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The New


Academic year: 2022

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The New










ISSN 0972-6810










geospatial 10

2008 Rs. 100/- www.geospatialtoday.com







our Partner For Success

Opens a window to the Indian Geospatial Industry


To book your copy and for more information, please call:

Wilson Rajan, Manager - Business & Events

Mobile: +91-99499 05432 e-mail: [email protected] Spatial Networks Pvt. Ltd.

Plot No.761 Road No.39 Jubilee Hills Hyderabad - 500 033 Ph: +91(40) 2355 0991/ 2 Fax:+91(40) 2355 0994 www.geospatialmarkets.com

Publications I Portals Conferences I Media Partnerships

Special Discount 15%

For Academics & Researchers

w D h , p il 2 : eo p t a ecn l g eo p tia t n l g t es in t e n on Ne el i A r 6 G s a i l t h o o y g s a l ech o o y. Sr s g h eed m g zi e Geosptial T d y n on d t e r ea e grea e u l c- ri a pa er h p ib l ai

a a n a o a a n u ce h el s t r p b i p v te rtn s i , Mr Sa s d o h ndi n eop tia I d s r Su ve 2 08 th o co n r c n ove rwar with u f t e I a G s a l n u t y r y 0 e n u t y a m fo d o t

o t b i n M nster f Sc en & echnology eo p t a techo o y. e s id, Ma pn i Rep r y Un o i i o i ce T g s a i l n l g H a p i g s

nd Ea t en es Ka il Si a n Fida equ r I d a to s sa n i er ce t r th a r h Sci c Mr p b l o r y. r ired fo n i u t i ts 9 p n g ow

r te”a Co m ting o e s uln ss o g spa i l

m en n th u ef e f eo t a

technology, Mr Siba ta ked a en th a o t h Mr Kapil bal emh tic ll o tli ed i si n fo l l t l g b ut e Si p a a y u n h s vi o r ole th s tech oloy p n a p n , ai a o os atial c olog ayin 'ge pati r i n g lays i m p i g s n t ti n ge p te hn y s g, os al a d ev nt ol n r ffic. Whie u ng th fac t no gy wil e m ch igg han T a d

n en co r li g t a l r i e t ech lo l b u b er t I n

th t n ia a ll not eali ed th p ten i l o tele m ’ a I d h s sti r s e o t a f co .

a k s a

Al n ar Sriva tva

o l : a d 2 8 1 8 h s T

P sted on ine Stur ay , April 26, 00 at 32 r IS

“G ospati T c e al e nol h ogy wil be uc l m h B gge t an I a nd T l com” - KA PIL SIB L

i r h T e e A









GIS product & geospatial services market (including remote sensing) in India

Comprehensive analysis of the geospatial industry

Provides profit opportunities, high-growth markets and emerging applications

Profiles high-flying companies in today's market

After reading this report you will understand The structure, size and scope of the geospatial industry

Existing and emerging markets and applications for geospatial technology

Know the product and marketing strategies of leading vendors.

Read Indian Geospatial

Industry Survey 2008 to know

Rs. ,0 15 0/-



Publications Director Ramprasad Sr. Assistant Editor T P Venu

Vice President (Operations) Umamaheswar Rao P Design

Masa Vijay, Lakshmi D, Srinivas P Web

Upender Reddy V Business & Events Wilson Rajan

Feed Back

Readers are advised to send all feedback and comments to

[email protected] Subscriptions

Phone : 040 2355 0991 e-Mail : [email protected] write to : Spatial Networks Pvt. Ltd., Plot No.761, Road No.39, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad-500 033, INDIA Phone: +91(40) 2355 0991, 2355 0992 Fax : + 91(40) 2355 0994




Recent technologies have opened up new ways to visually explore geographic information. While these technologies are useful and interesting individually, they can potentially have greater impact in combination, and when integrated with other technologies.


Cover Story


>> TECH TRENDS 20 Green highways

23 Tree census

35 Street smart advice

Reducing ecological footprint

Counting trees for better planning

Delivery of high resolution road traffic information is the need of the hour.



>> ARTICLE 36 GeoWeb


42 Climate concerns

Reality check

Essential components of the GeoWeb are ready to roll.

A decade of success

In the ten years of its functioning, MRSAC has grown by leaps and bounds.

Spatial way of saving species

GIS is one of the powerful tools for management of natural resources, utilities and wildlife.

Circulation Unnikrishna Pillai S MarCom Nipunata C Gowli

Geospatial Today is printed and published by P. Chandrasekhar Reddy on behalf of Spatial Networks Pvt. Ltd.,

Plot No.761, Road No.39, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad-500 033, INDIA Phone: +91(40) 2355 0991, 2355 0992 Fax : + 91(40) 2355 0994


Printed at Kala Jyothi Process Pvt. Ltd., 1-1-60/5, RTC Cross Roads, Hyderabad - 500 020 Please note:

Views expressed in the articles are those of the writer(s) and may not be shared by the editor or members of the editorial board. Unsolicited material will not be returned.


No material published here should be reproduced in any form without prior written permission from the publishers.

Risk zonation mapping

Sensing the fire






Arnout Desmet Tele Atlas

The new frontier


our Partner For Success

Opens a window to the Indian Geospatial Industry


To book your copy and for more information, please call:

Wilson Rajan, Manager - Business & Events

Mobile: +91-99499 05432 e-mail: [email protected] Spatial Networks Pvt. Ltd.

