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Department o f Microbiology, Goa University, Bambolim 403 202, Goa, India

a n d


Department o f Biology, University o f Waterloo, Waterloo, Ont., Canada N2L 3G1

A B ST R A C T — T w enty-five new taxa o f conidial fungi are describ ed and illu strated from fo rest litte r in the W estern G hats in southern India, and from the A ndam an Islands. T hey in clu d e the new anam o rp h -g en era V anakripa and X en o h e tero co n iu m, and new species o f A n a v i r g a, A r t h r i n i u m , B a h u s u t r a b e e j a , B e l t r a n i a, C heiropolyschem a, C raspedodidym um , C ryptophiale, D ictyo ch a eta , D isc h lo rid iu m, F u sichalara, H yp h o p o lyn em a, K o sterm a n sin d a , P h ia lo sp o ro stilb e, P hragm otrichum , P iric a u d io p sis, S ele n o d rie lla, S p a d ico id es, S p o rid esm io p sis, Sporoschism a and U berispora. In ad d itio n , new co m binations are m ade in C raspedodidym um , D ic ty o c h a e ta, and S p oridesm iopsis.

K EY W O R D S: anam orphs, conidial fungi, h yphom ycetes, taxonom y, new taxa, b io d iv ersity , India, litter decom position.


D uring surveys o f tropical m icrofungi from the fo rests o f the W estern G hat hills in southw estern India, and from the A ndam an Islan d s, num erous co n id ial fungi (dikaryom ycotan anam orphs) w ere co llected on p la n t litter. A m ong them w ere a substantial num ber o f u n d escrib ed taxa.


T h is p ap er describes and illu strates 25 o f these new taxa, as p a rt o f an o n g o in g docum entation o f prev io u sly unrecorded b iodiversity in tro p ical m icro fu n g i (see C astaneda & K endrick, 1990a,b, 1991).

T h e W e s te rn G h a ts a n d th e ir fo re sts.

T h e W estern G hats are an ex ten siv e range o f h ills in south-w estern India, ru n n in g nearly parallel to the co astlin e betw een 8°— 22.5°N and 7 2 .5 °— 7 6 .5°E , extending south from the T apti riv er for about 1600 km thro u g h five States to C ape C om orin (Fig. 1). The steep w estern escarp m en t o f the G hats rises 15-80 km from the w est coast, and the h ills slo p e gently aw ay to the east, the av erag e elevation being 1220 m. T he W estern G hats receiv e southw est m onsoon rain from June to Septem ber.

A nnual rain fall on the w estern slopes ranges from 300 to 550 cm. M ean an n u al tem perature is 28°C to 31°C , the tem perature seldom falling b elow 15°C. M ean annual relativ e hum idity is above 80% . U nder these w arm and hum id co nditions, lu x u rian t w et evergreen forests flourish on the w indw ard, w estern side o f the escarpm ents (P ascal, 1989). The m y cota o f this area is still largely unknow n, b u t the senior author is c o llectin g ex tensively and in ten siv ely , and w e w ill explore the fungal fa c e t o f its bio d iv ersity in a series o f p ublications.

T h e r a in f o r e s ts o f th e A n d a m a n -N ic o b a r I s la n d s .

T he A ndam an and N icobar Islands are a string o f about 350 islands (over 500 if one counts all the tiny o utcrops) in the B ay o f B engal that form an arch ip elag o 700 km long and 60 km w ide, lying betw een 6° and 14°N, and 92° and 94° E , w ith a com bined co astlin e o f about 2000 km (Fig. 1).

T h e in terio rs o f these islands still support dense rain fo rests, while m angrove sw am ps fringe the coast. T h e islands have a hot, hum id clim ate w ith tem peratures ranging from 2 3°-36°C , rela tiv e hum idity o f 80-90%

an d rain fall o f 300-400 cm per year. T he rem oteness o f the islands froir the m ainland and their relativ e in accessib ility helped to p reserv e the ra in fo rests and m angroves. A lthough the flora o f the A ndam an anc N ico b a r Islan d s is said to be p artly endem ic and p artly com posed oi elem en ts from B urm a and M alay asia, no au th o ritativ e reports have ye been p u b lish ed on the fungi o f these islands. In this series o f papers, w<

hope to p artially rem edy this deficiency.

S tu d ie s o f m ic ro fu n g i in A sia

M any new taxa o f hyphom ycetes have already been described from sout!

and so u th -east A sia by K uthubutheen and N aw aw i (1 9 9 1 a,b ,c,d ,e, 1992]

M atsu sh im a (1971, 1975, 1980, 1981, 1983, 1989), N aw aw i am K uthubutheen (1988, 1989a,b, 1990, 1992), P iro zy n sk i and Patil (1970)


Fig. 1. M ap o f the W estern G hats o f so u th -w est India, and the A ndam an Islands.

R ao and de H oog (1986), S ubram anian and B h at (1977, 1987), T zean and C hen (1 9 8 9 a,b ,c, 1990, 1991) and T zean et al. (1990). H ow ever, ac co rd in g to p re se n t estim ates (H aw ksw orth, 1991) w e have so far d escrib ed less than 5% o f the w o rld ’s m ycota. T he fungi o f tropical reg io n s are especially poorly know n. T he p resen t study w as undertaken to add to ou r know ledge o f A sian m icrofungi


T h ro u g h o u t this study, lactic acid and lacto p h en o l m ounting m edia w ere used in m aking sem i-perm anent slide p rep aratio n s. M easurem ents w ere m ade in lactic ac id m ounts. D raw ings w ere ex ecu ted w ith th e aid o f a cam era lucida.


F ig . 2. A n a virg a verm ifo rm is anam .-sp. n o v . stau ro sp o res w ith w orm -like arm s.



A n a v ir g a ve rm ifo rm is B hat & K endrick a n a m .-s p . nov. (Fig. 2) (E tym . L atin: verm is = a w orm + fo r m a = shape)

A d fungos co n id iales, hyphom ycetes, pertin en s. C oloniae effusae, atro b ru n n ea e, velutinae. M ycelium partim superficiale, partim in su b strato im m ersum , ex hyphis laevibus, p allid e b runneis, ram osis, sep tatis, 3.5-4.5 (im lat. com positum . C onidiophora inconspicua, m ononem ata, 1-2-septata, valde p allid e b runnea, laevia, usque ad 10 Jim long, et usque ad 5 lat. C ellulae con id io g en ae integratae, term inales, d eterm in atae. C onidia sicca, laevia, ram osa, b rachiis 2-4 (vulgo 3), lo n g issim is, d ivergentibus, ex cellu lis successivis axis principalis p erp en d icu lar iter exorientibus; unum quidque brachium verm iform e et flex u o su m , 300-400 |im long., 7-9.5 p.m lat., 60-120-euseptatum , ad aliq u o t septa leniter constrictum , brunneum vel aureo-brunneum , laeve, ad apicem rotundatum len iter angustatum .

C o n id ial fungi, hyphom ycetes. C olonies effuse, dark brow n, velvety.

M ycelium partly superficial, partly im m ersed in the substrate, com posed o f sm ooth, pale brow n, branched, septate hyphae 3.5-4.5 jim w ide.

C o nidiophores inconspicuous, m ononem atous, 1-2-septate, very pale bro w n , sm ooth, up to 10 ^im long, up to 5 urn w ide. C onidiogenous cells integrated, term inal, determ inate. C onidia dry, sm ooth, branched, w ith 2- 4 (m ostly 3) very long d ivergent arm s arising at rig h t angles from su ccessiv e cells o f the m ain axis; each arm verm iform and flexuous, 300- 400 fim long, 7-9.5 |im w ide, 6 0 -1 2 0 -eu sep tate, slightly co n stricted at som e septa, brow n to golden brow n, sm ooth, slightly n arrow er at the rou n d ed apex.

H O LO TY PE: on dead tw igs, K odachadri H ills, K arnataka State, India, 12 Sept. 1991, D .J. B hat, D AOM 214620.

T eleom orph: unknow n.

A lthough the generic lim its o f those co n id ial fungi w ith branched, hyphoid co nidia are not yet w ell d efin ed , o u r fungus can best be accom m odated in A navirga Sutton (S utton, 1975). T he co n id ia o f A.

verm ifo rm is are clearly different from those o f the tw o know n species [A.

laxa Sutton (1975) and A. dendrom orpha D escals & Sutton (1976)]. The co n id ia in A. laxa are triradiate (Y -shaped) o r occasio n ally tetrarad iate, 4-1 6 -sep tate and 90-185 X 11-14 |im ; in A. dendrom orpha, the conidia m ay branch at any p o in t along their axis (not ex clu siv ely n ear the base, as in A. verm ifo rm is); they m ay also assu m e a densely a rb o rescen t form


an d give rise to an unnam ed P hialocephala synanam orph. In o u r opinion, th e P h ia lo cep h a la synanam orph o f A. dendrom orpha is the m ore ch a racteristic and d iffe ren tiated o f the tw o anam orphs, and n o t only fully deserv es a b inom ial, b u t should probably be given p refere n ce as the d iag n o stic anam orph.

