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Pamela A. Mosier-Boss ... 2


Academic year: 2023

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Supplementary Information:

Some authors’ backgrounds & credentials

(mainly with respect to Cold Fusion) [in no particular order]

Table of Contents

Jean-Paul Biberian ... 2

Jianer Bao ... 2

Pamela A. Mosier-Boss ... 2

Dennis Letts ... 2

K. P. Sinha ... 3

Xing Zhong Li ... 3

Edmund Storms ... 3

Akito Takahashi ... 4

Melvin H. Miles ... 4

Andrew Meulenberg ... 5

Mitchell Swartz ... 5

Abd ul-Rahman Lomax ... 6

David J. Nagel ... 6

Michael C.H. McKubre ... 6

Francis Tanzella ... 7

Vladimir Vysotskii ... 7

Alla Kornilova ... 7

Frank E. Gordon ... 8

Lawrence Forsley ... 8

Alexei S. Roussettski ... 8

Andrei G. Lipson ... 9

A. Kitamura, ... 9

Peter Hagelstein ... 9

Dazhuang Zhou ... 10

David A. Kidwell, Ph.D. ... 10

Gayle Verner ... 10

Graham K. Hubler ... 11

Yury Bazhutov ... 11


Jean-Paul Biberian

I graduated in 1969 as an electronics and nuclear energy engineer from Nancy in France, and got a PhD in material sciences from the University of Paris in 1975. I have been working, and still continue to work in surface science. However, when in 1989, I heard of the discovery of Cold Fusion, I was immediately interested by the subject. Unfortunately, electrochemistry is not my forte, so it took me four more years before I could finally get my hands on experimental work. Following the advice of Francis Forrat from France, I started experimenting with solid state electrolytes, then later with Georges Lonchampt, I replicated Pons and Fleischmann's original electrochemical experiments. Since then I never stopped. I retired from the University of Aix-Marseille in 2012, and I now continue in my own personal laboratory.

Since 2006, I am the editor in Chief of the Journal of Condensed Matter Nuclear Science, the only peer reviewed journal solely devoted to Cold Fusion. The field is so exciting that it is impossible for me to stop!

Jianer Bao

Dr. Jianer Bao is a Materials Scientist at SRI International. She studied functional ceramics at Tsinghua University, China during her Bachelor and Master, and worked as a Ceramic Engineer at General Electric.

Later, she earned her Ph.D in Materials Science and Engineering with specialty in Electrochemistry at Pennsylvania State University. At SRI, she has studied various batteries and fuel cells as well as performing electrochemical measurements of other systems. She worked with Dr. McKubre and Dr.

Tanzella on electrochemical loading of thin metal wires with H/D in diluted electrolytes and exploding wires in a liquid nitrogen calorimeter to analyze the energy released from the loaded wires. She also performed calorimetry calibrations and offered theoretical explanations for LENR effects. She has more than 20 scientific publications with major journals.

Pamela A. Mosier-Boss

Dr. Pamela A. Mosier-Boss has a Ph.D. in analytical chemistry. When Pons and Fleischmann made their announcement in 1989, she and Dr. Stan Szpak were investigating the thionyl chloride battery system using spectroelectrochemical techniques pioneered by Pons and Fleischmann. Knowing that long incubation times were required to load the Pd lattice with deuterium, they developed Pd/D co-deposition process to achieve high D loadings in a relatively short period of time. For showing evidence of the emission of DT neutrons, Dr. Mosier-Boss was awarded the Preparata Medal in 2013.