Plot No.761 Road No.39 Jubilee Hills Hyderabad - 500 033 Ph: +91(40) 2355 0991/ 2 Fax:+91(40) 2355 0994 www.geospatialmarkets.com

Publications I Portals Conferences I Media Partnerships

Special Discount 15%

For Academics & Researchers

w D h , p il 2 : eo p t a ecn l g eo p tia t n l g t es in t e n on Ne el i A r 6 G s a i l t h o o y g s a l ech o o y. Sr s g h eed m g zi e Geosptial T d y n on d t e r ea e grea e u l c- ri a pa er h p ib l ai

a a n a o a a n u ce h el s t r p b i p v te rtn s i , Mr S a s d o h ndi n eop tia I d s r Su ve 2 08 th o co n c n ove rwar with u f t e I a G s a l n u t y r y 0 e n u try a m fo d o t

o t b i n M ns er f Sc en & echnology eo p t a techo o y. e s id, Ma pn i Rep r y Un o i i t o i ce T g s a i l n l g H a p i g s

nd Ea t en es Ka il Si a n Fida equ r I d a to s sa n i er ce t r th a r h Sci c Mr p b l o r y. r ired fo n i u t i ts 9 p n g ow

r te”a Co m ting o e s uln ss o g spa i l

m en n th u ef e f eo t a

techn logy, Mr Siba ta ked a en th a o t h Mr Ka il b l emh tic ll o tli ed i si n fo o l l t l g b ut e p Si a p a a y u n h s vi o r ole th s tech oloy p n a p n , ai a o os atial c olog ayin 'ge pati r i n g lays i m p i g s n t ti n ge p te hn y s g, os al a d ev nt ol n r ffic. Whe u ng th fac t no gy wil e m ch igg han T a d n en co r li g t a il r i e t ech lo l b u b er t I n th t n ia a ll not eali ed th p ten i l o tel m ’

a I d h s sti r s e o t a f eco .

a k r sta

Al n a Sriva va

o e l : atu da 6 2 8 a 13 8 h s T P st d on ine S r y , April 2 , 00 t 2 r IS

“G eos pat ial e nol T ch ogy wi be uc ll m h

gge d T com K PI S

Bi r than IT an ele ” - A L IBAL









GIS product & geospatial services market (including remote sensing) in India

Comprehensive analysis of the geospatial industry

Provides profit opportunities, high-growth markets and emerging applications

Profiles high-flying companies in today's market

After reading this report you will understand The structure, size and scope of the geospatial industry

Existing and emerging markets and applications for geospatial technology

Know the product and marketing strategies of leading vendors.

Read Indian Geospatial

Industry Survey 2008 to know

Rs. ,0 15 0/-



Publications Director Ramprasad Sr. Assistant Editor T P Venu

Vice President (Operations) Umamaheswar Rao P Design

Masa Vijay, Lakshmi D, Srinivas P Web

Upender Reddy V Business & Events Wilson Rajan

Feed Back

Readers are advised to send all feedback and comments to

[email protected] Subscriptions

Phone : 040 2355 0991 e-Mail : [email protected] write to : Spatial Networks Pvt. Ltd., Plot No.761, Road No.39, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad-500 033, INDIA Phone: +91(40) 2355 0991, 2355 0992 Fax : + 91(40) 2355 0994




Recent technologies have opened up new ways to visually explore geographic information.

While these technologies are useful and interesting individually, they can potentially have greater impact in combination, and when integrated with other technologies.


Cover Story


>> TECH TRENDS 20 Green highways

23 Tree census

35 Street smart advice

Reducing ecological footprint

Counting trees for better planning

Delivery of high resolution road traffic information is the need of the hour.



>> ARTICLE 36 GeoWeb


42 Climate concerns

Reality check

Essential components of the GeoWeb are ready to roll.

A decade of success

In the ten years of its functioning, MRSAC has grown by leaps and bounds.

Spatial way of saving species

GIS is one of the powerful tools for management of natural resources, utilities and wildlife.

Circulation Unnikrishna Pillai S MarCom Nipunata C Gowli

Geospatial Today is printed and published by P. Chandrasekhar Reddy on behalf of Spatial Networks Pvt. Ltd.,

Plot No.761, Road No.39, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad-500 033, INDIA Phone: +91(40) 2355 0991, 2355 0992 Fax : + 91(40) 2355 0994


Printed at Kala Jyothi Process Pvt. Ltd., 1-1-60/5, RTC Cross Roads, Hyderabad - 500 020 Please note:

Views expressed in the articles are those of the writer(s) and may not be shared by the editor or members of the editorial board.

Unsolicited material will not be returned.


No material published here should be reproduced in any form without prior written permission from the publishers.

Risk zonation mapping

Sensing the fire






Arnout Desmet Tele Atlas

The new frontier


ESRI India top management expands

ESRI India welcomes the new Chief Operating Officer

Mr. Mukund Rao to strengthen the top

management team. He will be based

at ESRI India Corporate Office, New Delhi. Mukund who is a Doctorate in Remote Sensing and GIS from Andhra University has over 29 years of experience.

Welcoming the new member to the management team, Mr. Rajesh C. Mathur, President ESRI India, said, “We are delighted to have Mukund on board. He has been a part of the Indian GIS community for more than two decades. His

understanding of the marketplace and passion for GIS technology are a perfect combination to lead our vision - GIS for everyone and everywhere. He was the First President of GSDI Association and Vice President of Indian Astronautical Federation. He is also actively involved in strategizing and positioning of NSDI and NUIS.

Indian Government approves GAGAN

The GAGAN system would provide coverage of oceanic areas, which is not possible by the terrestrial systems that are in place now. In a bid to provide seamless navigation over the Indian airspace and waters, the Indian government has approved the implementation of a Rs 774-crore Global Positioning System (GPS) aided futuristic project.The GPS aided Geo Augmented Navigation (GAGAN) project would place India in a select group of nations, like the US, Europe and Japan.

SatGuide launches 'Citizen Mapper’ in India

SatNav Technologies, a Hyderabad based IT Products Company, announced the launch of 'Citizen Mapper' – a GPS Enthusiast centric initiative aimed at rewarding the users for suggesting additional Points of Interest (POI’s) and also sharing updates on what changes occur in their city. POI’s are important landmarks such as Hospitals, ATM centers, Malls, Theaters which help in navigating easily to the end destination.

Users can visit www.roadsofindia.com and seek information on routes by filling the From and To fields. The website will then provide the route from the present location to the end destination.

