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The nucleon as a soliton


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T h e n u c l e o n as a s o l i t o n


Physics Department, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY 13210, USA

Abstract. We review the Skyrme model which treats baryons as chiral solitons.

Keywords. Skyrmions; topological solitons; chiral model.

I. Introduction

QCD is currently believed to be the correct model to describe strong interactions at energy scales which are small compared to the grand unification scale. When the quarks are taken to be massless, OCt) exhibits a global symmetry under the chiral group G = SU(Ny)L x SU(N/)R where N/ is the number of flavours and SU(Ny)L.R act separately on the left and right quarks. There are good theoretical reasons to expect that this global group is spontaneously broken to the vector subgroup H = SU(N/). The symmetry breakdown G ---, H implies the existence of N~ - 1 Goldstone bosons which are identified with the pseudoscalar mesons n, K, tT... As is well known, at low energies, the interactions of these Goldstone modes can be described by a "nonlinear"

Lagrangian where the fields are valued in the coset space G/H.

The description of the interactions of pseudoscalar mesons in terms of such nonlinear Lagrangians substantially predate the formulation of QCD. Already in the early '60s, such Lagrangians were being studied in depth by G(irsey and others (Giirsey 1960, 1961; Nishijima 1959). At that time, in a remarkable series of papers Skyrme observed that such Lagrangians admit soliton solutions (Skyrme 1961, 1962, 1971). He proposed to interpret these solitons in terms of nucleon, delta, etc. Skyrme and Williams (Williams 1970) also gave general arguments to show that for two flavours, ifa suitable quantization scheme is adopted, the spin of these particles will emerge correctly as half odd integer.

The ideas of Skyrme and Williams were ignored by particle physicists until they were revived by Pak and Tze (1979) who studied the current algebraic and topological aspects of the chiral model in depth. In a subsequent paper, Gipson and Tze (Gipson and Tze 1981; Gipson 1984) also argued that the usual weak interaction model as well predicts "Skyrme" solitons with exotic properties.

The revival of interest in the proposals of Skyrme dates from these papers of Tze and coworkers and from the more recent work of the Syracuse-Austin group (Balachandran et al 1982, 1983) and Witten (1983). In this talk I will review the Skyrme model with emphasis on its structural aspects. During the last two years, the subject has shown a big growth. I am not in a position to review it exhaustively both for reasons of time and due to my limitations.



2. Chiral s y m m e t r i e s o f QCD

In the zero quark mass limit, the QCD Lagrangian density reads

-Yoct, = - FtL~D~qL~ -- ftR~)'~D~q~ + -YYM. (1)

Here ct is summed from 1 to N / w h e r e N / i s the number of flavours and -YrM is the gluon Lagrangian density. The Lagrangian density (1) exhibits symmetry under the chiral group G = S U ( N f ) z x SU(Ny)~ = {(L, R)} under which the left and right handed quarks transform as follows:

qL --* LqL, qR --* RqR.

The current belief is that G is spontaneously broken to the "vector" subgroup H = { (V, V)} which transforms the left and right quarks simultaneously:

qL-* VqL, qR ~ VqR.

As a consequence, there are N ~ - 1 Goldstone bosons which for N y = 3 can be identified with the pseudoscalar octet. The field U which describes these modes takes values in the group SU ( N z ) in view of the fact that the coset space G / H is topologically the same as SU(Nf). The chiral group G acts on U as follows:

U -~ L U R t.

The low energy interactions of the Goldstone modes are described by a chirally invariant Lagrangian density for U:

1 2 1

= - ~ f ~ T r ( c ~ , U t ~ , U ) + 3 ~ e 2 T r { [ c ~ , U U * , t3~UU*] 2 + . . .

= ~ o + L ~ s r + . • •

Here f~ - 67 MeV. The second term Z#sK plays an important role in the description of the soliton, as we shall see. The remaining terms . . . . which are in principle present in La, are ignored in most recent calculations. The energy integral for this Le is, for time- independent U,

l 2 ?

Thus the condition U ~ constant as Ix l --* oo ensures finiteness of energy. Without loss of generality, we may take this constant to be the unit matrix.

3. The soliton

Since U --, 1 as [x I --, ~ , we can take the physical space at constant time to be the three sphere S 3 instead of R 3. Also U has values in the group SU(Ny). Since n3 [SU(Ny)]

= Z for N f >/2, the model has an infinite number of solitonic sectors characterized by an integer valued winding number B. There is also an explicit formula for B:

i f

B = ~ eijk daxTr(c3iUU%~jUU%gkUUt).


The "charge" B arises from the current

Jr = ~ 1 e,-~r Tr (t~, U U) ~ U U) 0 r U U+)

which is conserved purely for algebraic reasons (without the necessity for the use of equations of motion):

~ J ~ -- 0.