Dennis Letts

Dennis Letts has been working on electrochemical heat systems since 1990. He has built over 700 cells to study deuterium in palladium systems. He has pioneered the use of radio frequencies and lasers to trigger exothermic events in D-Pd electrochemical cells. Contact: lettslab@sbcglobal.net


K. P. Sinha

In 1989, the news of LENR and subsequent confirmation from BARC of these effects sparked my interest in the subject. My two PhDs (in Solid State Physics and in Theoretical Physics) followed by 3 years at Bell Laboratories and over 30 years at the Indian Institute of Science provided the basis for theoretical models to explain the phenomenon. However, the massive attacks and public denial of the effect discouraged me from publishing them for many years. While I was working at Harvard and MIT, Eugene Mallove, at the Conference on Future Energy (COFE) in 1998, encouraged me to submit my thoughts to his journal Infinite Energy. Since 2005, on my return to India, I have continued to develop, present, and publish my ideas on the subject where possible.

Xing Zhong Li

Dr. Xing Zhong Li is Professor Emeritus in the Department of Physics at Tsinghua University. He has Ph.Ds in theoretical nuclear physics and in plasma physics. Dr. Li has studied hot fusion for 30 years, and cold fusion for 25 years. He was a visiting scientist at MIT Plasma Fusion Center (1984-1985) and the Chairman of ICCF-9 (2002, Beijing). Dr. Li was awarded the Preparata Medal in 2005. Selective resonant tunneling has been proposed by him as the major mechanism to explain the Huizenga’s 3 puzzles since ICCF-5(1995). In ICCF-17(2012), this model was further developed to explain the Ni-H systems. The conjecture of neutrino emission from the metal-hydrides has been proposed as the major prediction based on this model.

Edmund Storms

Dr. Storms has been involved in studies of LENR from the beginning, while working at the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL). His successful production of tritium using the electrolyte method and his reviews of what was being discovered at the time helped move the research forward. In 2007, he published the book, “The Science of Low Energy Nuclear Reaction”, which summarized what was discovered about LENR up to that time. Another book, "The Explanation of Low Energy Nuclear Reaction” followed, which described most proposed theories, including his own. He has received a great deal of recognition in the field, including the Preparata Medal and the Distinguished Scientist award at ICCF-18. He has testified before the US Congress on the topic of cold fusion and presented papers at APS, ACS and ANS conferences. After retiring from LANL in 1991, Dr. Storms continued to study LENR in his private laboratory where he achieved success using the electrolytic cell, gas discharge, and gas loading techniques. During his 24 years of private research, he has authored more than 100 papers reporting the results of his investigations. In the process, he accumulated a large library of publications related to LENR, consisting of more than 5000 published and unpublished documents, all accessible by computer, which was used to create the www.LENR.org website.


Akito Takahashi

Akito Takahashi had graduated from Electrical Engineering Department, Osaka University in 1963, got master degree in nuclear engineering in Graduate School, Osaka University in 1965 and Ph.D. in 1973 from Osaka University. He worked for 39 years (1965-2004) in the Nuclear Engineering Department of Osaka University in the field of fission reactor physics, fusion neutronics, nuclear data, and nuclear physics. He retired as full professor to become Professor Emeritus in 2004 and is currently working with Kobe University group for MDE (metal deuteron energy) program experiments (2008-2015).

Prof. Takahashi has collaborated with foreign institutes in Germany (KfK; now FZK), USA (UCLA, LLNL, ANL), China (Tsinghua U., Peking U., Lanzhou U., CIAE, etc.) and Thailand (Chiang Mai U.) and national institutes as JAERI (now JAEA) and national universities (U. Tokyo, Tohoku U., TIT, Nagoya U., Kyoto U., Kyushu U., etc.) for intense neutron source development, fast neutron physics, and nuclear physics. He published more than 250 peer-reviewed papers in journals and conference proceedings in reactor physics, fusion reactor neutronics, nuclear data and nuclear physics. He has received an Honorary Doctorate in Science from Chiang Mai University (1995), AESJ (Atomic Energy Society of Japan) Grand Award (1986), AESJ fellow, Okada Science and Technology Prize, and Truffle Prize (Italy).