This route will have several Points of Interest. In case, the user notices or knows that some additional POI’s can be added to the route to make it easier to navigate, the user can send the input in the form of a mail to

[email protected]. Other customers who already have SatGuide software on their Phones, Computers or Navigation devices can just send the feedback whenever they have anything to share. For example a new building that has come up, some new one ways that have been announced, a road that has been recently closed, etc.



October 2008 geospatial TODAY

Monsoon season has become an annoyance for Chennaiites as a result of water-logged streets and clogged drainages. In a bid to identify flood prone areas and suggest flood mitigation steps, the Institute of Remote Sensing (IRS), Anna University, has

undertaken flood mapping for Chennai city and its suburbs using the Airborne Laser Terrain Mapper (ALTM) technology. This is the first time in the country that the ALTM technology is being used for flood mapping. From an aircraft hovering over the city, laser will be beamed down which will hit the terrain and get reflected.

The data, which is recorded in a sensor, is decoded and information about the rise and fall of the terrain is generated. Based on this, the digital surface model can be created. Once the slopes of the terrain are identified, places suitable for artificial recharge of the ground water with the run-off could be spotted. Besides, routes to divert the excess flood water could also be drawn.

For preparing flood risk map sheets (ward-wise) covering 500 sq km of the Chennai Metropolitan Area, high resolution images from the latest American satellite 'Quick Bird,' in addition to the ALTM imagery, would be used.

The Survey of India and the Department of Science and Technology will also assist the IRS in the research component of the project.

Anna varsity to make city flood map

Prof. Ian Masser

Visiting Professor, Centre for Advanced Spatial Analyses,

University College, London, UK Jack Dangermond Founder and President, ESRI

Dr. Shailesh R Nayak Secretary, Min of Earth Sciences



Tele Atlas is in the forefront in providing rich and accurate digital map data helping the users to navigate and connect to people.

Company Profile

Tele Atlas

Leading the way

Publisher’s Note

e need to have our ideas and boundaries


challenged at times, which is why we felt that it was time to give the magazine a new look and change its flavour. We are proud and happy to bring to you the new GST in a dual avatar, which strikes a balance between academic and industry focus. In keeping with the growing, ever-changing reach of geospatial industry, we plan to bring you more news, products, trends, features and industry focus.

The cover story “New Avenues in Geovisualisation” looks into the wide open field of geovisualisation, a new domain innovation that invites people to explore. It is likely that the technology may have traditional, static maps being replaced by interactive ones and offer high resolution images with greater visual appeal.

Geovisualisation throws open greater avenues to facilitate this.

Location information is going to be the next battle ground for wireless technology with companies vying with each other to provide services.

These are the times for smart phones and smarter advice from location based services. Our Tech Trends segment profiles IntelliOne, a company that is making waves in location based services. In company profile section we take a peek into Tele Atlas, the Dutch company which is establishing a foothold in the Asian mapping market.

Also pour over case studies on reduction of the eco footprint in the process of improving highway infrastructure and tree census.

Finally, let us know what you think of the new design – if you like it, of course, but even if you don’t. It will help us improve the magazine.


Publications Director

The editorial advisory board of Geospatial Today consists of professionals who, in their own discipline and with an independent view, guide the editorial team by making recommendations on potential authors and specific topics.

Each member also contributes content to the magazine.

Editorial advisory board

Dr. V. Jayaraman Director, NRSC

Maj. Gen (Dr.) R.Siva Kumar CEO-NSDI

Dr. P. S. Roy

Deputy Director, (RS & GIS-AA), NRSC K. R. Sridhara Murthi

Managing Director, ANTRIX Corporation Ltd.,

Maj. Gen. M. V. Bhatt Deputy Director General, Military Survey M.Moni

Deputy Director General, National Informatics Centre, Government of India Rajesh C Mathur President, ESRI India

Mukund K Rao COO, ESRI India Dr. R. Nagaraja Group Head, NDC, NRSC Dr. M. K. Munshi

Sr. Executive Director, Rolta, India Dr. (Mrs.) P. Venkatachalam

Centre of Studies in Resources Engineering Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay




14 NRSA is now NRSC 15 Up and Close

46 Space Expo 2008

47 HMRSC symposium concludes


Google’s G1

Smart phone?


ESRI India top management expands

ESRI India welcomes the new Chief Operating Officer

Mr. Mukund Rao to strengthen the top

management team. He will be based

at ESRI India Corporate Office, New Delhi. Mukund who is a Doctorate in Remote Sensing and GIS from Andhra University has over 29 years of experience.

Welcoming the new member to the management team, Mr. Rajesh C. Mathur, President ESRI India, said, “We are delighted to have Mukund on board. He has been a part of the Indian GIS community for more than two decades. His

understanding of the marketplace and passion for GIS technology are a perfect combination to lead our vision - GIS for everyone and everywhere. He was the First President of GSDI Association and Vice President of Indian Astronautical Federation. He is also actively involved in strategizing and positioning of NSDI and NUIS.

Indian Government approves GAGAN

The GAGAN system would provide coverage of oceanic areas, which is not possible by the terrestrial systems that are in place now.

In a bid to provide seamless navigation over the Indian airspace and waters, the Indian government has approved the implementation of a Rs 774-crore Global Positioning System (GPS) aided futuristic project.The GPS aided Geo Augmented Navigation (GAGAN) project would place India in a select group of nations, like the US, Europe and Japan.

SatGuide launches 'Citizen Mapper’ in India

SatNav Technologies, a Hyderabad based IT Products Company, announced the launch of 'Citizen Mapper' – a GPS Enthusiast centric initiative aimed at rewarding the users for suggesting additional Points of Interest (POI’s) and also sharing updates on what changes occur in their city. POI’s are important landmarks such as Hospitals, ATM centers, Malls, Theaters which help in navigating easily to the end destination.

Users can visit www.roadsofindia.com and seek information on routes by filling the From and To fields. The website will then provide the route from the present location to the end destination.

