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Four new foliicolous hyphomycetes from Vindhya Hills, India


Academic year: 2022

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Four New Foiiicolous Hyphomycetes from Vindhya Hills, India

Sanjay K. Singh, Kirti Bhalla2 and D J. Bhat1

Aghw kai Research Institute, Pane 411 004: 1 DejHulment o f Botany. Goa University. Goti4(l.? 206: 'Division o f Mycohgv and Plant Pathology, IARI., New Delhi 110 012, India.

Accepted for publication:


This p ap er d e als w ith four novel sp ec ie s o t S tcncllu Sydow. viz.. S. c a ssia c -to m e . S. flacotirtiae. S. iihnocarpicula and S. m irza p u ren sis, collected on C assia t o m (F. Caesalptniaceae}. F la co n rtia iiidica (F. Flaco u rtiaceae), Ichnacarpus fn u e x re n s (F . A pocynaceae) and P a s s iflo m foetida (F. P assiflo raceae) respectively, from V in d h y a Hills. India. K eys arc p ro v id ed to d istinguish the species o f S ten clia described on the h o s t genus Cassia and h ost fam ily Apocynaceae:

K ey w o rd s : B io d iv ersity , Fungi, fo iiico lo u s hyphom ycetes, G eo g rap h ically . llte V indhya region co n stitu tes hilly (rad s sep a ra tin g th e N orth-C entral In d ian States, Uttar Pradesh an d M ad h y a Pradesh. T h is re g io n experiences su b -tro p ic a l c lim a tic conditions a n d h a s lush-green deciduous v e g etatio n which p rovided su itab le habitat and su b strate fo r grow th o f different fo liar fungi. The V indhya h ills s o far remained u n e x p lo re d for sys- icm utics o f sa p ro p h y tic and parasitic fungi occurring on various su b strate s, including the fo liar o n es. T h e senior author m ade an extensive sam pling o f foiiicolous fungi from this reg io n du rin g 1996-1998. T a x o n o m ic charac­

te rizatio n o f th e fo liar fungi show ed th at ccrcosporoid forms w ere ab u n d an t. T his paper deals w ith lo u r hitherto u ndescribed sp ec ie s o f the anam orphic g en u s Stenclia Svdow (1 9 3 0 ) from this collection.

T h e G e n u s S te n c lia Sydow . Slcitclln is a w ell-eslab- lished g e n u s in the C erm v /w m -c o n ip le x . T he genus now a cc o m m o d a te s I i 3 species d e sc rib e d from all over (lie w orld, n o tab ly from Africa. A m erica and (he Indian su b -c o n tin e n t. G eneric features o f S tc n c ila have been d iscussed by D eighton (197!. 1979), M u ld er (1975.

1982). de H oog e t al. (19X3) and S h a w & A lcorn (1993) who a lso c o n trib u te d for delim itation o f the genus from C a r tis p o r a Fs'es.. Cladospnrinm Link. M yctnellnsiella R angel. S ira sp o riim t B ubak& S e reh rian . V rn m a eu Cif.

A: M antem art. a n d V e n v c is/w m ta S h a w & A lcorn.

The sp ec ie s in the genus S tc n c ila have shown diverse (node o f nutrition tbio lio p h ic/sap ro tro p h icl.

Most o f the sp ec ie s are foiiicolous p lant pathogens occurring on a w id e range o f hosts inclu d in g horticul­

tural. m ed icin al and forest plains. S o m e o f (he species are co n fin e d to d e ad plant parts (de H o o g et al. 199.'}.

rotten bask, ro tten w ood, fallen seed (M atsu sh im a. 19X3)

S ten clia , taxonom y, India

and d e a d leaves (Yip. i9 8 9 ) in th e tropical, sub-tropical and tem p erate regions.

O f (he 113 so far d esc rib e d sp ecies o f Stenclia, 52 have b e en recorded from the Indian sub-eom inent (P o n n ap p a . 1968: Pavgi & S in g h . 197 0 ; S'ihgh & Kama!, 1978: D eighton. 1979: K am al e t al. l9K(ta; Kamal e t a i 1980h; K um ar et a!. 19X0: K am al e t al. 1981; Rajak, 19X1; M eckenzie. 1982: M u ld er, 19 8 2 ; Yen et al. 1982:

K am al & Narayan. 19X6; S in g h & K am al, 1986; Verm a

& K am al. 19X7; Verm a et id. 19X9: Das, 1990; Rai &

K am al. i 989.1990: S arbjana. 1990: Sarbjana & C hat- lo p ad h y ay . 1991: C hau d h arv c t al. I99S; Patil &

S aw am . 1991; Slm v & A lco rn . 1993: Khan a al. 1994:

'K han ct al. 1995; S riv asla v a c t al. 1994. 1995:

H o sag o u d ar & Braun. 1995: C h au d h arv ct al. 1996:

M isra ct al. 1997: Singh cl a!. 1997: Braun &

B ag yanaiayana. 1999 (in B agyanaravana & Braun.

