b-tricalcium phosphate
Hydroxyapatite, a biomaterial: Its chemical synthesis, charac- terization and study of biocompatibility prepared from shell of
garden snail,Helix aspersa 1031
Use of silane coupling agent for surface modification of zinc oxide as inorganic filler and preparation of poly(amide–
imide)/zinc oxide nanocomposite containing phenylalanine
moieties 333
Surface modified Al2O3in fluorinated polyimide/Al2O3nano- composites: Synthesis and characterization 925 g-ray dose
Lyoluminescence in Ce3+ activated (KNa)Br phosphor for
ionizing radiation dosimetry 453
30% bromine pretreated chitosan
Bromine pretreated chitosan for adsorption of lead (II) from
water 875
Aerosol assisted chemical vapour deposition of germanium thin films using organogermanium carboxylates as precursors
and formation of germania films 365
A.c. conductivity
Electrical and magnetic properties of (BiNa)1/2(FeV)1/2O3 47 Structural, optical, photoluminescence, dielectric and electrical studies of vacuum-evaporated CdTe thin films 169 Mixed mobile ion effect on a.c. conductivity of boroarsenate
glasses 383
Effect of T6 heat treatment on damping characteristics of
Al/RHA composites 989
Abietic acid
Anticorrosives, encapsulates, catalytic supports and other
novel nanostructured materials 1071
Absorption spectrum
Structural and spectral properties of 4-phenoxyphthalonitrile dye sensitizer for solar cell applications 265 Acetalization
Synthesis of novel carbon/silica composites based strong acid catalyst and its catalytic activities for acetalization 419 Acetaminophen
Preparation and electrochemical application of a new biosen- sor based on plant tissue/polypyrrole for determination of
acetaminophen 811
Acid blue 25
Application of polyaniline/manganese dioxide composites for degradation of acid blue 25 by hydrogen peroxide in aqueous
media 585
Acid corrosion inhibitors
Experimental and quantum chemical studies on corrosion inhibition performance of quinoline derivatives for MS in
1N HCl 459
Activation energy
Influence of polyols on properties of bio-based polyurethanes 243 Growth, characterization and transport properties of PbxZn1–xS
mixed crystals 623
Application of Kissinger analysis to glass transition and study of thermal degradation kinetics of phenolic–acrylic IPNs 657 Activation energy for mullitization of gel fibres obtained from
aluminum isopropoxide 833
Efficiency enhancement of dye-sensitized solar cells with addition of additives (single/binary) to ionic liquid electrolyte 1003 Adsorption
Removal of two ionic dyes from water by MgO-loaded porous carbons prepared through one-step process from poly(ethylene terephthalate)/magnesium carbonate mixtures 211 Electrochemical impedance study on corrosion of Al-pure in hydrochloric acid solution using Schiff bases 283 Bromine pretreated chitosan for adsorption of lead (II) from
water 875
Effects of nitrogen annealing on surface structure, silicide formation and magnetic properties of ultrathin films of Co on
Si(100) 13
Effect of lactic acid on nucleation morphology and surface roughness of electroless Ni–P deposition in nanoscale 561 Ag
Interface controlled growth of nanostructures in discontinuous Ag and Au thin films fabricated by ion beam sputter deposition for plasmonic applications 551 Al-pure
Electrochemical impedance study on corrosion of Al-pure in hydrochloric acid solution using Schiff bases 283 Al2O3nanoparticles
Surface modified Al2O3 in fluorinated polyimide/Al2O3
nanocomposites: Synthesis and characterization 925 Al4C3
Grain refinement of AZ31 magnesium alloy by electromag- netic stirring under effect of grain-refiner 651 Alcohols
Electrochemical oxidation of some basic alcohols on multi- walled carbon nanotube–platinum composites 545 Alkali treatment
Effect of soaking time and concentration of NaOH solution on mechanical properties of coir–polyester composites 567 Aluminum alloys
Effect of sintering temperature and heating mode on conso- lidation of Al–7Zn–2·5Mg–1Cu aluminum alloy 823 Amorphization
High resolution X-ray diffraction studies on unirradiated and irradiated strontium hexaferrite crystals 253 Amorphous hydrogenated carbon
Volume 35, January–December 2012
Characterization of amorphous hydrogenated carbon films depo- sited by MFPUMST at different ratios of mixed gases 1087 Amorphous material
Synthesis and properties of N,N,N¶-tris-(2-ethoxy-naphthale- nen-1-yl)–N, N, N¶triphenylbenzene 1, 3, 5-triamine for dye
sensitized solar cell 123
Effect of substrate type, dopant and thermal treatment on physicochemical properties of TiO2–SnO2sol–gel films 645 Annealing
Effect of annealing time on structural and magnetic properties of laser ablated oriented Fe3O4thin films deposited on Si(100) 501 Anode
Study of MEH–PPV/PCBM active layer morphology and its application for hybrid solar cell performance 277 Anomalous co-deposition
Influence of pH and bath composition on properties of Ni–Fe alloy films synthesized by electrodeposition 183 Anti-tumor activity
Anti-tumor activity of self-charged (Eu,Ca):WO3 and Eu:
CaWO4nanoparticles 767
Antimicrobial activity
An optical tweezer-based study of antimicrobial activity of
silver nanoparticles 529
High temperature C/C–SiC composite by liquid silicon
infiltration: a literature review 63
Theoretical study on effect of radial and axial deformation on electron transport properties in a semiconducting Si–C
nanotube 713
Aromatization reaction
Application of aromatization catalyst in synthesis of carbon
nanotubes 33
Artificial neural networks
Artificial neural networks for prediction of percentage of water absorption of geopolymers produced by waste ashes 1019 Atomic force microscopy (AFM)
Straightforward synthesis of hyperbranched polymer/graphene nanocomposites from graphite oxide viain situgrafting from
approach 795
Interface controlled growth of nanostructures in discontinuous Ag and Au thin films fabricated by ion beam sputter deposition for plasmonic applications 551 Au nanoparticles
Photoluminescence quenching of semiconducting polymer nanoparticles in presence of Au nanoparticles 719 Austenite
Modeling of austenite to ferrite transformation 395 Austenitic–martensitic phase transition
Phase transitions in coated nickel titanium arch wires: A differential scanning calorimetric and X-ray diffraction analysis 905 AZ31 magnesium alloy
Grain refinement of AZ31 magnesium alloy by electromag- netic stirring under effect of grain-refiner 651
Back illumination
Effect of TiO2nanotube length and lateral tubular spacing on photovoltaic properties of back illuminated dye sensitized
solar cell 489
Bacterial suspensions
An optical tweezer-based study of antimicrobial activity of
silver nanoparticles 529
Banana tissue
Preparation and electrochemical application of a new biosen- sor based on plant tissue/polypyrrole for determination of
acetaminophen 811
Basic red 18
Removal of two ionic dyes from water by MgO-loaded porous carbons prepared through one-step process from poly(ethylene terephthalate)/magnesium carbonate mixtures 211 Bauxite
Microstructure and properties of sintered mullite developed
from Indian bauxite 639
Effect of surface modification ofGrewia optivafibres on their physico-chemical and thermal properties 1099 BiFeO3
Synthesis of BiFeO3by carbonate precipitation 157 Bi–Ga alloys
Correlation between diffraction and viscosity data for Bi–Ga
molten alloys 83
Hydroxyapatite, a biomaterial: Its chemical synthesis, charac- terization and study of biocompatibility prepared from shell of
garden snail,Helix aspersa 1031
