dr. M.V Gupta, the World Food Prize Winner

Dr. B. Meenakumari, DDG. (Fy) ICAR

19-23 December 2011

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Inaugural address by Dr. M. V. Gupta

Dr. Derek Staples, President, AFS


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and highlighted the need for increasing Marine Protected Areas in Indian EEZ as a conservation and management measure.

Dr. Ambekar E. Eknath,Director General, Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia-Pacific (NACA), Bangkok, Thailand pointed out that fisheries education in India should undergo a sea change to produce responsible and qualified leaders without whom no renaissance would be possible in the future.

Dr. Derek Staples, President, AFS called on the Indian Fisheries Forum to act as a platform to bridge the communication divide existing between the scientists and stakeholders. Though the Asian region is contributing 90% of the global production in aquaculture it is not being given sufficient recognition. The Asian fisheries society is taking efforts to overcome this deficiency by starting Asia – Pacific Fish Watch programme.

A number of experts were honoured during the occasion.

Dr. G. Syda Rao, Dr. J.K Jena, Dr.

Srinivasa Gopal, Dr. Sanjeevan and Dr.

Eknath were honoured with Dr. S. N.

Dr. Balakrishna Pisupati, Chairman, NBA Dr. Ambekar E. Eknath, Director General,


Dr. Mohan Joseph Modayil, Chairman AFSIB

& Member, ASRB

Release of Book of Abstracts and Souvenir

Dwivedi ASET Fellowships.

Dr. Mohan Joseph Modayil, Chairman AFSIB, Dr. E. Vivekanandan, Co-Convener 9th IFF, and Dr. G. Syda Rao, Convener 9th IFF & Director, CMFRI spoke on the occasion.

An exhibition showcasing the recent technological and entrepreneurial developments in the Fisheries Sector was also organized during the conference.

The abstract book and the 9th IFF souvenir were released on the occasion.

Nearly 550 delegates registered for the forum and more than 672 abstracts were received for the presentations (443 Oral and 229 Poster). The presentations were grouped under following themes:

Fisheries Resources Management (FR), Aquaculture Production (AP),Genetics, Breeding and Biotechnology (GB), Environmental Impacts and Aquatic Health (EH), Nutrition and Fish Health (NH),Harvest and Post-harvest technology (HP), Socio-economics, Marketing and Livelihood (SE),Fish and Fish Related Biodiversity (BD),Climate Change and Natural Disaster Management (CC),and Fisheries Trade, Policies and Governance (FT).

Dr. Mohan Joseph Modayil releasing the Book of Abstracts

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Dr. G. Syda Rao, Convener, 9th IFF &

Director, CMFRI


5 Cadalmin : CMFRI Newsletter No. 131

Dr. G. Syda Rao, Director receiving the fellowship from Dr. S. N. Dwivedi

Dr. Ambekar E. Eknath receiving the fellowship

Dr. T. K. Sreenivasa Gopal, Director,

CIFT receiving the fellowship Dr. J. K. Jena, Director, NBFGR receiving the fellowship

Dr. S. N. Dwivedi ASET Fellowship Awards

A section of the delegates

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Dr. TVR Pillay Aquaculture Awards

Dr. P. K. Sahoo receiving Prof. H.P.C. Shetty Award from Dr. Ambekar E. Eknath

Dr. Sunil K. Mohamed receiving the award from Dr. Meena Kumari Dr. J. K. Jena receiving the award from Dr. Balakrishna Pisupati


The following awards were presented The following awards were presented The following awards were presented The following awards were presented The following awards were presented


Dr. T.V.R. Pillay Aquaculture Award 1. Dr. Sunil K Mohamed and team

Central Marine FisheriesResearch Institute, Cochin 2 Dr. J. K. Jena

Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture, Bhubaneswar, Odisha/

presently at NBFGR, Lucknow Prof. H.P.C. Shetty Award Dr. P. K. Sahoo

Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture, Bhubaneswar, Odisha The First Shri. J.V.H. Dixitulu Shri. V. Edwin Joseph

National Award for Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Cochin Outstanding work for Fisheries


Dr. T. J. Pandian – A.J. Matty Award Dr.Rekhadevi Chakraborty

Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Cochin AFS (Kuala Lumpur) Awards

Lifetime Achievement Award Dr. J. V. H. Dixitulu

Chief Editor and Publisher, Fishing Chimes, Visakhapatnam AFS Merit Award Dr. A. Gopalakrishnan

National Bureau of Fish Genetic Resources Kochi Unit, Cochin

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Dr. Rekhadevi Chakraborty receiving Dr. T. J. Pandian - A. J. Matty Award from Dr. Balakrishna Pisupati

7 Cadalmin : CMFRI Newsletter No. 131


he Association of Aquaculturists (based in Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture, Bhubaneswar), Marine Biological Association of India (MBAI - based in Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Kochi) and the Inland Fisheries Society of India (IFSI - based in Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute, Barrackpore), have instituted in 2010, Shri. J.V.H. Dixitulu National Award to recognize outstanding contributions in the field of fisheries extension/communication in India. The Award was given during the triennial Indian Fisheries Forum organized by the AFSIB.

Shri J.V.H. Dixitulu National Award for Outstanding work

Shri. J.V.H. Dixitulu receiving AFS (Kuala Lumpur) Lifetime Achivement Award from Dr. Mohan Joseph Modayil

Shri. V. Edwin Joseph receiving the First Shri. J.V.H. Dixitulu National Award for Outstanding work on Fisheries Communication

from Shri Dixitulu

The First National Award was presented to Shri. V. Edwin Joseph, Officer-in-Charge, Library and Documentation and the Librarian of CMFRI by Shri. J. V. H. Dixitulu during the 9th Indian Fisheries Forum at Chennai. The award carries a memento, citation and cash award of Rs.15,000/-.


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Research papers were presented in parallel sessions during December 20-23, 2011. Out of the accepted 672 abstracts, 299 papers were presented orally and 122 posters were presented. The details of the technical sessions are given below.

Dr. A. Gopalakrishnan receiving AFS Merit Award from Dr. Derek Staples.

Dr. Mohan Joseph Modayil is also seen

Sl. No. Technical Sessions Chair Co-chair No of Abstracts

Accepted Presented 1. Fisheries Resources Management (FR)

Session 1 Dr. A.P. Sharma Dr. P.U. Zacharia

Session 2 Dr. P.S.B.R. James Dr. T.V. Sathianandan 57 39 Session 3 Dr. SudhakarRao Dr. E.V. Radhakrishnan

Session 4 Dr. K.K. Vass Dr. PrathibhaRohit 2. Aquaculture Production (AP)

Session 1 Dr. J.K. Jena Dr. A.R. Thirunavukkarasu

Session 2 Dr. Dilip Kumar Dr. Grace Mathew 40 16

Session 3 Dr. A.G. Ponniah Dr. P. Ravichandran Session 4 Dr. Madan Mohan Dr. K.S. Mohamed 3. Genetics, Breeding & Biotechnology (GB)

Session 1 Dr. K.K. Vass Dr. G. Gopi Krishna

Session 2 Dr. T.J. Pandian Dr. P.C. Thomas 24 15

Session 3 Dr. P. Jayasankar Dr. K.N. Mohanta 4. Environmental Impacts & aquatic Health (EH)

