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To Estimate the Correlation between Serum Sialic Acid Levels with Microalbuminuria and Glycated Hemoglobin in Diabetic Nephropathy Patients


Academic year: 2022

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Dissertation submitted to

TAMILNADU Dr.M.G.R MEDICAL UNIVERSITY In partial fulfillment of the requirement

for the award of degree of






APRIL 2016




This is to certify that Dr.K.PIRUTHIVIRAJAN, a Post Graduate student in the Department of Bio-Chemistry has carried out the work titled “TO ESTIMATE THE CORRELATION BETWEEN SERUM SIALIC ACID LEVELS WITH MICROALBUMINURIA AND GLYCATED HEMOGLOBIN IN DIABETIC NEPHROPATHY PATIENTS” under the guidance of Dr.ARUNA KUMARI, Professor and Head, Dept. of Bio- Chemistry, towards the partial fulfilment of regulations laid down by the Tamilnadu Dr.M.G.R Medical University, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India, for the award of Doctor of Medicine (M.D.,) in Bio-Chemistry.

Dr .A.R. Chakravarthy.MD, DGO,


Karpaga Vinayaga Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre

Madurantagam Tk,

Kancheepuram Dist-603308 Tamilnadu, India.


DEPARTMENT OF BIO-CHEMISTRY Karpaga Vinayaga Institute of Medical Sciencesand Research Centre

Madurantagam Tk,

Kancheepuram Dist-603308, Tamilnadu, India.




I declare that the dissertation entitled “TO ESTIMATE THE CORRELATION BETWEEN SERUM SIALIC ACID LEVELS WITH MICROALBUMINURIA AND GLYCATED HEMOGLOBIN IN DIABETIC NEPHROPATHY PATIENTS” submitted by me for the Degree of M.D is the record work carried out by me during the period of January 2014 to March 2015 under the guidance of Dr.ARUNA KUMARI.M.D., PROFESSOR and H.O.D of Bio-Chemistry, Karpaga Vinayaga Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre and has not formed the basis of any Degree ,Diploma, Fellowship, titles in this or any other University or other similar Institutions of Higher learning.

Signature of the candidate


Signature of the guide Dr.ARUNA KUMARI.MD.,

H.O.D & Professor

Karpaga Vinayaga Institute of medical Sciences and Research Centre, Madurantagam.




My heartfelt gratitude and sincere thanks to Dr. R. Annamalai.MS.MCh.,(Ortho) Managing Director, Karpaga Vinayaga

Institute of Medical Sciences for his valuable support and guidance in helping me with all available resources..

I wish to thank Dr.A.R.Chakravarthy.MD.DGO., Dean Karpaga Vinayaga Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre for providing me all the facilities to conduct this study.

I express my sincere thanks to my esteemed guide Dr.ARUNA KUMARI,M.D., Professor and Head in the Department of Bio-Chemistry, Karpaga Vinayaga Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre for her encouragement and valuable guidance in the topic given from time to time for the successful completion of this study.

I am also thankful to Dr.D.PREM KUMAR.MS., Medical Superintendent, Dr.S.SWETHA,M.D., and Dr.KATHEEJA,M.D., Assistant Professors in the Department of Bio-Chemistry, Karpaga Vinayaga Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre for their kind guidance and encouragement during the course of this study.

I am extremely thankful to Mr.Saravanan.,M.Sc., Department of Bio-Chemistry, Karpaga Vinagaya Institute of Medical Sciences and Research

centre for his kind guidance and encouragement during the course of this study.



I convey my valuable thanks to all the Post Graduate colleagues of Department of Bio-Chemistry for their greatest support and co-operation in completing my dissertation.

I also thank my technical staffs and nontechnical staffs of department of Bio-Chemistry and the Central Lab for their excellent help in laboratory work.

Finally, I am deeply indebted to my parents, my wife Dr.P.KALAI SELVI , my daughter NIVEDHITHA PIRUTHIVIRAJAN and my son K.P.ESHWAANTH KEERTHI for their support, encouragement and sacrifice during the study period.

Above all I thank Almighty for His grace and blessings.




















“Diabetes mellitus” is the major healthcare problem occurring all over the world. “Diabetes mellitus”, the most common endocrine disease is represented by “metabolic abnormalities” due to relative or absolute deficiency of insulin and or insulin resistance resulting in “hyperglycemia” and associated with “micro and macrovascular complications”.1

Diabetes is not an epidemic anymore but has turned into pandemic for the whole world.2 The universal survey reported that diabetes is disturbing nearly 10% of the inhabitants.3 According to the “World Health Organization (WHO)”

projections, the predominance of diabetes is likely to augment by 35% by the year 2025.4 India has a elevated predominance of diabetes and the numbers are increasing.5

Diabetes mellitus” presents with characteristic symptoms such as

“polydipsia, polyuria, polyphagia, weight loss and the long-term effects include progressive development of microvascular complications, particularly in the eye and kidney, and an increased frequency of macrovascular disease such as peripheral vascular and coronary heart disease”.6 “Diabetes mellitus” is the most important reason of “End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD)”. It is responsible for 30- 40 % of all ESRD. Even though “Type 1 and Type 2 DM” lead to ESRD, most of the patients are those with “Type 2 DM”7

Diabetic renal disease” is categorized by an augment in the “flow of protein, predominantly albumin”, “An early and continuing rise in blood



pressure” and decrease in the rate of filtration in the “glomerulus” most important ultimately to “End Stage Renal Disease”.7 “Reactive oxygen species (ROS)” increase is caused by “Hyperglycemia”. “Poly ADP-ribose polymerase (PARP)” is activated by stand breaks in DNA. Decreased “glyceraldhyde-3- phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH)”, activity causes augmented “polyol pathway flux, intracellular advanced glycation end product formation, activation of protein kinase C and hexosamine pathway flux”.8,9 These pathways in combination, finally results in high renal albumin permeability and extracellular matrix growth, resulting in “proteinuria, glomerulosclerosis and tubular interstitial fibrosis”.10

“Serum sialic acid” is a recently recognized possible risk factor for the rise of “macro and microvascular complications of diabetes”.11 “Serum sialic acid” is a part of “glycoprotein” such as acute phase proteins which are increased in diabetes. The possible mechanism linked with the function of sialic acid is to maintain the “negative charge of renal glomerular basement membrane”. Due to increased “vascular permeability” there is shedding of “vascular endothelial sialic acid into circulation”.12

“Microalbuminuria” is the earliest manifestation of “diabetic nephropathy” and it is the predictor of incipient nephropathy in diabetic patients.