1999) and Misra al. 1999). T h e present paper is an ex te n sio n of the above m e n tio n e d contribution To the tax o n o m y and system aiics o f die g e n u s Stcnelht.

Materials and Methods

L e a f sam p les were brought to th e laboratory in separate p o ly th e n e hags. The specim en s w ith distinct sym ptom s w ere d rie d and preserved fo llo w in g standard inycologi- cal h erb ariu m techniques (H a w k sw o rth . 19741. Using sh arp ra z o r Made, free -h a n d sec tio n s o f the host leaf th ro u g h infected region w ere m a d e to smdv llw m or­

p h o lo g y and taxonom ic fe atu res o f (fie fungi. The h o lo lv p es o f n eivtaxa w ere d e p o site d at llie Herbarium C iy p to g a m a e lnt.li.ie O riental is. N ew Delhi, and part o f the h o lo lv p es (Isoivpe) w ere m aintained at the M y co lo g ieal Herbarium. DDL! G o rak h p u r University.


Results and Discussion

S te n e lla c a ssia e-to ra e S in g h , S h a l l . e£ Bhat sp . n o v . a c u a e am p h ig en ae, plerum que circu lares,

r : i sr; rm % nae. unnT ’ inferne pamde C a esp itu li hyponhyllr Hico *• p - gnseobrunnei. M y c eU tm internum vej p|eru m q u e

um , hyphae e x ie ra ae sep ta ta e , ram osae, v erruculosae,

f'ii,’ I - Slc-ticila caxsiaeSnrae vr> nov ■■ . ■ i- .

ext«rnu| m ycelium : c. om idiu; ,1. t e r V « r l 7 ''r " n ' M rm nat,. h .

«•« .s|iot.s. (liar,: a-c = 2(| m; d = 2(1 mm) ‘■‘""d io p h .ircs arising from


su b h y aiin ae , 2 .5 -3 .5 |im latae. S tro m a ta parva, sub- ep id e rm a lia , prosenchym atosa, b ru n n ea, 7 x [0 Jim.

C o n id io p h a ra superficialia, sin g u iaria, ex hyphis super- ficialib u s term inaliter e t lateriter vel in fascicule ex s tro m a tib u s oriunda, m acronem atosa, mononem atosa, recta vel flexuosa, raro ram osa; 1 -5 transverse septata, laev ia vel verruculosa, p ailideolivacea, 3 5 -7 8 x 3 .5 -5 u ni. C ellu la e co n id io g e m e in co n idiophoris incor- poratae, p leru m q u e term inates, sy m p o d ials, polyblas- ticae, c y l i n d r i c a l geniculatae, c ic atricatae, cicatricibus in crassatae, 1 0 -3 0 x 3 -5 p.m. C o n id ia holoblastiea.

a cro g en a vet acroplurogena, so lita ria vel catenata, in eaten is sim p iicib u s formata, sicca, cylindrica, ver- -n ic u lo s a * re c ta vel curvata, 1-5 transverse septata, su b h y lin a vel pallide olivacea, apice subacuta vel ro tu n d ata, basi obcoriico atten u ata, liilo incrassato,

1 7 -7 6 x 3 .5 - 5 Mm.

In foliis vivis Cassiae to m e (C aesalpiniaceae).

India. A u h ra u ra forest, M irzapur, U .P .. S. K. Singh, Nov. 1997, H C IO 42652 H o lotypus, GPU 016/97 lso ty p u s.

