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Finite State Automata


Academic year: 2022

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CS 208: Automata Theory and Logic

Lecture 2: Finite State Automata Ashutosh Trivedi


start B


∀x(La(x)→ ∃y.(x<y)Lb(y))




Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay.


Ashutosh Trivedi – 2 of 20

Computation With Finitely Many States



Machines and their Mathematical Abstractions

Finite instruction machine with finite memory(Finite State Automata)


start C

no coin coin

ready dispense not ready

Finite instruction machine with unbounded memory(Turing machine)

. . . b

⊥ . . . $







Ashutosh Trivedi – 4 of 20

Finite State Automata

start S C

no coin coin

ready dispense not ready

– Introduced first by two neuro-psychologistsWarren S. McCulloughandWalter Pittsin 1943 as a model for human brain!

– Finite automata can naturally model

microprocessorsand evensoftware programs working on variables with bounded domain – Capture so-calledregularsets of sequences that

occur in many different fields (logic, algebra, regEx) – Nice theoretical properties

– Applications in digital circuit/protocol verification, compilers, pattern recognition, etc.


Calculemus! — Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz

Let us observe our mental process while we compute the following: – Recognize a string of aneven length.

– Recognize a binary string of aneven number of 0’s. – Recognize a binary string of anodd number of 0’s. – Recognize a string thatcontains your roll number. – Recognize a binary (decimal) string that is amultiple of 2. – Recognize a binary (decimal) string that is amultiple of 3. – Recognize a string withwell-matched parenthesis. – Recognize a#separated string of the formw#w. – Recognize a string witha prime numberof 1’s


Ashutosh Trivedi – 5 of 20

Calculemus! — Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz

Let us observe our mental process while we compute the following:

– Recognize a string of aneven length.

– Recognize a binary string of aneven number of 0’s. – Recognize a binary string of anodd number of 0’s. – Recognize a string thatcontains your roll number. – Recognize a binary (decimal) string that is amultiple of 2. – Recognize a binary (decimal) string that is amultiple of 3. – Recognize a string withwell-matched parenthesis. – Recognize a#separated string of the formw#w. – Recognize a string witha prime numberof 1’s


Calculemus! — Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz

Let us observe our mental process while we compute the following:

– Recognize a string of aneven length.

– Recognize a binary string of aneven number of 0’s.

– Recognize a binary string of anodd number of 0’s. – Recognize a string thatcontains your roll number. – Recognize a binary (decimal) string that is amultiple of 2. – Recognize a binary (decimal) string that is amultiple of 3. – Recognize a string withwell-matched parenthesis. – Recognize a#separated string of the formw#w. – Recognize a string witha prime numberof 1’s


Ashutosh Trivedi – 5 of 20

Calculemus! — Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz

Let us observe our mental process while we compute the following:

– Recognize a string of aneven length.

– Recognize a binary string of aneven number of 0’s.

– Recognize a binary string of anodd number of 0’s.

– Recognize a string thatcontains your roll number. – Recognize a binary (decimal) string that is amultiple of 2. – Recognize a binary (decimal) string that is amultiple of 3. – Recognize a string withwell-matched parenthesis. – Recognize a#separated string of the formw#w. – Recognize a string witha prime numberof 1’s


Calculemus! — Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz

Let us observe our mental process while we compute the following:

– Recognize a string of aneven length.

– Recognize a binary string of aneven number of 0’s.

– Recognize a binary string of anodd number of 0’s.

– Recognize a string thatcontains your roll number.

– Recognize a binary (decimal) string that is amultiple of 2. – Recognize a binary (decimal) string that is amultiple of 3. – Recognize a string withwell-matched parenthesis. – Recognize a#separated string of the formw#w. – Recognize a string witha prime numberof 1’s


Ashutosh Trivedi – 5 of 20

Calculemus! — Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz

Let us observe our mental process while we compute the following:

– Recognize a string of aneven length.

– Recognize a binary string of aneven number of 0’s.

– Recognize a binary string of anodd number of 0’s.

– Recognize a string thatcontains your roll number.

– Recognize a binary (decimal) string that is amultiple of 2.

– Recognize a binary (decimal) string that is amultiple of 3. – Recognize a string withwell-matched parenthesis. – Recognize a#separated string of the formw#w. – Recognize a string witha prime numberof 1’s


Calculemus! — Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz

Let us observe our mental process while we compute the following:

– Recognize a string of aneven length.

– Recognize a binary string of aneven number of 0’s.

– Recognize a binary string of anodd number of 0’s.