“Glycated haemoglobin” is a standard measure of severity of diabetes mellitus and gives an idea about long term “glycemic control”. “Microalbuminuria” arise from the amplified passage of albumin throughout the “glomerular filtration”

wall resulting in ultra structural changes fairly in “glomerular pressure”.13 Death



due to “renal disease” is more frequent in diabetics than in non diabetics.7 If obvious nephropathy is present, progression cannot be stopped, only delayed.

Susceptible tests for “microalbuminuria” are needed to avoid the initial stages of injury by forceful control of “hyperglycemia and hypertension”.

Several studies have demonstrated increased “serum sialic acid levels in diabetic nephropathy patients” when compared to controls.11

Thus, the present study was intended to explore the role of “serum sialic acid” as a dangerous factor in the progress of “diabetic nephropathy” and to associate the clinical relationship of “serum sialic acid with glycated haemoglobin and the indicator of diabetic nephropathy such as microalbuminuria”.




- To estimate the serum sialic acid levels in diabetic nephropathy patients.

- To know the correlation between serum sialic acid and microalbuminuria in diabetic nephropathy patients.

- To know the correlation between serum sialic acid and glycated hemoglobin in diabetic nephropathy patients.




The clinical characteristics of diabetes were depicted 3000 years prior by the customary Egyptians. The expression "diabetes" was first authored by Araetus of Cappodocia (81-133 AD). “United Nations organization” presented a

“clinical portrayal of the infection”, detecting the “increased urine flow, thirst, appetite and weight reduction”, highlights which are immediately identifiable now a days.The sweet taste of urine in “polyuric diabetics”, which congregated ants was observed during the 5th and 6th century AD by “ancient Indians (Susruta and Charuka)” and these descriptions even mention 2 varieties of diabetes, one in older (adult onset), obese individuals and another in thin and younger subjects and this division predated the modem classification into “type 2 and type 1 diabetes”. Later, Thomas Willis rediscovered the sweetness of diabetic urine in 1675.14

In 1776, Matthew Dobson in the UK made the vital scrutiny, confirmed that the sweetness in both urine and serum was due to sugar, and suggested that diabetes is a common disease. “Cotunnius, who described the parting of a clot in heated diabetic urine, first discovered the presence of proteinuria in a diabetic patient in 1764”.15

In 1797, an effort at treatment began on the “origin of glycosuria and polyuria”, John Rollo executed a detailed metabolic study of a “plump diabetic”, and he showed that the degree of “glycosuria” depended upon the type of food intake. “Rollo also observed the smell of acetone on the breath of diabetics,



presumably those in an advanced stage of type 1 diabetes and he also observed cataracts in diabetics”.15

In 1857, “an important milestone in the history of diabetes was the establishment of the role of the liver in glycogenesis and the concept that diabetes was due to excess glucose production,” which was discovered by Claude Bernard, and he also demonstrated links between the central nervous system dysfunction and the diabetic state.16

In 1869, Paul Langerhans was the first to describe, pancreatic clusters of cells in teased preparations of pancreas which are now known as the "Islets of Langerhans" and “the role of the pancreas in the pathogenesis of diabetes” was confirmed by Mering and Minkowski in1889. Consequently, this discovery constituted the basis of insulin isolation and its clinical use by Banting and Best in 1921.

The difficulties of diabetes influencing the eyes, to be specific “Diabetic retinopathy”, had been depicted before the revelation of insulin but it was a rarity because few diabetics lived long enough to develop “retinopathy and glomerulosclerosis”, which gradually progressed to “renal failure and death and this condition” was named the "Kimmelstiel-Wilson" nodules after its American and British co-discoverers in 1936. Moreover, with longer survival of diabetic subjects, consequences influencing the peripheral and later the autonomic,

“sensory system and gestational diabetes were portrayed”. On the other hand, at present, “diabetes mellitus” contains a “heterogeneous” gathering of complex metabolic issue of numerous “aetiology and pathogenesis”, which prompt



“varied consequences and hyperglycaemia” which is the cardinal element of these conditions and has accordingly been utilized to characterize diabetes .16

“Diabetes mellitus (DM)” is a collection of “metabolic syndrome with hyperglycemia”. “It is associated with abnormalities in carbohydrate, fat, and protein metabolism and results in chronic complications including micro- vascular, macro-vascular, and neuropathic disorders”.

The economic burden of DM, including direct restorative and treatment costs and additionally backhanded expenses ascribed to inability and mortality have expanded considerably. “DM is the leading cause of blindness in adults aged 20 to 74 years, and the leading contributor to development of end stage renal disease”. It likewise represents roughly 82,000 lower limb removals annually.17 “The cardiovascular event is responsible for two-thirds of deaths in individuals with type 2 DM. Although efforts to control hyperglycemia and associated symptoms are important, the major challenges in optimally managing the patient with DM are targeted at reducing or preventing complications, and improving life expectancy and quality of life.”

Research and drug advancement endeavours in the course of recent decades have given significant data that applies specifically to enhance the results in patients with DM and have expanded the “therapeutic armamentarium”.17



Characterization of Diabetes:

Diabetes is a metabolic disorder characterized by resistance to the action of insulin, insufficient insulin secretion, or both.18 The clinical indication of these issue is “hyperglycemia”. The dominant part of diabetic patients are characterized into one of two general classifications: “type 1 diabetes caused by an absolute deficiency of insulin, or type 2 diabetes defined by the presence of insulin resistance with an inadequate compensatory increase in insulin secretion”. Females who generate diabetes due to the “stress of pregnancy” are classified as having “gestational diabetes”. Finally, uncommon types of diabetes

“caused by infections, drugs, endocrinopathies, pancreatic destruction, and known genetic defects”.

Type 1 Diabetes:

Occurs due to autoimmune destruction of the β-cells of the pancreas.

Markers of “immune destruction of the B-cell” are available at the time of diagnosis in 90% of people and “incorporate islet cell antibodies, antibodies to glutamic acid decarboxylase and antibodies to insulin”. In spite of the fact that this type of diabetes normally happens in children and adolescents, it can happen at any age. More young people ordinarily have a “rapid rate of β-cell destruction and present with ketoacidosis”, whereas “adults often maintain sufficient insulin secretion to prevent ketoacidosis for many years, which is often referred to as LADA(Latent Autoimmune Diabetes of Adulthood).”19



Type 2 Diabetes:

It is described by insulin resistance and a relative absence of insulin secretion, with progressive lower insulin secretion after some time. Most people with “type 2 diabetes” show abdominal obesity, which itself cause insulin resistance. Furthermore, “hypertension, dyslipidemia and increased Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor Type 1 (PAI-1) levels” are regularly present in these people.