L e a f s p o ts am phigenous. alm o st circular, greyish brow n o n u p p e r surface, pale brow n o n low er surface, sm all to large. Colonies hy p o p h y llo u s, discrete, g re y is h -w h ite . M ycelium internal to m o stly external;

ex tern al h y p h a e septate, branched, verruciilose, sub­

hyaline, 2 .5 -3 .5 Jim wide. Stro m a ta feebly developed, su b ep id e rm al. prosencliym atous. b ro w n . 7x If) JJin. Con-

idiophorcx arising singly as term in al or lateral branches from superficial hyphae o r in fascicles from su p erficial stro m ata, sem im acronem atous to m acronem atous, m ononem atous, straight to flexuous, unbranched, ! - 5 transversely septate, s m o o th -w a lle d to verruculose, pale olivaceous, 3.5-54 x 3 -5 |iin . C onidingenons cells in teg rated , terminal, sy tnpodm l. polyblastic, cyindrical, geniculate, cicatrized, scars th ick en ed , 10-30 x 3 -5 Jim.

C o n idia holohlastic. a cro g en o u s to acropleurogenous, so litary to catenate in u n b ra n c h ed chains, dry, cy lin d ri­

cal, verruculose, straight to c u rv ed , 1-5 transversely sep tate, subhyaline to pale o liv a c eo u s, apex subacute to ro u n d e d , base obconically a tten u ate, hilum thickened,

17 -7 6 x 3.5-5 Jim.

T h ree species o f S tenella, S. chandleri Singh &

K am a! (1978), S. cassiae K aroal e t u/, (1980 b) and S.

ca ssiico la Misra et al. (1 9 9 9 ) w ere so far described on th e h ost genus Cassia. S te n e lla cha n d leri differs from S.

c a x s i-to ra e in p ro d a -itij s;v. external h y p h ae. This feature, h a v in g sm ooth-w alled external hy p h a e, however does not lit w ell within the generic circum scription o i S tenella a n d S. chandleri should have been accom m odated in M yco vello siella . Stenella cassi—

to m e is different from 5. c a ssia e and 5. cassiicola w ith the fo rm er having v erru cu lo se conidiophores arising from w ell-developed in tra -e p id e rm a l strom ata and the latter w ith sm ooth-w alled co n id io p h o res arising only Irons external mycelium (T ab le I ).

T a b ic 1. C o m p a ra tiv e a n aly se s o f S te n e lla sp p re p o rte d oil h o s t g e n u s Cassia

Sivnella spp External mycelium Stromata Cimidioplmrcs Conidia

S. chandleri Singh &

Kumal (1978) On Cassia fistu la

Subhyaline, sm ooth- walled, up to 4.5(jm wide

Absent Arising from external myee! ium. unbranclied.

smooth-walled. 2N-I20 x 3-6pm

Fvisi form, constricted, apex obtuse, base truncate, echinulatc. 20-55*5 x 2.5- 4..5(,(in

S. cassiae Kama!, Singh

& Kumar ( 1980b) On Cassia fistu la

Light olivaceous brown, verruculose, up to 2pm wide

Rarely present, sub-stomatal

Arising from external mycelium, unbranched, smooth-walled, K5.5- 150 (usually 55-90) x 4.5-7(im

Cylindrical to occasionally ohclavute. not constricted, apex rounded, base truncate to conicotrtmcate, 12-153 x 3.5-Kpm

S. cassiicola Misra.

Srivastava & Kamal ( iylJ9) On Cassia fistula

Subhyaline so hrown. up to 2.5ju m wide

Absent Arising fromexternal mycelium, imbranclicd.

smooth-walled. .'.'-90 \ l.5-4itm

Cylindrical In olxlav,tioi;yliiidricaf. not constricted, ;tpex rounded to slightly attenuated, base rounded to ohcoiiicotruncaie.

I*i-5I \ l.5-4.5piu S. cassiac-toruc sp. tiov. •

(>n Cassia lorn

Suhiiyaline. verruculosc.

up to 3.5(.an wide

Present, sub- epidermal

Arising from external mycelium and from stromata, imbranched.

smiHith-wntled in verruculose. 3.5-54 x 3 - 5pm

Cylindrical, not constricted, apex subacute to rounded, base obdavate. 17-76 x 3.5- 5pm



S te n e U a fla c o u r tia e Singh, B h atla & Bhajsp. nov. [F ig. hyphae exiem ae s ep ta ta e , ram osae, verruculosae, p a llid e 2 ] M a c u la e prim o indistinctae, subcirculares vei rectan- olivaceaem 1.5 -3 .5 Jim. Stro m a ta subepiderm alia, p seu- gu la re s, griseoalbidae. C a esp itu li hypophylli, et'fusi, doparenuhym atosa, o liv aceo b ru n n ea. 8 -2 5 (im . C on- griseo b ru n n ei. M ycelium internum vel externum ; idiophnra ex h y p h is superficialibus term in aliter e t

