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Classical theorem of probability on gelfand pairs khinchin theorems and cramer theorem


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Classical theorems of probability on Gelfand pairs - Khinchin theorems and Cramer theorem

P. Graczyk and C. R. E. Raja


We prove the Khinchin's Theorems for following Gelfand pairs 7G;K8 sat- isfying a condition 7*8: 7a8 G is connected; 7b8 G is almost connected and Ad 7G=M8 is almost algebraic for some compact normal subgroup M; 7c8 G admits a compact open normal subgroup; 7d8 7G;K8 is symmetric andGis 2- root compact; 7e8Gis a Zariski-connected p-adic algebraic group; 7f8 compact extension of unipotent algebraic groups; 7g8 compact extension of connected nilpotent groups. In fact, condition 7*8 turns out to be necessary and suHcient forK-biinvariant measures on aforementioned Gelfand pairs to be Hungarian.

We also prove that Cramer's theorem does not hold for a class of Gaussians on Compact Gelfand pairs.

KEY WORDS Locally compact groups, Lie groups, algebraic groups, Gelfand pairs, proba- bility measures and factorization theorem, Khinchin's central limit theorem, limit theorem, Cramer theorem and anti-indecomposable measures, in;nite divisibility and embedding.

1 Introduction

A classical theorem of Khinchin known as Khinchin factorization theorem which we would call Khinchin's 5rst theorem says that any probability measure on R can be written as a countable product of indecomposable measures 9possibly in5nite: and a probability measure without indecomposable factors. Khinchin's factorization the- orem was extended to all commutative Hausdor@ metrizable groups by Ruzsa and Szekely 9see DRSE:. In DRSE Khinchin's factorization for measures on abelian Hausdor@

groups is achieved by proving that the semigroup of probability measures on such groups form a 5rst countable Hungarian semigroup. The notion of Hungarian semi- groups was introduced by Ruzsa and Szekely and it was studied in DRSE. It is shown in DRSE, that any element in a 5rst countable Hungarian semigroup is a countable

1991 Mathematics Subjects Classi;cation:

primary; 22A20, 43A05, 60B15 and 60F17 secondary; 22E30, 22E35 and 43A85.



product of indecomposable elements 0possibly in2nite3 and an anti-indecomposable element. It is shown in 9R; that semigroup of K-biinvariant probability measures on real or p-adic reductive symmetric spaces is a Hungarian semigroup and hence the factorization theorem holds for such semigroups.

Another classical theorem of Khinchin which we would call Khinchin's second theorem says that any antiindecomposable measure on Ris in2nitely divisible. This result was extended to many other groups by various authors. In 9RS;, Khinchin's second theorem is also proved for anti-indecomposable measures on 2rst countable abelian HausdorG groups by showing that semigroup of measures on such groups form a normable Hungarian semigroup.

At this point we would like to note that Delphic semigroup is another approach to prove the Khinchin's Theorems for abelian semigroup. It has been proved in 9G3;

that the semigroup of measures on noncompact symmetric spaces form a Delphic semigroup but it can easily be seen that measures on compact symmetric spaces do not form a Delphic semigroup 0see 9G3; for de2nition of Delphic semigroup3.

The study of probability questions on Gelfand pairs has been initiated by Letac in 9Le; and by Heyer in 9He1; and 9He2; where the author proves the Khinchin type factorization result for some class of Gelfand pairs.

In this article we attempt to prove Khinchin's Theorems for measures on Gelfand pairs. In section 2 we introduce the concept of Gelfand pair and we also prove some preliminary results which are needed in the succeeding sections to prove Khinchin's Theorems. In the section 3 we prove results on factor compactness which are needed in proving Khinchin's Theorems. In section 4, we prove Khinchin's Theorems for connected Gelfand pairs. In sections 5 and 6, we prove Khinchin's Theorems for certain Gelfand pairs which include discrete groups and doubly transitive groups and

p-adic algebraic groups.