Session 1 Dr. P.K. Katiha -Nil- 19 12

Session 2 Dr. V.N. Pillai -Nil- 5. Nutrition and Fish Health (NH)

Session 1 Dr. R. Paul Raj Dr. A.K. Pal

Session 2 Dr. G.R.M. Rao Dr. P. Vijayagopal 43 17

Session 3 Dr. N. Sarangi Dr. S.M. Pillai Session 4 Dr. K.K. Vijayan Dr. J.K. Sundaray

6. Harvest & Post-harvest Technology (HP) 17 9

Session 1 Dr. T.K. Srinivasa Gopal Dr. Leela Edwin Session 2 Dr. S.D. Singh Dr. T.V. Sankar Session 3 Dr. N. Kalaimani Dr. C.N. Ravishankar

7. Socio-economics, marketing & Livelihood (SE) 18 6

Session 1 Dr. C. Vasudevappa Dr. R. Narayanakumar Session 2 Dr. R. Sathiadas Dr. M. Krishnan Session 3

8. Fish & Fish related Biodiversity (BD)

Session 1 Dr. R. Soundararajan Dr. G. Maheswarudu 9 5 Session 2 Dr. S. Ajmal Khan Dr. T.S. Naomi

9. Climate change & Natural disaster

Management (CC) Dr. E.V. Radhakrishnan Dr. V. V. Singh 4 3

10. Fisheries trade, policies and

governance (FT) Dr. Y. S. Yadava Dr. R. Narayanakumar 4

Technical Sessions


9 Cadalmin : CMFRI Newsletter No. 131

Poster Presentations

Fishery Resources, Recreational Fisheries and Sustainable Management 57 39

Aquaculture Production 40 16

Nutrition and Fish Health 43 17

Genetics, Breeding and Biotechnology 24 15

Environment Impacts and Aquatic Health 19 12

Harvest and Post-harvest Technology 17 9

Socio-economics, Marketing and Livelihood 18 6

Fisheries Trade, Policies and Governance - -

Fish and Fish related Biodiversity 9 5

Climate Change and Natural Disaster Management 4 3

Poster Sessions

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Glimpses of 9 th Indian Fisheri

Sessions in Progress

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es Forum

11 Cadalmin : CMFRI Newsletter No. 131 In addition to the oral and poster presentations, the following two parallel events were held:

Fisheries Management for Sustainability Livelihood (FIMSUL) by FAO on the afternoon of December 20, 2011. The session highlighted the following:

z Background of FIMSUL

z Livelihood changes and trends in marine fisheries in Tamil Nadu and Puducherry

z Options for marine fisheries management in Tamil Nadu and Puducherry

z Options on policy and legal framework on marine fisheries in Tamil Nadu and Puducherry

Dr. K. Gopakumar, Dr. S D Tripathi and Dr. V N Pillai were the Panelists in the parallel event “FIMSUL).

Professional Fisheries Graduates Forum award function was held on 22nd December 2011.

Dr. G. Syda Rao, Director CMFRI was the Chief Guest and Dr. A. P. Sharma, Director, CIFRI and Dr. J. K. Jena, Director, NBFGR were the guests of honor for the award function.

Parallel Sessions

PFGF Award Function

Dr. G. Syda Rao, Convener, 9th IFF and Director, CMFRI, delivering vote of thanks

Dr. P. S. B. R. James speaking


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Awardees; Dr. Basanta Kumar Das, CIFA, Bhubeneswar;

Certificate of Appreciation: Dr. MukundaGoswami, NBFGR, Lucknow

Best Indian Fisheries Scientist Award: 2011

Dr. Karunasagar Best Post-Graduate Thesis (Ph.D. – Indian category) Award for the year 2011

Dr Shailesh Saurabh for his thesis – Immune Responses of Indian Major Carp, Labeo rohita (Hamilton) to freshwater Fish Louse, Argulus Infestation from Central Institute of Fisheries Education, Mumbai. (2009)

Dr. V.G. Jhingran Best Post-Graduate Overseas Thesis (Ph. D – Overseas category) Award for the year 2011

Dr Vikas Kumar for his thesis “Detoxification of Jatrophacurcas seed meal and protein concentrate and their utilization in fish nutrition”, University of HohenheimGermany (2011)

Dr. N. R. Menon Best Post-Graduate Thesis (M.F.Sc. – Category) Award for the year 2011

Mr Devivaraprasad Reddy for his MFSc thesis “Effect of processing treatments on the survival of White Spot Syndrome Virus (WSSV) in cultured shrimp” Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Thoothukudi- 628 008, (2010)

Best MFSc and PhD Thesis Award


he plenary session was held on 23.12.2011 at 11.30 a.m. at the IMAGE Auditorium. Dr. P. Ravichandran, Co-convener, 9th IFF, welcomed the gathering. The session was presided over by Dr. G. SydaRao, Director, CMFRI. Dr. P. Krishnaiah IAS,Chief Executive, NFDB was the Chief Guest. A panel of three experts – Dr. PSBR James, Dr. S D Tripathi and Dr. K A Narasimham chaired the discussions that followed the presentation of recommendation by Dr. E V Radhakrishnan, CMFRI.Awards for Best posters were presented during the plenary session. A total of 16 awards were given.

Four Young Scientists received awards in the Competition category.

Plenary Session


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International Symposium on Large Marine Eco-System


nternational Symposium on Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries in the Bay of Bengal Large Marine Eco-system conducted by BOBLME on December 21, 2011 as parallel event.

Keynote address of symposium was delivered by Dr Kenneth Sherman, NOAA, USA. Other speakers included Dr Chris O’Brien (BOBLME), Dr Rudolph Hermes (BOBLME), Dr J Samarakoon (Sri Lanka), Dr V V Sugunan (BOBLME), Dr Sunil K.

Mohamed (CMFRI) and Dr P U Zacharia (CMFRI).

Dr. Chris O’Brien welcomed by Dr. G. Syda Rao Dr. S. N. Dwivedi & Dr. G. Syda Rao presenting memento to Dr. Kenneth Sherman

Dr. Y. S. Yadava, Director, BOBP speaking Dr. Michael J. O’TooleDr. Michael J. O’Toole

Dr. Chris O’Brien Dr. S. N. Dwivedi


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z The Ninth Indian Fisheries Forum strongly recommends that a separate Central Ministry for Fisheries is to be established.

z There is a need for bringing fishery resources data on a spatio-temporal platform.

z Ecosystem based fisheries manage- ment should be the basis for management of fish stocks for continued sustainability.

z Fisheries Management and Governance at National and State level needs to be reoriented by sufficient attention to sustainable livelihood, gender issues, ecosystem approach and co-management.

z Diversification of systems and species is one of the important requirements in sustainable aquaculture production.