– Recognize a string thatcontains your roll number.

– Recognize a binary (decimal) string that is amultiple of 2.

– Recognize a binary (decimal) string that is amultiple of 3.

– Recognize a string withwell-matched parenthesis. – Recognize a#separated string of the formw#w. – Recognize a string witha prime numberof 1’s


Ashutosh Trivedi – 5 of 20

Calculemus! — Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz

Let us observe our mental process while we compute the following:

– Recognize a string of aneven length.

– Recognize a binary string of aneven number of 0’s.

– Recognize a binary string of anodd number of 0’s.

– Recognize a string thatcontains your roll number.

– Recognize a binary (decimal) string that is amultiple of 2.

– Recognize a binary (decimal) string that is amultiple of 3.

– Recognize a string withwell-matched parenthesis.

– Recognize a#separated string of the formw#w. – Recognize a string witha prime numberof 1’s


Calculemus! — Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz

Let us observe our mental process while we compute the following:

– Recognize a string of aneven length.

– Recognize a binary string of aneven number of 0’s.

– Recognize a binary string of anodd number of 0’s.

– Recognize a string thatcontains your roll number.

– Recognize a binary (decimal) string that is amultiple of 2.

– Recognize a binary (decimal) string that is amultiple of 3.

– Recognize a string withwell-matched parenthesis.

– Recognize a#separated string of the formw#w.

– Recognize a string witha prime numberof 1’s


Ashutosh Trivedi – 5 of 20

Calculemus! — Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz

Let us observe our mental process while we compute the following:

– Recognize a string of aneven length.

– Recognize a binary string of aneven number of 0’s.

– Recognize a binary string of anodd number of 0’s.

– Recognize a string thatcontains your roll number.

– Recognize a binary (decimal) string that is amultiple of 2.

– Recognize a binary (decimal) string that is amultiple of 3.

– Recognize a string withwell-matched parenthesis.

– Recognize a#separated string of the formw#w.

– Recognize a string witha prime numberof 1’s


Finite State Automata

Automaton acceptingstrings of even length:

start E O



Automaton acceptingstrings with an even number of 1’s:


start O

0 1

1 0

Automaton acceptingeven strings (multiple of 2):


start O

0 1

0 1


Ashutosh Trivedi – 7 of 20

Finite State Automata


start O



Afinite state automatonis atuple(S,Σ, δ,s0,F), where:

– Sis afinite setcalled thestates;

– Σis afinite setcalled thealphabet;

– δ:S×Σ→Sis thetransition function;

– s0∈Sis thestart state; and – F⊆Sis the set ofaccept states.

Example: The automaton in the figure above can be represented as (S,Σ, δ,s0,F)whereS={E,O},Σ ={0,1},s0=E,F={E}, and transition functionδis such that

– δ(E,0) =O,δ(E,1) =0, andδ(O,0) =E,δ(O,1) =E.


Finite State Automata


start O



Afinite state automatonis atuple(S,Σ, δ,s0,F), where:

– Sis afinite setcalled thestates;

– Σis afinite setcalled thealphabet;

– δ:S×Σ→Sis thetransition function;

– s0∈Sis thestart state; and – F⊆Sis the set ofaccept states.

Example: The automaton in the figure above can be represented as (S,Σ, δ,s0,F)whereS={E,O},Σ ={0,1},s0=E,F={E}, and transition functionδis such that

– δ(E,0) =O,δ(E,1) =0, andδ(O,0) =E,δ(O,1) =E.


Ashutosh Trivedi – 8 of 20

State Diagram

Let’s draw the state diagram of the following automaton(S,Σ, δ,s1,F): – S={s1,s2,s3}

– Σ ={0,1},

– δis given in a tabular form below:

S 0 1

s1 s1 s2

s2 s3 s2

s3 s2 s2

– s1is the initial state, and – F={s2}.

What does it accept?


State Diagram

Let’s draw the state diagram of the following automaton(S,Σ, δ,s1,F): – S={s1,s2,s3}

– Σ ={0,1},

– δis given in a tabular form below:

S 0 1

s1 s1 s2

s2 s3 s2

s3 s2 s2

– s1is the initial state, and – F={s2}.

What does it accept?


Ashutosh Trivedi – 9 of 20

Semantics of the finite state automata

Afinite state automaton(DFA) is atuple(S,Σ, δ,s0,F), where:

– Sis afinite setcalled thestates;

– Σis afinite setcalled thealphabet;

– δ:S×Σ→Sis thetransition function;

– s0∈Sis thestart state; and – F⊆Sis the set ofaccept states.