The static solution for the B = 1 sector can be constructed using the ansatz

° l

Uc = cos 0 (r) + i~.~ sin 0 (r)

0 ' r---Ix[,

xi=X- r

0 0 1

Here, ~i are the Pauli matrices, they generate isospin rotations on the u and d quarks. Uc is "spherically symmetrical" under the combined spatial and isospin rotations:

Here Xi are the first three Gell-Mann matrices. The winding number B in terms of 0 is B = - [ 0 ( 0 ) - 0(00)]. 1

Thus we can achieve B = 1 with 0(0) = Ir and 0(00) = 0.

In these considerations, ~ s r stabilizes the soliton and prevents it from shrinking to zero size.

Skyrme and Williams also showed that the solitons for odd B can be quantized either as a boson or as a fermion when N : = 2.

The suggestion of Skyrme was that the low lying states in the B = 1 solitonic sector describe the nucleon and delta. He also proposed to identify J~ with the baryonic current of the soliton and B with the baryon number.

These suggestions of Skyrme raised the following two outstanding qualitative questions which were resolved only recently: (a)Why is Jr the baryonic current?

(b) Why should one quantize the odd B states as fermions?

3.1 Jr is the baryonic current

This result was demonstrated by the Syracuse-Austin group (Balachandran et al 1982, 1983) using some results of Goldstone and Wilczek (1981, see also Gipson 1984). The idea of the proof is simple. Let us couple U to a fermion field ~ = ( ~ ) [-where ~t is the flavour index] via the Lagrangian density

- ~ b - m [~L V~bR + h.c.].

Then according to the results of Goldstone and Wilczek, the ground state of the Dirac fermion (the "Dirac sea") gets polarised in the presence of U and carries a nonzero baryon current:


If ¢ is taken to be the quark or the nucleon, this formula shows that J~ becomes exactly equal to the baryon current of the Dirac sea, thereby showing the result we were after.

3.2 The B = 1 soliton is a fermian when N I >1 3

The proof of this remarkable result is due to Witten (1983). He recalled that for N I/> 3, the Lagrangian necessarily contains the so-called Wess-Zumino term (Wess and Zumino 1971, Hari Dass 1972). The necessity of this term can be inferred for example from the flavour anomalies of the theory when the flavour group is gauged. He then showed that in the presence of this term, the odd B solitonic sectors have to be quantised as fermions and the even B sectors as bosons.

Let me indicate a simplified explanation of these results based on the work of Witten and others (Balachandran et a11984; Guadagnini 1984; Jain and Wadia 1984; Mazur et al 1984; Ramdas 1983). The "spherically symmetric" ansatz introduced earlier is not invariant under the unbroken SU(NI) flavour group. The action of this group on the ansatz then gives rise to "collective coordinates". We now argue that the results of Witten can be understood in terms of the quantization of these coordinates.

The collective coordinates are introduced by setting U = A ( t ) U c A ( t ) - 1,

where A (t) eSU(NI) and Uc is the classical solution discussed earlier.

Now if h is an element of the SU(2) subgroup [with generators 2~] of SU(3), we have the formula

h 2i h - l = 2~ Rji (h),

where R(h)eSO(3). Thus under the transformation A --} Ah, U(x, t) --} U ( R ( h ) x , t). In other words, A ~ Ah, heSU(2) is the action of the spatial rotation group on A. Further, since U ~ sUs t when A ~ sA, the action of the flavour SU(Ny) on A is just A ---} sA.

Specialising to N s = 3, it may be shown that after the substitution U

= A ( t ) U c A ( t ) - 1 , the Wess-Zumino term reduces to iB

L w z = Trl~Tr(YA -1/l),

where Y is the hypercharge in the triplet representation:

,(1 ° 0)

Y = ~ I •

- 2

An easy calculation shows that under the hypercharge transformation on the right, A (t) ---} A (t) exp [iYO (t)],

L w z changes as follows:

L w z --" L w z + BO(t).

One can also show that none of the other terms in the Lagrangian is affected by this transformation. Therefore, if ~'is the hypercharge operator on the quantum states, by Noether's theorem,



on all allowed states.

The wavefunctions are superpositions of matrix elements of SU(3) representation matrices which fulfill the constraint on Y. For instance, the octet representation matrix gives wavefunctions of the form

D(S) U,h,~W,lLr = l) (A),

where the matrix is in the standard (I, 13, Y) diagonal basis. The constraint implies that the hypercharge in the column index is 1 since ~'acts on the right on A. In the octet, the states with Y = 1 are like K + and K ° and have I' = 1/2. Since spatial rotation acts on A by A ~ Ah, it follows that these wavefunctions have spin half. Since SU(3) acts on A on the left, these wavefunctions also describe an octet of baryons.

A similar calculation can be done for the decuplet where the wavefunctions are DClO) ~,l~.~,Ir.l~,r = 1) (A).

In the decuplet, Y' = 1 implies that I' = 3/2 so that these wavefunctions describe a decuplet of spin 3/2 states.

In the discussion of the equivalence of the sine-Gordon and Thirring models, we are familiar with the explicit construction of the Fermi fields from the Bose fields. A similar construction exists for the Skyrme model as well and has been carried out by Rajo~v (1983).

4. Phenomenology

This discussion will be very brief and will at best indicate the sort of research being done on the phenomenological implications of the Skyrme model.