One of the axioms of Hungarian semigroup is that the set of factors of an element is compact modulo the group of units. Some applications of this type of factor compactness in analysis and arithmetic of probability measures are limit theorems and embedding of in2nitely divisible measures: see 9S; and 9Te; for more details on limit theorems on general locally compact groups. In section 7 we obtain limit theorems for measures on certain Gelfand pairs and we also obtain the embeddability of in2nitely divisible meausres on certain Gelfand pairs: the embedding problem for general groups are studied by various authors 0see 9Mc;3.

One more classical theorem of Khinchin which we would call Khinchin's third the- orem says that in2nitesimal limits are in2nitely divisible. This result was extended by Ruzsa and Szekely to abelian metrizable groups such that the set of characters separates points of the groups by showing that the semigroup of probability measures on such groups form a stable normable Hungarian semigroup 0see 9RS;3. In the sec- tion 8 we prove the normability which in turn proves second and third theorems of Khinchin for Gelfand pairs.

In section 9 we discuss Gaussian measures on compact Gelfand pairs and prove 2


that Gaussian measures are not in the class of anti-indecomposable measures. This in particular implies that Gaussian measures on certain compact Gelfand pairs do not satisfy Cram7er theorem: Cram7er theorem says that Gaussian measures on reals have only Gaussian factors and Cram7er theorem was generalized to abelian groups by various authors =see >Fe@A and to symmetric spaces of non-compact type by Graczyk

=see >G2@A. While proving this we obtain a class of measures which have indecompos- able factors. In the last section we make some remarks on central limit theorems of Lindeberg-Feller type for probabilities on Gelfand pairs.

2 Preliminaries

LetGbe a locally compact second countable group and K be a compact subgroup of

G. Then we say that the pair =G;KA is a Gelfand pair if the convolution semigroup


K=GA of allK-biinvariant probability measures on G is a commutative semigroup;

see >BJR@,>F@, >GV@ and >MV@for more on harmonic analysis on Gelfand pairs. For any probability measure #, S=#A denotes the support of# and for any compact subgroup

M of G,!M denotes the normalized Haar measure onM.

Examples (1*

For any locally compact abelian groupGand any compact subgroup

K of G, =G;KA is Gelfand.


Semigroup of probability measures on a real reductive group G that are K- biinvariant for a maximal compact subgroup K of Gis commutative and hence the pair =G;KA is a Gelfand pair =see >R@A.


The semigroup of probability measures on the Euclidean motion group G that are SO=nA-biinvariant is commutative and hence =G;SO=nAA is a Gelfand pair.

Proposition 2.1

Let G be a locally compact second countable group and K be a compact subgroup of G. Then the following are equivalent:

1. =G;KA is a Gelfand pair;

2. for any x;y2G, KxKyK =KyKxK; 3. for any x;y2G, xy2KyKxK;

4. the algebra L1K=GA of K-biinvariant integrable functions onG is a commutative algebra.


One may prove that =1A implies=2A by considering theK-biinvariant measures


K ,



K and !K,y!K, for x;y2Gand that =2A implies =3A is obvious.



We now prove (3* implies (4*. We 1rst prove that (3* implies G is unimodular.

Letm be a left invariant Haar measure on G. Let U be a compact neighbourhood of e such that KUK = U. Then for g 2G,

m(Ug* =R &U(xg*dx

=R &E(gkx*dx (k depends on x*

=R &U(x*dx (ydx = dx; y 2G and KUK = U*


This proves that G is unimodular. The rest of the proof of (3* implies (4* is quite similar to Theorem 1.12 of CBJRG.

The implication (4* implies (1* follows from the existence of approximate identity sequence in L1K(G* (see Lemma 1.6.8 of CGVG or Theorem 2.2.28 of of CBHG*.

Thus, the above result says that our de1nition of Gelfand pair agrees with the classical notion of Gelfand pair. We now prove that Gelfand pair property preserves quotients.