When Prof. Takahashi was working with a trilateral (US-Japan-China) project on the tritium breeding blanket of DT fusion reactor, at Osaka University in 1989, the notorious CF claim by Utah scientists was made and the world wide replication works became very active. He was skeptical, but too busy with the hot fusion project to participate. The situation changed accidentally, when the trilateral project was suspended due to the Tiananmen Crisis in Beijing. As a specialist of fast neutron spectroscopy and nuclear reactions, he then had free time to test if neutrons were produced from heavy-water electrolysis with Pd cathode. Eventually, in 1990, he found tiny, but clear, neutron emission. Since then, he has been deeply involved in the CF/CMNS research. He has published more than 100 papers in the CMNS field in journals (peer reviewed) and conference proceedings. He wrote three text books for CMNS/CF in Japanese (Kogakusha, Tokyo), and edited a CMNS book (Condensed Matter Nuclear Science, 2006, World Scientific Publ. Co.) in English. He was the first president of ISCMNS (International Society for Condensed Matter Nuclear Science) and the first Director-in-Chief (president) of Japan CF-Research Society in 1999-2008.

Melvin H. Miles

Dr. Miles received a B.A. degree from Brigham Young University with a chemistry major and the Ph.D.

degree from the University of Utah with a major in physical chemistry. He received a NATO postdoctoral award for a year of electrochemical research in Germany with Professor Heinz Gerischer.

His scientific career includes 28 years as a research electrochemist with the Navy laboratory in China Lake, California. Dr. Miles also has 14 years of university teaching of chemistry and physical chemistry.

His research has resulted in more than 220 publications and 20 patents. He is presently an Adjunct Professor at the University of LaVerne. Dr. Miles began his research on cold fusion shortly after the 1989 announcement and has more than 80 publications on this topic.


Andrew Meulenberg

When the historic events of 1989 unfolded, I had spent 27 years at COMSAT Labs (Clarksburg, MD) being responsible for preventing space-environmental effects on communications satellites, for creating and managing a space-environment-simulation laboratory, and for developing new solid-state devices and concepts for space-satellite systems. The announcement brought together this experimental-physics background in radiation effects and solar power systems with my PhD in Low-Energy Nuclear Physics.

My initial paper, in 1990, examined the possibilities that the excess power observed could have been short-term chemical energy supplied by the overvoltage conditions present during the electrolytic loading of deuterium into palladium. I did not have time to further explore the cold fusion phenomenon until my third ‘retirement’ 15 years later. Prior to retirement, I had been a Principle Scientist at Draper Labs (Cambridge, MA) where I met Prof. K. P. Sinha while he was working at MIT. Under his influence, I re- entered the field of Cold Fusion and have worked with him in India to develop theoretical models to bring together the fields of solid-state and nuclear physics.

Mitchell Swartz

Dr. Mitchell Swartz trained at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology [Dept EECS (MSEE, EE and ScD) electrophysics, semiconductor physics, biomedical engineering, dielectric spectroscopy of water]

and Harvard Medical School, (MD), and then served a surgical internship and residency (radiation oncology, nuclear physics, Massachusetts General Hospital). He invented electrophotodynamic therapy, fabricated the first bioelectronic MEMs and resettable microelectrooptical gas and small molecule detectors, and contributed to the development BID, intraoperative, proton beam, and sandwich-type radiotherapy and the use of dual photon time-of-flight image imaging (PET) for the measurement of regional blood flow, and oxygen and glucose utilization.

After the 1989 cold fusion announcement, Dr. Swartz turned to the study of heavy water, and proposed the Quasi-One-Dimensional Model of Deuteron flow which led to understanding successful cold fusion ("1-electrolysis"), codeposition, the PHUSON explanation for the coherent coupling of the lattice facilitated by phonons explaining the absence of neutrons and penetrating ionizing radiation, the possible role of the weak force, the role of catastrophic hydrogen redistribution (CAM model), and the proposed possible de novo deuterium production from Ni experiments (1996). Experimentally, Dr. Swartz documented the impact of D addition in Ni, the ubiquity of OOP operation, the improvements of metamaterials and OOP-linked near-IR emissions and pericathodic photosensitivity, and avalanche electrical breakdown in ZrO2-Pd nanomaterials.