Amino acid-assisted synthesis of strontium hydroxyapatite bone cement by a soft solution freezing method 1195 Biomaterials
Synthesis, characterization and in vitro cytotoxicity assess- ment of hydroxyapatite from different bioresources for tissue
engineering application 683
Amino acid-assisted synthesis of strontium hydroxyapatite bone cement by a soft solution freezing method 1195 Biosynthesis
Biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles by marine bacterium,
Idiomarina sp. PR58-8 1201
Bone cement
Amino acid-assisted synthesis of strontium hydroxyapatite bone cement by a soft solution freezing method 1195 Boron nitride
Synthesis of boron nitride from boron containing poly(vinyl
alcohol) as ceramic precursor 99
Borosilicate glass
Mechanism for formation of NaBH4proposed as low-pressure process for storing hydrogen in borosilicate glass–sodium solid system: a hydrogen storage material 203 Brass
Influence of heat treatment on microstructure and passivity of Cu–30Zn–1Sn alloy in buffer solution containing chloride
ions 89
BT-549 cells
PLGA 50:50 nanoparticles of paclitaxel: Development, in vitro anti-tumor activity in BT-549 cells and in vivo
evaluation 319
C/C–SiC composite
High temperature C/C–SiC composite by liquid silicon
infiltration: a literature review 63
Purification of cadmium by selective volatilization in vacuum in presence of oxide phase on its melt 163 Calcination
Hydroxyapatite, a biomaterial: Its chemical synthesis, charac- terization and study of biocompatibility prepared from shell of
garden snail,Helix aspersa 1031
Comparison of galvanic displacement and electroless methods for deposition of gold nanoparticles on synthetic calcite 939 Carbon material
Removal of two ionic dyes from water by MgO-loaded porous carbons prepared through one-step process from poly(ethylene terephthalate)/magnesium carbonate mixtures 211 Carbon nanotube
Application of aromatization catalyst in synthesis of carbon
nanotubes 33
Effect of aligned carbon nanotubes on electrical conductivity
behaviour in polycarbonate matrix 305
Morphological and compositional engineering of Ni/carbon nanotube composite film via a novel cyclic voltammetric route 513 Carbon/silica composites based solid acid
Synthesis of novel carbon/silica composites based strong acid catalyst and its catalytic activities for acetalization 419 Carbonate precipitation technique
Synthesis of BiFeO3by carbonate precipitation 157 Carboxymethyl chitosan
Synthesis and characterization of carboxymethyl chitosan hydrogel: Application as site specific delivery for lercanidi-
pine hydrochloride 1133
Influence of polyols on properties of bio-based polyurethanes 243 Cathode
Study of MEH–PPV/PCBM active layer morphology and its application for hybrid solar cell performance 277 Cd:ZnO thin film
Preparation of cadmium-doped ZnO thin films by SILAR and
their characterization 751
Structural, optical, photoluminescence, dielectric and electri- cal studies of vacuum-evaporated CdTe thin films 169 Cellulose
Characterization of carboxy methylcellulose doped with DTAB as new types of biopolymer electrolytes 1123 Ceramics
Humidity sensing behaviour of polyaniline/magnesium chro-
mate (MgCrO4) composite 75
Preparation and electrochemical properties of SrCe0·4Zr0·4Yb0·2O2·9 electrolyte 957 Dielectric behaviour of sodium and potassium doped magne-
sium titanate 1165
Ceramic tiles
Effect of substitution of sand stone dust for quartz and clay in
triaxial porcelain composition 897
Thermodynamic aspects of nanostructured Ti5Si3 formation during mechanical alloying and its characterization 439
Charge density
Analysis on insulator–metal transition in yttrium doped LSMO from electron density distribution 107 Chemical methods
Chemically deposited TiO2/CdS bilayer system for photo-
electrochemical properties 1181
Chemical synthesis
Controlled synthesis and electrochemical properties of vana- dium oxides with different nanostructures 369 Dielectric properties of CaCu2·9Co0·1Ti4O12 and CaCu3Ti3·9Co0·1O12 ceramics synthesized by semi-wet
route 433
Solid state synthesis and photoluminescence of Sr3Y(PxV1–xO4)3:
Eu3+submicrocrystalline rod 617
Recent analytical applications of nanoparticle sensitized lucigenin and luminol chemiluminescent reactions 7 Chitosan
Response surface method applied to optimization of estradiol
permeation in chitosan membranes 481
Synthesis and characterization of carboxymethyl chitosan hydrogel: Application as site specific delivery for lercanidi-
pine hydrochloride 1133
A novel wound dressing material — fibrin–chitosan–sodium
alginate composite sheet 1157
Chloride attack
Influence of heat treatment on microstructure and passivity of Cu–30Zn–1Sn alloy in buffer solution containing chloride
ions 89
Chromium nitride
Influence of nitrogen flow rates on materials properties of CrNxfilms grown by reactive magnetron sputtering 505 Clear/translucent hybrid materials
Anticorrosives, encapsulates, catalytic supports and other
novel nanostructured materials 1071
Cloisite 20A
Polymer–clay nanocomposites via chemical grafting of poly-
acrylonitrile onto cloisite 20A 1063
High temperature C/C–SiC composite by liquid silicon
infiltration: a literature review 63
CMOS integrated circuits
Hybrid orientation technology and strain engineering for ultra-
high speed MOSFETs 859
Co-polyamide 66
Study on crystallization behaviour of co-polyamide 66 con-
taining triaryl phosphine oxide 233
A comprehensive study on influence of Nd3+substitution on
properties of LiMn2O4 471
Growth, characterization and transport properties of PbxZn1–xS
mixed crystals 623
Coated nickel titanium arch wire
Phase transitions in coated nickel titanium arch wires: A differential scanning calorimetric and X-ray diffraction analysis 905 Cobalt
Effects of nitrogen annealing on surface structure, silicide formation and magnetic properties of ultrathin films of Co on
Si(100) 13
Coir–polyester composite
Effect of soaking time and concentration of NaOH solution on mechanical properties of coir–polyester composites 567 Cold deformation
Effect of rolling deformation and solution treatment on microstructure and mechanical properties of a cast duplex
stainless steel 839
Enhanced physicochemical properties of collagen by using
EDC/NHS-crosslinking 913
Spherical and rod-like Gd2O3:Eu3+ nanophosphors—Structural
and luminescent properties 519
Combustion synthesis
Development, characterization, sintering, dielectric and opti- cal properties of NdBa2ZrO5I5nanocrystals 1039 Compatibility
Degradation and miscibility of poly(DL-lactic acid)/poly (glycolic acid) composite films: Effect of poly(DL-lactic-co-
glycolic acid) 575
Complex impedance spectroscopy
Electrical and magnetic properties of (BiNa)1/2(FeV)1/2O3
47 Complexing agent
Effect of lactic acid on nucleation morphology and surface roughness of electroless Ni–P deposition in nanoscale 561 Composite
Morphological and compositional engineering of Ni/carbon nanotube composite film via a novel cyclic voltammetric
route 513
Composite coatings
Synthesis and characterization of nickel/barium hexa-aluminate
composite coatings 977
Composite materials
CuO/TiO2 nanocrystals grown on graphene as visible-light responsive photocatalytic hybrid materials 495 Degradation and miscibility of poly(DL-lactic acid)/poly (glycolic acid) composite films: Effect of poly(DL-lactic-co-
glycolic acid) 575
Straightforward synthesis of hyperbranched polymer/graphene nanocomposites from graphite oxide viain situgrafting from
approach 795
Conducting polymer