A r th r in iu m m y tilo m o rp h u m B hat & K endrick a n a m .-s p . nov. (F ig. 3) (E tym . G reek: m ytilo s = m ussel + m orphe = shape)

A d fungos co n id iales, h yphom ycetes, pertinens. C oloniae pu n ctifo rm es, pu lv in atae, atro b ru n n eae, hypophyllae. C onidiophora b asau x ica, m o nonem atica, erecta, flexuosa, cy lin d rica, incolorata, ap ice ro tu n d ato , usque ad 80 [im alt., 4.5-5 fim lat., septis conspicuis, spissis, atro-brunneis praed ita, e cellu lis m atricalibus obpyriform ibus vel am p u llifo rm ib u s b asib u s brunneis apicibus in co lo ratis, 5.5-6.5 (im lat. oriunda. C ellu lae con id io g en ae in teg ratae, term inales vel intercalares, m ono- vel poly- b lasticae, m inute d en tic u latae, 9-10 X 4.5-5 fim. C onidia so litaria, sicca, fu sifo rm ia vel n av icu laria, le n iter curva et asym m etrica, n o n -sep tata (am erospora), laevia, ad m edium latissim a, sed versus ex trem itates ang u ste ro tu n d atas atten u ata, 20-30 X 6-8.5 (im; pars p roxim alis p e r tres lo n g itu d in is q u ad ran tes atro -b ru n n ea, pars distalis per unum lo n g itu d in is quadrantem p allid e bru n n ea et len iter per frontem aspera, in ter quas e st zona an g u sta paene incolorata; locus affixus in p arte co n id ii m edia convexa fuscata p ersp icu e v isibilis.

C onidial fungi, h yphom ycetes. C olonies punctiform , p u lv in ate, dark brow n, hypophyllous. C on id io p h o res basauxic, m ononem atous, erect, flexuous, cy lin d rical, co lo u rless, rounded at the apex, up to 80 |im tall, 4.5-5 |im w ide, w ith co nspicuous thick, dark brow n septa; arisin g from obpyriform to am pulliform co nidiophore m other cells th at are brow n at the base and colo u rless at the apex, 5.5-6.5 fim w ide. C onidiogenous cells integrated, term inal or in tercalary , m ono- to po ly -b lastic, m inutely den ticu late, 9-10 X 4 .5-5 Jim. C onidia solitary, dry, fusiform to n avicular, slightly cu rv e d and asy m m etrical, n o n-septate (am erosporous).

sm ooth-w alled, b ro ad e st in the m iddle, tapering tow ard the narrow ly rounded ends, 2 0-30 X 6-8.5 fim , proxim al three-quarters d ark brow n d istal quarter pale brow n and slightly roughened on the face, w ith a narrow , alm ost colourless zone betw een the lighter and d arker parts; poini o f attachm ent clearly v isib le at the m id p o in t o f the convex dark reg io r o f the conidium . H O L O T Y PE : on dead blades o f A n d ro p o g o n sp (Poaceae), K odachadri H ills, D akshina K annada D istrict, K arnataka State India, 12 D ec. 1991, D .J. B hat, D A O M 214595.





F ig. 3. A rthrinium m ytilom orphum anam .-sp. nov.

th ree basauxic conidiophores and c lam -sh ap ed conidia.


T eleom orph: unknow n.

B ecause o f the d istin c tiv e m orphology o f its conidia, o u r new species need be com pared w ith only tw o o f the previously d escribed species o f A rth rin iu m . T he c onidia in A. ushuvaiense Spegazzini (E llis, 1971) are o nly 17-25 X 6-9 p.m and are uniform ly darkly pigm ented, ex cep t fo r a n arro w , distal (or perip h eral) colo u rless rim o r germ slit. In A. caricicola K unze ex F icinus & S chubert (E llis, 1971), the co nidia are larger, 30-53 X 7.5-13 |J.m, and although th eir p attern o f pigm entation is superficially sim ilar to th at in A. m ytilo m o rp h u m, the narrow colourless zone is distal, w hile in A. m ytilom orphum the corresponding colourless zone is m edian.

T h e strange, elongate sterile cells (they m ay be aborted conidia) th at arise from the co n idiophore axis alongside the co n id ia o f A. caricicola and A.

u shuvaiense are absent from A. m ytilom orphum .

B a h u su tra b e e ja globosa B hat & K endrick a n a m .-s p . n o v . (Fig. 4) A d fungos co n id iales, hyphom ycetes, pertinens. C oloniae effu sae, a trobrunneae, velutinae. C o nidiophora m ononem atica, erecta, re c ta vel flexuosa, non-ram osa, usque ad 350 (im alt., 7.5-9.5 fim lat., p ercu rren ter ren ascen tia, 5-12-septata, ad basim inflatam atrobrunnea, apicem versus p a lle sc e n tia . C e llu la e c o n id io g e n a e te rm in a le s, in te g ra ta e , m onophialidicae, basim versus leniter inflatae, 25-32 X 8-9.5 fim, apertura p h ia lid is 5.5 |im lat., cum c o llaru lo b revissim o, inconspicuo, parum expanso. C onidia b lastico -p h ialid ica , g lobosa ad apicem p h ia lid is in m assa m ucosa hyalina aggregata, crassitu n icata, non-septata, in co lo rata cum cytoplasm ate g ranuloso, 18-22 }im diam ., setulis 9-12, g racilib u s, rad ian tib u s, 6.5-12.5 |im long., p er superficiem aeq u ab iliter d isp o sitis praedita.

C onidial fungi, hyphom ycetes. C olonies effuse, dark brow n, velvety.

C onidiophores m ononem atous, erect, straight or flexuous, unbranched, up to 350 jim long, 7.5-9.5 (im w ide, regenerating percurrently, 5-12-septate, dark brow n at the sw ollen base, slightly p a ler tow ard the apex.

C onidiogenous cells term inal, in teg rated , m onophialidic, slightly sw ollen tow ard the base, 25-32 X 8-9.5 fim , p h ialid e opening 5.5 Jim w ide, w ith a very short, inconspicuous, slig h tly flarin g collarette. C onidia b lastic- p h ialid ic, globose, accum ulating in a slim y colourless m ass at the apex of the phialide, th ick-w alled, non-septate, colourless w ith g ran u lar cyto p lasm , 18-22 |im diam ., w ith 9-12 slender, rad iatin g setulae, 6.5-12.5 jim long, d istributed evenly over the su rface o f the conidia.

H O LO TY PE: on decaying tw igs, K udrem ukh, K arnataka State, In d ia, 2


Fig. 4. B a husutrabeeja g lo b o sa anam .-sp. nov.:

conidiophores and g lo b o se, m u lti-setu late conidia.


J u ly 1989, D J . B hat, D A O M 214596.

T eleom orph: unknow n.

In the type species o f the genus B ahu su tra b eeja S ubram anian & B h at, B.

dw aya S ubram anian & B hat (1977), the first-form ed conidia are pear- shaped, w hile subsequent co n id ia are globose and sm aller. In B. g lo b o sa , co n id ia are globose and larg er than those o f B . dw aya. The globose co n id ia o f B . dw aya are 12.5-14(-16) |im in diam ., w hile in B. globosa they are 18-22 fim diam . T his m eans that conidia o f B. globosa have alm o st three tim es the volum e o f those o f B . dw aya. T he conidial setulae o f B . dw aya are 4.5-5 fim long, w hereas in B. globosa they are 6.5-12.5 jim long. T he only o th er species o f B ahusutrabeeja, B . angularis R ao &

de H oog (1986) has m uch sm aller, angular conidia, appearing 4- o r 5- sided, 7-8 fim in diam ., w ith a setula arising from each corner, and w ith a narrow truncate base.

B e ltra n ia circin a ta B hat & K endrick a n a m .-s p . nov. (F ig. 5) (E tym . L atin: circinatus = m ade circular)

A d fungos co n id iales, h yphom ycetes, p ertinet. C oloniae effusae, len iter pro m in en tes, o livaceae vel atrobrunneae, velutinae, hypophyllae.

C o n id io p h o ra m ononem atica, 2-6 aggregata, erecta, rec ta vel flexuosa, crassitunicata, 50-110 Jim alt., cellula basali inflata et lobata, 9.5-11.5 |im lat., stipite 4.5-6 Jim lat. supra basim , g radualiter d ilatato ad 8.5 }im apicem versus, 3 -5-septata, non-ram osa; pars inferior laevis et b runnea, p ars su p erio r verrucosa et atrobrunnea. Setae num erosae, non-ram osae, erectae, in parte superiore flexuosae, sinuatae, valde cu rvatae vel circin ata e, crassitu n icatae, 130-290 fim alt., 4-7-septatae, cellu la basali lo b ata e t usque ad 10.5 Jim lat., axe 4-6 jim lat. supra basim , atten u ato ad 2.5-3 fim lat. apicem versus, infra laeviae e t brunneae, supra v errucosae et atrobrunneae. C ellulae conidiogenae term inales, discretae, usque ad 10, v erticillatim vel fascicu late ad apicem conidiophori, p o ly b lasticae, glo b o sae vel subglobosae, p lerum que non-septatae, interdum 1-septatae, 7-8.5 |im diam ., crassitu n icatae, laeves, brunneae vel atrobrunneae, 1-4- d en ticu latae, constrictae ad basim . C onidia sicca, biconica, laevia, non- septata, crassitu n icata, b ru n n e a vel atrobrunnea, cum zona aeq u ato ria paen e in co lo rata vel pallide b runnea, m argine irregulari, 1.5-2 fim lat., valde co n tracta et m inute ro strata ad apicem , rotundata ad basim , 16-22.5 X 10-12 fim.