At JET Energy, Inc., he has fabricated CF/LANR PHUSORS, NANORS, transistors, two of which were openly demonstrated at MIT [aqueous PHUSOR®, x5 days in 2003, COP 2.3-2.7; dry, preloaded NANOR® x4 months in 2012, COP 7-19]. Several patent applications have been filed and two patents have issued to date. To improve quality assurance, Dr. Swartz developed several new types of controls and corrections for errors, including vertically-directed low-flow calorimetry, and stressed the importance of multiple detector verifications and thermal waveform reconstruction. Since 1991, he has run several Colloquia and other educational seminars on CF/LANR at MIT.


Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

I sat in the Feynman Lectures on Physics at Cal Tech in 1961-63, but did not continue formal study, becoming a self-taught electronics engineer. Feynman remains a major inspiration for me, his *attitude.*

In 1989, I saw the cold fusion announcement, but believed with most that it had not been confirmed, until 2009, when I saw some odd administrative behavior on Wikipedia around cold fusion, and investigated. I bought all the books (including the skeptical classics). In 1992, John R. Huizenga called cold fusion "the scientific fiasco of the century," and he didn't know the half of it! The history of the field is astonishing in many ways. Cold fusion remains a mystery, something unknown, where many think they know, what they do not know, but only assume. There is new physics here, or at least something unanticipated, and the story has just begun.

David J. Nagel

In 1989, I was head of the 150-person Condensed Matter and Radiation Sciences Division of the Naval Research Laboratory in Washington DC. We performed diverse research on, and developed applications for solid-state and nuclear physics. So, I responded immediately to the Fleischmann-Pons announcement as a matter of responsibility, as well as a matter of interest. For about the next decade, I managed research programs on "cold fusion". In 1998, I became a Research Professor in The George Washington University, and continued to write reviews on LENR. I have participated in all 18 of the International Conferences on Cold fusion, and chaired the 14th such conference in 2008. Our company, NUCAT Energy LLC, was formed in 2011 to provide consulting and educational services for LENR.

Michael C.H. McKubre

My engagement with elements of what became cold fusion and the Fleischmann Pons Heat Effect started before 1989. My undergraduate studies in Chemistry and Physics began at George Washington University in Washington DC but I completed my BSc, MSc and PhD at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, the city of my birth. In 1976 I was invited to a Post Doctoral position by (Sir) Graham Hills at Southampton University in the UK. Graham was responsible for bringing Martin Fleischmann to Southampton and the two had established there arguably the pre-eminent Electrochemistry school in the English-speaking world. I came to know Martin Fleischmann well at that time and respect him deeply. I left Southampton in 1978 for my home of the past 36 years, SRI International in California.

One of the first tasks I undertook at SRI was to develop a hydrogen sensor based on the change of resistance of palladium with the uptake of hydrogen— and of deuterium — as by 1989 we were testing our sensors primarily in Canadian heavy water moderated (CANDU) nuclear reactors. When the cold fusion story broke, I was thus in a better position than most to know experimentally that the claim was unlikely. Had anyone other than Martin Fleischmann made it I doubt that my group would have even bothered to test it. Because of Martin’s experimental genius and demonstrated capacity for original


thinking, we did and were rewarded after some time and effort with confirming results that have kept us engaged now for nearly 26 years.

Francis Tanzella

Dr. Francis Tanzella is a Senior Electrochemist at SRI International. After earning his Ph.D in chemistry from UC, Berkeley, he studied Electrochemistry as a post-doctoral at the University of Pennsylvania. At SRI he used electrochemical techniques to monitor loading of hydrogen in palladium. Dr. Tanzella has helped develop the electrochemical and calorimetry LENR program at SRI since the field’s inception. In addition he has used experimental nuclear measurements to determine the presence or absence of nuclear particles in LENR processes. His reproduction and modification of a Pd-hydrogen co-deposition process was able to assure that tracks produced in CR-39 solid-state nuclear track detectors were not of chemical origin.