Preparation, characterization and photocatalytic activity of TiO2/polyaniline core-shell nanocomposite 801 Conduction-cooled
Heat conduction and thermal stabilization in YBCO tape 449 Conduction mechanism
On conduction mechanism in paramagnetic phase of Gd based
manganites 41
Studies on biphenyl disulphonic acid doped polyanilines:
Synthesis, characterization and electrochemistry 405 Contact angle
Surface texture modification of spin-coated SiO2xerogel thin
films by TMCS silylation 151
Contrast ratio
Investigation of nonionic diazo dye-doped polymer dispersed
liquid crystal film 221
Controlled free radical polymerization
Controlled radical polymerization of vinyl acetate in presence
of mesoporous silica supported TiCl4 heterogeneous catalyst 867 Copper compounds
Structural and optical properties of Zn doped CuInS2 thin
films 947
Core-shell nanocomposite
Preparation, characterization and photocatalytic activity of TiO2/polyaniline core-shell nanocomposite 801 Corrosion
Influence of heat treatment on microstructure and passivity of Cu–30Zn–1Sn alloy in buffer solution containing chloride
ions 89
Electrochemical impedance study on the corrosion of Al-pure in hydrochloric acid solution using Schiff bases 283 Anticorrosives, encapsulates, catalytic supports and other
novel nanostructured materials 1071
Coupling agent
Use of silane coupling agent for surface modification of zinc oxide as inorganic filler and preparation of poly(amide–
imide)/zinc oxide nanocomposite containing phenylalanine
moieties 333
Co–Zn–P coating
Electroless plating and magnetic properties of Co–Zn–P
coating on short carbon fibres 1093
Cr coating
Structure and morphology studies of chromium film at elevated temperature in hypersonic environment 341 Cr oxidation
Structure and morphology studies of chromium film at elevated temperature in hypersonic environment 341 Crosslinking
Enhanced physicochemical properties of collagen by using
EDC/NHS-crosslinking 913
Crystal structure
Growth, characterization and transport properties of PbxZn1–xS
mixed crystals 623
Controlled radical polymerization of vinyl acetate in pre- sence of mesoporous silica supported TiCl4 heterogeneous
catalyst 867
Crystallinity index
Effect of surface modification ofGrewia optivafibres on their physico-chemical and thermal properties 1099 Crystallization
Property change during nanosecond pulse laser annealing of
amorphous NiTi thin film 357
Growth, spectral, structural and mechanical properties of struvite crystal grown in presence of sodium fluoride 701 Crystallization behaviour
Study on crystallization behaviour of co-polyamide 66 con-
taining triaryl phosphine oxide 233
Crystallization kinetics
Role of MgF2on properties of glass–ceramics 853 Cu electroless deposition
Pd grating obtained by direct micromolding for use in high resolution optical diffraction based sensing 773 CuInS2
Structural and optical properties of Zn doped CuInS2 thin
films 947
Cycle life
A comprehensive study on influence of Nd3+substitution on
properties of LiMn2O4 471
Cyclic voltammetry
Morphological and compositional engineering of Ni/carbon nanotube composite film via a novel cyclic voltammetric
route 513
Optical, electrochemical and morphological investigations of poly (3,4-propylenedioxythiophene)–sultone (PProDOT–S)
thin films 611
Cyclohexane oxidation
RuO2 supported on V2O5–Al2O3 material as heterogeneous catalyst for cyclohexane oxidation reaction 673 Cyclohexene
Synthesis of vanadium oxides 5 wt%VO2–MxOy by sol–gel process and application in cyclohexene epoxidation 1187 Cytotoxicity
Synthesis, characterization and in vitro cytotoxicity assess- ment of hydroxyapatite from different bioresources for tissue
engineering application 683
Damping property
Damping properties of epoxy-based composite embedded with sol–gel-derived Pb(Zr0·53Ti0·47)O3 thin film with different
thicknesses 353
Structural and optical characterization of thick and thin polycrystalline diamond films deposited by microwave plasma
activated CVD 1
High resolution X-ray diffraction studies on unirradiated and irradiated strontium hexaferrite crystals 253 Theoretical study on effect of radial and axial deformation on electron transport properties in a semiconducting Si–C
nanotube 713
Theoretical study on effect of radial and axial deformation on electron transport properties in a semiconducting Si–C
nanotube 713
Degenerate four wave mixing
Large resonant third-order optical nonlinearity of thin film containing J-like aggregates of a bis[4-(N-dibutylamino)
phenyl]squarylium dye 1111
Application of polyaniline/manganese dioxide composites for degradation of acid blue 25 by hydrogen peroxide in aqueous
media 585
Enhanced physicochemical properties of collagen by using
EDC/NHS-crosslinking 913
Effect of sintering temperature and heating mode on consoli- dation of Al–7Zn–2·5Mg–1Cu aluminum alloy 823 Density functional theory
Structural and spectral properties of 4-phenoxyphthalonitrile dye sensitizer for solar cell applications 265 Detection methods
Recent analytical applications of nanoparticle sensitized lucigenin and luminol chemiluminescent reactions 7 Dezincification
Influence of heat treatment on microstructure and passivity of Cu–30Zn–1Sn alloy in buffer solution containing chloride
ions 89
A theoretical study on interaction of proline with gold
cluster 291
Experimental and quantum chemical studies on corrosion inhibition performance of quinoline derivatives for MS in
1N HCl 459
Diamond film
Structural and optical characterization of thick and thin polycrystalline diamond films deposited by microwave plasma
activated CVD 1
Diamond like carbon (DLC)
Influence of bowl shaped substrate holder on growth of polymeric DLC film in a microwave plasma CVD reactor 1117 Dichroic dye
Investigation of nonionic diazo dye-doped polymer dispersed
liquid crystal film 221
Diffuse phase transition, piezoelectric and optical study of
Bi0·5Na0·5TiO3ceramic 197
Behaviour of LaAlO3+LnTiTaO6 (Ln = Ce, Pr or Nd)
dielectric ceramic mixtures 781
Dielectric constant
Dielectric behaviour of sodium and potassium doped magne-
sium titanate 1165
Dielectric loss
Dielectric behaviour of sodium and potassium doped magne-
sium titanate 1165
Dielectric properties
Effect of fluxing additive on sintering temperature, micro- structure and properties of BaTiO3 387 Dielectric properties of CaCu2·9Co0·1Ti4O12 and CaCu3Ti3·9Co0·1O12 ceramics synthesized by semi-wet route 433 Development, characterization, sintering, dielectric and opti- cal properties of NdBa2ZrO5·5nanocrystals 1039 Dielectric relaxation
Dielectric properties and structural dynamics of melt com- pounded hot-pressed poly(ethylene oxide)–organophilic mont- morillonite clay nanocomposite films 19 Differential scanning calorimetry
Application of Kissinger analysis to glass transition and study of thermal degradation kinetics of phenolic–acrylic
IPNs 657
Phase transitions in coated nickel titanium arch wires: A differential scanning calorimetric and X-ray diffraction
analysis 905
Diffraction efficiency
Pd grating obtained by direct micromolding for use in high resolution optical diffraction based sensing 773 Diffuse phase transition
Diffuse phase transition, piezoelectric and optical study of
Bi0·5Na0·5TiO3ceramic 197
Dip coating method
Influence of pH on ZnO nanocrystalline thin films prepared by
sol–gel dip coating method 327
Discontinuous thin films
Interface controlled growth of nanostructures in discontinuous Ag and Au thin films fabricated by ion beam sputter deposition for plasmonic applications 551 DMA