C onidial fungi, hyphom ycetes. C olonies effuse, slightly raised, olivaceous to dark brow n, velvety, h ypophyllous. C onidiophores m ononem atous,


20 jjm

F ig. 5. B eltra n ia circinata anam .-sp. nov.:

c ircin ate setae, conidiophores and b iconic conidia.


arisin g in groups o f 2-6, erect, straig h t or flexuous, thick-w alled, 50-110

|im long, in flated and lobed basal cell 9.5-11.5 Jim w ide, stipe 4 .5 -6 jxm w ide above base, w idening gradually to 8.5 Jim near the apex, 3-5-septate, unbranched; low er p art o f conidiophores sm ooth and m edium brow n, up p er p art verrucose and dark brow n. Setae num erous, unbranched, erect, up p er p a rt flexuous, sinuate, strongly curved or circin ate, th ick-w alled, 130-290 nm long, 4-7 -sep tate, basal c ell lobed and up to 10.5 fim w ide, ax is 4-6 }im w ide above the base, tapering to 2.5-3 jim w ide at the apex, lo w er h a lf sm ooth and m edium brow n, upper h alf verrucose and dark brow n. C onidiogenous cells term in al, d iscrete, up to 10, developing in w horls or clusters at the co nidiophore apex, p o lyblastic, glo b o se to subglobose, usually n o n-septate, occasio n ally 1-septate, 7-8.5 |im diam ., th ick -w alled , sm ooth, m edium to dark brow n, 1-4-denticulate, deeply c o n stricted at the base. C o n id ia solitary, dry, biconic, sm ooth, non- sep tate, th ick-w alled, m edium to dark brow n, w ith an alm ost colourless to p ale brow n, irregularly edged eq u ato rial band, 1.5-2 jim w ide; sharply tap erin g and m inutely beaked at the tip, rounded at the base, 16-22.5 X 10-12 jim .

H O L O T Y PE : on decaying leaves o f Term inalia sp. (C om bretaceae), w estern escarpm ent o f the K odachadri hills, D akshina K annada D istrict, K arn atak a State, India, 30 D ec. 1989, D .J. B hat, D A O M 214597.

O f all know n species o f B eltrania Penzig (E llis, 1976; M atsushim a, 1975;

P iro zy n sk i, 1963; P irozynski and P atil, 1970), verrucose setae are found o nly in B. africana H ughes and B. m angifera M anjal and K apoor. In B.

a fricana, the sparsely verrucose setae are straight, and the co n id ia are very large, 35-45 X 17-20 fim. In B . m angifera, setae are o f tw o kinds, b o th arising from the sam e rad ially lobed basal cell; a single central stra ig h t, sm ooth, dark brow n, p o in ted seta surrounded by 2-5 flexuous, p a le brow n, narrow er and slightly ta lle r setae w ith the upper h alf d istin ctly verrucose. In B . circinata, all setae are verrucose and apically circin ate. B. onirica O nofri et al. (1981) has sm ooth, straig h t setae, and its co n id ia lack a clearly d efin ed eq u ato rial band.

In a revision o f B eltra n ia and related genera, P irozynski (1963) described the conidiogenous cells as in teg rated , po ly b lastic and often associated w ith alm ost colourless to pale brow n, thin-w alled, oval to subglobose, sep aratin g cells th at usually becom e detached w ith the conidia.

S ub seq u en t w orkers have seen these separating cells attached to conidia in all know n species o f B eltra n ia . It seem s p o ssib le th at the d iscrete non-caducous conidiogenous cells o f B . circinata m ay be derived from the so -called ‘separating c e lls .’ A lthough this ch aracter m akes B . circinatc


distinct from the re st o f the genus, we do n o t consider it an adequate reason for disposing this species elsew here, since its other features are typical o f B eltra n ia .

C h e iro p o lysch e m a g h a tic u m B hat & K endrick a n a m .-s p . n o v . (Fig. 6) (Etym . H indi: g h a t = escarpm ent)

Ad fungos c o n id iales, hyphom ycetes, p ertinens. C oloniae effu sae, atrobrunneae vel nigrae. C onidiophora m ononem atica, erecta vel p ro strata, flexuosa, p allid e brunnea vel brunnea, usque ad 30 jim alt., saepe ram os breves fertiles ferentia; ram i arete septati, ad septa constricti, torulosi, cellu la unaquaeque globosa vel subglobosa, laevis, 3.5-5 fim diam . C ellulae conidiogenae integratae, term inales, m onoblasticae, g lobosae, brunneae usque atrobrunneae, p o st secessionem conidiorum cupulatae, 4.5-5.5 |im diam . C onidia so litaria, sicca, oliv acea vel atrobrunnea, aspectu m uriform ia (dictyoseptata) sed re vera cheirosporosa, com planata, 12-23 X 10.5-14 |nm, sem per ex seriebus tribus cellularum contiguis, seriebus externis ad apicem saepe incurvatis; series unaquaeque vulgo ex 3-4 cellulis aequalibus, sed alterum latus interdum brevius quam alterum ; cellulae plerum que rectangulares, 4-5 jim diam ., cellulae apicales plerum que utrinque rotundatae; cellulae om nino 10-13; cellu lae conidiogenae interdum cum socio conidio secedentes.

C onidial fungi, hyphom ycetes. C olonies effuse, dark brow n to black.

C onidiophores m ononem atous, erect to pro stra te, flexuous, p ale to m edium brow n, up to 30 urn long, often b earin g short fertile branches, closely septate, deeply constricted at the septa, torulose, each cell globose to subglobose, sm ooth, 3.5-5 jim diam . C onidiogenous cells integrated, term inal, m onoblastic, globose, m edium to dark brow n, becom ing cupulate after conidium secession, 4.5-5.5 jim diam . C o n id ia solitary, dry, olive- brow n to dark brow n, appearing dictyoseptate b u t actually cheirosporous (h and-like), flattened in one plane, 12-23 X 10.5-14 jam, alw ays w ith 3 contiguous row s o f c ells, outer row s often ap ically incurved; each row u sually w ith 3-4 cells o f equal length, b u t the row on one side o ccasionally shorter than that on the other; cells m ostly rectan g u lar, 4-5

|_im diam ., apical cells often w ith rounded ends; total num ber o f cells per conidium 10-13; conidiogenous cell som etim es seceding w ith conidium and rem ain in g attach ed at its base.

H O LO TY PE: on decaying leaves, Edakum eri, D akshina K annada D istrict, K arnataka S tate, India, 29 Sept. 1989, D .J. B hat, D A O M 214602.

T eleom orph: unknow n.


F ig. 6. C heiropolyschem a g haticum anam .-sp. nov.:

to ru lo se conidiophores, and ch eiro sp o ro u s conidia.


C heirosporous co n id ia are know n in a nu m b er o f g enera, in cluding C heirom oniliophora Tzean & Chen (1990), Cheiropolyschem a M atsushim a (1971 ),D ic ty o sp o riu m C orda (B hat and S utton, 1985b; E llis, 1971, 1976;

M atsushim a, 1975) and P seudodictyosporium M atsushim a (1975).

C onidiogenesis and m orphology o f conidiogenous cells w ere im portant in the d elim itatio n o f these genera. O nly in C heiropoly schem a are the c onidia d ev eloped on caten u late, spherical con id io g en o u s cells.

C heiropolyschem a ghaticum resem bles the type species, C .fo rm o sa n a, but its co n idiogenous cells often becom e cupulate a fte r conidium secession, a feature also seen in genera such as T orula P ersoon ex F ries and D w ayabeeja Subram anian (E llis, 1971). F u rth er, the co n idiogenous cells often secede w ith the co n id ia, as they do in D ictyo sp o riu m g a u n tii B hat

& Sutton (1985b).