This “clustering of abnormalities” is referred to as the “insulin resistance syndrome or the metabolic syndrome”. Because of these abnormalities, “patients with type 2 diabetes” are at increased risk of “developing macrovascular complications”. “Type 2 diabetes” has a strong “genetic predisposition” and is more common in all ethnic groups other than those of “European ancestry”. At this point the genetic cause of most cases of “type 2 diabetes” is not well defined.20

Gestational diabetes mellitus: (GDM)

“GDM is characterized as glucose intolerance first recognized during pregnancy. Gestational diabetes complicates approximately 7% of all pregnancies.”

Other particular types of diabetes (Genetic imperfections):

“Maturity-onset diabetes” of youth is described by impaired insulin secretion with minimal or no insulin resistance. Patients typically exhibit “mild hyperglycemia” at an early age. The ailment is acquired in an “autosomal dominant pattern” with no less than six distinctive loci recognized to date.

Hereditary failure to change over “proinsulin to insulin results in mild



hyperglycemia” and is acquired in an autosomal dominant pattern. Also, the generation of mutant insulin molecules has been distinguished in a couple of families and results in gentle “glucose intolerance”. A few hereditary changes have been portrayed in the “insulin receptor” and are connected with “insulin resistance”.

“Type A insulin resistance” alludes to the “clinical disorder of acanthosis nigricans, virilization in ladies, polycystic ovaries, and hyperinsulinemia”.

Conversely, “type B insulin resistance” is brought on via auto antibodies to the insulin receptor.

“Leprechaunism is a pediatric syndrome” with specific facial features and severe insulin resistance because of a defect in the insulin receptor gene. 21 Prevalence:

The worldwide commonness of diabetes in 2008 was assessed to be 10%

in grown-ups matured >25 years. The predominance of diabetes was most noteworthy in “Eastern Mediterranean Region and the Region of Americas (11%

for both genders)”. The lower economic nations over the world demonstrated predominance of 8%.

In India, the results of prevalence showed that 37.7 million people of diabetes were present among which 21.4 were in urban area and 16.3 in rural area. The total mortality due to diabetes was 1.09 lakh and around 2.2 million DALY ( Disability Adjusted Life Years) lost due to the disease.22




Typical “type 1 DM is an autoimmune disorder” developing in childhood or early adulthood, although some latent forms do occur. “Type 1 DM” accounts for 5% to 10% of all cases of DM and is likely initiated by the exposure of a genetically susceptible individual to an environmental agent.23 “Candidate genes and environmental factors” are reportedly prevalent in the general population, but “development of B-cell autoimmunity” occurs in less than 10% of the

“genetically susceptible population” and progresses to “type 1 DM” in less than 1% of the population.24

The pervasiveness of “type 2 DM” is expanding. There is likely one individual undiscovered for each three persons as of now determined to have the sickness. “Multiple risk factors” for the advancement of “type 2 DM” have been recognized, including family history (i.e., folks or kin with diabetes); over weight (i.e., ≥20% over perfect body weight, or body mass list [BMI] ≥25 kg/m2); “habitual physical inactivity; race or ethnicity; previously identified impaired glucose tolerance or impaired fasting glucose, hypertension (≥140/90 mm Hg in adults); high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol ≤35 mg/dL and/or a triglyceride level ≥250 mg/dL; history of gestational DM or delivery of a baby weighing >4 kg (9 lb); history of vascular disease; presence of acanthosis nigricans and polycystic ovary disease”.25

Most instances of “type 2 DM” do not have an understood reason.

“Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM)” influences around 7% of all pregnancies



in the United States.27 Most females will come back to “normoglycemia”, yet 30% of them tend to have “type 2 DM” later in their life.

Pathogenesis of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus:

Type 1 DM is portrayed by a lack of pancreatic β-cell function. What is clear are four primary components: “(1) a long preclinical period marked by the presence of immune markers when β-cell destruction is thought to occur; (2) hyperglycemia when 80% to 90% of β-cells are destroyed; (3) transient remission (the so-called honeymoon phase); and (4) established disease with associated risks for complications and death. Unknown is whether there is one or more inciting factors (e.g., cow’s milk, or viral, dietary, or other environmental exposure) that initiate the autoimmune process”.20

The immune system procedure is interceded by “macrophages” and “T lymphocytes” with “auto antibodies to different β-cell antigens” that circulate in the body. The most normally recognized immune response connected with “type 1 DM” is the islet cell counter acting agent. The test for islet “cell immune response”, is hard to institutionalize crosswise over research facilities. Other all the more promptly measured circulating antibodies incorporate insulin auto antibodies, antibodies coordinated against “glutamic acid decarboxylase”, insulin antibodies against islet “tyrosine phosphatise”, and a few others. More than 90%

of recently determined persons to have “type 1 DM” have some of these antibodies, as will 3.5% to 4% of unaffected first-degree relatives. “Preclinical β- cell autoimmunity” goes before the determination of “type 1 DM” by up to 9 to 13 years. “Autoimmunity” can transmit in some maybe “less-defenseless



persons”, or can advance to failure of the “B-cells” in others. These antibodies are by and large considered as markers of sickness instead of “β-cell destruction”. They have been utilized to recognize people at risk for “type 1 DM” in assessing illness avoidance strategies.

Other non pancreatic immune system issue are connected with “type 1 DM”, most often “Hashimoto's thyroiditis”, yet the degree of organ contribution can extend from no different organs to “polyglandular failure”.28 Other applicant quality areas have been recognized on a few different chromosomes also. Since twin studies don't demonstrate 100% concordance, ecological agents like infection, chemicals, and diet are more likely to contribute to the disease.

“Annihilation of pancreatic β-cell function causes hyperglycemia” in view of an outright lack of “both insulin and amylin”.29 Insulin brings down blood glucose by a mixture of components including: incitement of tissue glucose uptake, concealment of glucose generation by the liver, and decrease of free unsaturated fat discharge from fat cells.30

The decrease of free unsaturated fats assumes a critical part in glucose homeostasis. Enhanced levels of free unsaturated fats restrain the uptake of glucose by muscle and induces hepatic gluconeogenesis.31 Amylin, a glucoregulatory peptide hormone co-discharged with insulin, assumes a part in slowing so as to “bring down blood glucose gastric emptying, supressing glucagon yield cells, and expanding satiety from pancreatic β-cell.”32 In type 1 DM, amylin secretion, brought about by β-cell obliteration, is low.