Proposition 2.2 Let (G;K* be a Gelfand pair and H be a normal subgroup of G. Let M = KH=K. Then (G=H;M* is also a Gelfand pair.

Proof Let x;y 2 G. Since (G;K* is a Gelfand pair, by Proposition 2.1, xy 2 KyKxK, that is there exist k1,k2 andk3 such thatxy = k1yk2xk3. This implies that xHyH 2k1HyHk2HxHk3H. Again by Proposition 2.1, (G=H;M* is also a Gelfand pair.

In this article we attempt to prove all three theorems of Khinchin for Gelfand pairs. This is achieved by applying the Hungarian semigroup theory: see CRG and CRSG for more details on Khinchin's theorems and Hungarian semigroups.

LetS be a commutative HausdorU semigroup with identity e. Let! be a relation de1ned on S for x;y 2S, by

x!y,x = ry and y = sx

for some r;s2 S. Any two elements x and y of S are said to be associates if x !y.

An element u of S is calledunit of S if it is invertible in S. Let S be the quotient semigroup corresponding to the relation !and 4:S !S be the canonical quotient map (this notation is followed throughout the article*. We say that the semigroupS is Hungarian if it satis1es the following properties:

(H-1* the set of associate pairs is a closed subset of S$S;

(H-2* ifx and y are associates, then x = uy for some unit u in S;

(H-3* the set of divisors (factors* of any element inS is compact.



For any two subsetsAand B ofS and any s;t2S, let us writeAt !sB if for any

a 2A, there exists a b2B such that a =sb and b=ta. A Hungarian semigroupS is calleduniformly Hungarian if for any s;t2S and subsetsA and B of S such that





B there exist units u and v in S such that Au !vB. The notion of uniformly Hungarian semigroup was introduced by A. Zempl=eni in >Z? to study the heredity of Hun and Hungarian semigroups.

A sequence AxnB in a topological spaceX is said to berelatively compactorbounded if it is contained in a compact subset of X.

We Drst prove following elementary results that are needed in proving the main results. First of such results characterizes all units in the semigroup of probability measures on Gelfand pairs.

Proposition 2.3 Let G be a locally compact group and K be a compact subgroup of

G. Suppose . and / are K-biinvariant probability measures on G such that /. =

./=!K. Then.=x!K for some x inNAKB, the normalizer of K. Suppose AG;KB is a Gelfand pair and S is the semigroup ofK-biinvariant probability measures onG. Then . is a unit in S if and only if .=x!K for some x 2NAKB.

Proof Let. and / be K-biinvariant probability measures on Gsuch that

."/ =!K =/".:

This implies that


and hence for any g 2SA/B, .g is a left K-invariant probability measure supported on K. Thus, .g = !K. SinceSA.B$Kg?1, we have !Kx=!Kg?1 for all x2 SA.B.


.=!Kx for any x2SA.B. Similarly we may prove that

.=x!K for all x 2SA.B. This implies that


K x

?1 =!K

and hence x2 NAKB. Second part of the proposition follows from the fact that any measure of the form x!K, for x2NAKB is K-biinvariant andx?1!K is the inverse of



The following lemma is very useful and used often in the sequel without even referring to it.



Lemma 2.1

Let G be a locally compact group and K be a compact subgroup of G. Suppose G;K! is a Gelfand pair. Then any compact subgroup M containing K is normalized by N K!, the normalizer of K and G;M! is also a Gelfand pair.


Let x 2 N K!. Then x!K and !Kx?1 are K-biinvariant probability mea- sures. Since G;K! is a Gelfand pair, this implies that



?1 =x!K!M!Kx?1 =!Mx!Kx?1 =!M!K =!M:

Thus, xMx?1 = M. The second part of the theorem follows from the fact that

M-biinvariant probability measures are also K-biinvariant.

The next lemma determines when the semigroup of probability measures on a Gelfand pair satis@es H-2!.