Effect of T6 heat treatment on damping characteristics of
Al/RHA composites 989
Structural and optical properties of Zn doped CuInS2 thin
films 947
Double Gaussian distribution
Barrier characteristics of Pt/Ru Schottky contacts onn-type GaN based onI–V–TandC–V–Tmeasurements 53 Drag reduction
Structure and morphology studies of chromium film at elevated temperature in hypersonic environment 341 Droplet morphology
Investigation of nonionic diazo dye-doped polymer dispersed
liquid crystal film 221
Dry heat
Response surface method applied to optimization of estradiol
permeation in chitosan membranes 481
Synthesis and luminescence properties of BaTiO3:RE (RE = Gd3+, Dy3+, Tb3+, Lu3+) phosphors 1011 Duplex stainless steel
Effect of rolling deformation and solution treatment on microstructure and mechanical properties of a cast duplex
stainless steel 839
Dye-sensitized solar cell
Effect of TiO2nanotube length and lateral tubular spacing on photovoltaic properties of back illuminated dye sensitized
solar cell 489
Efficiency enhancement of dye-sensitized solar cells with addition of additives (single/binary) to ionic liquid electrolyte 1003 Dye sensitizer
Structural and spectral properties of 4-phenoxyphthalonitrile dye sensitizer for solar cell applications 265 Dynamic mechanical properties
Effect of surface modification and hybridization on dyna- mic mechanical properties of Roystonea regia/glass–epoxy
composites 1143
Growth, spectral, structural and mechanical properties of struvite crystal grown in presence of sodium fluoride 701 Efficiency
Efficiency enhancement of dye-sensitized solar cells with addition of additives (single/binary) to ionic liquid electrolyte 1003 Elastic properties
High-pressure physical properties of magnesium silicate post- perovskite fromab initiocalculations 665 Electrical conductivity
Dielectric properties and structural dynamics of melt com- pounded hot-pressed poly(ethylene oxide)–organophilic mont- morillonite clay nanocomposite films 19 Synthesis and characterization of NiPcTSTNa(L) thin films 759 Electrical transport and EPR investigations: A comparative study for d.c. conduction mechanism in monovalent and multivalent ions doped polyaniline 787 Electrical effect
Effect of aligned carbon nanotubes on electrical conductivity
behaviour in polycarbonate matrix 305
Electrical properties
Electrical properties of SrxBa1–xFe0·6Sn0·4O3–eNTC thermistors 425 Mechanical and electrical performance of Roystonea regia/
glass fibre reinforced epoxy hybrid composites 595 Comparative studies of spray pyrolysis deposited copper sulfide nanostructural thin films on glass and FTO coated glass 739
Influence of different heat treatment programs on properties of sol–gel synthesized (Na0·5K0·5)NbO3(KNN) thin films 745 Characterization of carboxy methylcellulose doped with DTAB as new types of biopolymer electrolytes 1123 Electrochemical
Studies on biphenyl disulphonic acid doped polyanilines:
Synthesis, characterization and electrochemistry 405 Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy
Experimental and quantum chemical studies on corrosion inhibition performance of quinoline derivatives for MS in 1N
HCl 459
Electrochemical impedance study on corrosion of Al-pure in hydrochloric acid solution using Schiff bases 283 Electrochemical oxidation
Electrochemical oxidation of some basic alcohols on multi- walled carbon nanotube–platinum composites 545 Electrochemical property
Controlled synthesis and electrochemical properties of vana- dium oxides with different nanostructures 369 Electrochromic materials (EC)
Optical, electrochemical and morphological investigations of poly (3,4-propylenedioxythiophene)–sultone (PProDOT–S)
thin films 611
Influence of pH and bath composition on properties of Ni–Fe alloy films synthesized by electrodeposition 183 Morphological and compositional engineering of Ni/carbon nanotube composite film via a novel cyclic voltammetric
route 513
Effect of lactic acid on nucleation morphology and surface roughness of electroless Ni–P deposition in nanoscale 561 Electroless deposition
Comparison of galvanic displacement and electroless methods for deposition of gold nanoparticles on synthetic calcite 939 Electroless plating
Electroless plating and magnetic properties of Co–Zn–P
coating on short carbon fibres 1093
Efficiency enhancement of dye-sensitized solar cells with addition of additives (single/binary) to ionic liquid electrolyte 1003 Electromotive force
Preparation and electrochemical properties of SrCe0·4Zr0·4Yb0·2O2·9electrolyte 957 Electronic materials
Effect of fluxing additive on sintering temperature, micro- structure and properties of BaTiO3 387 Electronic structure
Structural and spectral properties of 4-phenoxyphthalonitrile dye sensitizer for solar cell applications 265 Electron microscopy
Fabrication of nano-sized solid solution of Zn1–xMnxO (x = 0·05, 0·10, 0·15) in reverse microemulsions: Structural
characterization and properties 377
CuO/TiO2 nanocrystals grown on graphene as visible-light responsive photocatalytic hybrid materials 495 Straightforward synthesis of hyperbranched polymer/graphene nanocomposites from graphite oxide viain situgrafting from
approach 795
Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR)
Electrical transport and EPR investigations: A comparative study for d.c. conduction mechanism in monovalent and multivalent ions doped polyaniline 787
Energy bandgap
Development, characterization, sintering, dielectric and opti- cal properties of NdBa2ZrO5·5nanocrystals 1039 Environmental pollutant
Effect of substitution of sand stone dust for quartz and clay in
triaxial porcelain composition 897
Mechanical and electrical performance of Roystonea regia/
glass fibre reinforced epoxy hybrid composites 595 Effect of surface modification and hybridization on dyna- mic mechanical properties of Roystonea regia/glass–epoxy
composites 1143
Epoxy-based composite
Damping properties of epoxy-based composite embedded with sol–gel-derived Pb(Zr0·53Ti0·47)O3 thin film with different
thicknesses 353
Epoxy resin
Development and characterization of new phosphorus based flame retardant tetraglycidyl epoxy nanocomposites for
aerospace application 129
Synthesis of vanadium oxides 5 wt%VO2–MxOy by sol–gel process and application in cyclohexene epoxidation 1187 Extended X-ray absorption fine structure
EXAFS investigations on PbMoO4 single crystals grown
under different conditions 103
Fct Fe–Pt alloy nanoparticles
Chemically ordered face-centred tetragonal Fe–Pt nanopar-
ticles embedded SiO2films 1079
Fe–P alloys
Development of P/M Fe–P soft magnetic materials 191 Fe3O4thin film
Effect of annealing time on structural and magnetic proper- ties of laser ablated oriented Fe3O4 thin films deposited on
Si(100) 501
Fe–Ni film
Influence of pH and bath composition on properties of Ni–Fe alloy films synthesized by electrodeposition 183 Ferrite
Modeling of austenite to ferrite transformation 395 Ferroelectric
Influence of different heat treatment programs on properties of sol–gel synthesized (Na0·5K0·5)NbO3(KNN) thin films 745 Density variation and piezoelectric properties of Ba(Ti1–xSnx)O3 ceramics prepared from nanocrystalline powders 847 Fibres
Activation energy for mullitization of gel fibres obtained from
aluminum isopropoxide 833
A novel wound dressing material — fibrin–chitosan–sodium
alginate composite sheet 1157
Film–substrate interface