The first important paper in this line of research is due to Adkins and coworkers (Adkins et al 1983; Adkins and Nappi 1984). They quantized the zero mode A(t) and obtained a variety of predictions for the nucleon and the delta. The agreement with experiments was in the 20-30 % range. Nappi and coworkers (Adkins and Nappi 1984;

Breit and Nappi 1984; Dey and Le Tourneux 1984; Hajduk and Schwesinger 1984;

Hayashi and Holzwarth 1984) and others have continued this line of study by introducing the co meson and the breathing modes into the problem.

Another line of research (Rho et al 1983; Jackson and Rho 1983; Jackson et al 1984;

Goldstone and Jaffe 1983; Biedenharn et a11984) attempts to introduce the quarks into the Skyrme model by imagining the quark bag to be a defect in the Skyrmion field configuration. The U field does not live inside the bag while the quarks are confined to the bag. On the surface of the bag, the quark field is subjected to a chirally invariant boundary condition (Chodos and Thorn 1975; Inoue and Maskawa 1975) which respects chiral symmetry. It has been shown that the defect does not spoil the interpretation of the topological charge as the baryonic charge, and that the baryonic charges from the inside and the outside of the bag always add up to the topological charge. In this description, as the radius of the bag goes to zero, we recover the pure Skyrme model while when it goes to infinity, we approach a pure bag description. The model appears to lead to very reasonable predictions.

An interesting variant of this idea is due to Nair and Rodgers (1985). As they discuss, there are good reasons to expect that a better description of the baryon might be as a quantum mechanical supcrposition of the states given by the Skyrme description and


the bag description. They show that such an approach leads to a good description of the properties of the baryon and to new predictions.

There has been a calculation of the Skyrme constant e from QCD by Bhattacharya and Rajeev (1983) and by Rubakov (1984) using different methods. Their calculations lead to a prediction for e and a reasonable soliton mass. Bhattacharya and Rajeev have also calculated physical parameters like the F/D ratio with respectable agreement with experiment. The F/D ratio has also been succesfully calculated by different methods by Sriram et al (1984).

The Syracuse-Austin group has also been involved in the study of the dibaryon states in the Skyrme model (Balachandran et a11984 and 1985). These come about as follows.

Recall that the definition of "spherical symmetry" in the standard Skyrme ansatz involves the isospin SU(2) group. Now, for three flavours, there is also the SO(3) group acting on u, d and s with generators Ai [At = 27, A2 = -)-5, A3 = )-2]. Thus we can construct ansatze with "spherical symmetry" based on this SO(3) subgroup of SU(3):

- i ( x x V), u + [A,, U] = 0.

The winding numbers for such U are constrained to be even numbers. In the B = 2 sector, the least massive state is an SU(3) singlet with zero spin and mass of the order of 2 GeV. There are also octet excitations with spins 1 and 2. They seem to correspond to the six quark "H" states studied by Jaffe (1977) and Aerts and Dover (1984) using the MIX bag model.

This concludes my brief survey of the applications of the Skyrme model. A number of interesting papers have not been reviewed (Bardakci 1983; Birze and Banerjee 1984;

Callan and Witten 1983; Gervais and Sakita 1984; Kahana et al 1984; Bander and Hayot 1984; Braaten and Ralston 1984). Note that the references are only meant to be indicative of the work being done and are not exhaustive.

5. Prognosis

Although the ideas of Skyrme on the description of baryons as solitons are over twenty years old, their novelty and elegance are being appreciated only during the last few years. Their implications in particle physics and elsewhere are yet to be fully understood. A satisfactory field theoretic implementation of these ideas which goes beyond the semiclassical approximation is also lacking. We may therefore expect vigorous research in this field during the next few years.


I have benefitted very much from discussions with the members of the Syracuse group in the preparation of this review. I thank Harald Gomm and Fedele Lizzi for suggestions on the manuscript. This work was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy under contract number DE-AC02-76ERO3533 and by the Centre for Theoretical Studies, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. I thank Professor K P Sinha and Professor N Mukunda for their warm hospitality at Bangalore.



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Bardakci K 1983 Berkeley preprint

Bhattacharya G and Rajeev S G 1983 Syracuse preprint Biedenharn L C, Dothan Y and Stern A 1984 Austin preprint Birze M and Banerjee M 1984 Phys. Lett. B136 284 Braaten E and Ralston J P 1984 Argonne preprint Breit J D and Nappi C R 1984 Princeton preprint Callan C G and Witten E 1983 Princeton preprint Chodos A and Thorn C B 1975 Phys. Rev. 12 2733 Gervais J L and Sakita B 1984 Phys. Rev. Lett. 52 87 Gervais J L and Sakita B 1984 Phys. Rev. D30 1795 Dey J and Le Tourneux 1984 Montreal preprint Gipson J M 1984 Nucl. Phys. B231 365

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Hajduk Ch and Schwesinger B 1984 Stony Brook preprint Hari Dass N D 1972 Phys. Rev. D5 1542

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