C ra sp ed o d id ym u m fim b r ia tu m B hat & K endrick a n a m .-s p . nov. (Fig. 7) (Etym . L atin: fim b r ia tu s = fringed)

Ad fungos co n id iales, hyphom ycetes, pertinens. C oloniae g reg ariae, effusae, atro b ru n n eae, velutinae. C o nidiophora m ononem atica, 4-20 aggregata, erecta, recta, crassitunicata, atrobrunnea, non-ram osa, 150-240

|im alt., 6-7.5 |J.m lat., 5-8-septata, e strom atibus parvibus ca. 50 fim lat.

exorientia. C ellulae conidiogenae term inales. integratae, m onophialidicae, clavatae vel cy lin d rico -clav atae, ad apicem len iter in flatae et rotundatae, b runneae vel a trobrunneae, 25-32 |im long., 5.5-7.5 ^.m lat. ad b asim , 11-

13.5 |im lat. supra, apicem versus angustatae, co llaru lo in conspicuo, expanso, 7.5 (im lat., praeditae. C onidia blastico-phialidica, globosa, non- septata, crassitu n ic ata , brunnea, 18-24 p.m d iam ., cum appendicibus num erosis fib rillo sis, curvatis, chlam ydem 2-3 jam cr. form antibus; ad apicem co n id io p h o ri in m assis m ucosis in co lo ratis ag g reg ata, vel p o st secessionem nonnunquam lateribus cellularum conidiogenarum adhaerentia.

C onidial fungi, hyphom ycetes. C olonies greg ario u s, effuse, dark brow n, velvety. C onidiophores m ononem atous, fascicu late in groups o f 4 -20, erect, straight, thick-w alled, dark brow n, unbranched, 150-240 (im tall, 6- 7.5 fim w ide, 5 -8-septate, septa 20-28 fim ap art, d ev elo p in g from sm all strom ata ab o u t 50 }im w ide. C onidiogenous cells term in al, in teg rated , m on o p h ialid ic, clav ate to cy lin d ric-clav ate, slightly in flated and ro unded at the apex, m edium to dark brow n, 25-32 (im long, 5.5-7.5 jim w ide at the base, 11-13.5 |im wide above, narrow ing tow ard the apex, w hich bears an inconspicuous, flared collarette 7.5 |im wide. C onidia blastic-phialidic, globose, non -sep tate, th ick-w alled, m edium brow n, 18-24 |im d iam ., w ith


Fig. 7. C raspedodidym um fim b ria tu m anam .-sp. nov.:

strom a, conidiophores and fim b riate conidia.


num erous acellu lar, fib rillo se, curved appendages form ing a p ile o r coat 2-3 (J.m th ick on the surface; accum ulating in colourless slim y m asses at the apex o f the co nidiophore, o r som etim es adhering to the sides o f c o n idiogenous cells afte r secession.

H O LO TY PE: on decaying tw igs, Shiradi G hat, K arnataka S tate, India, 18 D ec. 1988, D .J. B hat, H erb. D AOM 214598.

T eleom orph: unknow n.

C ra sp ed o d id y m u m h y a lo sp o ru m B hat & K endrick a n a m .-s p . n o v . (E tym . G reek: hyaleos = glassy, transparent) (F ig. 8) Ad fungos conidiales, hyphom ycetes, pertinens. C oloniae effusae, pilosae, atrobrunneae vel nigrae. C onidiophora m ononem atica, ex strom atibus atro b ru n n eis, 25-45 |im lat., oriunda; erecta, recta vel len iter flexuosa, laevia, crassitu n icata, atrobrunnea, non-ram osa, saepe p ercu rren ter ren ascen tia, 180-290 fim alt., ad basim 9-11.5 jim lat., apicem versus atten u ata ad 5-7.5 jim lat., 8-12-septata. C ellulae conidiogenae term inales, integratae, m onophialidicae, clavatae vel cy lin d rico -clav atae, 25-38 |im long., 5-6.5 fim lat. ad basim , 8-10 fim lat. in p arte superiore, p allid e brun n eae vel brunneae, collarulo p rom inenti, ten u itu n icati, cup u lato e t expanso, usque ad 6.5 |im profundo, usque ad 8 jim lat., basi co n stricto , 4-5 fim lat., p raeditae. C onidia b lastico -p h ialid ica, brevi- cy lin d rica vel late ellipsoidea, utrinque ro tundata, laevia, in colorata, 1-septata, interdum leniter co n stricta ad septum , 8-12.5 X 4-6 fim , ad apicem co n id io p h o ri in m assis m ucosis incoloratis aggregata.

C onidial fungi, hyphom ycetes. C olonies effuse, hairy, dark brow n to black. C onidiophores m ononem atous, arising from dark brow n strom ata 25-45 fim w ide, erect, straig h t or slightly flexuous, sm ooth, th ick -w alled , dark brow n, unbranched, often percurrently regenerating a t cu t ends, 180- 290 jim tall, 9-11.5 fim w ide at the base, tapering to 5-7.5 fim w ide above, 8-12-septate, septa 15-25 fim apart. C onidiogenous cells term inal, integrated, m o n ophialidic, clav ate to cy lin d rical-clav ate, 25-38 fim long, 5-6.5 fim w ide at the base, 8-10 fim w ide in the upper half, p ale to m edium brow n, w ith a prom inent, thin-w alled, cup -sh ap ed and flared collarette, up to 6.5 fim deep, up to 8 fim w ide a t the flared open end, d istin ctly co n stricted at the base, w hich is 4-5 fim w ide. C o n id ia bias tic - p h ialid ic, sh o rt-cy lin d rical to broadly e llip so id al, ro unded a t both ends, sm ooth, co lo u rless, 1-septate, som etim es slightly co n stricted at the septum , 8-12.5 X 4-6 jim , accum ulating in colourless slim y m asses at the co nidiophore apex.

H O LO TY PE: on decaying tw igs, E dakum eri, D akshina K annada D istrict,


40 um

F ig . 8. C raspedodidym um hyalosporum anam .-sp. nov.:

co n idiophores, apical p h ialid es w ith co llarettes, and didym osporous conidia.


K arn atak a S tate, India, 5 Oct. 1989, D .J. B hat, D A O M 214599.

T eleom orph: unknow n.

T he genus C raspedodidym um H olubova-Jechova (1972) is ty p ified by C.

elatum H olubova-Jechova, w hich has branched conidiophores term inating in ap ica lly in flated p hialides w ith large fu n n el-sh ap ed co llarettes, prod u cin g bro w n , n on-septate conidia in slim y heads. T hree further sp ecies have been d escribed in this genus: C. a bigianense L unghini &

O n o fri (1980), C. p ro life ra n s R ao & de H oog (1986), and C. p u ln e y e n sis S ubram anian & B h at (1987). C raspedodidym um a bigianense produces lateral as w ell as term inal c o llarettes (the co n idiogenous cells therefore b ein g p o ly p h ialid es), and the conidiophores are unbranched. The co n id io p h o res o f C. p ro lifera n s are unbranched, b u t percurrently p ro liferatin g . In C. fim b ria tu m , the c o llarette is inconspicuous and the slim y, glo b o se, n onseptate conidia have a densely fib rillo se surface. In C.

hyalosporum the c o n id ia are colourless and 1-septate.

W e have determ ined th at C. p u ln eyen sis Subram anian & B h at is alm ost id en tical w ith C. p ro life ra n s, so it may now be reg ard ed as a facu ltativ e synonym o f C. p ro lifera n s.

C raspedodidym um p ro life ra n s R ao & de H oog, Stud. M ycol. 26:64-65 (1986).

= C raspedodidym um p u ln eyen sis S ubram anian & B hat, K avaka 15:52-54 (1987).

K irk (1985) described D ischloridium keniense P.M . Kirk with unbranched, percurrently proliferating conidiophores term inating in distinct cup-shaped p h ialid ic co llarettes and ellip so id al to obovoid, 1-sep tate, darkly pig m en ted conidia. A t the tim e he reco g n ized the sim ilarity o f his new taxon to C raspedodidym um , b u t thought it g en erically d istin ct from C.

elatum . The subsequent apparently reasonable ex p an sio n s o f the generic c o n cep t o f C raspedodidym um now m ake it ap p ro p riate to tra n sfe r D . k en ien se to this genus.

C ra sp ed o d id y m u m k e n ie n se (P.M . K irk) B hat & K endrick c o m b . n o v .

= D isch lo rid iu m keniense P.M . K irk, M ycotaxon 2 3:320-322 (1985).


C ry p to p h ia le a p ica lis B hat & K endrick a n a m .-s p . nov. (Fig. 9) A d fungos c o n id iales, hyphom ycetes, p ertinens. C oloniae effu sae, hirsutae, inconspicuae. M ycelium im m ersum , sparsum , ex hyphis ram osis, sep tatis, b ru n n eis, ca. 4 jim lat., com positum . C onidiophora m ononem atica, p ro p rie characteristica; axis p rin cip alis setiform is, rectus sed versus apicem m odice curvatus, atro-brunneus, laevis, crassitunicatus, u sq u e ad 300 jim long., basi usque ad 40 jim lat., in m edio 10-15 jim lat., ad apicem acutus; usque ad 16-septatis, septis infra zonam fertilem 30-38 jim d istan tib u s, in zona fertili 8-14 fim d istan tib u s, ap ice ultra zonam fertilem 12-25 jim protrudenti. Z ona fertilis argute propria, subapicalis e t un ilateralis, secus curvam en interiorem conidiophororum exoriens, 40- 75 (im long., ex tribus m onatibus com posita: (1) 5-8 axis principalis ram i, b rev es, laterales, axis prin cip alis ad in te rv alla plus m inusve reg u laria circum p eripheriam orientes; hi ram i basi len iter co n stricti, brunnei vel atro-brunnei, m odice incurvi, subulati, laeves, 1-2-septati, 30-45 fim long., p ro p e basim 4-7 fim lat.; (2) cellu lae steriles plus m inusve cy lindricae, p a llid e bru n n eae, 18-24 X 3-4.5 jim ; (3) cellu lae conidiogenae m o n o p h ialid icae, discretae, cy lin d ricae, cum ap ertu ra an g u sta fertili, vallum arete contiguum form antes, sed plerum que cellu lis sterilibus absconditae. C onidia falcata, non-septata, laevia, incolorata, 9-14 X 1.5-2

|im , in m assis m ucosis incoloratis aggregata.