Pathogenesis of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus:

Normal Insulin Action:

During Fasting, 75% of aggregate “body glucose transfer happens in non–

insulin dependent tissues: the cerebrum and splanchnic tissues (liver and gastrointestinal tissues)”.33 Actually, brain glucose uptake happens at the same rate amid bolstered and fasting periods and is not modified in type 2 diabetes.

The rest of the 25% of glucose uptake happens in muscle, which is reliant on insulin.34 In the fasting state more or less 85% of glucose is received from the liver, and the remaining sum is delivered by the kidney.33-35

Glucagon, delivered by pancreatic β-cells, is discharged in the fasting state to restrict the activity of insulin and invigorate hepatic glucose creation. In this way, glucagons forestall hypoglycemia or restores normoglycemia if hypoglycemia has occurred.36

In the fed state, starch ingestion builds the plasma glucose focus and invigorates insulin discharge from the pancreatic β-cells. The resultant hyperinsulinemia decreases hepatic glucose and increases glucose uptake by the tissues in the periphery.37 “The majority (~80%–85%) of glucose that is taken up by peripheral tissues is disposed in muscle, with only a small amount (~4%–5%) being metabolized by adipocytes. In the fed state, glucagon is suppressed. 36”

“Although fat tissue is responsible for only a small amount of total body glucose disposal, it plays a very important role in the maintenance of total body glucose homeostasis. Small increments in the plasma insulin concentration exert a potent anti-lipolytic effect, leading to a marked reduction in the plasma free



fatty acid (FFA) level. The decline in plasma FFA concentration results in increased glucose uptake in muscle38 and reduces hepatic glucose production.39 Thus a decrease in the plasma FFA concentration lowers plasma glucose by both decreasing its production and enhancing the uptake in muscle.40,41”

“Type 2 diabetic individuals are characterized by (a) defects in insulin secretion; and (b) insulin resistance involving muscle, liver, and the adipocyte.

Insulin resistance is present even in lean type 2 diabetic individuals.”

(a)Impaired insulin secretion:

“The pancreas in people with a cell is able to adjust its secretion of insulin to maintain normal functioning β- normal glucose tolerance. Thus, in non-diabetic individuals, insulin is increased in proportion to the severity of the insulin resistance, and glucose tolerance remains normal.”

“Impaired insulin secretion is a uniform finding in type 2 diabetic patients and the evolution of β-cell dysfunction has been well characterized in diverse ethnic populations. As the FPG concentration increases from 80 to 140 mg/dl, the fasting plasma insulin concentration increases progressively, peaking at a value that is 2- to 2.5- fold greater than in normal weight nondiabetic controls.

When the FPG cell is unable to maintain its elevated concentration exceeds 140 mg/dL, the β- rate of insulin secretion, and the fasting insulin concentration declines precipitously. This decrease in fasting insulin leads to an increase in hepatic glucose production overnight, which results in an elevated FPG concentration.42 In the type 2 diabetic patient, decreased postprandial insulin secretion is caused by both impaired pancreatic β-cell function and a reduced



stimulus for insulin secretion from gut hormones. The role gut hormones play in insulin secretion is best shown by comparing the insulin response to an oral glucose load versus an isoglycemic intravenous glucose infusion.”43

“In nondiabetic control individuals, 73% more insulin is released in response to an oral glucose load compared to the same amount of glucose given intravenously. This increased insulin secretion in response to an oral glucose stimulus is referred to as the incretin effect and suggests that gut derived hormones when stimulated by glucose lead to an increase in pancreatic insulin secretion. In type 2 diabetic patients this incretin effect is blunted, with the increase in insulin secretion to only 50% of that seen in nondiabetic control individuals.43 It is now known that two hormones, glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP- 1) and glucose-dependent insulin-releasing peptide (GIP), are responsible for more than 90% of the increased insulin secretion seen in response to an oral glucose load. In patients with type 2 diabetes GLP- 1 levels are reduced whereas GIP levels are increased.44 GLP-1 is secreted from the L-cells in the distal intestinal mucosa in response to mixed meals. Because GLP-1 levels increase within minutes of food ingestion, neural signals initiated by food entry in the proximal gastrointestinal tract must simulate GLP-1 secretion.45 The insulinotropic action of GLP-1 is glucose-dependent, and for GLP-1 to enhance insulin secretion, glucose concentrations must be higher than 90 mg/dL.”44

“In addition to stimulating insulin secretion, GLP-1 suppresses glucagon secretion, slows gastric emptying and reduces food intake by increasing satiety.

These effects of GLP-1 combine to limit postprandial glucose excursions. GIP is



secreted by K-cells in the intestine and like GLP, increase insulin secretion. 46 However, GIP has no effect on glucagon secretion, gastric motility, or satiety.” 47 (a) Site of insulin resistance in type 2 diabetes:


“In type 2 diabetic subjects with mild to moderate fasting hyperglycemia (140 to 200 mg/dl, 7.8 to 11.1 mmol/l) basal hepatic glucose production is increased by ~0.5 mg/kg per minute. Consequently, during the overnight sleeping hours the liver of an 80-kg diabetic individual with modest fasting hyperglycemia adds an additional 35 g of glucose to the systemic circulation.

This increase in fasting hepatic glucose production is the cause of fasting hyperglycemia.”33

“Following glucose ingestion, insulin is secreted into the portal vein and carried to the liver, where it suppresses glucagon secretion and reduces hepatic glucose output. Type 2 diabetic patients fail to suppress glucagon in response to a meal and can even have a paradoxical rise in glucagon levels.48,49 Thus, hepatic insulin resistance and hyperglucagonemia result in continued production of glucose by the liver. Therefore, type 2 diabetic patients have two sources of glucose in the postprandial state, one from the diet and one from continued glucose production from the liver. These sources of glucose in combination with a shortened gastric emptying time can result in marked hyperglycemia.”