Dr. Tanzella has published over 75 papers in LENR and related subjects. He is a proponent of displaying the extension of existing plasma fusion theories to LENR and finding overlapping hypotheses when possible.

Vladimir Vysotskii

Prof. Vladimir I. Vysotskii is Head of Department of Theoretical Radiophysics at Kiev National Shevchenko University, Ukraine. He has Ph.D in theoretical physics (1975) and DSci in both theoretical and solid state physics (1992). He has published 10 books (including 2 books on transmutation of stable and active isotopes in growing biological systems) and 300 articles and patents on LENR, radiation physics, X-ray and gamma-ray laser physics, nuclear physics, physics of extreme states (including cavitations, shock waves and the problem of stability and collapse of a matter), molecular biophysics and radiation biology. He has studied LENR phenomena more 30 years - the first articles on lattice assisted controlled nuclear reactions he has published in 1981 (Soviet Phys. - Journal of Tech. Phys. Letters) and 1983 (Soviet Phys. - Journal of Tech. Phys.). The total number of LENR-related articles is about 50 (including patents on transmutation of stable isotopes (1995) and utilization of radioactive waste (2014) in biological systems). He is active member of different international academies and societies.

Alla Kornilova

Dr. Alla Kornilova is senior scientific researcher at physical faculty of Lomonosov's Moscow State University and director of Innovation scientific - educational center of physical faculty of the same university. She has PhD in solid state physics.

She has published 4 books (including 2 books on transmutation of stable and active isotopes in growing biological systems) and numerous articles and patents on LENR, solid physics at high pressure, physics of cavitation phenomena, X-ray optics, medical physics, biophysics and radiation biology (including patents on transmutation of stable isotopes (1995) and utilization of radioactive waste (2014) in biological systems). She is active member of Russian Academy of Natural science.


Frank E. Gordon

In 1989, Dr. Frank Gordon was a member of the U.S. Government Senior Executive Service and a department head at the SPAWAR Systems Center Pacific that included Dr.’s Stan Szpak and Pamela Mosier-Boss who were conducting research into high energy density batteries. Both Dr’s Szpak and Boss knew Dr. Fleischmann and had some knowledge of his research. Dr. Szpak suggested an approach wherein dissolved Pd would be co-deposited onto a cathode. This approach produced positive results that are documented in more than 30 peer-reviewed publications coauthored by Szpak and Boss and the co- deposition technique has been successfully used by many scientists. Since his retirement in 2009, Dr.

Gordon has been working with Dr. Szpak and Harper Whitehouse conducting LENR research.

Lawrence Forsley

Lawrence Forsley studied environmental engineering at the University of Rochester. In 1975 he began his fusion career as a research engineer at UR/LLE as a laser fusion group leader, then as a visiting scientist at Germany’s Max Planck Institute for Plasmaphysiks on the ASDEX Tokamak and a consultant to the DoE Livermore Mirror Fusion Program. He initiated sonoluminescence research at the Naval Research Laboratory and reviewed sonofusion for DARPA.

In 1990 he began exploring condensed matter nuclear science at the University of Rochester within eyeshot of Huizenga’s office. This continued with SPAWAR in San Diego, CA using nuclear diagnostics, published in over 20 peer-reviewed papers. Presently, he’s developing a hybrid fusion-fast-fission reactor using patented technology for Global Energy Corporation of Annandale, Virginia. He advises European, Asian, Middle Eastern and United States agencies on energy policy. Along the way he developed and fielded technology to locate errant nuclear material.