Interface controlled growth of nanostructures in discontinuous Ag and Au thin films fabricated by ion beam sputter deposition for plasmonic applications 551 Film thickness
Damping properties of epoxy-based composite embedded with sol–gel-derived Pb(Zr0·53Ti0·47)O3 thin film with different
thicknesses 353
Finite element analysis
Characterization of piezoelectric polymer composites for
MEMS devices 579
Flame retardancy
Development and characterization of new phosphorus based flame retardant tetraglycidyl epoxy nanocomposites for
aerospace application 129
Flame retardant
Ultrasound assisted synthesis of PMMA/clay nanocompo- sites: Study of oxygen permeation and flame retardant
properties 27
Floating zone technique
Crystal growth and magnetic property of YFeO3crystal 259 Flow injection analysis
Recent analytical applications of nanoparticle sensitized lucigenin and luminol chemiluminescent reactions 7 Flow ratio
Effect of nitrogen flow ratio on structure and properties of zirconium nitride films on Si(100) prepared by ion beam
sputtering 885
Synthesis, characterization and photocatalytic reactions of
phosphate mesoporous titania 889
Incorporation of fluorophosphate into zinc–aluminium–nitrate layered double hydroxide by ion exchange 693 Fly ash
Artificial neural networks for prediction of percentage of water absorption of geopolymers produced by waste ashes 1019 Fouling
Structure-performance-fouling studies of polysulfone micro-
filtration hollow fibre membranes 817
Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy
Characterization of carboxy methylcellulose doped with DTAB as new types of biopolymer electrolytes 1123 Fracture toughness
Analysis of hardness of nanocrystalline coatings of aluminum-
rich Ti1–xAlxN 733
Fragmentation paths
First principles results of structural and electronic properties
of ZnS clusters 1055
Freeman–Carroll method
Application of Kissinger analysis to glass transition and study of thermal degradation kinetics of phenolic–acrylic
IPNs 657
Freezing synthesis
Amino acid-assisted synthesis of strontium hydroxyapatite bone cement by a soft solution freezing method 1195 Freundlich
Bromine pretreated chitosan for adsorption of lead (II) from
water 875
Growth, spectral, structural and mechanical properties of struvite crystal grown in presence of sodium fluoride 701 Effect of pMDI isocyanate additive on mechanical and thermal properties of Kenaf fibre reinforced thermoplastic
polyurethane composites 1151
Fuel cells
Preparation and electrochemical properties of SrCe0·4Zr0·4Yb0·2O2·9 electrolyte 957
Galvanic displacement reaction
Comparison of galvanic displacement and electroless methods for deposition of gold nanoparticles on synthetic calcite 939 Geophysical minerals
Analysis of volume expansion data for periclase, lime, corundum and spinel at high temperatures 631 Geopolymer
Artificial neural networks for prediction of percentage of water absorption of geopolymers produced by waste ashes 1019 Germanium thin films
Aerosol assisted chemical vapour deposition of germanium thin films using organogermanium carboxylates as precursors
and formation of germania films 365
Effect of surface modification and hybridization on dyna- mic mechanical properties of Roystonea regia/glass–epoxy
composites 1143
Glass ceramics
Role of MgF2on properties of glass–ceramics 853 Glass fibre
Mechanical and electrical performance of Roystonea regia/
glass fibre reinforced epoxy hybrid composites 595 Glass transition temperature
Mixed mobile ion effect on a.c. conductivity of boroarsenate
glasses 383
Mixed mobile ion effect on a.c. conductivity of boroarsenate
glasses 383
Glow discharge mass spectrometry
Purification of cadmium by selective volatilization in vacuum in presence of oxide phase on its melt 163 Gold nanoparticles
A theoretical study on interaction of proline with gold
cluster 291
Comparison of galvanic displacement and electroless methods for deposition of gold nanoparticles on synthetic calcite 939 Graft copolymerization
Convenient synthetic method of starch/lactic acid graft copolymer catalyzed with sodium hydroxide 415 Grafting
Polymer–clay nanocomposites via chemical grafting of poly-
acrylonitrile onto cloisite 20A 1063
Polymer–clay nanocomposites via chemical grafting of poly-
acrylonitrile onto cloisite 20A 1063
Grain refinement
Grain refinement of AZ31 magnesium alloy by electromag- netic stirring under effect of grain-refiner 651 Green chemistry
Synthesis of novel carbon/silica composites based strong acid catalyst and its catalytic activities for acetalization 419 Grewia optiva
Effect of surface modification ofGrewia optivafibres on their physico-chemical and thermal properties 1099 Growth
Growth, characterization and transport properties of PbxZn1–xS
mixed crystals 623
Hard coatings
Analysis of hardness of nanocrystalline coatings of aluminum-
rich Ti1–xAlxN 733
Analysis of hardness of nanocrystalline coatings of aluminum-
rich Ti1–xAlxN 733
Percolation based enhancement in effective thermal conduc-
tivity of HDPE/LBSMO composites 601
Heat dissipation
A comparative study on heat dissipation, morphological and magnetic properties of hyperthermia suitable nanoparticles prepared by co-precipitation and hydrothermal methods 1047 Heat treatment effect
Influence of heat treatment on microstructure and passivity of Cu–30Zn–1Sn alloy in buffer solution containing chloride
ions 89
Heterogeneous catalyst
Controlled radical polymerization of vinyl acetate in pre- sence of mesoporous silica supported TiCl4 heterogeneous
catalyst 867
High-temperature and short-time annealing
Phase relation of LaFe11· 6Si1· 4 compounds annealed at different high-temperature and magnetic property of
LaFe11·6–xCoxSi1·4compounds 175
High energy ball mill
Density variation and piezoelectric properties of Ba(Ti1–xSnx)O3
ceramics prepared from nanocrystalline powders 847 High purity
Purification of cadmium by selective volatilization in vacuum in presence of oxide phase on its melt 163 Hole transport material
Synthesis and properties of N,N,N¶-tris-(2-ethoxy-naphthale- nen-1-yl)–N, N, N¶triphenylbenzene 1, 3, 5-triamine for dye
sensitized solar cell 123
First principles results of structural and electronic properties
of ZnS clusters 1055
Hot-powder forging
Development of P/M Fe–P soft magnetic materials 191 Hot rolling
Effect of rolling deformation and solution treatment on microstructure and mechanical properties of a cast duplex
stainless steel 839
Hot spot
Heat conduction and thermal stabilization in YBCO tape 449 Humidity
ZnO–TiO2 nanocomposite: Characterization and moisture
sensing studies 347
Humidity sensor
Humidity sensing behaviour of polyaniline/magnesium chro-
mate (MgCrO4) composite 75
Study of MEH–PPV/PCBM active layer morphology and its application for hybrid solar cell performance 277 Hybrid composites
Mechanical and electrical performance of Roystonea regia/
glass fibre reinforced epoxy hybrid composites 595 Hybrid orientation technology
Hybrid orientation technology and strain engineering for ultra-
high speed MOSFETs 859
Effect of surface modification and hybridization on dynamic mechanical properties of Roystonea regia/glass–epoxy
composites 1143
Synthesis and characterization of carboxymethyl chitosan hydrogel: Application as site specific delivery for lercanidi-
pine hydrochloride 1133
Hydrogen peroxide
Application of polyaniline/manganese dioxide composites for degradation of acid blue 25 by hydrogen peroxide in aqueous
media 585
Surface texture modification of spin-coated SiO2xerogel thin
films by TMCS silylation 151
Spherical and rod-like Gd2O3:Eu3+ nanophosphors—Structural