C o n id ial fungi, hyphom ycetes. C olonies effuse, hairy, inconspicuous.

M ycelium im m ersed, sparse, com posed o f branched, septate, brow n hyphae, about 4 fim wide. C onidiophores m ononem atous, d ifferentiated;

m ain axis setiform , erect b u t gently curved near the apex, dark brow n, sm ooth, thick-w alled, up to 300 |im long, up to 40fim w ide at the base, 10-15 |um w ide in the m iddle, tapering to a p o in ted tip; up to 16-septate, septa 30-38 fim apart below the d iscrete fertile zone, 8-14 jim ap art in the fe rtile zone, apex protruding 12-25 jim b eyond the fertile zone. F ertile zone sharply delim ited, subapical and un ilateral, arisin g along the inner cu rv e o f the conidiophore, 40-75 jim long, com posed o f three elem ents:

(1) a series o f 5-8 short, lateral branches o f the m ain axis arising at m ore or less reg u lar intervals around the p eriphery; these branches slightly co n stricte d at the base, brow n to dark brow n, gently incurved, subulate, sm ooth, 1-2-septate, 30-45 jim long, 4-7 jim w ide n ear the base; (2) m ore or less c y lin d rical, pale brow n, sterile cells 18-24 X 3-4.5 |im ; (3) co n idiogenous cells that are m o n ophialidic, d iscrete, cy lin d rical, w ith a narrow fertile aperture, and in a tightly pack ed p alisad e, b u t generally o b scu red by the sterile cells. C onidia falcate (curved and pointed at both ends), non-septate (am erosporous), sm ooth-w alled, colourless, 9-14 X 1.5-


F ig. 9. C ryptophiale apicalis anam .-sp. nov.:

setose conidiophores w ith sub -ap ical, u n ilateral fertile zone, and falcate, a m erosporous conidia.


2 jim , accum ulating in colourless m ucus.

H O L O T Y PE : on dead leaves o f V ateria indica L. (D ipterocarpaceae), S h irad i G hat, D akshina K annada D istrict, K arnataka State, India, D .J.

B h at, 16 A ug. 1989. D AOM 214248.

T eleom orph: unknow n.

C ry p to p h ia le verrucosa B hat & K endrick a n a m .-s p . n o v . (Fig. 10) (E tym . L atin: verrucosus = w arty)

A d fungos co n id iales, hyphom ycetes, p ertinens. C oloniae effu sae, hirsutae, inconspicuae. M ycelium im m ersum , ex hyphis ram osis, septatis, b ru n n eis, ca. 4.5 fim lat., com positum . C o nidiophora m ononem atica, p ro p rie ch aracteristica; axis p rin cip alis setiform is, rectus sed versus apicem m odice curvatus, atro-brunneus, laevis, crassitu n icatu s, usque ad 260 jim long., basi 20-32 fim lat., in m edio 10-12 fim lat., ad apicem acutus; usque ad 16-septata, septis infra et supra zonam fertilem 25-32 jim d istan tib u s, in zona fertili 8-15 Jim d istantibus, apice ultra zonam fertilem 5 0-9 0 fim pro tru d en ti. Z ona fertilis argute p ro p ria, m edialis et u n ilateralis, secus curvam en interiorem conidiophororum exoriens, 50-80

|im long., ex tribus m onatibus com posita: (1) 4-8 axis prin cip alis ram i, b rev es, laterales, axis prin cip alis ad in terv alla plus m inusve regularia circum peripheriam orientes; hi ram i basi leniter constricti, pallide brunnei vel brunnei, m odice incurvi, subulati, conspicue verrucosi, 2-3-septati, 45- 90 |im long., 5-9 |im lat. prope basim ; (2) cellu lae steriles plus m inusve cy lin d ric ae, p allid e brunneae, 18-25 X 2.5-4.5 fim; (3) cellu lae co n id io g en ae m onophialidicae, d iscretae, cy lin d ricae, cum apertura an g u sta, vallum arete contiguum form antes, sed plerum que cellu lis sterilib u s absconditae. C onidia falcata, non -sep tata, laevia, incolorata, 9-

12 X 1.5-2 (im, in m assis m ucosis in co lo ratis nata.

C o n id ial fungi, hyphom ycetes. C olonies effuse, h airy, inconspicuous.

M ycelium im m ersed, com posed o f branched, septate, brow n hyphae about 4.5 jim w ide. C onidiophores m ononem atous, highly d ifferen tiated , m ain axis erect but slightly to d istin ctly curv ed in the m iddle, brow n to dark b row n, sm ooth, thick-w alled, up to 260 fim long, 20-32 |um w ide a t the b u lb o u s base, 10-12 fim w ide in the m iddle, tapering to a p ointed tip; up to 16-septate, w ith septa 25-32 jim ap art in the apical and b asal sterile reg io n s, 8-15 fim a p art in the m edian fertile zone, apex protruding 50-90 fim above the fertile zone. F ertile zone sharply d elim ited , m edian and un ilateral, arising along the inner curve o f the co n idiophore, 50-80 fim long, com posed o f three elem ents: (1) a series o f 4-8 short lateral bran ch es o f the m ain axis arising a t m ore or less reg u lar in terv als around


Fig. 10. C ryptophiale verrucosa anam .-sp. nov.:

seto se co n idiophores, m edian, u n ilateral fertile zone, verrucose branches, and falcate conidia.


the p erip h ery , these branches pale brow n to brow n, slightly constricted at the b ase, slightly to d istinctly curved, subulate, d istin ctly w arty, 2-3- sep tate, 45-90 |im long, 5-9 |im w ide near the base; (2) a palisad e o f ste rile , flat, c y lin d rical, pale brow n cells, 18-25 X 2.5-4 jim ; (3) c o n id io g en o u s cells th at are m onophialidic, d iscrete, cy lin d rical, w ith a n arrow fertile aperture, in a tightly p acked palisad e, b u t generally o b scu red by the sterile tissue. C onidia falcate, no n -sep tate, sm ooth- w alled , co lo u rless, 9-12 X 1.5-2 |im , accu m u latin g in colourless slim y m asses.

H O L O T Y PE : on dead leaves o f Vateria indica L. (D ip tero carp aceae), Sam paje G hat, Kodagu D istrict, K arnataka State, India, D.J. Bhat, 23 Nov.

1989, D A O M 214249.

T eleom orph: unknow n.

P iro zy n sk i (1968) introduced the generic nam e C ryptophiale for two d istin ctiv e fungi, w hich w ere described as C. kakom bensis P irozynski (the ty p e species) on dead leaves o f B a p h ia sp. from T anzania, and C.

udagaw ae P irozynski & Ichinoe on dead leaves o f Q uercus sp. from Japan. T he genus w as characterized as having tall, dark, setose, apically b ran ch ed conidiophores w ith a discrete lateral fertile zone consisting of a p atch o f pig m en ted sterile tissue b earing a tig h tly p a ck ed p alisade layer o f pig m en ted p h ialid es, each giving rise to a succession o f colourless, lu n ate or falcate, slim y conidia. K irk & Sutton (1985), in a reassessm ent o f the anam orph genus C haetopsina R am b elli and closely related taxa, lim ited C ryptophiale to anam orphic fungi w ith sessile conidiogenous cells b o rn e u n ilaterally and in a subm edian p o sitio n on setiform , apically u nbranched or branched conidiophores, and obscured by a palisade of sh ield -sh ap ed sterile cells. I f this generic con cep t is accepted, nine d escrib ed species fit the genus: C. ka ko m b en sis P irozynski and C.

udagaw ae P irozynski & Ichinoe (P irozynski, 1968), C. g u adalcanalensis M atsushim a (1971), C. iriom oteana M atsushim a (1975), C. m anifesta Sutton & H odges (1976), C. m inor F arr (1980), C. ar is tat a K uthubutheen

& Sutton (1985), C. cucullata K uthubutheen (1987) and C. enorm is S utton, N aw aw i & K uthubutheen (1989). U sin g ch aracters d erived from the m orphology o f the conidiophores, fertile zones and conidia, Sutton et al. (1989) p u blished a dichotom ous key to the know n species of C ryptophiale.