Alexei S. Roussettski

Alexei Roussetski received his PhD in nuclear physics from the Lebedev Physics Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences in 1999 where he is a leading researcher at the Laboratory of Fundamental Particles. Since 1989, Roussetski has studied low-energy nuclear processes in metal hydrides and deuterides. He developed the use of CR-39 to identify nuclear particles. Dr. Roussettski was involved in research to enhance the DD-reaction in pulsed glow discharge.

Currently he is conducting experiments to enhance DD-reactions in various materials using different exposures of ionizing radiation. He is the author of more than 80 scientific articles published in refereed journals.


Andrei G. Lipson

Andrei Lipson received his PhD in solid state physics from the Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow in 1986. He was a senior researcher and a Vice Director of Laboratory of Physics of Active Surfaces at the Institute of Physical Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences. He was well known for his research on ferroelectrics, metal hydrides, electron excitation in solids, radiation physics of condensed matter and low- energy nuclear processes. He was the author of 125 scientific papers published in peer-reviewed journals. Prior to his passing in 2009, he had worked with other researchers in the field including George Miley, Alexei Roussetski, Tadahiko Mizuno, Akito Takahashi, Alexander Karabut, and Francis Tanzella.

A. Kitamura,

Several years after the announcement of the CF effect, I and my students in Kobe University started experiments on ion-beam-induced enhancement of the d-d fusion reaction as a CF-related work. Starting the research was rather easy, because several ion beam sources including Pelletron accelerator 5SDH and various radiation detectors had been our major tools in our laboratory. Later in 2008, accepting a proposal by Prof. em. Akito Takahashi, Technova Inc., we began collaboration to examine excess heat evolution phenomena in gas-phase hydrogen isotope absorption of nano-composite materials. The collaboration with fruitful achievements is now continuing even after my retirement from Kobe University.

Peter Hagelstein

Peter Hagelstein received his PhD from MIT in 1981, and won a Hertz Foundation award for best dissertation. He developed relativistic atomic physics and x-ray laser simulation codes in connection with his PhD research, and continued their development subsequently in connection with ongoing x-ray laser programs at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. He was a co-inventor of the x-ray laser, and was recognized for this work with the US Department of Energy Lawrence Prize in National Defense in 1984. Hagelstein joined the EE&CS Faculty at MIT in 1986, and pursued research on x-ray lasers, quantum optics, numerical simulation, thermal to electric conversion, and condensed matter nuclear science. He was a recipient of the 1990 APS Award for Excellence in Plasma Research in connection with the development of the laboratory xray laser. He was a co-chair of the 10th International Conference on Cold Fusion, and helped put together the technical document for the 2004 DoE Review of Cold Fusion.

Hagelstein was awarded the 2004 Preparata Medal of the ISCMNS for contributions to condensed matter nuclear science. In recent years he has worked with Irfan Chaudhary on the fractionation and lattice- nuclear coupling in connection with modeling excess heat in the Fleischmann-Pons experiment.


Dazhuang Zhou

Dazhuang Zhou, Ph. D in physics, is distinguished scientist at National Space Science Center (NSSC)- Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). Dr. Zhou has worked at University of Science and Technology of China (1970-1996), Enrico Fermi Institute at University of Chicago (1983-1985), Italian National Agency for Environment Protection (1992-1994), Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies (1996-2004), NASA- Johnson Space Center (JSC) (2004-2010), Universities Space Research Association (USRA) (2004-2010) and NSSC-CAS (from 2011). Dr. Zhou was senior scientist and chief investigator in space radiation in JSC and USRA. His research interests are high energy physics, nuclear physics, space radiation and LENRs (Low Energy Nuclear Reactions). His present work in LENRs includes the quantitative research based on the advanced LET (Linear Energy Transfer) spectrum method using CR-39 nuclear track detectors, with the method charge and energy of LENR charged particles (primaries and secondaries produced in CR-39 by high energy neutrons and protons) can be accurately measured.

David A. Kidwell, Ph.D.