and luminescent properties 519
Synthesis, characterization and in vitro cytotoxicity assess- ment of hydroxyapatite from different bioresources for tissue
engineering application 683
Hydroxyapatite, a biomaterial: Its chemical synthesis, charac- terization and study of biocompatibility prepared from shell of
garden snail,Helix aspersa 1031
A comparative study on heat dissipation, morphological and magnetic properties of hyperthermia suitable nano- particles prepared by co-precipitation and hydrothermal
methods 1047
Phase relation of LaFe11· 6Si1· 4 compounds annealed at different high-temperature and the magnetic property of
LaFe11·6–xCoxSi1· 4compounds 175
Hysteresis loops
A comparative study on heat dissipation, morphological and magnetic properties of hyperthermia suitable nanoparticles prepared by co-precipitation and hydrothermal method 1047
Impedance spectroscopy
Dielectric properties and structural dynamics of melt com- pounded hot-pressed poly(ethylene oxide)–organophilic mont- morillonite clay nanocomposite films 19 Impedance studies
Studies on electrical conductivity and dielectric behaviour of PVdF–HFP–PMMA–NaI polymer blend electrolyte 969 Impregnation
RuO2 supported on V2O5–Al2O3 material as heterogeneous catalyst for cyclohexane oxidation reaction 673 Indium tin oxide (ITO)
Study of MEH–PPV/PCBM active layer morphology and its application for hybrid solar cell performance 277 Inhibitor
Electrochemical impedance study on corrosion of Al-pure in hydrochloric acid solution using Schiff bases 283 Inhomogeneous barrier heights
Barrier characteristics of Pt/Ru Schottky contacts onn-type GaN based onI–V–TandC–V–Tmeasurements 53
In situpolymerization
Surface modified Al2O3in fluorinated polyimide/Al2O3nano- composites: Synthesis and characterization 925 Insulator–metal transition
Analysis on insulator–metal transition in yttrium doped LSMO from electron density distribution 107 Interaction energy
A theoretical study on interaction of proline with gold
cluster 291
Incorporation of fluorophosphate into zinc–aluminium–nitrate layered double hydroxide by ion exchange 693 Intermetallic compound
Effect of nano-CeO2 on microstructure properties of TiC/
TiN+nTi(CN) reinforced composite coating 399 Thermodynamic aspects of nanostructured Ti5Si3 formation during mechanical alloying and its characterization 439 Interpenetrating network
Application of Kissinger analysis to glass transition and study of thermal degradation kinetics of phenolic–acrylic IPNs 657 Ion exchange
Incorporation of fluorophosphate into zinc–aluminium–nitrate layered double hydroxide by ion exchange 693 Ion beam sputter deposition
Interface controlled growth of nanostructures in discontinuous Ag and Au thin films fabricated by ion beam sputter deposition for plasmonic applications 551 Ion beam sputtering
Effect of nitrogen flow ratio on structure and properties of zirconium nitride films on Si(100) prepared by ion beam
sputtering 885
Ion bombardment
Self-heating effect induced by ion bombardment on polycrys- talline Al surface nanostructures evolution 313 Ion irradiation
High resolution X-ray diffraction studies on unirradiated and irradiated strontium hexaferrite crystals 253 Ionic conduction
Preparation and electrochemical properties of SrCe0·4Zr0·4Yb0·2O2·9 electrolyte 957 Ionic liquid
Efficiency enhancement of dye-sensitized solar cells with addition of additives (single/binary) to ionic liquid electrolyte 1003 Iron oxide
Effect of annealing time on structural and magnetic pro- perties of laser ablated oriented Fe3O4 thin films deposited
on Si(100) 501
Isophorone diisocyanate
Influence of polyols on properties of bio-based polyure-
thanes 243
J-like aggregates
Large resonant third-order optical nonlinearity of thin film contain- ing J-like aggregates of abis[4-(N-dibutylamino)phenyl]squarylium
dye 1111
Kenaf fibres
Effect of pMDI isocyanate additive on mechanical and thermal properties of Kenaf fibre reinforced thermoplastic
polyurethane composites 1151
Modeling of austenite to ferrite transformation 395 Kissinger equation
Application of Kissinger analysis to glass transition and study of thermal degradation kinetics of phenolic–acrylic IPNs 657 (KNa)Br
Lyoluminescence in Ce3+ activated (KNa)Br phosphor for
ionizing radiation dosimetry 453
Lactic acid
Convenient synthetic method of starch/lactic acid graft copolymer catalyzed with sodium hydroxide 415 LaFe11·6Si1·4compound
Phase relation of LaFe11·6Si1·4 compounds annealed at different high-temperature and the magnetic property of
LaFe11·6–xCoxSi1·4compounds 175
Bromine pretreated chitosan for adsorption of lead (II) from
water 875
Large magnetocaloric effect
Phase relation of LaFe11· 6Si1· 4 compounds annealed at different high-temperature and the magnetic property of
LaFe11·6–xCoxSi1·4compounds 175
Laser ablation
Preparation and characterization of silver nanoparticles in natural polymers using laser ablation 727 Laser cladding
Effect of nano-CeO2on microstructure properties of TiC/TiN+
nTi(CN) reinforced composite coating 399 Layer–by–layer
Nanostructured coatings for super hydrophobic textiles 933 Layered double hydroxide
Incorporation of fluorophosphate into zinc–aluminium–nitrate layered double hydroxide by ion exchange 693 Lead
Bromine pretreated chitosan for adsorption of lead (II) from
water 875
Influence of different heat treatment programs on properties of sol–gel synthesized (Na0·5K0·5)NbO3 (KNN) thin films 745 Lead molybdate
EXAFS investigations on PbMoO4 single crystals grown
under different conditions 103
Lercanidipine hydrochloride
Synthesis and characterization of carboxymethyl chitosan hydrogel: Application as site specific delivery for lercanidi-
pine hydrochloride 1133
Limiting oxygen index
Development and characterization of new phosphorus based flame retardant tetraglycidyl epoxy nanocomposites for
aerospace application 129
Linear and nonlinear refractive index
Optical and thermal characteristics of glasses based on
TeO2 961
A comprehensive study on influence of Nd3+substitution on
properties of LiMn2O4 471
Surface texture modification of spin-coated SiO2xerogel thin
films by TMCS silylation 151
Low-frequency electromagnetic field
Grain refinement of AZ31 magnesium alloy by electromag- netic stirring under effect of grain-refiner 651 LSMO
Analysis on insulator–metal transition in yttrium doped LSMO from electron density distribution 107 Lucigenin
Recent analytical applications of nanoparticle sensitized lucigenin and luminol chemiluminescent reactions 7 Luminescence
Synthesis and luminescence properties of Eu2+-activated Ca4Mg5(PO4)6for blue-emitting phosphor 119 Solid state synthesis and photoluminescence of Sr3Y(PxV1–xO4)3:
Eu3+submicrocrystalline rod 617
Synthesis and luminescence properties of BaTiO3:RE (RE = Gd3+, Dy3+, Tb3+, Lu3+) phosphors 1011 Lyoluminescence
Lyoluminescence in Ce3+ activated (KNa)Br phosphor for
ionizing radiation dosimetry 453
Role of MgF2on properties of glass–ceramics 853 Magnesium chromate
Humidity sensing behaviour of polyaniline/magnesium chro-
mate (MgCrO4) composite 75
Magnesium oxide
Removal of two ionic dyes from water by MgO-loaded porous carbons prepared through one-step process from poly(ethylene terephthalate)/magnesium carbonate mixtures 211 Magnetic effect
Effect of aligned carbon nanotubes on electrical conductivity
behaviour in polycarbonate matrix 305
Magnetic nanoparticles
A comparative study on heat dissipation, morphological and magnetic properties of hyperthermia suitable nanoparticles prepared by co-precipitation and hydrothermal methods 1047 Magnetic properties