The need is for developing holistic technological packages with social and environmental considerations.

z To fill the technological gaps in the expansion of aquaculture and mariculture, special focus should be given to biotechnological applications in the areas of nutrition, health and selective breeding.

z Special focus needs to be given in marine-bioprospecting to develop novel biomolecules and neutra- ceuticals.

z Aquaculture needs to enter the phase of sustainable intensification for improving production, productivity and economic viability.

z Considering the high potential for fish farming in the country with recent breakthrough in breeding and seed production of commercially im- portant fishes such as sea bass, cobia and pompano, bio-secure brood stock banks have to be established with the objective of supplying quality brooders to hatcheries and thereby increase farmed production of marine fin fishes.

z The R&D approach in fisheries needs to be sufficiently inclusive of climate change concerns.

Recommendations of the 9



Best Fisheries Students of India

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Name Rank College/ University

Sibina Mol. S I Kerala University of Fisheries and Ocean Studies Vaisakh.G II Kerala University of Fisheries and Ocean Studies Remya L. III Kerala University of Fisheries and Ocean Studies HuiremBharati IV College of Fisheries, Central Agricultural University, Tripura SaloniShivam V Fisheries College and Research Centre, Tuticorin,

Tamil Nadu University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences


15 Cadalmin : CMFRI Newsletter No. 131

z Cooperative institutions existing in fisheries sector including inland fisheries should be re-oriented and strengthened as co-management institutions, which could promote scientifically informed sustainable fisheries governance in the country.

z Fisheries research extension linkage mechanisms should be strengthened by creating adequate qualified human resource capital.

z A National Campaign on Responsible Fisheries should be launched with the support of NGO’s, Fishermen associations and other agencies.

z For improving product competiti- veness in aquaculture and mariculture products in global markets, the components of food safety,

traceability and social equity needs to be proactively addressed.

z Considering the recent wide fluctuations in tuna landings in Lakshadweep islands and the serious consequences it will have on the livelihood status of the islanders, a regional scientific investigations on oceanographic and climatic parameters involving Sri Lanka, Maldivies and India needs to be immediately initiated.

z Vessel based marine fisheries research should be encouraged.

Incentives to participating scientists and technical personnel in scientific cruises should be provided.

z CMFRI should take up the responsibility of collection of time

series data on marine fish landings.

z To promote open sea cage farming and coastal aquaculture, appropriate water leasing policies may be formulated by the respective mari- time States.

z Prime importance should be given for harnessing the emerging and new domestic market for fish and fishery products; Policies for domestic eco- labelling and certificate systems on par with international instruments need to be put in place.

z Qualitative fine tuning of human resource in fisheries in commen- surating with the emerging National and International challenges need special attention.

Young Scientist Awards

Dr. A.K. Sahoo Fish Pathology and Biotechnology Laboratory, Department of Aquaculture, College of Fisheries, Mangalore, Karnataka/ presently at CIFRI, Barrackpore

“Histopathological findings on innate immune responses of Penaeus monodon positive for White spot disease under semi - intensive culture system”

Mr.Devivaraprasad Reddy Alla Fisheries College and Research Institute, TANUVAS, Thoothukkudi, Tamil Nadu

“Effect of ProcessingTreatments on the Survival of White Spot Syndrome Virus in Farmed Shrimps and bio - inoculation studies on WSSV”

Mr. K.K. Prajith School of Industrial Fisheries, Cochin

University of Science and Technology, Cochin, Kerala “Application of Biofloc Technology(BFT) for the sustainable aquaculture of Giant freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii:

Effect on water quality and production”

Mr.Sushil Kumar Garnayak Central Institute of

Freshwater Aquaculture, Bhubaneswar, Odisha “Characterization of 17-âestradiol induced vitellogenin gene and protein in Asian catfish, Clariasbatrachus”


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z National Bureau of Fish Genetic Resources - Lucknow

z Directorate of Coldwater Fisheries Research - Bhimtal

z Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture - Bhubaneshwar

z Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute - Barrackpore

z Central Institute of Fisheries Education - Mumbai

z Central Institute of Fisheries Technology - Kochi

z Central Institute of Brackishwater Aquaculture - Chennai

z Central Agricultural Research Institute - Port Blair

z National Fisheries Development Board - Hyderabad

z Plant Network - Chennai

z Aquastar - Chennai

z Lark Innovative Teknowledge - Chennai

z Aqua World - Chennai

z Matsyafed - Thiruvananthapuram

z Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute - Kochi

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Dr. K. Gopakumar inaugurating the Exhibition Dr. K. Gopakumar visiting the stall

CMFRI Stall A view of the Exhibition



IFF Exhibition participants


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Cultural programme was held on 20.12.2011 at 6.00 p.m.

The programme was arranged by the Madras Craft Foundation of Dakshina Chitra. The programme included Tamil Nadu Vathiyam and Folk dances by Thanigai Raju & Troupe,

Cultural Programme

Total number of authors & co authors from 22 Indian States & 4 Union Territories - 1349

List of organizations:

z ICAR Institutes - 8

z Government organizations other than ICAR - 24

z Universities (including SAUs) and IITs - 53

z Colleges - 25

z NGOs and private organizations - 5

z International organizations - 18



Indian Fisheries Forum

Bharatanatyam recital by Smt. Radhika Shurajit & her disciples and Odissi recital by Smt. Sanhita Basu Ghosh& her disciples.

The Cultural programme was followed by dinner sponsored by the 9th IFF, Mr. Rajan (Nellore Hatcheries, Nellore) and Mr.

M. Sudhakaran (Aqua Life System, Ongole).

Folk dances


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Success story of breeding and larval production of Cobia and Pompano at

Mandapam Regional Centre continues

Brooders in breeding tank

Pompano fingerlings

Transportation of Cobia and Pompano fingerlings to Karwar Research Centre

Dr. G. Gopakumar, SIC, Mandapam Regional Centre handing over the cobia and pompano seeds to Karwar ResearchCentre


total of 1010 fingerlings of cobia and 2500 fingerlings of pompano with a length range of 8.0 to 9.0 cm and 3.4 to 7.5 cm respectively were successfully transported to Karwar Research Center of CMFRI on 18th October 2011 followed by 950 fingerlings of cobia with a length range of 5.6 to 19.5 cm on 24th October 2011.


n continuation to the first two successful breeding of cobia Rachycentron canadum third, fourth and fifth successful spawning and larval production was achieved at Mandapam Regional Centre of CMFRI on 7th October, 2nd November and 2nd December 2011 respectively.

In continuation of the first two successful breeding of pompano, Trachinotus blochii third, fourth and fifth successful spawning and larval production was achieved at Mandapam Regional Centre of CMFRI on 8th October, 21st October and 17th November 2011 respectively.