This route will have several Points of Interest. In case, the user notices or knows that some additional POI’s can be added to the route to make it easier to navigate, the user can send the input in the form of a mail to

[email protected]. Other customers who already have SatGuide software on their Phones, Computers or Navigation devices can just send the feedback whenever they have anything to share. For example a new building that has come up, some new one ways that have been announced, a road that has been recently closed, etc.



October 2008 geospatial TODAY

Monsoon season has become an annoyance for Chennaiites as a result of water-logged streets and clogged drainages. In a bid to identify flood prone areas and suggest flood mitigation steps, the Institute of Remote Sensing (IRS), Anna University, has

undertaken flood mapping for Chennai city and its suburbs using the Airborne Laser Terrain Mapper (ALTM) technology. This is the first time in the country that the ALTM technology is being used for flood mapping.

From an aircraft hovering over the city, laser will be beamed down which will hit the terrain and get reflected.

The data, which is recorded in a sensor, is decoded and information about the rise and fall of the terrain is generated. Based on this, the digital surface model can be created.

Once the slopes of the terrain are identified, places suitable for artificial recharge of the ground water with the run-off could be spotted. Besides, routes to divert the excess flood water could also be drawn.

For preparing flood risk map sheets (ward-wise) covering 500 sq km of the Chennai Metropolitan Area, high resolution images from the latest American satellite 'Quick Bird,' in addition to the ALTM imagery, would be used.

The Survey of India and the Department of Science and Technology will also assist the IRS in the research component of the project.

Anna varsity to make city flood map

Prof. Ian Masser

Visiting Professor, Centre for Advanced Spatial Analyses,

University College, London, UK Jack Dangermond Founder and President, ESRI

Dr. Shailesh R Nayak Secretary, Min of Earth Sciences



Tele Atlas is in the forefront in providing rich and accurate digital map data helping the users to navigate and connect to people.

Company Profile

Tele Atlas

Leading the way

Publisher’s Note

e need to have our ideas and boundaries


challenged at times, which is why we felt that it was time to give the magazine a new look and change its flavour. We are proud and happy to bring to you the new GST in a dual avatar, which strikes a balance between academic and industry focus. In keeping with the growing, ever-changing reach of geospatial industry, we plan to bring you more news, products, trends, features and industry focus.

The cover story “New Avenues in Geovisualisation” looks into the wide open field of geovisualisation, a new domain innovation that invites people to explore. It is likely that the technology may have traditional, static maps being replaced by interactive ones and offer high resolution images with greater visual appeal.

Geovisualisation throws open greater avenues to facilitate this.

Location information is going to be the next battle ground for wireless technology with companies vying with each other to provide services.

These are the times for smart phones and smarter advice from location based services. Our Tech Trends segment profiles IntelliOne, a company that is making waves in location based services. In company profile section we take a peek into Tele Atlas, the Dutch company which is establishing a foothold in the Asian mapping market.

Also pour over case studies on reduction of the eco footprint in the process of improving highway infrastructure and tree census.

Finally, let us know what you think of the new design – if you like it, of course, but even if you don’t. It will help us improve the magazine.


Publications Director

The editorial advisory board of Geospatial Today consists of professionals who, in their own discipline and with an independent view, guide the editorial team by making recommendations on potential authors and specific topics.

Each member also contributes content to the magazine.

Editorial advisory board

Dr. V. Jayaraman Director, NRSC

Maj. Gen (Dr.) R.Siva Kumar CEO-NSDI

Dr. P. S. Roy

Deputy Director, (RS & GIS-AA), NRSC K. R. Sridhara Murthi

Managing Director, ANTRIX Corporation Ltd.,

Maj. Gen. M. V. Bhatt Deputy Director General, Military Survey M.Moni

Deputy Director General, National Informatics Centre, Government of India Rajesh C Mathur President, ESRI India

Mukund K Rao COO, ESRI India Dr. R. Nagaraja Group Head, NDC, NRSC Dr. M. K. Munshi

Sr. Executive Director, Rolta, India Dr. (Mrs.) P. Venkatachalam

Centre of Studies in Resources Engineering Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay




14 NRSA is now NRSC 15 Up and Close

46 Space Expo 2008

47 HMRSC symposium concludes


Google’s G1

Smart phone?



Hemisphere GPS wins Deloitte Technology Green 15 Award

Hemisphere GPS was honored with the Deloitte Technology Green 15 Award at a ceremony in Calgary.

The award recognizes companies creating innovative, important, and economically viable intellectual property in the burgeoning field of green technology.

Hemisphere GPS is a leading designer and manufacturer of advanced GPS products. Growers who utilize

Hemisphere GPS ground agriculture Outback

Guidance(R) technology realize a significant return on their investment. These products enable them to apply seed, fertilizer, and chemicals with precision; thus reducing overall input costs and waste. In turn, these savings have a positive impact on the environment as less fuel is utilized, fewer vehicle emissions are released and less chemicals are applied.

Survey predicts GNSS market boom

The worldwide value chain for goods and services related to Global Navigation Satellite Systems(GNSS) is forecast to rise from US $3 billion in 2008 to US$ 6-8 billion by 2012. The figures were released in a report by Position One Consulting Pty Ltd, an international GNSS consulting firm. The report was introduced at the Institute of Navigation GNSS meeting in Savannah, Georgia, held recently. The report includes trends, demand and applications for high- precision GNSS technology and discussion on precision GNSS infrastructure, receivers, goods and augmentation services.

At the core of the 200-page report are five year growth and financial projections for the high precision markets surveyed as well as analysis of the competitive landscape. The report includes a backgrounder on the entire spectrum of navigation services, including GPS and its various augmentation systems, Glonass, Galileo, Compass/Beidou, QZSS and IRNSS, as well as

technology/market trends and potential disruptions.