Development of P/M Fe–P soft magnetic materials 191 Electroless plating and magnetic properties of Co–Zn–P
coating on short carbon fibres 1093
Magnetic property
Influence of pH and bath composition on properties of Ni–Fe alloy films synthesized by electrodeposition 183 Crystal growth and magnetic property of YFeO3crystal 259 Magneto dielectric effect
Magneto-dielectric effect in Pb(Zr0·52Ti0·48)O3 filled nano- porous Ni0·5Zn0·5Fe2O4composite 919 Magnetron sputtering
Influence of nitrogen flow rates on materials properties of CrNxfilms grown by reactive magnetron sputtering 505 Manganite
On conduction mechanism in paramagnetic phase of Gd based
manganites 41
Biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles by marine bacterium,
Idiomarina sp. PR58-8 1201
Mass transport
Response surface method applied to optimization of estradiol
permeation in chitosan membranes 481
Materials for storage of hydrogen
Mechanism for formation of NaBH4proposed as low-pressure process for storing hydrogen in borosilicate glass–sodium solid system: a hydrogen storage material 203
Mechanical properties
Effect of soaking time and concentration of NaOH solution on mechanical properties of coir–polyester composites 567 Mechanical and electrical performance of Roystonea regia/
glass fibre reinforced epoxy hybrid composites 595 Straightforward synthesis of hyperbranched polymer/graphene nanocomposites from graphite oxide viain situgrafting from
approach 795
Characterization of amorphous hydrogenated carbon films deposited by MFPUMST at different ratios of mixed
gases 1087
Mechanism of formation
Mechanism for formation of NaBH4proposed as low-pressure process for storing hydrogen in borosilicate glass–sodium solid system: a hydrogen storage material 203 Melts
Correlation between diffraction and viscosity data for Bi–Ga
molten alloys 83
Analysis on insulator–metal transition in yttrium doped LSMO from electron density distribution 107 Membranes
Response surface method applied to optimization of estradiol
permeation in chitosan membranes 481
Characterization of piezoelectric polymer composites for
MEMS devices 579
Mesoporous silica
Controlled radical polymerization of vinyl acetate in pre- sence of mesoporous silica supported TiCl4 heterogeneous
catalyst 867
Metal nanoparticles
Effects of particle size and surrounding media on optical radiation efficiencies of spherical plasmonic metal nano-
particles 143
High-pressure physical properties of magnesium silicate post- perovskite fromab initiocalculations 665 Microfiltration
Structure-performance-fouling studies of polysulfone micro-
filtration hollow fibre membranes 817
Growth, spectral, structural and mechanical properties of struvite crystal grown in presence of sodium fluoride 701 Micromolding technique
Pd grating obtained by direct micromolding for use in high resolution optical diffraction based sensing 773 Microstructure
Effect of fluxing additive on sintering temperature, micro- structure and properties of BaTiO3 387 Effect of nano-CeO2on microstructure properties of TiC/TiN+nTi
(CN) reinforced composite coating 399
CuO/TiO2 nanocrystals grown on graphene as visible-light responsive photocatalytic hybrid materials 495 Degradation and miscibility of poly(DL-lactic acid)/
poly(glycolic acid) composite films: Effect of poly(DL-lactic-
co-glycolic acid) 575
Behaviour of LaAlO3+LnTiTaO6 (Ln = Ce, Pr or Nd)
dielectric ceramic mixtures 781
Effect of rolling deformation and solution treatment on microstructure and mechanical properties of a cast duplex
stainless steel 839
Enhanced physicochemical properties of collagen by using
EDC/NHS-crosslinking 913
Synthesis and characterization of nickel/barium hexa-alumi-
nate composite coatings 977
Behaviour of LaAlO3+LnTiTaO6 (Ln = Ce, Pr or Nd)
dielectric ceramic mixtures 781
Microwave plasma CVD
Influence of bowl shaped substrate holder on growth of polymeric DLC film in a microwave plasma CVD reactor 1117 Microwave radiation
Effect of surface modification ofGrewia optivafibres on their physico-chemical and thermal properties 1099 Microwave sintering
Effect of sintering temperature and heating mode on conso- lidation of Al–7Zn–2·5Mg–1Cu aluminum alloy 823 Middle frequency pulsed unbalanced magnetron sputtering technique
Characterization of amorphous hydrogenated carbon films deposited by MFPUMST at different ratios of mixed
gases 1087
Miedema model
Thermodynamic aspects of nanostructured Ti5Si3 formation during mechanical alloying and its characterization 439 Milling
Effect of starting composition on formation of MoSi2–SiC nanocomposite powder via ball milling 533 Mixed mobile ion effect
Mixed mobile ion effect on a.c. conductivity of boroarsenate
glasses 383
Behaviour of LaAlO3+LnTiTaO6 (Ln = Ce, Pr or Nd)
dielectric ceramic mixtures 781
Hybrid orientation technology and strain engineering for ultra-
high speed MOSFETs 859
Modeling of austenite to ferrite transformation 395 Modified novolac resin
Anticorrosives, encapsulates, catalytic supports and other
novel nanostructured materials 1071
Improvement in tensile properties of PVC–montmorillonite nanocomposites through controlled uniaxial stretching 539 Morphology
Self-heating effect induced by ion bombardment on polycrys- talline Al surface nanostructures evolution 313 Effect of lactic acid on nucleation morphology and surface roughness of electroless Ni–P deposition in nanoscale 561 MoSi2–SiC
Effect of starting composition on formation of MoSi2–SiC nanocomposite powder via ball milling 533 MS
Experimental and quantum chemical studies on corrosion inhibition performance of quinoline derivatives for MS in
1N HCl 459
Microstructure and properties of sintered mullite developed
from Indian bauxite 639
Activation energy for mullitization of gel fibres obtained from
aluminum isopropoxide 833
Multiwalled carbon nanotubes
Electrochemical oxidation of some basic alcohols on multi- walled carbon nanotube–platinum composites 545 MWNTs
A novel multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWNT)-based nano-
composite for PEFC electrodes 297
N-type GaN
Barrier characteristics of Pt/Ru Schottky contacts onn-type GaN based onI–V–TandC–V–Tmeasurements 53 Nanoclay
Nanostructured coatings for super hydrophobic textiles 933 Nanocomposite
Ultrasound assisted synthesis of PMMA/clay nanocomposites:
Study of oxygen permeation and flame retardant properties 27 A novel multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWNT)-based nano-
composite for PEFC electrodes 297
Effect of aligned carbon nanotubes on electrical conductivity
behaviour in polycarbonate matrix 305
Use of silane coupling agent for surface modification of zinc oxide as inorganic filler and preparation of poly(amide–
imide)/zinc oxide nanocomposite containing phenylalanine
moieties 333
Effect of starting composition on formation of MoSi2–SiC nanocomposite powder via ball milling 533 Nanocomposite coating
Nanostructured coatings for super hydrophobic textiles 933 Nanocomposite films
Chemically ordered face-centred tetragonal Fe–Pt nanopar-
ticles embedded SiO2films 1079
Improvement in tensile properties of PVC–montmorillonite nanocomposites through controlled uniaxial stretching 539 Magneto-dielectric effect in Pb(Zr0·52Ti0·48)O3 filled nano- porous Ni0·5Zn0·5Fe2O4composite 919 Polymer–clay nanocomposites via chemical grafting of poly-
acrylonitrile onto cloisite 20A 1063
Nanocrystalline powder