Research Highlights


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Cage farming of pompano

(Reported by G.Gopakumar, A. K. Abdul Nazar, R. Jayakumar, G.Tamilmani, M. Sakthivel, C. Kalidas

& P. Ramesh Kumar, Mandapam Regional Centre)

Dr.M.V.Gupta, Chairman, RAC, CMFRI distributing cobia seeds to Shri. Srinivasa Raju

Distributing pompano seeds to Shri. Bhaskar Distributing pompano seeds to Shri. Nagadoss


r. M. V. Gupta, Chairman, RAC, CMFRI distributed 606 fingerlings of cobia with an average length of 7.5 cm and 201 fingerlings of cobia with an average length of 17 cm respectively to Shri. Srinivasa Raju from Antarvedi, East Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh for demonstration on 17th November 2011. He also distributed 1250 and 2200 fingerlings of pompano with the length of 2.5 cm to Shri. Nagadoss, Vedalai village, Ramanathapuram district and Shri. Bhaskar, Punnaikayal village, Thoothukudi District respectively for experimental culture.


age farming of Pompano (Trachinotus blochii) was experimented for the first time in India at Mandapam Regional Centre of CMFRI from the hatchery produced fingerlings. The fingerlings were stocked after nursery rearing in September, 2011. The length ranged of fingerlings stocked from 6.0 to 7.0 cm and weight ranged from 12 to 14 gms. The fishes were fed with trash fish ad libitum twice in a day.

Cage farming of Pompano at Mandapam

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Farmers collecting Cobia & Pompano fingerlings at Mandapam RC

Mariculture adoption takes wings


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he Slender Sunfish, Ranzania laevis, is a mola belonging to the family Molidae. It is the only member of the genus Ranzania, found globally in tropical and temperate seas. They are oceanic and found in depths ranging from 1 to 140m. The Slender Sunfish is the most elongate species of sunfish and the maximum reported size is 100.0 cm (Total Length). R. laevis is a distinctively shaped fish; they lack a true tail and instead have a clavus.

One specimen of Ranzania laevis measuring 550mm in total length was landed at Chinnapalam fish landing centre at Pamban, south-east coast of India on 11th November 2011. The fish was an incidental catch in kalamkatti valai (similar to gill net) which is operated in this locality and is a rare occurrence in this area. In fresh condition, the fish is silver coloured with dark grey above, brownish green on sides, with dark stripes. R. laevis is a harmless fish and the IUCN Red List Status is ‘Not Evaluated’.

(Reported by: K. Vinod & N. Ramamurthy, Mandapam Regional Centre of CMFRI)

Slender Sunfish landed at Chinnapalam (Pamban), south-east coast of India

Shri. Nagadoss of Vedalai achieves record profit through lobster fattening


Fish nets ` 15,000

Seeds (65 kgs @ 300 per kg) ` 20,000

Casuarinas pole ` 2,000

Feed ` 18,000

Travel ` 5,000

Total ````` 60,000


190 kgs @ ` 1150 per kg (average) ` 2,18,500

Profit ` 1,58,500

Shri.Nagadoss sharing his experience

(Reported by: Johnson, B, and G. Gopakumar, Mandapam Regional Centre of CMFRI)


andapam Regional Centre of CMFRI conducted the demonstration of lobster farming through Capture Based Aquaculture in open sea cages during the year 2009. Through this demonstration Shri.Nagadoss from Vedalai village, Ramanathapuram district, Tamil Nadu learnt about lobster fattening.

After gaining more knowledge, he innovated his own design of cage with dimension 60×60 feet, covered by fish net on all sides supported by casuarina poles on four sides with two compartments (30×20 feet) and introduced 800 seeds of lobster collected from the wild in the year 2010. After six months he harvested around 190 kgs of lobster and gained a profit of `1.585 Lakhs. The details of expenditure and income are given below:

Research Highlights


21 Cadalmin : CMFRI Newsletter No. 131

FCR of 1:2.8 in the seabass culture:

Karwar RC achieves record

Seabass weighing 2.8 kg Harvested Seabass

3 m. cage in the marine farm of CMFRI


ighest growth rate of seabass with 2.1 kg of average weight has been recorded for the first time in marine cage farm of Karwar, after 11 months stocking period. Seabass fingerlings from RGCA, Sirkali stocked in the cages in the month of January

2011 were harvested in the first week of December. The minimum size observed was 1.8 Kg (49 cm) and the maximum was 2.7 Kg (58 cm). The feed used in the experiment was oil sardines. The FCR obtained in the experiment is 1:2.8.

Low cost cage for low income fishermen:

Karwar RC’s innovation


evelopment of low cost 3m-dia cages at Karwar Research Centre for demonstration of cage culture of sea bass, snappers and sea breams. Low cost cage technology was demonstrated by Karwar Research Centre to the local fisher folk so as to motivate them to take up small scale cage farming.

The cage is manufactured by using GI pipes of 1.5" diameter painted with epoxy paint. For floatation 6 fiber barrels inflated with 28 lb air was used. The cage is provided with an inner HDPE net of 18 mm and an outer HDPE net of 48 mm. For mooring purpose 1.5 tonne concrete blocks are used. The stocking capacity of this cage is about 2000 fingerlings of sea bass and has a production capacity of 1.5 tonne fish. The total cost of the cage including cage, floats, nets, mooring etc is only about Rs.50,000.

CMFRI introduces open sea farming of Pompano and Cobia at Karwar

Cobia fingerlings in the cage Pompano feeding on minced oil sardines


arming of Pompano, Trachynotus blochi and Cobia, Rachycentron canadum was initiated in open sea cages for the first time by CMFRI at Karwar.

2000 fingerlings of Cobia with an average length of 9cm and 2500 numbers of Pompano with an average length of 5cm was transported from the Mandapam Regional Centre of CMFRI in October 2011. These seeds were stocked in two 6 meter cages in the marine farm of CMFRI at Karwar. Feeding was initiated on the same day evening by minced sardine meat. Cobia had shown a growth rate of 14 cm in one month where as pompano had grown by 6 cm in one moth. No mortality had occurred either in transportation or in the cages. Both species offers immense potential for farming in the coastal waters.

21 Cadalmin : CMFRI Newsletter No. 131


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Asst. Director of Fisheries examining the oysters

Inauguration of Pearl Harvest Village priest with the cultured pearl

CMFRI guides Sippikulam Fisherwomen in successful Marine Pearl Culture


uring 2009-‘11 with the funding assistance from Centre for Marine Living Resource and Ecology, (CMLRE), Ministry of Earth Science, Govt. of India, a ‘Technology demonstration and transfer’ project on ‘Marine pearl culture’

was formulated and implemented at Sippikulam Village, Tuticorin by TRC of CMFRI for the beneficiaries ie., Fisherwomen.

The fisherwomen at Sippikulam village was given 10 days training in

‘Spherical pearl production technique’

during August 2010 & January 2011 for 10 fisherwomen, and certificates are issued to the participants.

The trained fisherwomen successfully implanted 2,500 pearl oysters with 4mm dia shell bead nucleus on a regular basis

under the supervision of the Project team. The nucleated oysters were taken care by the fisherwomen themselves for regular observation on its growth and mortality, cleaning for foulers and boarers and raft structure management. After a period of 8 months culture duration,

‘partial harvest’ of the cultured oysters for pearl was made after a simple function held on 17.11.2011, The function was chaired by Dr. M. S. Madan, Principal Scientist and Scientist in charge.

Smt. Prabhavathi, Assistant Director, TN Fisheries Department, Shri M.R.

Natarajan, Manager (District Development) NABAARD, Village Priest Fr. Selvan and Dr. I. Jagadis, Senior Scientist and Principal Investigator of the project along with the staff of TRC of CMFRI participated in the function at Sippikulam Village.

The results of the partial harvest were very encouraging and few good quality spherical marine pearls were obtained.