Fig 2. S ie n e ila Jlacoarliae sp . nov. a . conuliopliores a ris in " f ro m M ihcpidvrnuil s tr o m a ta : l>. conidiophore* iirisini; f ro m e x te r n a l m y c eliu m ; c. coniriia; ci. le a f sp o ts. I a - c = 20 L11n : d = 20 ruin I


Iateriter vel in fascicuio ex stro m a te oriunda, semi- m a c ro n e m ato sa , m ononem atosa, re c ta ve! flexuosa, non ram osa, 0 - 2 transverse septata, iaev ia, paliide olivacea.

4 - 8 0 x 1.5 -4 .5 (lm. CetluUie conitliogenae in con- id io p h o ris incorporatae, term in ates, svmpodiales, p o ly b lasticae, cylindricae, genicu latae, verruculosae, cic atrica ta e , cicatricibus incrassatae, 1 2 -3 8 x 2 -4 jim . Conidici holoblastica, acrogena vel acropleurogena, so iita ria vel cafenata, in catenis sim plicibus formata, sicca, c y lin d ric a , verruculosa, re c ta vel curvata, 0 - 4 tran sv erse sep tata, pailide o livacea, apice sub acuta vel sub o b tu sa, basi leniter obconico atten u ata, hilo ineras- sato, 15 - 4 7 x 2 -2 .5 (im.

in foliis vivis F la co u h ia e sp . (Flacourtiaceae), India, A u h ra u ra forest, M irzapur, U .P ., S. K. Singh, N ov. 1997, H C IO 42653 H o lo ty p u s, GPU 017/97, Isotypus.

L e a f, sp o ts prim arily indistinct, later appearing as su b circu lar o r som ew hat ova! in rectan g u lar tiny patches on u p p e r su rface, with thin and so m ew h a t darker border su rro u n d in g the g reyish-w hite centre. Colonies h y p o p h y llo u s, effuse, greyish brow n. M ycelium internal to ex te rn a l, external hyphae sep tate, branched, ver- ruculose, p aie olivaceous, 1.5—3.5 (im wide. Stromata su b ep id erm al, pseudoparenchym atous, olivaceous brow n, 8 x 25 (.tm. Conidiophores arisin g singly as term inal o r lateral branches from su p erficial hyphae or in fascicles from stromata. semiiiTacroncmatous to m acro n em ato u s, m ononem atous. straig h t to llexuous.

unb ran ch cd . (>-2 septate, sm o o th -w alled . pale olivaceous. 4 - 8 0 x 1.5 -4 .5 um . C onidiogetum s te lls integrated, term in al, sympodia), p o ly b lastic. cylindrical, gen icu late, verruculose, cicatrizcd. b earin g thickened conidial scars. C im idia holoblastic. acrogenous to acro p leu ro g en o u s. solitary to caten ate in sim ple chains, dry. c y lin d ric a l, verruculose, straig h t to curved. (>—4 tran sv ersely septate, pale olivaceous, apex suhacute to sub o b tu se, b ase som ew hat o b co n ically attenuated, hilium th ic k e n ed . 15-47 x 2 -2 .5 jtm .

A lth o u g h , the proposed species sh o w s resemblance with Sterw llit a ly x ia c Yip (1989). .S', sin ila cis Kumar cl id. (1980), S. sa rd o a (Sacc.) B raun (1993) and S.

sltoreae K han e t id. (1995) in c o n id iu m dimensions, it differs in p ro d u c in g thin-w alled, sin g le conidiophores from v e rru c u lo se external m ycelium as well as in fascicles from intraepidermaS strom ata. T h e most distin­

guishing featu re o f this (axon, how ever, is She upp«r ro u g h -w a lle d conidiogenotis portion vvi(h the lower portion o f th e conidiophores rem aining alm ost sm ooih- svalfcd. S te n e lla flttconrtiae is the first species of the genus to be reco rd ed on a host o f the fam ily Flacour- tiaceae.

S te n e lla ichnocarpicala S in g h , B halla & Bhai sp. nov.

[F ig. 3] Maculae am p h ig en ae, plerum que circulares vel irregulares, interdum co alesc en te s, olivaceo brunneae.