Infotech wins

‘GITA Excellence Award’

Infotech Enterprises Ltd (IEL), a global technology solutions provider with headquarters in Hyderabad, India announced that its EGIS Implementation at NDPL has been awarded the “GITA Excellence Award” by GITA-ANZ (Geospatial Information Technology Association, Australia & New Zealand). Infotech Enterprises is first company to implement an Enterprise GIS (EGIS) to a utility in India. With around 3,300 GIS Professionals and 16 years of wide-ranging customer engagements, Infotech is one of the largest and most accomplished companies in the industry today. At NDPL, Infotech has fully implemented their

geographical information system (GIS) and integrated it with their business and distribution management systems. EGIS has thus become a source of information to provide data for operations, commercial, planning and asset management.

The project, which leads the field in the electric distribution utility industry, was centred on interfacing and integrating GIS with other systems of the company encompassing all key business processes.


‘Touching Lives’ wins Luigi Napolitano Book Award

The book titled “Touching Lives” by Mr S K Das, IAS, Former Member (Finance) of Department of Space had been selected for the prestigious Luigi Napolitano Book Award of International Academy of Astronautics (IAA), Paris for the year 2008.

The Luigi Napolitano Book Award was instituted in 1992, and is given annually to recognise excellence in recent publications for any non- member of the Academy in any field related to Space.

It is the account of people who have forged a different destiny for themselves, breaking the cycle of poverty and helplessness, with a little help from ISRO. We learn of celebrity cardiac surgeons treating poor patients for free from thousands of kilometres away through telemedicine, overhear what the fishermen of Lakshadweep who are fishing smarter and better with ISRO

maps and what students studying in rural areas and dreaming big with lectures that are beamed to them through ISRO’s EDUSAT, have to say.

State develops digital topographical maps

The Orissa Geo Spatial Data Centre, the state unit of Survey of India, following the mandate of the Central government has successfully generated Digital Topographic Data Bases (DTDB) in two series ~ open series maps and defence series maps. The maps which are ready for dissemination comprise of 240 map sheets in each series.

Releasing the maps yesterday, Governor Mr MC Bhandare said: “The advancement in digital

technologies has now made it possible to use diverse special data bases in an integrated manner. The survey of India has kept pace with the advancements in surveying and mapping by adopting the state of the art technology in creating the DTDB. The maps will help meet the requirements of planners, administrators, scientists, researchers and students and will also help immensely in the exploration of minerals as well as to pursue planned development in underdeveloped areas.” Speaking on the occasion the surveyor general of India Dr Pritish Nag announced that a national geo-hazard data centre will be established in the capital soon which will be one of its kind in the country. The director of Orissa Geo Spatial Data centre Mr Jayant Kumar Rath said that steps will be taken to show the open series maps to school students.

State-of-the-art National Geo-technical facility coming up

Department of Science and Technology (DST) is setting up a new state-of-the-art National Geo-technical Facility (NGF) with a cost of Rs 15 crore. It will be the world's second facility where both the government agencies and private companies from home and abroad can get their various tests done related to big projects like drilling, hydel projects, tunnels, bridges,

expressways and highways. Experts said the new facility will be highly beneficial to hydel projects that are coming up in big number in the highly fragile Himalayan region as the whole belt is prone to earthquakes. Norway's Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg will inaugurate the new facility during the forthcoming visit early next year to India.

Infotech opens new facility in Noida

Infotech Enterprises Ltd has launched its new facility in Noida. The four level facility

has a built up area of 45,000 sq ft with 600 seats and will engage up to 1000

associates. The Rs 20 crores facility features a medical and health support and space for recreation.


ISRO teams get IAA team achievement awards

The team from Indian Space Research Organisation which successfully realised the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV-C7) mission that launched CARTOSAT-2 as well as the team that deployed and recovered Space capsule Recovery Experiment (SRE-1) have been awarded the

prestigious Team Achievement Award of International Academy of Astronautics (IAA).

This Award was presented to the Teams on September 28, 2008 at Glasgow, Scotland, UK during the Academy Day organised as a part of the International Astronautical Congress (IAC). It may be recalled that in the tenth flight of PSLV conducted from Satish Dhawan Space Centre (SDSC) SHAR, Sriharikota, on January 10, 2007, PSLV-C7 successfully launched four satellites - India’s CARTOSAT-2 and Space capsule Recovery Experiment (SRE-1), Indonesia’s LAPAN-TUBSAT and Argentina’s PEHUENSAT-1 - into a 635 km high polar orbit. SRE-1 was subsequently recovered successfully on January 22, 2007.

The PSLV-C7 team was led by Mr N Narayana Murthy, Project Director, PSLV-C7 and included Mr George Koshy, Vehicle Director, PSLV-C7, Cartosat- 2 by Mr M Krishnaswamy, Programme Director, IRS, SRE-1 by Mr A Subramoniam and Ground support team by Mr S K Shivakumar, Director, ISTRAC. The overall co-ordination of the mission was by Mr P S Sastry, Director, LVPO at ISRO Headquarters, Bangalore.

Creating Business Impact


October 2008 geospatial TODAY geospatial TODAY October 2008



Hemisphere GPS wins Deloitte Technology Green 15 Award

Hemisphere GPS was honored with the Deloitte Technology Green 15 Award at a ceremony in Calgary.

The award recognizes companies creating innovative, important, and economically viable intellectual property in the burgeoning field of green technology.

Hemisphere GPS is a leading designer and manufacturer of advanced GPS products. Growers who utilize

Hemisphere GPS ground agriculture Outback

Guidance(R) technology realize a significant return on their investment. These products enable them to apply seed, fertilizer, and chemicals with precision; thus reducing overall input costs and waste. In turn, these savings have a positive impact on the environment as less fuel is utilized, fewer vehicle emissions are released and less chemicals are applied.

Survey predicts GNSS market boom

The worldwide value chain for goods and services related to Global Navigation Satellite Systems(GNSS) is forecast to rise from US $3 billion in 2008 to US$ 6-8 billion by 2012.

The figures were released in a report by Position One Consulting Pty Ltd, an international GNSS consulting firm.

The report was introduced at the Institute of Navigation GNSS meeting in Savannah, Georgia, held recently. The report includes trends, demand and applications for high- precision GNSS technology and discussion on precision GNSS infrastructure, receivers, goods and augmentation services.