Lemma 2.2

LetGbe a locally compact group andK be a compact subgroup of G. Let

S be the semigroup of all K-biinvariant probability measures on G. Suppose G;K! is a Gelfand pair. For any subgroup H of G, N H! denotes the normalizer of H in

G. Then the following are equivalent:

1. AH-2D holds for S;

2. for every compact subgroupM of GcontainingK andx 2Gsuch thatxKx?1!

M, we have x2N K!M;

3. for every compact subgroup M of G containing K, N M! =N K!M.


SupposeS satis@es H-2!. LetM be a compact subgroup of GcontainingK. Suppose x2G is such that

K and xKx?1! M: i!


+ =!M and , =!K-x!M: ii! Then + and , are in S. Let


1 =!K-x!K and .2 =!K-x?1!K: Then .1;.2 2S and by i! we get that

, =!K-x!M =!K-x!K!M =.1+ and

+=!M =!K!M =!K-x?1!K-x!M =.2,:



Thus, and ! are associates. Then = u! for some unit u in S. By Proposition 2.3, = u! = g!K! = g!

for some g 2N8K9. Thus, by substituting 8ii9, we have

!K)x!M =g!M

and hence KxM = gM for some g 2 N8K9. This implies that x 2gM ! N8K9M.

This proves that 819 implies 829.

Suppose 829 holds. LetM be a compact subgroup of G containing K. Then xKx?1 !xMx?1 =M

for all x 2 N8M9 and hence by assumption x 2 N8K9M for all x 2 N8M9. This implies that N8M9! N8K9M. Since K !M, N8K9 normalizes M, that is N8K9! N8M9. Thus, N8M9 = N8K9M. This proves that 829 implies 839.

Suppose for every compact subgroup M of G containing K, we have N8M9 = N8K9M. We now prove that S satisDes 8H-29. Let !, , -1 and -2 be inS. Suppose

! = -1 and = -2!:

Then ! = -1-2!

and hence by Theorem 1.2.7 of HHeI,S8-19S8-29!fg 2Gjg! = ! = !gg=M, say.

Since ! is K-biinvariant, K !M. Replacing -i by!M %-i, for i=1,2, if necessary we may assume that -i%!M =-i, for i = 1;2. Then we have,

-1-2=!M =-2-1:

By Proposition 2.3, -i = xi!M for some xi 2 N8M9 for i = 1;2. This implies that xi 2N8K9M = MN8K9 for i = 1;2. This impliesthat -i =gi!M for somegi 2N8K9 for i = 1;2. Thus, ! = g1 for g1 2N8K9. This proves that 839 implies 819.

We say that a pair 8G;K9 consisting of a locally compact group G and a compact subgroup K of Gsatis$es condition **,if 829 or 839 of Lemma 2.2 is satisDed. Thus, a Gelfand pair 8G;K9 satisDes condition 8*9 if and only if the semigroup of K-biinvariant probability measures onG satisDes 8H-29. We will see that this condition plays a vital role in proving Khinchin's Theorems.

It is easy to see that when K is a maximal compact subgroup, condition 8*9 is satisDed. It is also easy to see that 8G;K9 satisDes condition 8*9 when G is a connected Lie group and K is a maximal torus which may be seen as follows: suppose M is a compact group containingK, then for x2N8M9, xKx?1 =mKm?1for somem2 M and hence N8M9 = N8K9M. Also if there exists a compact group L contained in K



such that &G;L' satis)es condition &*', then &G;K' also satis)es condition &*' which follows from the equation that

N&M' = N&L'M = N&L'KM = N&K'M for any compact subgroup M containing K.

We now prove that the Gelfand pair &G;K' satis)es the condition &*' when G=K is a compact Riemannian symmetric space. We )rst observe the following:

Proposition 2.4

Let G=K be an irreducible Riemannian symmetric space. Then K is a maximal proper compact connected subgroup of G.