C a csp im li hypophylli, effu si. griseobrunnei vel luteobrunnei. M ycelium in tern u m vel externum ; hyphae ex te rn a e septatae, ram osae, verruculosae, subhyaiinae vel pailide olivaceae, 2 .5 - 4 (am latae. Stromata in- traepiderm alia, pseu d o p aren ch y m ato sa, atrobrunnea, 1 8 .5 -2 2 .5 pm lata, 1 5 -1 7 ,5 fini alta. Conidiophora s in su la ria , ex hyphis su p erfic ia lib u s term inaliter e t Iateriter vel in fascicuio ex stro m atib u s oriunda, m acro- n em ato sa, m ononem atosa. re c ta vel flexuosa. n o n - ram o sa, 0 -5 transverse sep tata^ verruculosa, paliide o liv a c ea . 7-61 x 2 .5 -3 .5 (im . C ellu la e ctm idiogenae in co n id io p h o ris incorporatae term in ales, sym podiales, p o ly b lasticae, cylindricae, ra ro genieulatae, cicatricatae, c ic atricib u s incrassatae. 7 - 2 2 x 2 - 4 pin. Conidia ho lo b lastica, acrogena vel acro p leu ro g en a, soiitaria vel c aten a ta . in catenis s im p lir ih v ' f " ~ : ^ . sicca, c y lin d ric a , verruculosa. re c ta v el curvata, 1-4 transverse sep ta ta , paliide olivacea. a p ic e stib acu ta vel subobtusa, basi obcon ieo -iru n eata, h ilo c o n sp ie u o et Seniter incras- sato , 1 5-87.5 x 3 -5 .5 |inn.

In foliis vivis Iclt/iocarpi frutescentis (A p o cy n aceae) India, K olana. M irzapur, U. P.. S. K.

S in g h , Feb. 1997, H C IO 4 2 5 4 4 H olotypus. GPU 02/97 Isolypus.

L e a f spots ainphigenous, a lm o st forming concentric rings o r .sometimes irregular on upper surface, som e­

tim e s d ue so sporulation a p p ea rin g dispersed and.

co v erin g large areas o f the lo w e r leaf surface, olive brow n. C olonies h y pophyllous. effuse, light brown to g re y ish brow n. M ycelium in tern al and external, external h y p h a e septate, branched, finely verruculose. subhyaline to o livaceous. 2 .5 -4 J.U11 w ide. S tro m a ta intraepidermal.

pseudoparenchyinatous. d ark b ro w n . I.S.5 - 22.5 j.tm w id e, 15-17.5 pm high. C o n id io p h o res ariaina singly as term in al o r lateral branches from superficial hyphae or in fascicles from stro m a ta . macronem atous, m o nonem atous. straight to flex u o u s. unbranched. 0 -5 tran sv ersely septate. finely verruculose. light o liv aceo u s. 7-61 x 2 .5 -3 .5 Uni. C o n idio^ainus cells integ rated , terminal, sy m podial. polyblastic. cylindrical, rarely geniculate, hearing bro ad , thickened scars. Con­

id ia holoblastic. acrogonous to acropleurogenous.

so litary to catenate in sim ple ch ain s, dry. cylindrical, v erru cu lo se. straight to cu rv ed . I - 7 transversely septate, light olivaceous, apex su b ac u te to subobtuse. base o b c o n ic o —iruncaie. hilum d istin c t ami slightly thick­

en ed . 1 5-87.5 x 3 -5 .Spin.

O f the hitherto two sp ec ie s ol Sten ella described on host fam ily Apocynaceae. .S', ptia n erio e Sarhjana &



C h atto p ad h y a (1991) and 5. aly.xiae Yip (1989), S.

p lu m e ria e is different from S. ichiw carpicola in the fo rm er having m icronem atous conidiophores as o p ­ p o sed to m acronem atous in the fatter. Stenella

plum eriae also d e m a n d s redescription and d isp o sitio n because of m icro n em ato u s conidiophores w hich d o not conform with the g e n eric concept o f Stenella. S ten ella alyxiae differs from S. ichnocarpicola in hav in g so litary

Fiy i - Stenella iclmacarpicola sp. nov. a. conidiophores arising from intraepiderimil stro m a ta ; l>. section through le a f tissue, show ing conidiophores arising from , external anil interna! mycelium; c. conidia; (I. leaf spots (Bars: a-c = 20 pin ; <1=211 mm)


Table 2. Comparative analyses o f SteneUa spp reported on Apocynaceae

Stcncila spp Hyphae Stromata Conidiophores Conidia

5. cilyxiac Yip (1989) On 2.2-4.5(Jm wide, Alyxia hitxifalia verruculose to


S. phtmeriae Sarbanja & 3.5-5flm wide.

Cliattopadhyay (1991) On finely verruculose Phuneria sp.