Thus, the trained fisherwomen of Sippikulam Village become the ‘first group of villagers’ who did the entire operation of maintenance of oysters in farm, spherical bead nucleation, farming of nucleated oysters and harvesting for cultured marine pearls.

The District Collector was impressed by the outcome of the programme and instructed the Assistant Directors of Fisheries to have link with TRC of CMFRI and further taking it to few more villages with funds from NABARD. This programme would be taken up shortly.


he work on broodstock development and breeding of sand lobster Thenus orientalis was initiated under the ongoing research project ‘MD/IDP/01. Technology development for seed production of shellfish’. Observations revealed that the availability of sand lobsters in this area is very scarce. Arrange- ments for collection of brooders with the trawl owners during December 2011 yielded few brood sand lobsters size/weight ranging 180-218mm/250-320g, of which one female was in a berried condition. A recirculation system fitted 1.0 ton FRP tank with cleaned sand as substrate was used as broodstock tank with an over turn of 300% water per day. The brooders were fed with freshly opened and cleaned clams (Paphia malabarica). Further arrangements for additional brood

collection and breeding are being taken up. A berried sand lobster, Thenus orientalis

Breeding programme on sand lobster initiated at Tuticorin Research Centre

Research Highlights

(Reported by I. Jagadis, Tuticorin RC of CMFRI)


23 Cadalmin : CMFRI Newsletter No. 131

Distributional record of fishes from Karnataka Coast - 2011 documented: 10 new species enter the list

z Horabagrus brachysoma (Günther, 1864) Günther’s catfish

z Aluterus scriptus (Osbeck, 1765) Scribbled leatherjacket filefish

z Neoharriotta pinnata (Schnakenbeck, 1931) Sicklefin chimaera

z Canthidermis maculata (Bloch, 1786) Ocean triggerfish

z Callionymus margaretae (Regan, 1905) Margaret’s dragonet

z Ostichthys acanthorhinus (Randall,

Shimizu & Yamakawa, 1982) Spinesnout squirrelfish

z Scorpaenodes parvipinnis (Garrett, 1864) Lowfin scorpionfish

z Aesopia cornuta (Kaup, 1858) Unicorn sole

z Apogon queketti (Gilchrist, 1903) Spotfin cardinal

z Terapon theraps (Cuvier, 1829) Largescaled terapon


en species of fishes belonging to various families have been collected and identified from Karnataka coast during the year 2011. With these newer findings the finfish diversity of Karnataka stands at 422 species.

(Reported by: R. Saravanan,

Mangalore Research Centre of CMFRI) Ocean triggerfish, Canthidermis maculata

(Bloch, 1786)

Apogon queketti Gilchrist, 1903 Spotfin cardinal

Scorpaenodes parvipinnis (Garrett, 1864) Lowfin scorpionfish

Experiment on Breeding and rearing of the Bamboo shark in Aquarium successful at Calicut RC


ew numbers of Bamboo sharks, Chyllocilium griseum, were collected from Thikkody artificial reef area for maintaining in the Marine Research Aquarium during August 2009. The sharks were maintained on a daily diet of freshly chopped tuna. Few of them in the size range of 538-590 mm laid 38 egg capsules (Mermaid’s purse) in the aquarium tank during July 2011 and were maintained in the aquarium tank for hatching. Water quality was maintained by water exchange and aeration. The water quality of the aquarium tank was as follows: water temperature from 25.5 to 28.2 C, salinity from 29.0 to 35.2ppt and pH from 7.7 to 8.5. Egg cases were collected and maintained in separate FRP tank with filtered seawater and aeration.

The egg cases were observed periodically for the growth of embryo and decayed egg cases were removed.

Hatching started from 118th day onwards and it continued upto 130th day. In some cases the edge of the capsules was surgically removed enabling the young ones to easily come out. Altogether 18 hatchlings were collected and reared to juveniles in the FRP tanks maintained at the Marine Research Aquarium. Feeding

Egg case of bamboo shark 12 day old juvenile of bamboo shark

(Reported by P. P. Manoj Kumar and P. K. Asokan, Calicut RC)

Green Tide and fish mortality at Calicut coast


reen Tide due to toxic bloom of Chattonella marina(Subrahmanyan) Hara et Chihara along the entire Calicut coast was observed during 27-9-2011 to 17-10-2011 at varying intensities. This

was initiated with chopped mussel meat and later on fed with prawn meat and mussel meat. The yolk attached with the juveniles lasted for 24 days although the young ones started feeding from 18th day onwards.

bloom was associated with mass mor- tality of fingerlings of Otolithus sp, Cyanoglossus sp. and Liza sp and mole crab Emerita asiatica from the very next day onwards. Fourteen days after the in-

cidence of bloom, large number of bi- valve shell were found cast ashore includ- ing green mussel Perna viridis, Mactra violacea, Donax scrotum and Donax cuneatus .


Cadalmin : CMFRI Newsletter No. 131 24

'Karshikamela' exhibition at Thodupuzha during the period from 26th December 2011 to 1st January, 2012. K.K. Sankaran, K.N. Pushkaran, N.K. Harshan, K.M. David, P.R. Abhilash, P.V.

Sunil and M.T. Vijayan have participated in this Exhibition.

International Conference-cum-exhibition 'Food 3600'at Hyderabad International Convention Centre during 20th to 22nd Nov, 2011.


r. M.V.Gupta, Chairman, RAC, CMFRI, visited Mandapam Regional Center of CMFRI on 17 – 18 November 2011, to assess the progress of cobia breeding and seed production programme.

Visit of Dr.M.V.Gupta, Chairman, RAC, CMFRI, at Mandapam Regional Centre of CMFRI


Workshop on Literacy, Health and Income status of fishers


MFRI organized two days summing up workshop on 'Literacy, Health and Income status of fishers' for the project funded by DAHD& F on 17th to 18th Nov.2011 at CMFRI, Kochi and discussions were held on the findings of the project under three technical sessions.



25 Cadalmin : CMFRI Newsletter No. 131


he training programme: “Advanced techniques in ornamental fish keeping and breeding” organized jointly by CMFRI and NFDB was conducted at Vizhinjam Research Centre of CMFRI, Vizhinjam from 22nd November to 1st December 2011. Twenty participants from different parts of the country attended the training. The training covered of various aspects in marine

Training on Advanced techniques in ornamental fish keeping and breeding at Vizhinjam RC

ornamental fish culture including collection, transportation and aquarium keeping of marine ornamental fishes and invertebrates with special emphasis on ornamental fish breeding. The training programme was inaugurated by Sri K.

Somarajan, Managing Director, Matsyafed, Kerala. Sri. Radhakrishnan Nair, General Manager, Matsyafed released the manual. The inaugural

function was presided over by Dr. A.P.

Lipton, Principal Scientist of the centre.

Dr. G. Gopakumar, Head, Mariculture division, CMFRI delivered the keynote address. Apart from several officials from the Department of Fisheries, Port and Harbour, a few fish farmers, research students and invited guests attended the inaugural function.