Density variation and piezoelectric properties of Ba(Ti1–xSnx)O3
ceramics prepared from nanocrystalline powders 847 Nanofluid
Enhanced thermal conductivity of nano-SiC dispersed water
based nanofluid 707
Enhanced thermal conductivity of nano-SiC dispersed water
based nanofluid 707
Anti-tumor activity of self-charged (Eu, Ca):WO3 and Eu:
CaWO4nanoparticles 767
Development, characterization, sintering, dielectric and opti- cal properties of NdBa2ZrO5·5nanocrystals 1039 Biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles by marine bacterium,
Idiomarina sp. PR58-8 1201
Effect of lactic acid on nucleation morphology and surface roughness of electroless Ni–P deposition in nanoscale 561 Nanosilica
Nanostructured coatings for super hydrophobic textiles 933 Nanostructured materials
Controlled synthesis and electrochemical properties of vana- dium oxides with different nanostructures 369 Thermodynamic aspects of nanostructured Ti5Si3 formation during mechanical alloying and its characterization 439
Comparative studies of spray pyrolysis deposited copper sulfide nanostructural thin films on glass and FTO coated
glass 739
Straightforward synthesis of hyperbranched polymer/graphene nanocomposites from graphite oxide viain situgrafting from
approach 795
Effect of TiO2nanotube length and lateral tubular spacing on photovoltaic properties of back illuminated dye sensitized
solar cell 489
Theoretical study on effect of radial and axial deformation on electron transport properties in a semiconducting Si–C
nanotube 713
Natural fibre composites
Effect of pMDI isocyanate additive on mechanical and thermal properties of Kenaf fibre reinforced thermoplastic
polyurethane composites 1151
A theoretical study on interaction of proline with gold
cluster 291
Magneto-dielectric effect in Pb(Zr0·52Ti0·48)O3 filled nano- porous Ni0·5Zn0·5Fe2O4composite 919 Nickel
Application of aromatization catalyst in synthesis of carbon
nanotubes 33
Morphological and compositional engineering of Ni/carbon nanotube composite film via a novel cyclic voltammetric
route 513
Property change during nanosecond pulse laser annealing of
amorphous NiTi thin film 357
Nitrogen annealing
Effects of nitrogen annealing on surface structure, silicide formation and magnetic properties of ultrathin films of Co on
Si(100) 13
NTC thermistors
Electrical properties of SrxBa1–xFe0·6Sn0·4O3–eNTC thermistors 425 Nucleation mechanism
Study on crystallization behaviour of co-polyamide 66 con-
taining triaryl phosphine oxide 233
Spherical and rod-like Gd2O3:Eu3+nanophosphors—Structural
and luminescent properties 519
Behaviour of LaAlO3+LnTiTaO6 (Ln = Ce, Pr or Nd)
dielectric ceramic mixtures 781
Optical absorption
Synthesis and characterization of NiPcTSTNa(L) thin
films 759
Optical bandgap
Preparation of cadmium-doped ZnO thin films by SILAR and
their characterization 751
Optical constants
Structural and optical properties of Zn doped CuInS2 thin
films 947
Optical diffraction
Pd grating obtained by direct micromolding for use in high resolution optical diffraction based sensing 773
Optical materials and properties
Synthesis and luminescence properties of Eu2+-activated Ca4Mg5(PO4)6for blue-emitting phosphor 119 Optical properties
Structural and optical characterization of thick and thin polycrystalline diamond films deposited by microwave plasma
activated CVD 1
Structural, optical, photoluminescence, dielectric and electri- cal studies of vacuum-evaporated CdTe thin films 169 Comparative studies of spray pyrolysis deposited copper sulfide nanostructural thin films on glass and FTO coated
glass 739
Structural and optical properties of Zn doped CuInS2 thin
films 947
Optical radiation efficiency
Effects of particle size and surrounding media on op- tical radiation efficiencies of spherical plasmonic metal
nanoparticles 143
Optical study
Diffuse phase transition, piezoelectric and optical study of
Bi0·5Na0·5TiO3ceramic 197
Optical tweezer
An optical tweezer-based study of antimicrobial activity of
silver nanoparticles 529
Order parameter
Investigation of nonionic diazo dye-doped polymer dispersed
liquid crystal film 221
Aerosol assisted chemical vapour deposition of germanium thin films using organogermanium carboxylates as precursors
and formation of germania films 365
Organophilic clay
Polymer–clay nanocomposites via chemical grafting of poly-
acrylonitrile onto cloisite 20A 1063
Synthesis and luminescence properties of Eu2+-activated Ca4Mg5(PO4)6for blue-emitting phosphor 119 Oxide glasses
Optical and thermal characteristics of glasses based on
TeO2 961
Oxide layer
Purification of cadmium by selective volatilization in vacuum in presence of oxide phase on its melt 163 Oxides
Dielectric properties of CaCu2·9Co0·1Ti4O12 and CaCu3Ti3·9Co0·1O12 ceramics synthesized by semi-wet
route 433
Oxygen permeability
Ultrasound assisted synthesis of PMMA/clay nanocomposites:
Study of oxygen permeation and flame retardant properties 27 Ozawa method
A comprehensive study on influence of Nd3+substitution on
properties of LiMn2O4 471
PLGA 50:50 nanoparticles of paclitaxel: Development, in vitro anti-tumor activity in BT-549 cells and in vivo
evaluation 319
Pavement block
Effect of substitution of sand stone dust for quartz and clay in
triaxial porcelain composition 897
Magneto-dielectric effect in Pb(Zr0·52Ti0·48)O3 filled nano- porous Ni0·5Zn0·5Fe2O4composite 919 Pb(Zr0·53Ti0·47)O3thin film
Damping properties of epoxy-based composite embedded with sol–gel-derived Pb(Zr0·53Ti0·47)O3 thin film with different
thicknesses 353
PbxZn1–xS mixed crystals
Growth, characterization and transport properties of PbxZn1–xS
mixed crystals 623
Pd grating
Pd grating obtained by direct micromolding for use in high resolution optical diffraction based sensing 773 PEC performance
Chemically deposited TiO2/CdS bilayer system for photo-
electrochemical properties 1181
A novel multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWNT)-based nano-
composite for PEFC electrodes 297
PEO–OMMT nanocomposites
Dielectric properties and structural dynamics of melt com- pounded hot-pressed poly(ethylene oxide)–organophilic mont- morillonite clay nanocomposite films 19 Percentage of water absorption
Artificial neural networks for prediction of percentage of water absorption of geopolymers produced by waste
ashes 1019
Percolation model
Percolation based enhancement in effective thermal conduc-
tivity of HDPE/LBSMO composites 601
Structure-performance-fouling studies of polysulfone micro-
filtration hollow fibre membranes 817
Influence of different heat treatment programs on properties of sol–gel synthesized (Na0·5K0·5)NbO3(KNN) thin films 745 Perovskite oxide phosphors
Synthesis and luminescence properties of BaTiO3:RE (RE = Gd3+, Dy3+, Tb3+, Lu3+) phosphors 1011 Perovskites
Development, characterization, sintering, dielectric and opti- cal properties of NdBa2ZrO5·5nanocrystals 1039 PET
Removal of two ionic dyes from water by MgO-loaded porous carbons prepared through one-step process from poly(ethylene terephthalate)/magnesium carbonate mixtures 211 Pharmacokinetics
PLGA 50:50 nanoparticles of paclitaxel: Development, in vitro anti-tumor activity in BT-549 cells and in vivo
evaluation 319
Phase transformation
Modeling of austenite to ferrite transformation 395 Phlogopite
Role of MgF2on properties of glass–ceramics 853 Phosphated titania
Synthesis, characterization and photocatalytic reactions of
phosphate mesoporous titania 889
Synthesis and luminescence properties of Eu2+-activated Ca4Mg5(PO4)6for blue-emitting phosphor 119