Let H be a compact connected subgroup of G containing K properly. Let

G;K and H be the Lie algebras of G, K and H respectively, with G =K#P. Since G=K is irreducible, Ad &K' acts irreduciblyon the subspaceP where Ad is the adjoint representation of G on its Lie algebra G. Since H contains K, the subspace H%P is a Ad &K'-invariant subspace of P and hence H%P = &0' or P. This implies that H = K or H = G. This proves the proposition.

Lemma 2.3

Let G=K be a compact Riemannian symmetric space. Then the Gelfand pair &G;K' satis9es the condition :*<.


Let &G;K' be a compact Riemannian symmetric pair. Let ~G be the simply connected covering of G and p: ~G!G be the covering map of G. Let ~K = p?1&K'.

Let M be a compact subgroup of G containing K such that xKx?1 ' M for some x 2 G. We now claim that x2 N&K'M. Let ~G1; ~G2;))); ~Gm be )nite set of simple Lie subgroups of G1 such that

G = ~G1* ~G2*)))* ~Gm:

Now for each i, 1+i+ m, there exists a compact subgroup ~Ki of ~G such that ~Gi= ~Ki

is a irreducible Riemannian symmetric space and

~K = ~K1* ~K2*)))* ~Km: Now let ~M = p?1&M'. Then by Proposition 2.4, we have

~M0 = ~K1*)))* ~Kr* ~Gr+1*)))* ~Gr

for some r, 0 +r +m where ~M0 is the connected component of identity inM. Now let y = &x1;x2;)));xm' be inp?1&x'. Since ~K is connected, we have that y ~Ky?1 and

~K are contained in ~M0. This impliesthatxi~Kix?1i ' ~Ki, for 1+i+r and hence since

~K is a connected Lie group, we have xi 2 N& ~Ki', for 1 + i + r. This implies that y 2 N& ~K' ~M and hence p?1&x'' N& ~K' ~M. Thus, x2 p&N& ~K' ~M' = p&N& ~K''M ' N&K'M. This proves condition &*' for any compact Riemannian symmetric space.




The following gives an example of a Gelfand pair which does not satisfy the condition 6*8. LetQ2 be the additive group of 2-adic integers andj!jbe the 2-adic norm on Q2. Let L=fx2 Q2 jjxj= 1g. Let K be the subgroup of automorphisms generated by the automorphism x 7! ?x. Let G be the semidirect product of K and Q2. Let x0 2 Q2 be such that x0 62 L but 2x0 2 L. Then the semigroup of all K-biinvariant probability measures on G is isomorphic to the semigroup of all symmetric probability measures on Q2. Thus, 6G;K8 is a Gelfand pair. Let M be the compact subgroup of G generated by L andK. Then since 2x0 2L, it is easy to see that x0 normalizesM. Since N6K8 =K and x0 62M, we get that N6K8M =M is a proper subgroup of N6M8. Thus, 6G;K8 is a Gelfand pair which does not satisfy the condition 6*8.

We now present various types of Hungarian semigroups which are useful in proving the heredity of Hungarian semigroups and limit theorems. For any subset C of a semigroup P, letTC be the set of all factors of elements of C. Let *:S !S denote the canonical quotient map. A Hungarian semigroup S is called stable if for every compact set C of S , TC is compact. A Hungarian semigroup S is called division compact if for any two compact subsets C and L of S, the set C=L = fs 2 S j there exists a l 2 L;sl 2 Cg is compact. It is shown in KRSM that the semigroup of all compact-regular probability measures on an abelian HausdorN topological group

G is a stable division compact Hungarian semigroup 6see Chapter 3, Theorem 1.1 of KRSM8.

A Hungarian semigroup S is called strongly stable if for any compact set C of

S, there is a compact set L of S such that *6TC8 = *6L8. It should be noted that strongly stable Hungarian semigroups are stable. A. ZemplReni introduced the notion of strongly stable Hungarian semigroups in KZeM. It is shown in KZeM that for a lo- cally compact Srst countable abelian group G, the semigroup P6P6!!!6G8!!!88 is a strongly stable division compact uniformly Hungarian semigroup with Prohorov prop- erty. In KRM, it is proved that P6P6!!!6S8!!!88 is a strongly stable division compact uniformly Hungarian semigroup with Prohorov property when S is the semigroup of

K-biinvariant probability measures on a real reductive symmetric space. Here we prove a similar result for certain Gelfand pairs.