After the historic announcement was made in 1989, I remember walking under a starry night, pointing to the stars, and saying to myself – “we can now visit the stars”. It was 17 years before I was given the opportunity to explore this field by applying my skills at trace analysis in diverse matrices to develop an ICP-MS technique for detection of Pr in Pd at the PPQ levels. We used that technology to test the theory of transmutation of Cs into Pr by LENR but found that our data set could be best explained as contamination. I have constructed a number of instruments and software packages for the study of heat production in LENR experiments and applied them to the study of gas loading. With precision calorimetry, I found unusual results in gas loading using sub-nanometer palladium particles in zeolites or alumina supports where some of the energy evolved during gas loading could not be explained by conventional chemistry. Although no longer funded for LENR research, I still diligently work publishing NRL’s extensive data in this area.

Dr. Kidwell received his B.S. in chemistry from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro in 1978, Magna cum laude. He received his Ph.D. in 1982 from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in organic chemistry applying mass spectrometry, NMR, and HPLC to the structural analysis of organic biomolecules. For the initial part of his career at NRL, he worked at developing better screening tests, better immunoassays, and novel mass spectrometric confirmation tests for drugs of abuse in the diverse matrices of saliva, urine, hair, and sweat. As a member of the Surface Nanoscience and Sensor Technology Section of the Surface Chemistry Branch, Dr. Kidwell developed small, multi-diverse sensor packages for deployment in the environment and field use. He has published over 80 technical papers and book chapters, made over 100 presentations, and holds nineteen patents.

Gayle Verner

Gayle Verner, M.Ed.(Harvard Graduate School of Education) has spent the past 30 years as a nationally published journalist who has written extensively in such fields as medicine, science, and energy


conversion. She currently is a researcher at JET Energy, Inc. and an associate editor at the Cold Fusion Times.

Graham K. Hubler

Dr. Hubler received his B.S. in Physics from Union College in 1966 and his Ph.D. in Nuclear Physics from the Rutgers University/Bell Labs program in 1972. He joined the NRL staff in 1975 and has published over 150 papers, five book chapters, edited three books, and has twelve patents in the areas of ion implantation, ion beam analysis of materials, ion beam assisted deposition, chemical sensors and ballistic materials. His basic research interests included ion beam assisted deposition and pulsed laser deposition of nanostructured optical films, defects in insulators, shock physics, ballistics and the anomalous heat effect (AHE).

Dr. Hubler has organized several symposia and international scientific meetings, has served in several roles for the Materials Research Society, and has earned four NRL publication awards, a Navy Meritorious Civilian Service Award and a Navy Superior Civilian Service Award. For the last 20 years of his tenure of 40 years of federal service, Dr. Hubler was Head of the Materials and Sensors Branch at NRL in the Materials Science and Technology Division where he supervised a staff of 65 employees. He was appointed Director of the Sidney Kimmel Institute for Nuclear Renaissance (SKINR) in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Missouri in November 2012.

Yury Bazhutov

Yury Bazhutov studied in MEPhI on Elementary Particles Physics and Nuclear Researches Department. Then he became a postgraduate student in Atomic Energy Kurchatov Institute, worked in Scientific Research Institute of Nuclear Physics at Lomonosov MSU, where in 1984 he received PhD & had proposed Hypothesis of new hadron (Erzion) existence. Then he worked in CRIMach, had created Cold Nuclear Transmutation Erzion Model & began to fulfill CNT experiments & organized Tsniimash & Korolev Physical Society as its Chairman. In 1992 he had created the “Erzion” Research Center under his head. Since 1993 he began to organize annual Russian Conferences on Cold Nuclear Transmutation (RCCNT) & was permanent all RCCNT-(1-21) chairman. In 1999 as MADI-MTU Professor he had discovered Erzions in Cosmic Rays. Now he is working in IZMIRAN RAS & continuously contracts with Kurchatov Institute.

He is Senior Research Fellow, Russian Physical Society Presidium Member, Russian Nuclear Society Member.


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