Peripheral (Muscle):

“Muscle is the major site of glucose disposal in man, and approximately 80% of total body glucose uptake occurs in skeletal muscle. In response to a



physiologic increase in plasma insulin concentration, muscle glucose uptake increases linearly, reaching a plateau value of 10 mg/kg per minute. In contrast, in lean type 2 diabetic subjects, the onset of insulin action is delayed for ~40 minutes, and the ability of insulin to stimulate leg glucose uptake is reduced by 50%. Therefore the primary site of insulin resistance in type 2 diabetic subjects resides in muscle tissue.”33

Peripheral (Adipocyte):

In obese nondiabetic and diabetic humans, basal plasma FFA levels are increased and fail to suppress normally after glucose ingestion. FFAs are stored as triglycerides in adipocytes and serve as an important energy source during conditions of fasting. Insulin is a potent inhibitor of lipolysis, and restrains the release of FFAs from the adipocyte by inhibiting the hormone-sensitive lipase enzyme. It is now recognized that chronically elevated plasma FFA concentrations can lead to insulin resistance in muscle and liver, 33,38,40,50 and impair insulin secretion.51,52 In addition to FFAs that circulate in plasma in increased amounts, type 2 diabetic and obese nondiabetic individuals have increased stores of triglycerides in muscle53,54 and liver 55,56 and the increased fat content correlates closely with the presence of insulin resistance in these tissues.

In summary, insulin resistance involving both muscle and liver are characteristic features of the glucose intolerance in type 2 diabetic individuals. In the basal state, the liver represents a major site of insulin resistance, and this is reflected by overproduction of glucose. This accelerated rate of hepatic glucose output is the primary determinant of the elevated FPG concentration in type 2 diabetic



individuals. In the fed state, both decreased muscle glucose uptake and impaired suppression of hepatic glucose production contribute to the insulin resistance. In obese individuals and in the majority (>80%) of type 2 diabetic subjects, there is an expanded fat cell mass, and the adipocytes are resistant to the antilipolytic effects of insulin. Most obese and diabetic individuals are characterized by expanded visceral adiposity, which is especially refractory to insulin effects and results in a high lipolytic rate. Not surprisingly, both type 2 diabetes and obesity are characterized by an elevation in the mean 24-hour plasma FFA concentration.

Elevated plasma FFA levels, as well as increased triglyceride/fatty acyl coenzyme A (CoA) content in muscle, liver, and β- cells, lead to the development of muscle/hepatic insulin resistance and impaired insulin secretion.

Cellular Mechanisms of Insulin Resistance:

“Weight gain leads to insulin resistance, and obese nondiabetic individuals have the same degree of insulin resistance as lean type 2 diabetic patients.57 In 1,146 nondiabetic, normotensive individuals, Ferrannini and associates showed a progressive loss of insulin sensitivity when the BMI increased from 18 kg/m2 to 38 kg/m2.58 The increase in insulin resistance with weight gain is directly related to the amount of visceral adipose tissue.59,60 The term visceral adipose tissue (VAT) refers to fat cells located within the abdominal cavity and includes omental, mesenteric, retroperitoneal, and perinephric adipose tissue. Visceral adipose tissue represents 20% of fat in men and 6% of fat in women. This fat tissue has been shown to have a higher rate of lipolysis than subcutaneous fat, resulting in an increase in FFA production.



These fatty acids are released into the portal circulation and drain into the liver, where they stimulate the production of very low density lipoproteins and decrease insulin sensitivity in peripheral tissues.59 VAT also produces a number of cytokines that cause insulin resistance. These factors drain into the portal circulation and reduce insulin sensitivity in peripheral tissues.61 The fat cell also has the capability of producing at least one hormone that improves insulin sensitivity: adiponectin. This factor is made in decreasing amounts as an individual becomes more obese.62,63 In animal models, adiponectin decreases hepatic glucose production and increases fatty acid oxidation in muscle.”64,65 SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS:

“The classical symptoms of diabetes are polyuria (frequent urination), polydipsia (increased thirst) and polyphagia (increased hunger).66 Symptoms may develop rapidly (weeks or months) in type 1 diabetes while in type 2 diabetes they usually develop much more slowly and may be subtle or absent.

Prolonged high blood glucose can cause glucose absorption in the lens of the eye, which leads to changes in its shape, resulting in vision changes. Blurred vision is a common complaint leading to a diabetes diagnosis; type 1 should always be suspected in cases of rapid vision change, whereas with type 2 changes is generally more gradual, but should still be suspected. A number of skin rashes can occur in diabetes that is collectively known as diabetic dermadromes.”




“All forms of diabetes increase the risk of long-term complications. These typically develop after many years (10–20 years), but may be the first symptom in those who have otherwise not received a diagnosis before that time. The major long-term complications relate to damage to blood vessels. Diabetes doubles the risk of cardiovascular disease.”67

The main "macrovascular" diseases (related to atherosclerosis of larger arteries) are ischemic heart disease (angina and myocardial infarction), stroke and peripheral vascular disease. “Diabetes also causes "microvascular"

complications - damage to the small blood vessels.68 Diabetic retinopathy, which affects blood vessel formation in the retina of the eye, can lead to visual symptoms, reduced vision, and potentially blindness. Diabetic nephropathy, the impact of diabetes on the kidneys, can lead to scarring changes in the kidney tissue, loss of small or progressively larger amounts of protein in the urine, and eventually chronic kidney disease requiring dialysis. Diabetic neuropathy is the impact of diabetes on the nervous system, most commonly causing numbness, tingling and pain in the feet and also increasing the risk of skin damage due to altered sensation. Together with vascular disease in the legs, neuropathy contributes to the risk of diabetes-related foot problems (such as diabetic foot ulcers) that can be difficult to treat and occasionally require amputation.”69


“The commonest of the systemic disease involving the kidney is diabetes mellitus. Since the advent of insulin therapy and improve survival of subjects



with diabetes nephropathy has proved to be an important consequence of mortality. Diabetic nephropathy plays a significant role as one cause of end stage renal failure in the western world.”

“Diabetic nephropathy is a clinical syndrome characterized by persistent albuminuria, arterial blood pressure elevation, a relentless decline in glomerular filtration rate (GFR), and an associated high risk of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality.70 This major life-threatening complication develops in approximately 35% of subjects with type 1 diabetes. The prevalence in type 2 diabetes is higher than type 1; this form of diabetes now contributes to at least 50% of those with diabetic nephropathy who develop end stage renal disease (ESRD) and requires dialysis or transplantation for survival.”71

Natural history of Diabetic Nephropathy:

“The natural history of diabetic nephropathy has been relatively well defined in type 1 diabetics. In type 2 diabetics, the process remains unclear with regard to the time of onset of disease or the presence of other factors such as hypertension, age or race. However, clinical investigators have been able to classify the development of ESRD based on the onset and duration of the disease.”

“The classifications of ESRD were introduced by Mogensen et al, (1993) and divided into five stages as described below. 72

 Stage 1, at the onset of the diabetes, there is glomerular hyperfiltration with hyperperfusion, renal hypertrophy and glomerular capillary



hypertension associated with high blood glucose concentrations. At this stage urinary albumin excretion may be normal or slightly elevated.