– Acomputationor arunof a DFA on a stringw=a0a1. . .an−1is the finite sequence

s0,a1s1,a2, . . . ,an−1,sn

wheres0is the starting state, andδ(si−1,ai) =si+1.

– A run isacceptingif the last state of the unique computation is an accept state, i.e.sn∈F.

– Languageof a DFAA

L(A) ={w : the unique run ofAonwis accepting}.

Definition (Regular Languages)

Alanguageis calledregularif it is accepted by a finite state automaton.


Semantics of the finite state automata

Afinite state automaton(DFA) is atuple(S,Σ, δ,s0,F), where:

– Sis afinite setcalled thestates;

– Σis afinite setcalled thealphabet;

– δ:S×Σ→Sis thetransition function;

– s0∈Sis thestart state; and – F⊆Sis the set ofaccept states.

– Acomputationor arunof a DFA on a stringw=a0a1. . .an−1is the finite sequence

s0,a1s1,a2, . . . ,an−1,sn

wheres0is the starting state, andδ(si−1,ai) =si+1.

– A run isacceptingif the last state of the unique computation is an accept state, i.e.sn∈F.

– Languageof a DFAA

L(A) ={w : the unique run ofAonwis accepting}.

Definition (Regular Languages)

Alanguageis calledregularif it is accepted by a finite state automaton.


Ashutosh Trivedi – 10 of 20

Properties of Regular Languages

LetAandBbe languages (remember they are sets). We define the following operations on them:

– Union:A∪B={w : w∈Aorw∈B}

– Concatenation:AB={wv : w∈Aandv∈B}

– Closure(Kleene Closure, or Star):

A={w1w2. . .wk : k≥0 andwi∈A}. In other words:


whereA0 =∅,A1=A,A2=AA, and so on.

Define the notion of a set being closed under an operation (say,Nand×).


The class of regular languages is closed under union, concatenation, and Kleene closure.


Properties of Regular Languages

LetAandBbe languages (remember they are sets). We define the following operations on them:

– Union:A∪B={w : w∈Aorw∈B}

– Concatenation:AB={wv : w∈Aandv∈B}

– Closure(Kleene Closure, or Star):

A={w1w2. . .wk : k≥0 andwi∈A}. In other words:


whereA0 =∅,A1=A,A2=AA, and so on.

Define the notion of a set being closed under an operation (say,Nand×).


The class of regular languages is closed under union, concatenation, and Kleene closure.


Ashutosh Trivedi – 11 of 20

Closure under Union


The class of regular languages is closed under union.


– LetA1andA1be regular languages.

– LetM1= (S1,Σ, δ1,s1,F1)andM2= (S2,Σ, δ2,s2,F2)be finite automata accepting these languages.

– Simulate both automata together!

– The languageA∪Bis accept by the resulting finite state automaton, and hence isregular.

Class Exercise: Extend this construction for intersection.


Closure under Union


The class of regular languages is closed under union.


– LetA1andA1be regular languages.

– LetM1= (S1,Σ, δ1,s1,F1)andM2= (S2,Σ, δ2,s2,F2)be finite automata accepting these languages.

– Simulate both automata together!

– The languageA∪Bis accept by the resulting finite state automaton, and hence isregular.

Class Exercise: Extend this construction for intersection.


Ashutosh Trivedi – 11 of 20

Closure under Union


The class of regular languages is closed under union.


– LetA1andA1be regular languages.

– LetM1= (S1,Σ, δ1,s1,F1)andM2= (S2,Σ, δ2,s2,F2)be finite automata accepting these languages.

– Simulate both automata together!

– The languageA∪Bis accept by the resulting finite state automaton, and hence isregular.

Class Exercise: Extend this construction for intersection.


Closure under Union


The class of regular languages is closed under union.


– LetA1andA1be regular languages.

– LetM1= (S1,Σ, δ1,s1,F1)andM2= (S2,Σ, δ2,s2,F2)be finite automata accepting these languages.

– Simulate both automata together!

– The languageA∪Bis accept by the resulting finite state automaton, and hence isregular.

Class Exercise: Extend this construction for intersection.


Ashutosh Trivedi – 12 of 20

Closure under Concatenation


The class of regular languages is closed under concatenation.



– LetA1andA1be regular languages.

– LetM1= (S1,Σ, δ1,s1,F1)andM2= (S2,Σ, δ2,s2,F2)be finite automata accepting these languages.