■V. idmocarfriki sp. nov. 2.5-4pm wide, On Icluiocrpus frutescms finely verruculose


Present, substomatal



Arising from aerial hyphae, macronematous. verruculose.

very seldom verrucose, up to 25 x 3.5—4.5um,

conidiogenous loci many Arising from external secondary mycelium, and in 3-20 divergent fascicles through stomata, micronematous, smooth, tliick-walied. 33-K2.5 x 3 - 4.5pm. conidiogenous loci many

Arising from external- mycelium, and in fascicles from stomata.

macronem;itous. finely verruculosc, tliiri-walled. 7 - 64 x 2.5-3.5|im

Solitary, cylindrical, apices obtuse, bases truncate with dark scars, verrucose, very seldom smooth. 20-52 x 2 -

Solitary, obclavatocylindrical, apices sub-obtuse, bases attenuated with slightly dark scars, verruculose. 16.5-99 x 3.5-5(1 m

Catenate, cylindrical, apices sitb-acute to sub-obtuse, bases obciavate to obconicotruncate with slightly dark scars, verruculose. 1.5-87.5 x 3.5- 5 pm

co n jd ia as against catenate o n es in the proposed new sp ecies. T h e conidia are v e rru c o se and broadly th ick ­ e n ed in S. alyxiae w hereas these are verruculose and n a rro w ly thickened in S. ich n o carpicola (Tahle 2).

S te n e lla m irza p u ren sis Singh, B halla & Bhat sp. nov.

| F ig .4[ M aculae am phigenac. rectanguiares. inlerdum venis liniitafae, suerne f'uscobrunncae. interne bruntieac.

0«'.vy>im/('ampiiiphylli, effusi, grist. Mycelium interm nn vol ex tern u m ; hyphae ex tern ae. septatae. ram osac.

verru cu lo sac, subhyalinae, 3 - 5 (Jtn I awe. S im m a ta s u b s io m a ta lia j atm hunnca. 2 0 in n lata. 17 Jim alia.

C n n u tio p h a ra singutaria, ex hy p h is superllcialihus ter- minalTter et latiriter vel in lasciculo ex slrotiialilnis o riu n d a . sem im acroneniatosa vel niacroncniatosa, m o n o n em ato sa. recta vel H exuosa. non-ram osa. 0 -3 tra n sv erse septata, verruculosa. pallide olivacea vel b n tn n e a . 3 .5 -5 4 x 3 -5 (am. C ellulae aiiiidiogenac in c o n id io p h o re s incorporatae, ten n m n les vel intercaiares.

sy m p o tliales, polyblasticae. cylindrical:. geniculatae.

c ic atrica ta e , eicatricibus in crassatac, S-23 x 2 -5 jam.

C o n id ia holohlastica. a cro g en o sa v'el acropleurogennsa.

so lita ria vel catenata, in c atcn is raro ramosis formula, sicca, c y lin d rica vel o h clav ata. verruculosa. recta vel cu rv ata. 0 - 8 transverse sep lata, pallide olivacea. apice s u h -a c u ta vel rotund ata. basi o b u m ic o attetuiata vel rotim dauf. hilo conspicuo, len ifer incrassaia. 16-1 0 0 x 3 - 7 fJin.

In foliis vivis P a ssiflo ra efiietid a e (P assifloraceae), India, Koluna, M irz ap u r, U .P ., S.K .Singh, F e b .!9 9 7 , HCIO 42545 h o lo ty p u s, G P U 1/97 isotypus.