 Stage II is a silent phase that follows hyperfiltration and is associated with subtle morphological changes including thickening of the glomerular basement membrane (GBM), glomerular hypertrophy, mesangial expansion, and modest expansion of the tubulointerstitium.

 Stage III develops after 7-15 years, with diabetic patients or incipient nephropathy this can be detected clinically by the presence of microalbuminuria. Abnormal urinary albumin excretion cannot be detected by conventional or dipstick methods (semi-quantitative) but are measurable using sensitive techniques such as quantitative immunoassay.

 Stage IV is characterised by the presence of overt nephropathy, with dipstick-positive proteinuria. GFR falls steadily, by about 12ml/min. year, and clinically, measurement of plasma creatinine and microalbuminuria are used to monitor renal function and to indicate the decline of GFR.

Hypertension when present in patients at this stage is usually associated with the presence of >500 mg urinary total protein/24 h. However, histological glomerular lesions, found in most long-term diabetics with nephropathy, may include thickened glomerular capillaries, mesangial expansion, intercapillary nodules of glomerulosclerosis of the afferent and efferent arterioles and the presence of glomerular microanueurysms. The mesangial cells of one or more of the glomerular segments produce excessive amounts of a cellular matrix to form spherical nodules known



as Kimmelstiel-Wilson nodules. The development of oedema is one of the earliest clinical features of renal impairment, often associated with anaemia and a rather non-specific decline in general health.

 Stage V is end stage renal failure, with the presence of severe mesangial expansion, uraemia, hypertension, and serum creatinine concentration of more than 400 gmol/1.”



“The kidneys play a major role in the homeostatic mechanisms of the human body and reduced renal function strongly correlates with increasing patient’s morbidity and motility. The kidneys form a paired organ system, located in the retroperitoneal space, and demonstrate exquisite heterogeneity which consist of three main areas namely the cortex, the medulla and the inner medulla or papilla. The kidneys have both sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous supply whose function appears to be predominantly associated with vasomotor activity. Each kidney receives its blood supply from a single renal artery derived from the abdominal aorta, with the venous return along a renal vein that emerges into the vena cava. The renal artery divides into posterior and anterior elements, which then divide into interlobar, arcuate, interlobular, and ultimately into the afferent arterioles, which expand into the highly specialised capillary bed that form the glomerulus. These capillaries then rejoin to form the afferent arteriole, which then forms the capillary plexuses as well as the elongated vessels such as the vasa recta, which pass around the remaining parts



of the nephron, the proximal and distal tubules, the loop of Henle, and collecting duct, providing oxygen and nutrients and removing ions, molecules, and water which are reabsorbed by the nephron.”


“The functional unit of the kidney is the nephron and each kidney has been reported to contain between I and 1.5 million nephrons. There are at least three types of nephrons, which include the superficial, midcortical and juxtamedullary types. Each nephron consists of a glomerulus and Bowman's capsule, which is next to the proximal tubule (PT) and the following section is the loop of Henle, which leads into the renal medulla.”

At the junction of the inner and outer medulla, the loop becomes thicker before leading to the distal tubule (DT) and collecting tubule (CT). This section of the nephron then merges with those of other nephrons to form the renal pelvis and ultimately the ureter.


“The glomerulus consists of a turft of blood capillaries, which is in close contact with Bowmans's capsule. This close alliance enables the ultrafiltration of plasma through three layers of cells which together act as a selective permeable barrier. Glomerular structure and permeability are maintained by the glomerular mesangial cells, thereby altering the glomerular capillary surface area available for filtration. The glomerular basement membrane (GBM) is approximately 300 nm thick in adult humans and consists of three distinct electron-dense layers such as the lamina rara interna, the lamina densa, and the lamina rara externa. The



lamina densa consists of mainly type IV collagen embedded in a matrix of glucoprotein and proteoglycans. This forms the main size discriminant barrier to protein passage into the tubular lumen. The other two layers of the GBM are rich in negatively charged polyanionic glucoprotein such as heparin sulphate proteoglycans (HSP). The epithelial cells lining Bowmans's capsule are known as podocytes and have a large number of extensions or foot processes that are embedded in the GBM. The foot processes from adjacent podocytes are interdigitated to form filtration slits, which are covered by highly hydrated anionic mucopolysaccharide that is rich in sialic acid.”

“Consequently, the resulting structure is relatively impermeable to most proteins above 60 kD, but passage of proteins is also modulated by their charge and shape i.e. charge and size selectivity. The final cellular component of the glomerulus is the mesangial cells (MC), which are embedded in an extra cellular matrix (ECM) between the capillaries and play a critical role in the modulation of glomerular blood flow and filtration by contraction and relaxation. MC are of mesenchymal origin and contain contractile elements which express receptors to many different hormones and cytokines, including angiotensin II, insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), tumour necrosis factor, inteleukin-1, transforming growth factor beta (TGF-ß) and advanced glycation end products (AGES). The mesangial matrix, although developmentally and morphologically distinct from the GBM, is composed of essentially the same components, i. e. collagen type IV, laminin and HSP.”




“The proximal tubular region of the nephron consists of the proximal convoluted tubule, and a straight segment, also known as the pars recta. Three distinct cell types from the epithelial lining of these proximal structures and the S1, S2 and S3 regions are separated on the basis of their morphological and functional characteristics. The S1 segment, composed of S1-type cells, makes up the beginning and middle portion of the convoluted proximal tubule and are generally columnar with abundant microvilli on the luminal surface, thereby increasing the surface area for reabsorption from tubular fluid by 40 fold. A well developed phagolysosomal system, a large endocytotic apparatus of numerous apical vacuoles and numerous mitochondria are also present in this segment. The S2 segment forms the remaining portion of the proximal convoluted tubule and the initial portion of the straight segment. S2 cells have fewer microvilli and mitochondria than Si cells and they also contain the majority of the PT lysosomes. Finally, the remaining portion of the pars recta is the S3 segment which consists of the end of the straight portion and the beginning of the thin descending loop Henle. Cells in this region have few microvilli and mitochondria. The Si and S2 segments perform the majority of the solute and fluid reabsorption coupled largely to sodium reabsorption. Large basolateral membrane (BLM) interdigitations are found within the PT providing a large surface area for Na+/K+ transport, which maintains the osmotic gradients necessary for fluid reabsorption within the PT.”