– How can we find an automaton that accepts the concatenation?

– Does this automaton fit our definition of a finite state automaton?

– Determinism vs Non-determinism


Computation With Finitely Many States



Ashutosh Trivedi – 14 of 20

Nondeterministic Finite State Automata

Michael O. Rabin Dana Scott


Non-deterministic Finite State Automata


start s2 s3 s4


1 0, ε 1


Anon-deterministic finite state automaton(NFA) is atuple(S,Σ, δ,s0,F), where:

– Sis afinite setcalled thestates; – Σis afinite setcalled thealphabet;

– δ:S×(Σ∪ {ε})→2Sis thetransition function; – s0∈Sis thestart state; and

– F⊆Sis the set ofaccept states.

Example: Difference between a deterministic vs a non-deterministic computation (above NFA on a string 010110).


Ashutosh Trivedi – 15 of 20

Non-deterministic Finite State Automata


start s2 s3 s4


1 0, ε 1


Anon-deterministic finite state automaton(NFA) is atuple(S,Σ, δ,s0,F), where:

– Sis afinite setcalled thestates;

– Σis afinite setcalled thealphabet;

– δ:S×(Σ∪ {ε})→2Sis thetransition function;

– s0∈Sis thestart state; and – F⊆Sis the set ofaccept states.

Example: Difference between a deterministic vs a non-deterministic computation (above NFA on a string 010110).


Non-deterministic Finite State Automata


start s2 s3 s4


1 0, ε 1


Anon-deterministic finite state automaton(NFA) is atuple(S,Σ, δ,s0,F), where:

– Sis afinite setcalled thestates;

– Σis afinite setcalled thealphabet;

– δ:S×(Σ∪ {ε})→2Sis thetransition function;

– s0∈Sis thestart state; and – F⊆Sis the set ofaccept states.

Example: Difference between a deterministic vs a non-deterministic computation (above NFA on a string 010110).


Ashutosh Trivedi – 16 of 20

Non-deterministic Finite Automata: Semantics

Anon-deterministic finite state automaton(NFA) is atuple(S,Σ, δ,s0,F), where:

– Sis afinite setcalled thestates;

– Σis afinite setcalled thealphabet;

– δ:S×(Σ∪ {ε})→2Sis thetransition function;

– s0∈Sis thestart state; and – F⊆Sis the set ofaccept states.

– Acomputationor arunof a NFA on a stringw=a0a1. . .an−1is a finite sequence

s0,r1s1,r2, . . . ,rk−1,sn

wheres0is the starting state, andsi+1∈δ(si−1,ri)and r0r1. . .rk−1=a0a1. . .an−1.

– Unlike DFA, there can be multiple runs of an NFA on a string.

– A run isacceptingif the last state of some computation is an accepting statesn∈F.

– Languageof a NFAA L(A) ={w : some run ofAonwis accepting}.



NFA are often more convenient to design than DFA, e.g.:

– {w : wcontains 1 in the third last position}. – {w: : wis a multiple of 2 or a multiple of 3}. – Union and intersection of two DFAs as an NFA – Some other examples


Ashutosh Trivedi – 18 of 20

Equivalence of NFA and DFA


Every non-deterministic finite automaton has an equivalent (accepting the same language) deterministic finite automaton.


– For the sake of simplicity assume NFA isε-free.

– Design a DFA that simulates a given NFA.

– Note that NFA can be in a number of states at any given time – How are the states of the corresponding DFA?

– Define initial state and accepting states – Define the transition function

Determinize the following automaton:


start s2 s3 s4


1 0,1 0,1


Equivalence of NFA and DFA


Every non-deterministic finite automaton has an equivalent (accepting the same language) deterministic finite automaton.


– For the sake of simplicity assume NFA isε-free.

– Design a DFA that simulates a given NFA.

– Note that NFA can be in a number of states at any given time – How are the states of the corresponding DFA?

– Define initial state and accepting states – Define the transition function

Determinize the following automaton:


start s2 s3 s4


1 0,1 0,1


Ashutosh Trivedi – 19 of 20


Exercise: Extend the previous construction in the presence ofε-transitions.

Hint:ε-closure of a set of states.


Closure under Regular Operations


The class of regular languages is closed under union, concatenation, and Kleene closure.


– We have already seen the closure under union as a DFA and as an NFA.

– Concatenation and Kleene closure can easily be defined as an NFA usingε-transitions.

– The theorem follows from the equivalence of NFA and DFA.


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