Inaugural address by Sri K. Somarajan,

Managing Director, Matsyafed Release of the Training Manual by Sri. Radhakrishnan Nair, General Manager Matsyafed

Training Programme


computer training programme on Photoshop, Corel Draw, and Pagemaker for 18 technical staff of the Institute was organised at Headquarters during 14th - 25th November, 2011

Trainees with the faculty members


raining programme on Aquaculture for 15 participants in collaboration with Navabharath Foundation conducted by CMFRI from 10th to 19th November, 2011 at Headquarters.

25 Cadalmin : CMFRI Newsletter No. 131

Computer training programme for technical staff


Cadalmin : CMFRI Newsletter No. 131 26


he Second Sub Committee of the Committee of Parliament on Official Language inspected the Official Language implementation activities of CMFRI Headquarters, Cochin on 29th October, 2011. The inspection meeting was chaired by Dr. Prasanna Kumar Patasani, MP (Lok Sabha). Shri Y.P.Trivedi, MP (Rajya Sabha), Shri Kishanbhai V. Patel, MP (Lok Sabha);

Dr. L.R. Yadav, Officiating Secretary, Dr.

S.P.Shukla, Under Secretary, Shri

G.S..Rawat, Hindi Officer and Shri Rajesh Jha, Reporter of the Committee Secretariate were present. From the Office side Dr. Madan Mohan, Assistant Director General (Fy.) and Shri Harish Chandra Joshi, Director (OL), ICAR; Dr. G. Syda Rao, Director, Shri Rakesh Kumar, Chief Administrative Officer, Shri R. Anil Kumar, Administrative Officer, Smt. Sheela P.J., Assistant Director (OL) and Smt. E.K.Uma and Smt E. Sasikala, Technical Officers (Hindi) CMFRI, Cochin attended the meeting.


National Official Language Seminar on the subject Biodiversity was conducted on 10.10.2011 at CMFRI, Cochin. The seminar was inaugurated by Dr. N. Mohanan, Professor, Department of Hindi, Cochin University of Science and Technology, Cochin. In his inaugural address he pointed out the linkages of biological aspects in literature and how far Official Language Hindi is competent in expressing the functions in Central Govt. offices. Dr. G. Syda Rao, Director, CMFRI presided over the function. Dr. (Smt) Mary Manisseri, Head, Marine Biodiversity Division and Coordinator of the seminar welcomed

Official Language Implementation

Parliamentary Committee evaluates official language implementation at CMFRI

Seminar on Biodiversity in Official Language at Headquarters

Release of Fisheries Glossary English - Hindi by Dr. Prasanna Kumar Patasani, MP (Lok Sabha) at Cochin

Release of Special publication

Inaugural address by Dr. N. Mohanan


27 Cadalmin : CMFRI Newsletter No. 131


workshop on the use of Hindi in ad ministrative work and scientific work was held on September 15th 2011. Sri Santosh Alex, Hindi Officer, VRC of CIFT, Visakhapatnam imparted knowledge on the use of Hindi to the Centre’s staff members. Thirty- three staff members including administrative, technical and scientific personnel attended the work- shop.

Hindi week was celebrated at the centre from September 20th – 24th and

Presentation of paper

At the outset Dr. Prasanna Kumar Patsani, Convenor of the Committee released the Fisheries glossary prepared by CMFRI. The Committee appreciated the effort taken by the Institute on Official Language propagation.

The coordination work was attended by CMFRI in a befitting way and the Committee expressed their happiness over the arrangements.

Hindi Workshop


three day Hindi workshop was conducted at CMFRI Headquar ters for Ministerial and Technical Staff from 15th to 17th Dec., 2011. Classes were taken on the subjects Basic Hindi grammar, Noting & Drafting and Official correspondence.

the gathering. Dr. K.K.Joshi, Senior Scientist gave introduction on the special publication on Biodiversity and the Chief Guest released the publication. Smt.

Sheela P.J., Assistant Director (OL) proposed vote of thanks.

The Scientists presented research papers in two technical sessions. The

sessions were chaired by Dr. E. V.

Radhakrishnan, Head, CFD and Dr.

K.K.Joshi, Sr. Scientist. Best presentation awards were bagged by Dr. V. V. Singh, Principal Scientist, Dr. K.K.Joshi, Sr.

Scientist, Dr. P. S.,Asha, Sr. Scientist, Dr.

Lakshmi Pillai, Scientist and Dr. Bindu Sulochanan, Scientist.

Workshop on the use of Hindi at Visakhapatnam RC

The leading Indian Journal

in the field of Fishery Science

since 1954

Annual Subscription:

` 1000 $100 Contact : The Director, CMFRI

Kochi - 682 018

Hindi Day was held on September 24th 2011. Several competitions in Hindi were held during the Hindi week. Sri Virendra Rai, Senior Manager (Official Language), Indian Bank, Visakhapatnam was the Chief Guest and Dr. P Laxmilatha presided over the function. He encour- aged everyone to use Hindi in their daily activities on a small scale as well as at work. He distributed prizes to the com- petition winners.


Cadalmin : CMFRI Newsletter No. 131 28


he Building & Security Section and Recreation Club of Mandapam Regional Center of CMFRI jointly organized the tree plantation programme in the premises of staff quarters on 9th December 2011. Dr.G.Gopakumar, SIC initiated the planting programme. Staff and family members actively partici- pated in the tree plantation. Nearly 200 seedlings of sapota, guava, coconut, curry leaf have been planted.

Recreation Club Activities

Dr. G.Gopakumar, SIC, Mandapam Regional Centre initiating the tree plantation

Dr. Mohan Joseph Modayil releasing the book - Marine Fish Marketing in India

Dr. Derek Staples releasing the book - The Carangids of India

Release of latest CMFRI Publications

Poster on Reef fishes of India - Groupers

` 50/- Marine Fish Marketing in India

Hardbound, 276p. ` 500/-

Fisheries Glossary English-Hindi. HB,


Special Publication No. 106

The Carangids of India, Hardbound,

437p. ` 800/-

Cadalmin : CMFRI Newsletter No. 131 28


29 Cadalmin : CMFRI Newsletter No. 131 Dr. G. Syda Rao, Director

Attended the Governing Body Meeting of ICAR on 04.10.2011

Visited Chennai Research Centre on 2.11.11

Dr. G. Gopakumar, SIC & Head, Mariculture Division, participated in the stakeholders’ consultation on “Climate Change Platform” at Central Institute for Dryland Agriculture (CRIDA), Hyderabad on 19-20th September 2011.

Participated in the NAIP Consortium meeting at Fisheries College and Research Institute, Tuticorin on 3rd October 2011.

Participated in the meeting of Scientists of Animal Sciences &

Fisheries with Honorable Agriculture Minister on 8th November 2011 at New Delhi.

Dr. (Mrs.) V. Kripa Head, FEMD

Attended an interaction meeting with Shri Sharad Pawar, Union Agriculture Minister and representatives from other Fisheries and Animal Husbandry Institutes of ICAR, New Delhi on 8th November 2011.

Final presentation of Consultancy Project– ‘Marine EIA study for Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant from19.09.2011 to 21.09.2011 at New Delhi.