“The loop of Henle is divided into the descending and ascending limbs.

These limbs form a hairpin loop, which either extend deeply into (juxtramedullary) or reach only just into the medulla (cortical). The terminal segment of the distal tubule is the convoluted part. Each segment of the loop of Henle and the subsequent distal section has different permeability properties, allowing the production of concentrated urine, as well as controlling intra and extracellular osmolality and pH. Part of the distal tubule is especially close to the glomerulus and the afferent and the efferent arterioles. Specialised cells, called the macula densa, which are in this area respond to the sodium and chloride composition of tubular fluid in order to maintain water and electrolyte homeostasis (i.e. tubuloglomerulo feed back).”


Glomerular filtration is a passive process dependent on the pressure within the glomerular capillary network which in turn depends on the surface area and intrinsic permeability of the glomerulus. The hydrostatic and oncotic pressure gradients across the capillary walls are determined by both flow and resistance. In the normally functioning kidney, molecules of > 50 A° are not filtered due to size, shape or charge, whilst molecules < 40 A° are freely permeable. These include glucose, amino acids, urea, Na+ and K+ ions. The filtrate entering the nephron is isotonic with, and of similar composition to, plasma except for the presence of large molecular weight proteins, which remain within the plasma.



Approximately 60-70% of the filtrate volume (water, sodium, and urea) is reabsorbed in the PT whilst some ions and molecules are actively secreted further down the nephron to maintain blood ionic concentration and volume. The sodium concentration in the PT cell effects levels of energy generation and Na+

ions enter passively down an electrical gradient (-70mV) and are then actively transported across the BLM via Na+-K+- ATPase and Na+-H+-ATPase activity which allows the reabsorption and secretion of other solutes such as Cl", K+, H+

ions, to balance the Na+ ion movement.


“According to the myogenic theory, increased tension of the afferent arterioles, brought about by an increase in perfusion pressure, causes automatic contraction of the smooth muscle fibres in the vessel wall, thereby increasing the resistance to flow and so keeping the flow constant in spite of the increase in perfusion pressure. Tubulo-glomerular feedback (TGF) mechanisms are also involved in supporting this process. TGF is a mechanism in which changes in DT fluid composition are detected by the macula densa and, as a consequence, alter the vascular elements of the glomeruli, thereby affecting single nephron GFR, RBF and GFR are also under hormonal and nervous control. An intact renin angiotensin aldosterone system (RAAS) is required for the normal regulation of GFR.”



Measurement of GFR

“GFR is considered to be the most reliable measure of the glomerular functional capacity of the kidneys and is often thought of as indicative of the number of functioning nephrons. An estimate of the GFR can be made by measuring the urinary excretion of a substance which is completely filtered from the blood by the glomeruli and which is not secreted, reabsorbed or metabolised by the renal tubules. Experimentally, inulin has been found to meet these requirements. However, measurement of creatinine clearance is commonly used method for estimation of the GFR in the routine clinical laboratory.”

U= urinary creatinine concentration (μmol/1), V= urine flow rate [ml/min or (1/24 h)/1.44m2)]

P= plasma creatinine concentration (µmol/1)

Structural and functional changes in diabetic kidney

Nephromegaly was first described in diabetes more than a century ago and is an early feature of both experimental and human diabetes.73 In animals, nephromegaly occurs within four days of diabetes onset and most type 1 diabetics have large kidneys at diagnosis. Consequently, this enlargement is mostly due to a combination of tubular hypertrophy and hyperplasia and interstitial expansion, and is probably a response to increased glucose and fluid filtration and their active reabsorption. Furthermore, glomeruli only account for



1% of total kidney volume, so their contribution to whole organ enlargement is significant.74

Glomerular enlargement has been a recognised feature of diabetes, and is present both in early and later stages of the disease.75 Early glomerular enlargement in experimental diabetes is the result of an increase in capillary filtration surface area caused by an increase in capillary length, or number, or both. In experimental diabetes, early glomerular enlargement coincides with increased glomerular filtration.76 This, so-called hyperfiltration has been proposed as an important pathophysiological factor for diabetic glomerulopathy.77 Glomerular enlargement has therefore been considered as a factor predisposing the subject to progression of glomerulopathy, perhaps by an increase in capillary wall radius in response to raised intraglomerular pressure, thus leading to increased capillary wall tension.74

Furthermore, the end result of diabetic glomerulopathy is a globally sclerosed, non-functioning glomerulus. Such glomeruli can appear either as relatively acellular, eosinophilic globes, which ultimately hyalinize and become reabsorbed or as collapsed structures with an irregular crenated basement membrane. The former appearance is consistent with an internal glomerular obliteration by mesangial expansion, the latter more with ischaemia. These interpretations are supported by reported positive correlations of percentage of globally sclerosed glomeruli with mesangial expansion and afferent arteriolar hyalinosis.78



GBM thickening can be demonstrated in most diabetic subjects, irrespective of the severity of their nephropathy, although those with heavier proteinuria tend to have thicker membranes. It is thus not as specific a sign of renal complication as the diffuse mesangial lesion, although those subjects with nephropathy tend to have thicker GBMs than age and diabetes duration matched subjects with normal renal function. Most of the increase in matrix is due to type IV collagen accumulation. There is, however, a net loss of proteoglycan, which is also dispersed throughout the thicker membranes. This loss is probably to result in a loss of negative electrostatic charge and thus permit the passage of positively charged proteins such as albumin.74

The Kimmelstiel-Wilson nodule is more specific for diabetic nephropathy but occurs in only 20-70% of diabetics who demonstrate the diffuse lesion. Furthermore, there are no obvious changes in endothelial or epithelial cells in glomerulopathy, except that there is a widening of podocyte foot processes. This development may be a ubiquitous response to increased protein passage across the GBM, as its observed in other proteinuric states.74

A tubulo-interstitium compartment is also a major feature of diabetic nephropathy and an important predictor of renal dysfunction. Renal enlargement in diabetic animals is due to an initial tubular cell hyperplasia and subsequently to cell hypertrophy. These changes are associated with alteration in expression of growth factors such as TGF-ß and can be prevented by appropriate insulin therapy. Tubular basement membrane (TBM) probably has a similar composition and structure to GBM but is almost twice as wide. However, the TBM structure



has still not been widely studied. Diabetics develop TBM thickening about two to three times the value observed in their non-diabetic siblings.79 Furthermore, macromolecular penetration of the interstitial space may activate fibrosis and would be further facilitated by disruption of the TBM. AGES also have been demonstrated to increase pore size in bovine TBM, which may also result in increased protein permeation.80