At the core of the 200-page report are five year growth and financial projections for the high precision markets surveyed as well as analysis of the competitive landscape.

The report includes a backgrounder on the entire spectrum of navigation services, including GPS and its various augmentation systems, Glonass, Galileo, Compass/Beidou, QZSS and IRNSS, as well as

technology/market trends and potential disruptions.

Infotech wins

‘GITA Excellence Award’

Infotech Enterprises Ltd (IEL), a global technology solutions provider with headquarters in Hyderabad, India announced that its EGIS Implementation at NDPL has been awarded the “GITA Excellence Award” by GITA-ANZ (Geospatial Information Technology Association, Australia & New Zealand). Infotech Enterprises is first company to implement an Enterprise GIS (EGIS) to a utility in India. With around 3,300 GIS Professionals and 16 years of wide-ranging customer engagements, Infotech is one of the largest and most accomplished companies in the industry today.

At NDPL, Infotech has fully implemented their

geographical information system (GIS) and integrated it with their business and distribution management systems. EGIS has thus become a source of information to provide data for operations, commercial, planning and asset management.

The project, which leads the field in the electric distribution utility industry, was centred on interfacing and integrating GIS with other systems of the company encompassing all key business processes.


‘Touching Lives’ wins Luigi Napolitano Book Award

The book titled “Touching Lives” by Mr S K Das, IAS, Former Member (Finance) of Department of Space had been selected for the prestigious Luigi Napolitano Book Award of International Academy of Astronautics (IAA), Paris for the year 2008.

The Luigi Napolitano Book Award was instituted in 1992, and is given annually to recognise excellence in recent publications for any non- member of the Academy in any field related to Space.

It is the account of people who have forged a different destiny for themselves, breaking the cycle of poverty and helplessness, with a little help from ISRO. We learn of celebrity cardiac surgeons treating poor patients for free from thousands of kilometres away through telemedicine, overhear what the fishermen of Lakshadweep who are fishing smarter and better with ISRO

maps and what students studying in rural areas and dreaming big with lectures that are beamed to them through ISRO’s EDUSAT, have to say.

State develops digital topographical maps

The Orissa Geo Spatial Data Centre, the state unit of Survey of India, following the mandate of the Central government has successfully generated Digital Topographic Data Bases (DTDB) in two series ~ open series maps and defence series maps. The maps which are ready for dissemination comprise of 240 map sheets in each series.

Releasing the maps yesterday, Governor Mr MC Bhandare said: “The advancement in digital

technologies has now made it possible to use diverse special data bases in an integrated manner. The survey of India has kept pace with the advancements in surveying and mapping by adopting the state of the art technology in creating the DTDB. The maps will help meet the requirements of planners, administrators, scientists, researchers and students and will also help immensely in the exploration of minerals as well as to pursue planned development in underdeveloped areas.” Speaking on the occasion the surveyor general of India Dr Pritish Nag announced that a national geo-hazard data centre will be established in the capital soon which will be one of its kind in the country. The director of Orissa Geo Spatial Data centre Mr Jayant Kumar Rath said that steps will be taken to show the open series maps to school students.

State-of-the-art National Geo-technical facility coming up

Department of Science and Technology (DST) is setting up a new state-of-the-art National Geo-technical Facility (NGF) with a cost of Rs 15 crore. It will be the world's second facility where both the government agencies and private companies from home and abroad can get their various tests done related to big projects like drilling, hydel projects, tunnels, bridges,

expressways and highways. Experts said the new facility will be highly beneficial to hydel projects that are coming up in big number in the highly fragile Himalayan region as the whole belt is prone to earthquakes. Norway's Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg will inaugurate the new facility during the forthcoming visit early next year to India.

Infotech opens new facility in Noida

Infotech Enterprises Ltd has launched its new facility in Noida. The four level facility

has a built up area of 45,000 sq ft with 600 seats and will engage up to 1000

associates. The Rs 20 crores facility features a medical and health support and space for recreation.


ISRO teams get IAA team achievement awards

The team from Indian Space Research Organisation which successfully realised the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV-C7) mission that launched CARTOSAT-2 as well as the team that deployed and recovered Space capsule Recovery Experiment (SRE-1) have been awarded the

prestigious Team Achievement Award of International Academy of Astronautics (IAA).

This Award was presented to the Teams on September 28, 2008 at Glasgow, Scotland, UK during the Academy Day organised as a part of the International Astronautical Congress (IAC). It may be recalled that in the tenth flight of PSLV conducted from Satish Dhawan Space Centre (SDSC) SHAR, Sriharikota, on January 10, 2007, PSLV-C7 successfully launched four satellites - India’s CARTOSAT-2 and Space capsule Recovery Experiment (SRE-1), Indonesia’s LAPAN-TUBSAT and Argentina’s PEHUENSAT-1 - into a 635 km high polar orbit. SRE-1 was subsequently recovered successfully on January 22, 2007.

The PSLV-C7 team was led by Mr N Narayana Murthy, Project Director, PSLV-C7 and included Mr George Koshy, Vehicle Director, PSLV-C7, Cartosat- 2 by Mr M Krishnaswamy, Programme Director, IRS, SRE-1 by Mr A Subramoniam and Ground support team by Mr S K Shivakumar, Director, ISTRAC. The overall co-ordination of the mission was by Mr P S Sastry, Director, LVPO at ISRO Headquarters, Bangalore.

Creating Business Impact


October 2008 geospatial TODAY geospatial TODAY October 2008


Trimble acquires RolleiMetric assets

Trimble has entered into a definitive agreement with Rollei GmbH of Braunschweig, Germany to acquire the assets of RolleiMetric. The purchase of the RolleiMetric products broadens Trimble's portfolio of engineering scale mapping and asset management solutions. These products are used by service companies collecting geospatial data by photogrammetry as well as state authorities and municipalities involved in supplying geospatial information.