L ea f spots a m p h ig e n o u s, rectangular som etim es vein-lim ited, b lack ish b ro w n on upper surface, "light brown on low er su rfa c e, later becom ing necrotic w ith a greyish white c en tre su rro u n d e d by a thin and d ark er margin. Colonies a m p h ip h y ilo u s. effuse, w ith greyish sporulation in centrc o f the necrotic lesion. M ycelium internal and external: e x te rn a l hyphae septate, branched, finely v em id o se. s u b h y a lin e . 3 -5 pm wide. S tro m a ta substomatal. p seu d o -p aren c h y m a to u s, dark brow n, up to 20 (.tm wide. 17 (.ins high. Conidiophores arising singly as term inal o r lateral branches from superficial hvphac or in fa scic le s from strom ata, sem i- niacront'nialous to niacronem atiuis. m ononem atous.

straight to flexuous. u n b ra n c h ed . with 0 -3 transverse septa, finely v erru cu lo se. light olivaceous to brow n, 3.5-54 x 3 -5 p in . C n iiidiiij’cnoHS cells integrated, terminal ut intercalary, sy m p tx lial, polyblastic. c y lin d ri­

cal. gcniculate bearin g slig h tly thickened scars. 3 .5 -2 3 x . 3 ^ - 5 (im. C o n id ia hofoblastic. acrogenous to acropleufogenous. so lita ry to catenate, rarely in branched chains, d ry . cy lin d rical to obciavate. ver­

ruculose. straight (<> c u rv e d , w ith 0-X transverse septa, light olivaceous, apex su b ac u ie to rounded, base ohconi- calfy attenuated to ro u n d e d , hilum distinct and slightly thickened. 16-1 0 0 x 3 - 7 (im .


S te n e lla has so far not been re p o rte d from the host species, g en u s o r fam ily and therefore, ih e new fungus is c o m p arab le w ith other known s p e c ie s o f Stenella sh o w in g sim ita r m orphological featu res. M ajority o f the

S te n e lla species produce s in g le conidiophores from su p erficial hyphae. S te n e lla m irza p u ra vsis produces fasciculate conidiophores fro m sub sto m atal strom ata, in a d d ition to superficial sin g le o n e s. T h e new species is

Fi” 4. Steiiella mirzapurcnsis sp. nov. a. cnnidiophore arising from suhstom atal strom ata; 1>. conirfiopliores arising from superficial liypliae; c. conidia; d. leaf spots (B ars: a-c = 20 (.tin : d = 20 mm).


co m p ara6 ie with S. xero m p h ig en a Yen et al. (1982), 5.

sch iza n d ra c Pavgi & S in g h (1970), S.dianthi Shin &

B rau n (1993), S. em b elia e R ajak (1981), S. tilia co ri S a rb a jn a (1990), S. a lv c a sia c Sarbajna & C hattopad- iiyay. 5. plum eriae S arb ajn a & Chattopadliyay (1991) and 5. ca ssia e-to ra c sp. nov. H o w e v e r^ , xerom phigena is d ifferen t in having subcuticular strom ata, e S . sch iza n d ra c with serrate a n d larger conidiophores, S.

clianthi, S . plum eriae, S. em beliae and S, tiliacori in h a v in g sm o o th -w alled c o n id io p h o res and S. nlo ca sia e p ro d u cin g larger and m ore sep tate conidiophores as w ed as sm aller and ech in u late conidia. Stenella ca ssia e—

to ra e sp. nov. and S. ich n o ca rp ico la are distinct from S.

m irza p u ren sis in having subepiderm al strom ata w hich are su b sto m atal in the latter.

Key to known species o f Stenella from Apocynaceae I. C onidiophores m acro n em ato u s and thin -w alled

2 1. C onidiophores m icro n em ato u s and thick -w alled ...p ln m eri 2. C ylipdrical conidia solitary and verrucose

... ...alyxicw 2. C ylindrical conidia catenate and verrucose ...ichnocarpicola Key to the known species o f Stenella from Cassia 1. E xternal mycelium v e rru c u lo s e ...2 External myceiium sm ooth—w a lle d ...chandleri 2. S trom ata present...3 S tro m a ta ab sen t...cassiicola 3. C o n idiophores v erru c u lo se ...cassm e—torac

C o n idiophores s m o o th -w a lle d ...cassiae


O n e o f us (S.K .S.) is thankful to the Department o f S cien ce & Technology, N ew Delhi, for financial a ssistan ce under the S E R C Schcm e for Y oung S c ie n tis ts ’. T he authors are g ratefu l to the W estern G hat D ev elo p m en t ^Secretariat, 'P la n n in g ^'Com m ission, G o v ern m en t o f India, N ew D elhi, for a financial support lo G o a U niversity during the ten u re o f which this paper w as prepared.


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