Clinical and biochemical aspects of diabetic nephropathy Diagnosis of diabetic nephropathy

“The diagnosis of diabetic nephropathy is only definitively made by renal biopsy, but this is rarely necessary clinically where the diagnosis is based on both the clinical and biochemical abnormalities demonstrated the kidney, such as the presence of proteinuria, development of a progressive rise in blood pressure, and a progressive and relentless decline in renal function towards end stage renal failure. Elevations of urinary albumin excretion are used to define both the diagnosis of diabetic nephropathy and it progression. An increase in albumin excretion is taken as the hallmark of diabetic nephropathy.”81


“Microalbuminuria is one of the earliest signs of renal insult in diabetes and is currently the main focus of attention, as it is also associated with increased risk of morbidity and premature death from cardiovascular disease.82 The presence of microproteinuria in general, or microalbuminuria in particular, reflects loss of charge selectivity and an increase in capillary permeability in the kidneys and other organs. Microalbuminuria is a predictor of chronic renal



failure (overt nephropathy) in diabetes mellitus; its presence here is termed incipient nephropathy.”

Microalbuminuria, defined as an increased urinary albumin excretion detectable only by sensitive immunoassay expressed either by time or with reference to creatinine concentration, has been used for many years as a predictor of incipient nephropathy in diabetics.81 The gold standard of microalbuminuria measurement is based on the excretion rate of albumin in a timed urine collection, while for more rapid estimations the urinary albumin concentration in an early morning mid stream specimen of urine may be used. In order to correct for variations in body fluid balance, the latter is normally referenced against the urinary creatinine concentration as the albumin: creatinine ratio (ACR) values.



Table: 1 Classification of Albuminuria:74


Microalbuminuri a

Macroalbuminuri a

Albumin excretion rate (mg/24h)

< 30 30-300 >300

Albumin excretion rate (μg/min)

< 20 20-200 >200

Albumin concentration (mg/L)

< 20 20-200 >200

ACR(mg/g creatinine) < 30 30-300 >300

ACR(mg/mmol creatinine)

<3.5 3.5-35 >35

“Microalbuminuria may initially be transient in nature, but may become persistent and result in the patient progressing to end stage renal failure if left untreated. Indeed, microalbuminuria may progress to ESRD in 7-10 years after onset of diabetes.83 In subjects with type 1 diabetes, about 80% of who develop persistent microalbuminuria if left untreated, develop overt nephropathy within 10-15 years, accompanied by hypertension. This may eventually lead to end stage renal failure within a further 10-20 years without appropriate therapeutic intervention.83 The higher proportion of individuals with type 2 diabetes who



develop microalbuminuria and overt nephropathy shortly after the diagnosis of diabetes is probably because diabetes has been present for many years before the diagnosis was made. However, overall 20-40% of type 2 diabetics with microalbuminuria progress to overt nephropathy which ultimately may lead to ESRD.”84


“The intimate relationship between low-level albumin excretion and vascular permeability makes UAE highly sensitivity to the presence of any inflammatory process, including cardiovascular disease.82 Almost all filtered albumin is reabsorbed by the proximal tubule via a high-affinity, low-capacity endocytotic mechanism. Since tubular mechanisms for albumin reabsorption are near saturation, urinary albumin excretion would increase following any increase in tubular load. Glomerular permeability to albumin is dependent on endothelial charge selectivity as well as size selectivity. The negative charge conferred on the glomerular membrane by its constituent glycoproteins plays a role in restricting the permeability of anionic proteins. Loss of glomerular charge selectivity has been found in both diabetic and non-diabetic subjects with microalbuminuria. However, the mechanisms underlying microalbuminuria still remain to be fully elucidated.”85


“Annual screening for microalbuminuria will allow the identification of those diabetics with either nephropathy or at risk of developing nephropathy. A routine urinalysis should be performed at diagnosis in subjects with type 2



diabetes. Conversely, microalbuminuria rarely occurs with short duration of type 1 diabetes or before puberty and therefore, screening should begin with puberty and after 5 years disease duration. If the urinalysis is positive for protein, a quantitative measure is frequently helpful in the development of a treatment regime.”

Screening for microalbuminuria can be performed by three methods: 1) measurement of the albumin to creatinine ratio in a random spot urine collection;

2) 24h collection with creatinine, allowing the simultaneous measurement of creatinine clearance; and 3) timed (e. g. 4h or overnight) collection.83

TREATMENT OF DIABETIC NEPHROPATHY Effective of glycemic control

The DCCT, the UKPDS, the Stockholm and Intervention Study have demonstrated definitively that intensive diabetes therapy can significantly reduce the risk of the development of microalbuminuria and overt nephropathy in subjects with diabetes. However, an improvement in renal function, which is already restricted, can be attained by limiting maintaining blood glucose concentrations close to reference values (mean HbA1c 6.5%) and intensified blood pressure treatment.

Control of blood pressure and antihypertensive agent

Both systolic and diastolic hypertension significantly accelerates the progression of diabetic nephropathy, and aggressive antihypertensive management is able to greatly decrease the rate of decline of GFR. According to guidelines in the sixth report of the Joint National Committee (JNC) on



Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure, blood pressure levels above 135/85 mm Hg in a diabetic is abnormal. Treatment should be directed at lowering the systolic level to about 100 to 110 mm Hg. The positive response to antihypertensive treatment coupled with the concept that often there is a progressive deterioration of renal function regardless of the underlying etiology gave rise to the idea that haemodynamic factors may be critical in furthering the depletion in GFR. In this hypothesis, damage to glomeruli causes changes in the microcirculation that result in hyperfiltration occurring in the remaining glomuruli with increased intraglomerular pressure and increased sensitivity to angiotension II; the single nephron hyperfiltration with intraglomerular hypertension is in itself damaging. Initially, Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) inhibitors can reduce the degree of microalbuminuria and can reduce the rate of progression of diabetic nephropathy to a greater degree in both type 1 and type 2 diabetics. 75,83

Protein Restriction

“Dietary protein restriction has been demonstrated to decrease albuminuria and reduce the rate of deterioration glomerular function in various renal diseases. Both animal and human studies have demonstrated that restriction of dietary protein intake also reduces diabetic intraglomerular pressure and retards the progression of renal disease and diabetic nephropathy. The consensus is to prescribe a protein intake of approximately the adult recommended dietary allowance (RDA) of 0.8 g/kg/day (approximately 10% of daily calories) in the subjects with overt nephropathy. However, it has been suggested that once the


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