RolleiMetric is a provider of metric camera systems for aerial imaging and terrestrial close range photogrammetr. RolleiMetric's Aerial Industrial Camera (AIC) has established an excellent reputation with aerial mapping system original equipment manufacturers (OEM) and end users. This complements Trimble's existing Spatial Imaging solutions as well as aerial imaging solutions offered by Applanix and INPHO. RolleiMetric personnel will enable Trimble to bring metric camera optics and mechanical design expertise in-house. Tobias Toelg and the staff of RolleiMetric will join Trimble and will be reported as part of the Engineering and Construction segment.

Revenue up at Rs 940-cr on satellite launches

Two commercial satellite launches

made from Sriharikota

during 2007-08 have driven up the revenue of ISRO’s

commercial arm Antrix Corporation to Rs 940 crore for that year.

Antrix’s pre-audit revenue grew nearly 42 per cent year on year — up from Rs 664 crore — due to the launch of Israeli defence satellite TecSAR in January 2008 and Italy’s Agile in April 2007. A part of it spilled over from the previous year.

The mainstay of business, however, remains the leasing of transponder capacity on ISRO satellites to

broadcasters, VSATs and public sector users, according to Antrix’s Executive Director, Mr K.R. Sridhara Murthi. The space services and systems provider of the Department of Space is now a ‘mini ratna’ – which gives it relatively more autonomy to take faster decisions.

Antrix also saw its provisional profit after tax touching Rs 169 crore, or 60 per cent growth over Rs 105 crore it gained in fiscal 2007.

In the complex and volatile global space services market: “This growth is certainly heartening but it also poses a challenge as to how we maintain further growth”, Mr Murthi told Business Line.

Currently, ISRO is working on two satellite integration contracts that it won jointly with EADS Astrium. The W2M satellite is to be delivered to Eutelsat around October. The other one, HYLAS, is for Avanti Screen Media of the UK.

courtesy: Business Line


DigitalGlobe to extend Google content agreement

DigitalGlobe has extended its service agreement with Google to provide high-resolution satellite imagery for Google Maps and Google Earth. The new multi-year, non-exclusive content agreement confirms DigitalGlobe's relationship as one of Google's leading providers of global high-resolution satellite imagery. The signing of this agreement marks the continuation of Google and DigitalGlobe's relationship to pioneer wider accessibility of global imagery started back in 2002

Digital globe is a leading global content provider of high-resolution commercial satellite imagery and geospatial information products. Marc Tremblay, Senior Vice President and General Manager of DigitalGlobe's Commercial Business said “Our relationship with Google has provided DigitalGlobe with the ideal showcase for advanced earth imagery.” He further said, “As businesses and consumers become more location aware in their day-to-day activities we are seeing increasing demand for imagery to become embedded in many online mapping and mobile applications. DigitalGlobe is uniquely positioned to satisfy this increasing demand from its own sub-meter satellite constellation, with QuickBird and WorldView-1 fully on orbit (with WorldView-2 launching next year), together with our unsurpassed ImageLibrary, containing

over 460 million sq km2 of accurate, highly detailed imagery.”


New Zealand agricultural authorities wage a constant battle against introduced pests to keep the country's reputation and the livelihood of its farmers intact. The front line agency in this battle is the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (MAF). MAF began providing farmers with expert scientific advice to improve the quality and quantity of their production. Clifton King, the systems design manager at MAF says, 'The New Zealand government is strong on protecting our ports; bio- security is a big deal. In 2001, New Zealand experienced unwanted hitchhikers on a container shipment from overseas: red fire ants. These ants were natives to South America.

These small ants are particularly aggressive and will repeatedly sting anything that appears threatening.

Though the stings are not dangerous, the ants pose a serious threat to plants and wildlife. Of all the exotic ants discovered in the country to date, red fire ants would have the most significant impact should they become established, with a predicted toll on human health, the

environment and economy of NZ$318 million over the next 30 years. After eradicating the pest at the first attempted incursion, MAF realized inhibition might not always be possible at the entry port. The Ministry went to tender the next year to create a computerized system that could assist in surveillance monitoring and emergency response to national biohazards.

Through the ArcGIS-based solution developed by Eagle Technology Group, New Zealand is now well-

prepared to react quickly to mitigate the effects of any fast- moving exotic organism

incursion. The solution, the Incursion Response System v2 (IRS2), is funded and maintained by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF). IRS2 is a web- and map-based

management information system that integrates key information sets to provide up-to-date map-based information to on-the-spot response teams in an easily-accessible yet extremely information-rich format.

The user can then query any feature on the map to get the related information on that feature. IRS2 provides field response teams and centrally-located decision-makers

comprehens ive, up-to- date informatio n to help them deal with the situation as it unfolds. With exotic organisms literally traveling on the wind, rapid response

and containment could mean the difference between a minor incident and a national disaster.

Biosecurity is one of the more critical areas where GIS can make a huge difference. “We had a clear mandate from Cabinet to address the threats posed by exotic incursions,” says Srikanth Murthi, IT Project Manager for MAF. “Government research showed that a limited outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease affecting pigs, sheep or cattle would result in a cumulative loss of $6 billion in the first year and around $10 billion after two years as well as the loss of 20,000 jobs.

Clearly, every effort had to be made to reduce the chances of an outbreak such as this happening and have systems in place to mitigate and contain such an outbreak if indeed it did occur. This was the main

motivation behind the development of IRS2.”

GIS battles exotic pests

Trimble User Conference in Las Vegas

Trimble announced that it will hold its International User Conference in February 23-25, 2009 at the Mirage Hotel in Las Vegas. “Trimble Dimensions is an excellent venue to learn how organizations can apply advanced positioning and information technology to improve accuracy and productivity to gain a competitive edge,” said Steven W. Berglund, president and CEO of Trimble.


October 2008 geospatial TODAY geospatial TODAY October 2008



Trimble acquires RolleiMetric assets

Trimble has entered into a definitive agreement with Rollei GmbH of Braunschweig, Germany to acquire the assets of RolleiMetric. The purchase of the RolleiMetric products broadens Trimble's portfolio of engineering scale mapping and asset management solutions. These products are used by service companies collecting geospatial data by photogrammetry as well as state authorities and municipalities involved in supplying geospatial information.