Participated as IMC Member at CIFA, Bhubaneswar on 22.09.2011

Served as IMC Member at ICAR Research Complex for Goa on 27th September 2011

Attended the Project Monitoring &

Review Committee (PMRC) Meeting of NABARD at Padanna, Kasaragod on 21.10.2011

Attended the training-cum-workshop under TUFFS Project from 28.09.2011 to 02.11.2011 at Visakhapatnam RC of CMFRI Dr. Vinay Deshmukh, Scientist-in Charge, Mumbai Research Centre

As advisory Member of Govt. of Maharashtra study team on Purse- seine fishery in the state.

Attended 4 District Level meetings of purse seine committee at Ratnagiri, Malwan, Sassoon Dock and Palghar.

Participated in two days conference on 15.11.2011 and 16.11.2011 on

‘Climate change: Oill Spill and Radiation Risk: New Environmental Challenges’ organized by NEERI in association with BARC, MPCB, MCGM, BRNS, MoEF, CPCB etc.

and presented a paper on oil spill off Mumbai coast.

Dr. G. Maheswarudu Principal Scientist and Scientist-in-Charge VRC of CMFRI attended the Mid-Term Review Meeting of Action Taken Report of XX Meeting of ICAR Regional Committee-II at CIFRI, Barrackpore, Kolkata on September 24th 2011.

Attended the 2nd meeting of the State Level Monitoring Committee organized by the Irrigation & CAD (PWD) Department, Government of Andhra Pradesh on 18th November 2011 at Hyderabad.

Dr. Veerendra Veer Singh, Principal Scientist

Convened meeting of fishers with Department Fisheries officials, Maharashtra state and with Assistant Commissioner, MCGM held at Bhati under MMPL project on 18.10.2011.

Attended an interaction meeting with the Honorable Union Minister for Agriculture at New Delhi on 08.11.2011.

Dr. U. Ganga, Senior Scientist, National consultation on “Water: Research Prioritization” held at NBFGR, Lucknow on 18-10-11

Dr. E.M. Abdussamad, Dr. M.

Sivadas, Shri. K. P. Said koya, Dr.

Prathibha Rohit and Dr.

Shubhadeep Ghosh, First IOTC (Indian Ocean Tuna Commission) Working party meeting on Neritic Tunas”held at Chennai on 14-18 November 2011.

Dr P. K. Asokan, Senior Scientist shared Best Poster Award with two other Scientists from Marine Biotechnology Division for the poster presented to the 8th International symposium on Diseases in Asian Aquaculture, held at College of Fisheries Mangalore from 21- 24th Nov 2011.

Dr. Shubhadeep Ghosh, Senior Scientist attended “Program for the Stakeholder Consultation on Climate Change Platform” at CRIDA Hyderabad from September 19th – 20th 2011.

Dr. B. Johnson participated and presented paper in the international conference on “Innovative Approaches for Agricultural Knowledge Management:

Global Extension Experiences” organized by International Society of Extension Education at NASC Complex, New Delhi on 9-12 November 2011.

Dr. A. K. Abdul Nazar, Senior Scientist Shri. C. Kalidas, Scientist and Shri Ritesh Ranjan, Scientist, participated in the NACA sponsored training course on “7th Regional Grouper Hatchery Production” at Brackishwater Aquaculture Development Centre (BADC), Situbondo, East Java, Indonesia from 25th September to 15th October 2011.

Dr.A.K.Abdul Nazar, Shri. C. Kalidas and Shri. Ritesh Ranjan along with participants at Indonesia

Programme participation

Dr. Ramachandran at Rome as a member, FAO Evaluation Team

Dr.C.Ramachandran, Senior Scientist was selected and deputed as a member of an International Study Team headed by Dr.Meryl Williams to evaluate the support of FAO in the implementation of Code of conduct of Responsible Fisheries and he has visited the FAO head quarters at Rome and Ghana as a part of the evaluation study during 16th November to 4th December, 2011.


Cadalmin : CMFRI Newsletter No. 131 30

Dr. (Mrs.) Mary K. Manisseri joined ICAR service in January 1977.

Dr. (Mrs.) Manisseri served at Tuticorin RC of CMFRI and NPCL of CMFRI at Narakkal before coming to CMFRI headquarters at Kochi. She

was attached to the Crustacean Fisheries Division.

During 2007 she was selected as the Head of Marine Biodiversity Division and continued still her retirement on 31-12 -2011.Dr. (Mrs.) Manisseri did commendable service as SIC of PME Cell of the Institute for the last two years. She has published more than 60 research papers in various journals.

We salute the seniors on their retirement

Shri N. Govindan Mangalore RCAAO Rtd on 31.10.2011

Shri S. Palanichamy T-6 (Technical Officer)

Mandapam RC Rtd on 31.10.2011

Shri P.M. Hariharan T-5 (Deckhand)

Hqrs., Cochin Rtd on 31.10.2011

Shri K. T. Rajappan Hqrs., CochinSSS Rtd on 31.10.2011 Dr. T. S. Velayudhan

Pr. Scientist Hqrs., Cochin Rtd on 30.11.2011

Smt. Alice Valooran Assistant Hqrs., Cochin Rtd on 30.11.2011

Shri S. Muthumari Assistant Mandapam RC Rtd on 31.12.2011

Ms. N. M. Ponnamma Hqrs., CochinUDC Rtd on 31.12.2011

Dr. Mary K. Manisseri retires


Name Designation Center w.e.f

1. Shri Fofandi Mahendrakumar. D T-6 (Technical Officer) Veraval RC 22.10.2011

2. Shri Nilesh Anil Pawar T-6 (Technical Officer) Mumbai RC 20.10.2011

3. Shri Vikas P.A T-6 (SMS - Fisheries) KVK, Narakkal 07.12.2011 (AN)

4. Ms. Bharadiya Sangita Aravindkumar T-3 (Technical Assistant) Veraval RC 18.10.2011 5. Shri Vaibhav Dinkar Mhatre T-3 (Technical Assistant) Mumbai RC 17.10.2011 6. Shri V. Ashok Maharshi T-3 (Technical Assistant) Tuticorin RC 15.10.2011

7. Shri Kodi Srinivasa Rao T-3 (Technical Assistant) Karwar RC 21.11.2011

8. Shri Makwana Rajeshkumar Chandubhai T-1 (Field Assistant) Veraval RC 24.10.2011 9. Shri Durga Suresh Relangi T-1 (Field Assistant) Visakhapatnam RC 17.10.2011 10. Shri Karamathullah Sahib T-1 (Field Assistant) Mangalore RC 05.12.2011 TRANSFERS

Name & Designation From To w.e.f.

1. Shri M. Anbarasu, T-3 (Technical Assistant) Veraval RC Mandapam RC 31.10.2011 2. Shri P. Rajendran, T-1 (Field Assisatant) Madras RC Mandapam RC 01.11.2011

3. Smt. V. Jayalakshmi, Assistant Mumbai RC Hqrs. 16.11.2011

4. Shri D. Augustus Julin Raj,Assistant Karwar RC Mumbai RC 08.12.2011


Name & Designation From To w.e.f.