A lthough C. a p ica lis and C. verrucosa have sim ilar conidia and conidiogenous cells, the fertile zone in C. apicalis is subapical, w hile that in C. verrucosa is m edian on the conidiophore. T he lateral branches of C. a p ic a lis are sm ooth-w alled, 30-45 Jim long and dark brow n, w hereas


in C. verru co sa they are distinctly verrucose, 45-9 0 jim long and m id­

brow n. Several co llectio n s have been m ade o f both o f ou r new species:

these specim ens confirm the stable nature o f the in tersp ecific differences.

Both new species can be readily distinguished from the other nine species o f C ryptophiale. O ur species have conidiophores th at branch su b term in ally , and exclusively on one side. In six o f the o th er nine species the c o nidiophore axes are unbranched; in the rem aining three (C.

udagaw ae, C. guadalca n a len sis and C. cucullata) the conidiophores branch ap ically and dichotom ously.

C haetopsina ram ifera M atsushim a (1971) and C. splendida Sutton &

H odges (1976) resem ble C ryptophiale verrucosa and C. apicalis in having 5-7 branches o f the conidiophore axis arising in association w ith the fertile zone. H ow ever, in the C haetopsina species the branches are not spaced around the periphery o f the zone, but are grouped above that zone.

In the C haetopsina species the fertile zone is n o t palisad e-lik e, and it lacks the sh ield -lik e sterile cells so ev ident in species o f C ryptophiale.

R am belli and O nofri (1987) em ended the generic d iagnosis o f X en o kylin d ria Di C osm o et al. (1983) to accom m odate m ononem atous hyphom ycetous anam orphs w ith percurrently pro liferatin g conidiogenous cells. T hey p roceeded to describe X. ciliata O nofri & R am b elli, w hich had n o n -sep tate, b isetu late co nidia that they believ ed arose from p ercu rren tly pro liferatin g conidiogenous cells. U n fo rtu n ately , although th eir lin e-d raw in g s show ed annellations at the narrow tip o f the conidiogenous c ells, th eir photom icrographs did not p ro v id e any co nfirm ation o f this. In p rin cip le, percurrent p ro liferatio n s should resu lt in increase in length o f the conidiogenous cells, b u t the illustrations given by O nofri and R am belli do not show this. It is also usual for setulate co nidia to be produced from phialides. W e have co llected a fungus from the W estern G hats w hich is clearly identical w ith the one they found in the Ivory C oast. W e have exam ined the fungus fo r any sign o f p ercu rren t p ro liferatio n and the resu lta n t an nellations, b u t failed to find any: the co llarettes are all o f the sam e length, and show no sign o f an n u lar scars.

It w ould th erefo re appear that this fungus w ould be b est d isposed in D ictyo ch a eta S pegazzini, and w e m ake the re q u isite com bination.

D ictyo ch a eta ciliata (O nofri & R am belli) B hat & K endrick c o m b . nov.

(Fig. 11)

= X en o ky lin d ria ciliata O nofri & R am belli, T rans. B rit, m ycol.

Soc. 88: 397. 1987.


Fig. 11. D ictyo ch a eta cilia ta com b, nov.:

conidiophores and b isetu late, am ero sp o ro u s conidia.


C o n id ial fungi, hyphom ycetes. C olonies effuse, p ale brow n to brow n, hairy. M ycelium m ostly im m ersed, partly superficial, com posed o f bran ch ed , sep tate, p ale brow n to brow n hyphae 2.5-4 }im w ide. Setae absent. C o nidiophores d ifferen tiated , erect, straig h t or slig h tly curved, sm ooth, th ick -w alled , up to 6-septate, unbranched, dark brow n to b lack at the base, brow n at the apex, up to 160 fim tall, 15-20 fim w ide at the b ase, 5-8.5 fim w ide above. C onidiogenous cells b lastic-p h ialid ic, term in al, in teg rated , d eterm in ate, upper h a lf d istin ctly v errucose, sm ooth b elow , w ith a narrow , cy lin d rical, colourless co llarette , 2-3 fim deep, 1-2 fim w ide. C onidia slim y, ellipsoidal, sm ooth, colourless, non-septate, 6.5-

10.5 X 6-8 fim , w ith a single setula, 5-8 fim long, at each end; low er setu la arising a t rig h t angles to the conidium axis. C onidia accum ulating in colo u rless slim y droplets.

S pecim en exam ined: on dead leaves o f C innam om um sp. (L auraceae), K udrem ukh, K arnataka State, India, D .J.B hat, 2 July 1989, DAOM 214600.

T eleom orph: unknow n.

D ictyo ch a eta tro p ica lis B hat & K endrick a n a m .-s p . n o v . (Fig. 12) Ad fungos conidiales, hyphom ycetes, pertinens. C oloniae effusae, pilosae, griseo-brunneae, velutinae. C onidiophora m ononem atica, erecta, recta vel flexuosa, non-ram osa, laevia, 5-6-septata, infra atrobrunnea, superne pallid e b runnea, 90-130 fim alt., basim versus ex ig u e vel conspicue inflatam ad 17 fim lat., ad apicem 4.5-6 fim lat. C ellu lae con id io g en ae term inales, integratae, m onophialidicae, cylindricae, supra len iter latiores, 15-25 fim long, 6-7.5 |im lat., cum collarulo ap icali 2-2.5 fim alt. et 3 fim lat., co n id ia iterum atque iterum in loco eodem pro d u cen tes. C onidia b la stica -p h ialid ic a, n on-septa ta, ellipsoidea vel g u ttu lifo rm ia, versus apicem atten u ata, basi truncata vel obtusa, 7.5-9.5 X 3-5 fim , in co lo rata, laevia, u trin q u e una setula praedita; setula ap icalis arrecta, 2.5-3 fim long., v elut e x ten sio apicis conidii attenuati oriunda; setu la basalis cu rv ata, usque ad 3.5 fim long., excentrica; ad apicem cellularum conidiogenarum in m assis m ucosis incoloratis aggregata.

C onidial fungi, hyphom ycetes. C olonies effuse, h airy , g reyish brow n, velvety. C onidiophores m ononem atous, erect, straig h t or flexuous, unbranched, sm ooth, 5-6-septate, dark brow n below and p ale brow n above, 90-130 fim tall, up to 17 fim w ide at the slig h tly to conspicuously sw ollen base, 4.5-6 fim w ide above. C onidiogenous cells term inal, single, in teg rated , m o n ophialidic, cy lin d rical, slightly w id er above, 15.5-25 X 6- 7.5 fim, w ith a flared apical collarette 3 fim w ide an d 2-2.5 fim d eep,


F ig. 12. D ictyochaeta tropicalis anam .-sp. nov.:

co nidiophores, apical p h ialid es, and b isetulate, am erosporous conidia.


prod u cin g a basip e tal succession o f conidia w ithout any exten sio n grow th o f the conidiogenous cell. C onidia blastic-phialidic, non-septate, ellipsoid to drop-shaped, tap erin g to a p ointed apex, truncate to o b tu se a t the base, 7.5-9.5 X 3-5 p.m, co lo u rless, sm ooth, w ith a setula a t each end: apical setu la straig h t, 2.5-3 Jim long and arising as an extension o f the tapering conidium apex; basal setula curved, up to 3.5 Jim long and a risin g from one side o f the broadly truncate base, accum ulating in a slim y d ro p let at the apex o f the p h ialide.

H O LO TY PE: on dead leaves, M t. H arriet, South A ndam an Island, India, 4 M ay 1990, D .J. B hat, D AOM 214601.

T eleom orph: unknow n.

D ictyo ch a eta tropicalis is unique in its e llip so id al to d rop-shaped, co lo u rless, b isetu late co nidia produced on m onophialidic co n id io p h o res b earin g d istin ct co llarettes. T he apical setula is alw ays straig h t, the basal setula curved. K uthubutheen and N aw aw i (1991b) have recen tly provided a key to 69 species so far described in D ictyo ch a eta S p egazzini and C odinaea M aire (H ughes and K endrick, 1968; G am undi et a l., 1977).

F o llo w in g A ram barri and C abello (1989), K uthubutheen and N aw aw i regarded 59 species as appropriately disposed in D ictyochaeta. A ram barri and C abello (1989) had m aintained the rem aining 10 species in C odinaea because these had b ranched conidiophores w ith d istin ct c o n idiogenous cells. The species these authors kept in C odinaea are indeed distin ct from those p laced in D ic ty o c h a e ta, b u t n either A ram barri and C abello nor K uthubutheen and N aw aw i included am ong them the type species o f C odinaea, C. arista ta . It is illeg itim ate to exclude the ty p e species from a genus w hile m aintaining the original generic nam e fo r o th er species, and if the ten species are to be m aintained as a d istin ct anam orph-genus, a new generic nam e m ust be provided for them .

In m ost species o f D ictyo ch a eta the setulate co n id ia are falcate or lunate, and p ointed at both ends. The conidiogenous cells are usually p o ly p h ialid es (sym podially p ro liferatin g p hialides w ith tw o to several conidiogenous a p ertu res w hich function successively). D ictyo ch a eta tropicalis b elongs in the second group delineated by K u thubutheen and N aw aw i, having no n -sep tate, setulate conidia. It d iffers from other species in that group in several ways: (1) no p o ly p h ialid es have been seen, (2) setae are absent, (3) the conidia are not falcate, (4) the co n id ia are sm aller than those o f otherw ise sim ilar species [D. apiculata M atsushim a, D. p a rva H olubova-Jechova, D . tilikfrei B h at & Sutton, and D . vulgaris (H ughes & K endrick) C abello & A ram barri (A ram barri and C abello, 1989)].