RolleiMetric is a provider of metric camera systems for aerial imaging and terrestrial close range photogrammetr. RolleiMetric's Aerial Industrial Camera (AIC) has established an excellent reputation with aerial mapping system original equipment manufacturers (OEM) and end users. This complements Trimble's existing Spatial Imaging solutions as well as aerial imaging solutions offered by Applanix and INPHO. RolleiMetric personnel will enable Trimble to bring metric camera optics and mechanical design expertise in-house. Tobias Toelg and the staff of RolleiMetric will join Trimble and will be reported as part of the Engineering and Construction segment.

Revenue up at Rs 940-cr on satellite launches

Two commercial satellite launches

made from Sriharikota

during 2007-08 have driven up the revenue of ISRO’s

commercial arm Antrix Corporation to Rs 940 crore for that year.

Antrix’s pre-audit revenue grew nearly 42 per cent year on year — up from Rs 664 crore — due to the launch of Israeli defence satellite TecSAR in January 2008 and Italy’s Agile in April 2007. A part of it spilled over from the previous year.

The mainstay of business, however, remains the leasing of transponder capacity on ISRO satellites to

broadcasters, VSATs and public sector users, according to Antrix’s Executive Director, Mr K.R. Sridhara Murthi. The space services and systems provider of the Department of Space is now a ‘mini ratna’ – which gives it relatively more autonomy to take faster decisions.

Antrix also saw its provisional profit after tax touching Rs 169 crore, or 60 per cent growth over Rs 105 crore it gained in fiscal 2007.

In the complex and volatile global space services market: “This growth is certainly heartening but it also poses a challenge as to how we maintain further growth”, Mr Murthi told Business Line.

Currently, ISRO is working on two satellite integration contracts that it won jointly with EADS Astrium. The W2M satellite is to be delivered to Eutelsat around October. The other one, HYLAS, is for Avanti Screen Media of the UK.

courtesy: Business Line


DigitalGlobe to extend Google content agreement

DigitalGlobe has extended its service agreement with Google to provide high-resolution satellite imagery for Google Maps and Google Earth. The new multi-year, non-exclusive content agreement confirms DigitalGlobe's relationship as one of Google's leading providers of global high-resolution satellite imagery. The signing of this agreement marks the continuation of Google and DigitalGlobe's relationship to pioneer wider accessibility of global imagery started back in 2002

Digital globe is a leading global content provider of high-resolution commercial satellite imagery and geospatial information products.

Marc Tremblay, Senior Vice President and General Manager of DigitalGlobe's Commercial Business said “Our relationship with Google has provided DigitalGlobe with the ideal showcase for advanced earth imagery.” He further said, “As businesses and consumers become more location aware in their day-to-day activities we are seeing increasing demand for imagery to become embedded in many online mapping and mobile applications. DigitalGlobe is uniquely positioned to satisfy this increasing demand from its own sub-meter satellite constellation, with QuickBird and WorldView-1 fully on orbit (with WorldView-2 launching next year), together with our unsurpassed ImageLibrary, containing

over 460 million sq km2 of accurate, highly detailed imagery.”


New Zealand agricultural authorities wage a constant battle against introduced pests to keep the country's reputation and the livelihood of its farmers intact. The front line agency in this battle is the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (MAF). MAF began providing farmers with expert scientific advice to improve the quality and quantity of their production. Clifton King, the systems design manager at MAF says, 'The New Zealand government is strong on protecting our ports; bio- security is a big deal. In 2001, New Zealand experienced unwanted hitchhikers on a container shipment from overseas: red fire ants. These ants were natives to South America.

These small ants are particularly aggressive and will repeatedly sting anything that appears threatening.

Though the stings are not dangerous, the ants pose a serious threat to plants and wildlife. Of all the exotic ants discovered in the country to date, red fire ants would have the most significant impact should they become established, with a predicted toll on human health, the

environment and economy of NZ$318 million over the next 30 years. After eradicating the pest at the first attempted incursion, MAF realized inhibition might not always be possible at the entry port. The Ministry went to tender the next year to create a computerized system that could assist in surveillance monitoring and emergency response to national biohazards.

Through the ArcGIS-based solution developed by Eagle Technology Group, New Zealand is now well-

prepared to react quickly to mitigate the effects of any fast- moving exotic organism

incursion. The solution, the Incursion Response System v2 (IRS2), is funded and maintained by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF). IRS2 is a web- and map-based

management information system that integrates key information sets to provide up-to-date map-based information to on-the-spot response teams in an easily-accessible yet extremely information-rich format.

The user can then query any feature on the map to get the related information on that feature. IRS2 provides field response teams and centrally-located decision-makers

comprehens ive, up-to- date informatio n to help them deal with the situation as it unfolds. With exotic organisms literally traveling on the wind, rapid response

and containment could mean the difference between a minor incident and a national disaster.

Biosecurity is one of the more critical areas where GIS can make a huge

difference. “We had a clear mandate from Cabinet to address the threats posed by exotic incursions,” says Srikanth Murthi, IT Project Manager for MAF. “Government research showed that a limited outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease affecting pigs, sheep or cattle would result in a cumulative loss of $6 billion in the first year and around $10 billion after two years as well as the loss of 20,000 jobs.

Clearly, every effort had to be made to reduce the chances of an outbreak such as this happening and have systems in place to mitigate and contain such an outbreak if indeed it did occur. This was the main

motivation behind the development of IRS2.”

GIS battles exotic pests

Trimble User Conference in Las Vegas

Trimble announced that it will hold its International User Conference in February 23-25, 2009 at the Mirage Hotel in Las Vegas. “Trimble Dimensions is an excellent venue to learn how organizations can apply advanced positioning and information technology to improve accuracy and productivity to gain a competitive edge,” said Steven W. Berglund, president and CEO of Trimble.


October 2008 geospatial TODAY geospatial TODAY October 2008



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