In order to achieve Khinchin's second and third Theorems, that is any anti- indecomposable measure or any inSnitesimal limit is inSnitely divisible, Ruzsa and Szekely introduced the concept of normable Hungarian semigroups. For any s in a Hungarian semigroup S, deSne H6s8 as the maximal idempotent factor of s in S 6see 22.11 of KRSM for the existence of H6s88. A normable Hungarian semigroupis a Hungarian semigroup S satisfying the condition that for every s 2 S that is not an associate of an idempotent, there exists a map Xs:Ts!K0;18 such that

Xs6ab8 = Xs6a8 + Xs6b8 6p8 for any a;b 2 Ts with ab 2 Ts, Xs6s8 30 and X is continuous at H6s8 where Ts is the set of factors of s. Any map satisfying condition 6p8 is called a partial homo-



morphism. It is proved +RS., that the semigroup of probability measures on a locally compact abelian group is a normable Hungarian semigroup. Combining the Kendall homomorphism of +G. with the results in +R., we get that the semigroup of probability measures on a reductive symmetric space is a normable Hungarian semigroup. In the next sections we prove that the semigroup of K-biinvariant probability measures on Gelfand pairs is also normable.

Another application of normable stable Hungarian semigroup is the inCnite divis- ibility of an inCnitesimal limit, that is Khinchin's third Theorem. We will answer this question aHrmatively in the section 8.

3 Factor compactness

The following lemma is an important tool in proving the factor compactness which is useful in establishing the strong stability and limit theorems: see +DM., +DR. and +M.

for results on factor compactness for measures on general locally compact groups.

Lemma 3.1

Let N be a connected nilpotent Lie group andA be a group acting on N by automorphisms such that the induced action on the Lie algebra of N is semisimple.

Let X be a subset of N such that for any sequence MxnN in X, the sequence Mxn%Mx?1n NN

is relatively compact for every % 2 A. Then for each x 2 X, there exists ax and bx such that



x g

x2X is relatively compact and %MaxN = ax for all x 2 X and % 2 A. In other words, X is relatively compact in N =NA where NA denotes the group of all A-=xed points in N.


Let LMNN be the Lie algebra of N. We Crst consider the case when N is abelian. There is no loss of generality in assuming that N is a vector group. Let U be the subspace of LMNN consisting of all v2LMNN such that

d%MvN =v

for all % 2A. Then there exists aA-invariant subspace W of LMNN such that


Now for each x 2 X, there are ax and bx in the exponential image of U and W respectively, such that

x=bxax: 10


Suppose fbxgx2X is not relatively compact, then there exists a sequence 4xn5 in

X such that


n =bxn !1:

Let Yn2W be such that

exp4Yn5 =bn: Since exp is a di:eomorphism, we have




and 4d'4Yn5?Yn5 is relatively compact for all '2A and hence

d'4 Yn


n jj

5? Yn


n jj


for all'2Awherejj'jjis the Euclidean norm on L4N5. By passing to a subsequence, if necessary we may assume that




n jj


and hence Y is a nonzero vector in W such that

d'4Y5 =Y

for all'2A. This is a contradiction. This proves thatfbxgx2X is relatively compact.