D isc h lo rid iu m reg en e ra n s B hat & K endrick a n a m .-s p . nov. (Fig. 13) A d fungos co n id iales, hyphom ycetes, pertin en s. C oloniae effusae, atro b ru n n eae, p ilo sae, velutinae. C onidiophora m ononem atica, erecta, re c ta vel flexuosa, usque ad 300 fim alt., 8-10 fim lat., 4 -7 -sep tata, septis 20-3 0 fim d istan tib u s, non-ram osa, in dim idio in ferio re vulgo verrucosa, crassitunicata, cylindrica, atrobrunnea, versus apicem pallescentiora, semel vel bis p ercu rre n ter extensa. C ellulae conidiogenae so litariae, integratae, term in ales, m onophialidicae, 70-100 X 8-10 |im , cy lin d ricae, brunneae, apicis p ariete p ericlin ali leniter in crassato sine co llaru lo conspicuo.

C onidia am erospora (non-septata), cylindrica vel ellipsoidea, apice obtusa, b asi an g u ste truncata, crassitunicata, laevia, incolorata, 25-38 X 12-16

fim , ad apicem ph ialid is in m assis m ucosis in co lo ratis aggregata.

C o n id ial fungi, hyphom ycetes. C olonies effuse, dark brow n, hairy, velvety. C onidiophores m ononem atous, d ifferen tiated , erect, straight or flex u o u s, up to 300 fim tall, 8-10 fim w ide; 4 -7 -sep tate, septa 20-30 fim

ap art, unbranched, m ostly verrucose in the low er half, thick-w alled, cy lin d rical, dark brow n, paler tow ard the apex, w ith 1-2 percurrent pro liferatio n s, up to 300 ^im long, 8-10 fim w ide. C onidiogenous cells in teg rated , term inal, m onophialidic, 70-100 X 8-10 fim , cylindrical, m edium brow n, apical p ericlinal w all slightly th ickened, but w ith no co n sp icu o u s co llarette, 70-100 fim long, 8-10 fim w ide. C onidia blastic- p h ialid ic, cy lin d rical to ellipsoidal, o b tu se a t the apex, narrow er and tru n cate at the base, non-septate, th ick-w alled, sm ooth, colourless, 25-38 X 12-16 |im , accum ulating in colourless to w hitish slim y m asses.

H O L O T Y PE : on dead tw igs o f a stran g ler fig (F icu s sp., M oraceae), Mt.

H arriet, South A ndam an Island, 4 M ay 1990, D .J. B hat, D A O M 214603.

T eleom orph: unknow n.

T he generic nam e D ischloridium w as in troduced by Sutton (1977) for C hloridium laeense M atsushim a (1971), o rig in ally describ ed on leaves from Papua-N ew G uinea. H olubova-Jechova (1990) listed 7 species of D isc h lo rid iu m , o f w hich 4 have n o n -sep tate co n id ia. O f these, only D.

laeense (M atsushim a) Sutton (1977) and D. roseum (Petch) S eifert &

G am s (1985) are close to D . regenerans in conidium shape and dim ensions. T he conidia o f D. reg en era n s a re alm ost as large as those of D . roseum , b u t shaped like the m uch sm aller co n id ia o f D . laeense. In ad d itio n , the low er h a lf o f the p ercu rren tly reg en eratin g c o nidiophores of D . reg en era n s is often verrucose.


F ig . 13. D isch lo rid iu m regenerans anam .-sp. nov.:

c o nidiophores and am erosporous conidia.


F u s ic h a la r a g o a n e n sis B hat & K endrick a n a m .-s p . n o v . (Fig. 14) (E tym . = p ertain in g to G oa State in India)

A d fun g o s co n id ia les, hyphom ycetes, p ertin en s. C oloniae effusae, b ru n n eae , lanatae. M ycelium plerum que im m ersum , ex hyphis ram osis, sep tatis, 3.5-5 fim lat. com positum . C on id io p h o ra m ononem atica, 2-4 in fa scicu lis enata, non-ram osa, arrecta, rec ta, b ru n n ea vel aureo-brunnea, a p ic a lite r p allesce n tio ra, laevia, cy lin d ric a vel subcylindrica, 3-4-septata, 80 -1 1 0 jim long., 6-8.5 fim lat. C ellulae conid io g en ae m onophialidicae, c y lin d ricae vel subcylindricae, 60-72 fim long., ventre parum inflato, 25- 38 X 6.5-8.2 jim , et collarulo profundo 18-24 X 6.5-8 fim praeditae.

C o n id ia m ucosa, plus m inusve cylindrica, ap ice rotundata, basi truncata, in co lo rata, laevia; conidiorum sunt 2 form ae: co nidia p rio ra 3-septata, 17- 22 X 5-6 fim; co n id ia cetera 1-septata, 12-15 X 4 .5-5.5 fim, saepe in p seu d o -caten is facile secedentibus nata.

C o n id ial fungi, hyphom ycetes. C olonies effu se, brow n, hairy. M ycelium m ostly im m ersed, com posed o f branched, septate, hyphae 3.5-5 fim wide.

C onidiophores m acronem atous, m ononem atous, arising in fascicles o f 4-5, sim p le, erect, straight, brow n to golden brow n, apically paler, sm ooth, cylindrical to subcylindrical, 3-4-septate, 80-110 fim long, 6-8.5 fim wide.

C o n idiogenous cells m onophialidic, cy lin d rical to su bcylindrical, 60-72 fim long, w ith slightly inflated venter, 25-38 X 6.5-8.2 fim and a deep cy lin d ric al co llarette 18-24 X 6.5-8 |im , m inutely flared only at the rim.

C o n id ia slim y, nearly cy lin d rical, ro unded a t the apex, truncate at the base, colourless, sm ooth, o f two kinds; first-form ed conidia 3-septate, 17- 22 X 5-6 fim; subsequent conidia 1-sep tate, 12-15 X 4.5-5.5 fim, often in rea d ily seceding false chains.

H O L O T Y PE : on decaying tw igs, C otigao W ild life Sanctuary, G oa State, In d ia, 14 July 1991, D J . B hat, D AOM 214604.

T eleom orph: unknow n.

T he genus F usichalara was established by H ughes and N ag Raj (1973) for th ree C h a la ra -like anam orphic fungi: F. d im orphospora H ughes & Nag R aj (the type species), F. dingleyae H ughes & N ag R aj, and F. novae- zela n d ia e H ughes & N ag R aj. T hese d iffered from C halara in the p rese n ce o f a p ronounced w all-th ick en in g in sid e the p h ialid e at the base o f the co llarette, and in producing tw o m o rp h o lo g ically d ifferen t kinds of conidia. G am s and H olubova-Jechova (1976) added an o th er sp ecies, F.

m inuta H o l.-Jech ., and a fifth, F. clavatispora P .M .K irk apud K irk and S p ooner, w as added in 1984. O ur new species invites com parison only w ith F. d ingleyae and F. clavatispora. F u sich a la ra dingleyae can be


2 0 / i m i o JJ-m

F ig. 14. F usichalara goanensis anam .-sp. nov.:

con id io p h o res w ith in tegrated apical ph ialid es and phragm osporous conidia.


d iffere n tia ted from F. g oanensis as follow s: (1) its con id io p h o res are d istin ctly verrucose; (2) its prim ary conidia are m uch longer (up to 84 jim long an d up to 7-septate); (3) its secondary co n id ia are fusiform . F.

cla va tisp o ra can be distin g u ish ed from F. go a n en sis as follow s: (1) the ven ter o f its p h ialid e is rather sw ollen and ellipsoidal; (2) there is no clear d istin ctio n betw een the first-form ed and subsequent co n id ia, all are 1-3- sep ta te and 12-16 X 3.5-4 jim: in F. g o a n en sis, first-fo rm ed co n id ia are 3 -sep tate and 17-22 X 5-6 |im ; subsequent c o n id ia are 1-septate, and 12- 15 X 4.5-6.5 Jim.