1. Smt. K.V. Suseela, LDC Tuticorin RC of CMFRI CIFT, Cochin 24.09.2011

2. Smt. R. Anantharani, LDC CIFT, Cochin Tuticorin RC of CMFRI 27.09.2011


Dr. B. Johnson Scientist receiving the Best Paper Presentation Award from the Vice Chancellor, Jawaharlal Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Jabalpur (M.P.) in the National Seminar on “Innovative Extension Approaches for Enhancing Rural Household Income” organized by Indian Society of Extension Education (ISEE) at Jawaharlal Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Jabalpur (M.P.) on 27-29 September 2011


31 Cadalmin : CMFRI Newsletter No. 131 COMPULSORY RETIREMENT

Name Designation Center w.e.f

1. Shri T. Thananjeyan SSS Kovalam Filed 27.09.2011

Centre of CMFRI, Chennai


72nd Meeting of Institute Management Committee held at CMFRI Hqrs., Cochin on 24th November 2011 PROMOTIONS

Names Promoted Center w.e.f

From To

1. Smt. K. Santha, Assistant, Hqrs., Cochin Assistant Administrative Officer Vizhinjam RC 11.10.2011

2. Shri A. Yagappan, Assistant Assistant Administrative Officer Mandapam RC 01.11.2011

3. Smt. C.A. Leela, UDC Assistant Hqrs, Cochin 09.11.2011

4. Smt. K. Balamani, UDC Assistant Calicut RC 09.11.2011

5. Smt. Manjusha G. Menon, UDC Assistant Hqrs., Cochin 09.11.2011

6. Shri Sunil A.T, LDC UDC Hqrs., Cochin 03.12.2011

7. Shri Joseph Mathew, LDC UDC Hqrs., Cochin 03.12.2011

8. Shri M.P. Mohandas, SSS T-1 (Filed Assistant) Hqrs., Cochin 14.10.2011

9. Shri T.V. Shaji, SSS T-1 (Filed Assistant) Hqrs., Cochin 14.10.2011

10. Shri V. Joseph Xavier, SSS T-1 (Filed Assistant) Madras RC 14.10.2011

11. Shri S. Murugaboopathy, SSS T-1 (Filed Assistant) Mandapam RC 14.10.2011

12. Shri N. Ramakrishnan, SSS T-1 (Filed Assistant) Mandapam RC 14.10.2011

13. Dr. Phalguni Pattnaik, T-5 (Technical Officer) T-6 (Technical Officer) Visakhapatnam RC 31.07.2010 14. Dr. (Ms.) Madhumita Das, T-5 (Technical Officer T-6 (Technical Officer) Visakhapatnam RC 25.05.2010 15. Dr. Biswajith Dash, T-5 (Technical Officer) T-6(Technical Officer) Visakhapatnam RC 25.05.2010 16. Shri K.Ram Mohan, T-5 (Technical Officer) T-6 (Technical Officer) Visakhapatnam RC 01.07.2009

17. Shri G. Subbaraman, T-4 (Sr. TA) T-5 (Technical Officer) Mandapam RC 01.01.2011

18. Shri P. Venkatakrishna Rao, T-4 (Sr. TA) T-5 (Technical Officer) Puri FC 03.02.2010

19. Shri G. Srinivasan, T-4 (Sr. TA) T-5 (Technical Officer) Madras RC 01.01.2011

20. Shri Vanvi Jayanthilal Dayabhai, T-3 (Technical Assistant) T-4 (Sr. Technical Assistant) Veraval 01.07.2010 21. Shri G. Sudhakar, T-3 (Technical Assistant) T-4 (Sr. Technical Assistant) Ongole FC 02.05.2010 22. Shri D.G. Jadhav, T-3 (Technical Assistant) T-4 (Sr. Technical Assistant) Mumbai RC 01.07.2009 23. Shri U. Jayaram, T-3 (Technical Assistant) T-4 (Sr. Technical Assistant) Tuticorin RC 03.07.2010 24. Shri S. Mohammad Sathakathullah, T-3 (Technical Assistant) T-4 (Sr. Technical Assistant) Tuticorin RC 01.01.2010 25. Shri Thakurdas, T-3 (Technical Assistant) T-4 (Sr. Technical Assistant) Mumbai RC 02.05.2010 26. Shri A. Anasukoya, T-3 (Technical Assistant) T-4 (Sr. Technical Assistant) Calicut RC 10.05.2010 27. Shri M. M. Bhaskaran, T-3 (Technical Assistant) T-4 (Sr. Technical Assistant) Calicut RC 01.01.2011 28. Shri Suresh Krishna Rao kamble, T-2 (Jr.Technical Assistant) T-3 (Technical Assistant) Mumbai RC 01.01.2010 29. Shri Y.V.S Suryanarayana, T-2 (Jr. Technical Assistant) T-3 (Technical Assistant) Visakhapatnam RC 03.07.2010 30. Shri N. Boominathan, T-2 (Jr. Technical Assistant) T-3 (Technical Assistant) Mandapam RC 16.12.2010 31. Shri P.S. Alloycious, T-2 ( Jr. Technical Assistant) T-3 (Technical Assistant) Hqrs., Kochi 25.10.2010 32. Shri C. Chandran, T-2 (Jr. Technical Assistant) T-3 (Technical Assistant) Calicut RC 01.02.2011 33. Shri B. Raju, T-2 (Jr. Technical Assistant) T-3 (Technical Assistant) Vizhinjam RC 14.09.2010


Name & Designation From To w.e.f.

1. Shri Vanvi Mansukhlal Madhavji, Veraval RC Assistant, 05.12.2011

Upper Division Clerk National Research

Centre on Seed Spicies, Ajmeer, Rajasthan


Shri V. P. Unnikrishnan AFAcO

Visakhapatnam RC 19.12.2011

Shri P. Narayana Naik T-2 (Motor Driver) Mangalore RC 02.11.2011 With profound sorrow CMFRI family records the demise of Shri V. P. Unnikrishnan &

Shri P. Narayana Naik our beloved colleagues


Cadalmin : CMFRI Newsletter No. 131 32


Related documents

On 28th April 2012, 6000 fingerlings of Cobia with the average length of 9.3 cm were successfully transported from Mandapam Regional Centre of CMFRI to the farm at Komaragiripatnam

Envisaging the prospects of cobia farming in India, broodstock development was initiated at the Mandapam Regional Centre of Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute in sea

Envisaging the prospects of cobia farming in India, broodstock development was initiated at the Mandapam Regional Centre of the Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute in sea

Thus, with the funding from National Fisheries Development Board (NFDB), Hyderabad, Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute (CMFRI) has selected Balasore as one of the locations

Stress on protecting and encouraging customary use, compatible with conservation and sustainable use (CBD), stress on respecting, maintaining and promoting traditional

(Dr.) Mohan Joseph Modayil carried out inspections on the official language activities of the Mandapam Regional Centre on 4 th November and that of the Tuticorin Research Centre on

Shri Mathew Joseph, Senior Technical Assistant (T-4) from Fishery Harbour Laboratory to HQ, Cochin. Chandrakumar, Junior Technical Assistant (T-2) from Srikakulam to Ongole

Discussions with Director of Fisheries and Secretary (En- vironment and Forests), Govt, of Karnataka regarding the fi- nal orders related to allotment of land for the Karwar