We now consider the general case. The rest of the proof is based on induction on dimension of L4N5. Suppose dimension of L4N5 is one, the result follows from the abelian case. Now let Z be the center of N and L4Z5 be the Lie algebra of Z. Since the action of A on L4N5 is semisimple, there exists a A-invariant subspace W of L4N5 such that

L4N5 =L4Z5(W:

Since N is nilpotent,Z4N5 is of positive dimension, now applying induction hypoth- esis to N =Z4N5 yields that for each x2X, there are ax, bx and zx such that


whereaxZ is Gxed by all elements ofA,zx is inZ for allxand fbxgx2X is a relatively compact subset of N. Let exp be the exponential map of L4N5 into N. Since N is a connected nilpotent Lie group, by Theorem 3.6.1 of KVM, exp is an onto map. Since

L4N5 =L4Z5 +W, for each x2X, there exists a vx 2L4Z5 and wx 2W such that exp4vx+wx5 =ax

and hence, since vx belongs to the center of the Lie algebra, by Corollary 2.13.3 of KVM, we have

exp4wx5exp4vx5 =ax 11


for all x 2 X. Thus, for each x 2 X, replacing ax by axexp4?vx5, we may assume that



2exp4W5 for all x 2X.

We now claim that ax is :xed by all elements of A. Let wx 2 W be such that exp4wx5 =ax. Since axZ is :xed by elements of A, we have

(4expq4wx+L4Z55 = expq4wx+L4Z55

for all (2 A where expq denotes the exponential map of the Lie group N =Z. Since

N is a connected nilpotent Lie group, expq is a diAeomorphism of the Lie algebra

L4N5=L4Z5 onto N =Z 4see Theorem 3.6.2 of EVG5. This implies that

(4wx +L4Z55 =wx+L4Z5 for all ( 2A and hence

(4wx5?wx 2L4Z5

for all ( 2A. Since wx 2W which is an A-invariant subspace, we have

(4wx5?wx 2W "L4Z5 = 405

for all ( 2A. This implies that (4wx5 =wx for all (2A and hence

(4ax5 =ax for all ( 2A and allx2X.

Now for any sequence 4zxn5, and for each (2A,



(4x?1n 5 =bxnaxnzxn(4zx?1n5(4a?1xn5(4b?1xn5 =zxn(4z?1xn5bxn(4b?1xn5:

This implies that 4fzxn(4zx?1n55 is relatively compact. Now the result follows from the abelian case.

Lemma 3.2

Let U be a unipotent algebraic group and K be a compact group of automorphisms on U. Let X be a subset of U such that for any sequence 4xn5 in X, the sequence 4xn(4x?1n 55 is relatively compact. Then XUK is relatively compact in


K where UK is the group of all K-;xed points of U.


Since U is a unipotent algebraic group, exponential is a diAeormorphism of the Lie algebra of U onto U. Since K is compact, the induced action ofK on the Lie algebra of U is semisimple. Thus, one may prove the lemma by arguing as in Lemma 3.1.

The next result extends Lemma 3.1, to connected solvable groups with a faithful representation and when the group of automorphisms is a compact connected group.



Lemma 3.3

Let G be a connected solvable Lie group with a faithful representation and K be a compact connected group of automorphisms of G. Suppose X is a subset of G such that for every sequence xn! in X, the sequence xn$ xn!?1! is relatively compact for all $2K. Then for each x2X, there exist bx!and ax!in G such that


fbxj x2Xg is relatively compact and $ ax! = ax for all $2K and all x2X.


LetGbe a connected solvable Lie group with a faithful representation. Then there exists a compact connected abelian subgroup T of G and a simply connected normal subgroup H ofG such thatG=TH see <Ho>!. LetN be the nilradical ofH and H be the Lie algebra of H. Let H1 be the Lie subalgebra ofH such that


1 =fv2Hj$ v! =v; for all k 2Kg:

Let H1 be the connected Lie subgroup of G corresponding to the subalgebra H1. Then H1 is a simply connected closed subgroup of H see Theorem 3.18.12 of <V>!

and $ h! = h for all h 2 H1 and all $ 2 K. By Leptin's Theorem see <BJR>!,

H =NH1. Now the lemma follows from Lemma 3.1.

We need the following lemmas which are quite useful in establishing the main result of this section.