H y p h o p o ly n e m a stilb o id e u m B hat & K endrick a n a m .-s p . n o v . (Fig. 15) (E tym . L atin: stilb iu s = shining)

A d fungos co n id iales, hyphom ycetes, p ertinens. C oloniae effusae, atrobrunneae, pilosae, velutinae, hypophyllae. C onidiom ata synnem atica, co n sp icu a, erecta, atrobrunnea, 550-1250 |im alt., usque ad 110 p.m lat.

ad basim , usque ad 25 jxm lat. in m edio et supra, in caput fertile usque ad 45 Jim lat. term inantia, ex conidiophoris adhaerentibus, parallelis, septatis, ram o sis, b ru n n eis, 3.5-4.5 jim lat., com posita. C ellulae conidiogenae term in ales, integratae, m onophialidicae, cy lin d ricae vel subcylindricae, parum latiores in m edio quam utrinque, incoloratae usque subhyalinae, 30- 40 X 3-4.5 |im , ap ertu ra p h ialid ica 2.5 Jim lat., co llaru lo inconspicuo, p a rie te p ericlin ali incrassato praeditae. C onidia b lastico -p h ialid ica, fu sifo rm ia vel ellip so id ea, basi rotundata, apice len iter atten u ata, 1- sep tata, ad septum le n iter co n stricta, in colorata, laevia, 13-19 X 5-7 |im ; una setu la ap icalis 8-10 |im long., et q u attu o r setulae sim iles, 8-15 |im lo n g ., ae q u id istan tes circa basim ; co nidia in m assis m ucosis incoloratis aggregata.

C o n id ial fungi, hyphom ycetes. C olonies effu se , dark brow n, hairy, v elv ety , hypophyllous. C onidiom ata synnem atal, determ inate, co n sp icu o u s, erect, dark brow n, 550-1250 Jim tall, up to 110 Jim w ide at the base, up to 25 |im w ide in the m iddle and above, term in atin g in a fe rtile head up to 45 jim w ide, com posed o f tightly adherent, parallel, septate, branched, brow n co nidiophores, 3.5-4.5 Jim w ide. C onidiogenous cells term inal, clustered, integrated or discrete, m onophialidic, cylindrical to su b cy lin d rical, slightly w ider in the m iddle than at eith er end, co lo u rless to alm o st co lo u rless, 30-40 X 3-4.5 jim , p h ialid e a p ertu re 2.5 jim w ide, w ith an inconspicuous co llarette, and som e p ericlinal thickening. C onidia blastic-phialidic, fusiform to ellipsoid, base rounded, apex slightly tapered, 1-septate, very slightly co n stricted a t the septum , co lo u rless, sm ooth, 13-19 Jim long, 5-7 |im w ide, w ith 1 ap ical setu la 8-


F ig. 15. H yphopolynem a stilb o id eu m anam .-sp. nov.:

synnem atal conidiom ata, p hialidic conidiogenous cells, and setulate, didym osporous conidia.


10 fim long, and w ith 4 sim ilar setulae, 8-15 fim long, arisin g evenly spaced aro u n d the base; co nidia accum ulating in reflectiv e, colourless slim y m asses.

H O L O T Y PE : on dead leaves o f Syzygium sp. (M y rtaceae), K odachadri H ills, D ak sh in a K annada D istrict, K arnataka S tate, India, 30 D ec. 1991, D .J. B hat, D A O M 214605.

T eleom orph: unknow n.

S everal gen era o f synnem atous hyphom ycetes w ith setu late p h ialo co n id ia have been d escrib ed (E llis, 1 9 7 1 ,1 9 7 6 ; C arm ichael e t a h , 1980; M ercado and P o rtales, 1985). T he p resence o f setae in the synnem ata, the shape o f the co n id ia, and the num ber and position o f the setulae have been given co n sid erab le im portance in draw ing generic d istin ctio n s. In Thozetella n ivea K untze, the type species o f Thozetella, the synnem a has sm all, seto id stru ctu res called m icroaw ns, the colo u rless co n id ia are falcate and no n -sep tate, and they have 1 setula at each end. In P hia lo sp o ro stilb e tu rb in a ta M ercado & P ortales, the type species o f P h ia lo sp o ro stilb e, the co lo u rless co n id ia are turbinate, and have 3 apical setu lae and often 1 b asal setu la (see F ig. 17, o f the sim ilar P. setosa). In M enisporopsis theobrom ae H ughes, the type species o f M en isp o ro p sis, the synnem a has a sin g le large seta, the colourless conidia are falcate and no n -sep tate, and they have 1 setula at each end. H ow ever, in M en isp o ro p sis p leio seto sa R ao & de H oog (1986), although the large seta c h aracteristic o f the genus is p resen t, the colourless, non-septate co n id ia are o b tu rb in ate and have 1 apical and 2-4 basal setulae. T his poses a taxonom ic problem . In alm ost every ch aracter o th er than the large seta and the n o n -sep tate conidia, M.

p le io se to sa resem b les w hat w e have nam ed H yp h opolynem a stilboideum . T he o th er species o f H yphopolynem a N ag R aj (N ag R aj, 1977; Sutton and A lcorn, 1984), are sporodochial, b u t in each case the ch aracters o f the co n id io g en o u s cells and conidia are sim ilar, each conidium b earing 1 apical and 2-4 b asal setulae. It m ay becom e ex p ed ien t to e rec t a new genus fo r H. stilboideum and M. p leio seto sa at som e po in t, if o th er as yet u n d isco v ered species form a group w ith them , and the d ifferen ce betw een synnem ata and sporodochia is p erceived as a n atu ral taxonom ic hiatus.

K o ste rm a n sin d a a n d a m a n e n sis B hat & K endrick a n a m .-s p . n o v . (E tym . = p ertain in g to the A ndam an Islands) (Fig. 16) A d fungos co n id iale s, hyphom ycetes, pertin en s. C oloniae effusae atro b ru n n e ae, v elutinae. C onidiom ata synnem atica, erecta, atrobrunnea usque ad 420 jim alt., 40-7 0 jim lat. ad basim , 15-30 jim lat. in m edio e supra, ap ice in capitulum fertile expanso e t 90 jim lat., ex conidiophorii


F ig. 16. K osterm ansinda andam anensis anam .-sp. nov.:

synnem atal con id io m ata and ch eirosporous conidia.

K osterm a n sin d a andam anensis d iffers unequivocally from the o th er sp ecies o f K osterm ansinda R ifa i (1968) in th at the upper p a rt o f each m ature conidium is com posed o f d iv erg in g colum ns o f cells: K. m agna (B oedijn) R ifai and K. m inor C abello & A ram barri (A ram barri et a l., 1987) both produce ovoid to bro ad ly ellip so id al, d icty o sep tate co n id ia


atro b ru n n eis, p ara lle lis, septatis, laevibus, crassitu n ica tis, non-ram osis, atro b ru n n e is, 5-6.5 jim lat., com posita. C ellulae conidiogenae integratae, te rm in ates, m o n o b lasticae, p ercu rren ter renascentes, ap ice tru n cato et 8 jim lat. p o st secessionem conidiorum . C onidia so litaria, sicca, ch eiro sp o ro sa, in fra atrobrunnea, supra brunnea, laev ia e t crassitu n icata, tru n cata ad basim , ex 2-4 colum nis cellularum com posita; quam quam m ultorum conidiorum ju venilium pars ex terio r re la tiv e laev is est et colum nae cellu laru m connatae, tam en c onidia m atura in ter ce llu las sulcos non profundos praebent e t partes apicales colum narum liberatae divergunt;

ch eiro sp o rae 32-42 jim long., 5.5-8 jim lat. ad basim , 13-20 jim lat. in m edio, e t usque ad 36 jim lat. trans apices d ivergentes colum narum ; colum na unaquaeque ex (3-)6-7 cellulis euseptatis com posita, 5-6.5 X 6.5- 8 jim , ad septa len iter co n stricta. C onidia saepe p e r disruptionem rhexolyticam cellularum sustinentium liberantur.

C o n id ial fungi, hyphom ycetes. C olonies effu se, dark b row n, velvety.

C o n id io m ata synnem atal, determ inate, erect, dark bro w n , up to 420 Jim long, 40-70 jim w ide at the base, 15-30 jim wide in the m iddle and above, b ro ad en in g at the apex into a fertile head 90 Jim w ide, com posed o f co m pactly and p arallel, septate, sm ooth, thick-w alled, unbranched, dark brow n con id io p h o res 5-6.5 Jim w ide. C onidiogenous cells integrated, term inal, m onoblastic, percurrently regenerating, tru n cate and up to 8 Jim w ide at the apex a fter conidium secession. C o n id ia so litary , dry, ch eiro sp o ro u s, dark brow n below , m edium brow n above, sm ooth and th ick -w alled , tru n cate a t the base, consisting o f 2-4 co lu m n s o f cells;

although in m any developing conidia the exterior is relatively sm ooth, and the cell colum ns still united up to their apices, m ature co n id ia develop shallow furrow s betw een the cells, and the apical parts o f the colum ns becom e free and divergent; cheirospores are 32-42 |im long, 5.5-8 |im w ide at the base, 13-20 jim w ide in the m iddle and up to 36 jim wide across the div erg en t apices o f the colum ns; each colum n is com posed of (3-)6-7 e u sep tate cells, each cell 5-6.5 jim long and 6.5-8 jim wide, slightly co n stricted a t the septa. The spores are o ften released by rh ex o ly tic fracture o f the supporting cell.

H O L O T Y PE : on dead leaves o f C alam us sp. (A recaceae), M t. H arriet, South A ndam an Island, 5 M ay 1990, D.J. B hat, H erb. D A O M 214606.

T eleom orph: unknow n.


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