Lemma 3.4

Let G be a locally compact second countable group and K be a compact subgroup of G. Let /n! be a sequence of automorphisms of G. Suppose /n !K!! is a relatively compact sequence in P G!. Then /n k!!is a relatively compact sequence in G, for all k 2K.


Suppose /n k0!! is not relatively compact for some k0 2 K. Then by pass- ing to a subsequence, if necessary we may assume that /n k0!! has no convergent subsequence and /n !K! ! 1 2 P G!. Since each of /n !K! is an idempotent, 1 is an idempotent and hence 1=!M for some compact subgroup M of G see Theorem 1.2.10 of <He>!. Since G is second countable, P G! is metrizable. Let Ui! be a de- creasing sequence of compact neighbourhoods of M. Since /n !K! ! !M, for each

i'1, there exists an ni such that

!K /n?1i Ui!!61? 1 2i

see <P>! and we may assume that ni 7ni+1 for all i'1. Let

B =)1m=1*1i=m/n?1i Ui!: Then B is a Borel subset of G and

!K GnB!,X1


21i 13


for all m 1. This implies that !K/B0 = 1. Let b 2B. Then there exists a m 1 such that $ni/b0 2 Ui for all i m. Since /Ui0 is a decreasing sequence, we have

$ni/b02Um for alli m and hence /$ni/b00 is relatively compact for all b2B. Let H be the set of all k in K such that /$ni/k00 is relatively compact. Then H is a co-null subgroup of K. By Proposition B.1 of CZiE, H = K. This implies that /$n/k000 has a convergent subsequence. This is a contradiction. Thus, we prove the lemma.

We make the following observation which is essentially Lemma 2.1 of CDRE.

Lemma 3.5

Let V be a %nite-dimensional algebra over real or p-adic %eld. Let /$n0 be a sequence of algebra automorphisms of V. Then there exists a subalgebra W of V such that

1. W = fw2V j/$n/w00 is bounded g and

2. if /$n/.00 is relatively compact for .2P/V 0, then . is supported on W.


Since V is of Knite-dimension, there exists a vector subspace W of V such that /$n/w00 is bounded if and only if w2W. Now let .2P/V 0 be such that /$n/.00 is relatively compact. We now claim that the support of. is contained in W, in other words, for each v 2 S/.0, /$n/v00 is a bounded sequence. Suppose for some v 2 V , the sequence /$n/v00 is not bounded. Then there exists a subsequence /$kn0 of /$n0 such that

$kn/v0!1 and $kn/.0!1

for some 1 2 P/V 0. Then by Lemma 2.1 of CDRE, there exists a subspace W0 of V such that /$kn/w00 converges for all w 2W0 and . is supported on W0. This implies in particular, that /$kn/v00 converges. This is a contradiction. Thus, v 2 W. This proves the lemma.

Proposition 3.1

Let G be an almost connected Lie group and G0 is a semisimple Lie group. Let K be a compact subgroup of G. Suppose /G;K0 is a Gelfand pair and S is the semigroup of all K-biinvariant probability measures on G. Let /.n0 be a relatively compact sequence in S and /4n0 be a seqeunce such that for each n 1, 4n

is a factor of .n. Then there exists a sequence /xn0 from the center of G such that /xn4n0 is realtively compact.


Since /.n0 is relatively compact, by Theorem 1.2.21 of CHeE, there exists a sequence /gn0 in G such that /gn4n0 is relatively compact. Let Ad be the adjoint representation ofG and let H = Ad /G0. Then H is a connected algebraic semisimple group. Thus, the center of H is Knite and H 'G=Z where Z is the center of G. By Proposition 2.2, we have /H;KZ=Z0 is also a Gelfand pair. Let M be a maximal compact subgroup of H containing KZ=Z. Then /H;M0 is a Gelfand pair. Let p:G ! H be the cannonical quotient map. Then /p/.n0)!M0 is relatively compact and p/4n0)!M is a factor of p/.n0 for all n 1. Then there exists a sequence /hn0



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