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Lecture 7: Regular expressions


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CS310 : Automata Theory 2020

Lecture 7: Regular expressions

Instructor: S. Akshay

IIT Bombay, India




I Deterministic finite state automata (DFA)

I Formal definition, run, accepting run, (extended) transition relation I Regular languages, closure under Union, intersection and


I Non-deterministic finite state automata (NFA)

I From NFA to DFA: The Subset construction, worst-case exponential blowup

I Applications to text search using automata.

I -NFA and conversion to NFA.

I Today: An algebraic view of regular languages.



I Deterministic finite state automata (DFA)

I Formal definition, run, accepting run, (extended) transition relation I Regular languages, closure under Union, intersection and


I Non-deterministic finite state automata (NFA)

I From NFA to DFA: The Subset construction, worst-case exponential blowup

I Applications to text search using automata.

I -NFA and conversion to NFA.

I Today: An algebraic view of regular languages.



I Deterministic finite state automata (DFA)

I Formal definition, run, accepting run, (extended) transition relation I Regular languages, closure under Union, intersection and


I Non-deterministic finite state automata (NFA)

I From NFA to DFA: The Subset construction, worst-case exponential blowup

I Applications to text search using automata.

I -NFA and conversion to NFA.

I Today: An algebraic view of regular languages.


Adding transitions

An -nondeterministic finite-state automaton (-NFA) is a 5-tuple

(Q,Σ, δ,q0,F) where

I Q is a finite set of states

I Σ is a finite alphabet, i.e., set of input symbols

I δ :Q×(Σ∪)→P(Q) is a function that takes a state and input symbol and returns the set of possible next states,

I q0∈Q is the start/initial state

I F ⊆Q is the set of final/accepting states.




Let (Q,Σ, δ,q0,F) be an-NFA. For each setS ⊆Q,EClose(S) is the set of states reachable via -transitions from S.

Inductive definition ofEClose(S): I for all q ∈S,q ∈EClose(S)

I if q∈EClose(S) andq0 ∈δ(q, ), then q0 ∈EClose(S).




Let (Q,Σ, δ,q0,F) be an-NFA. For each setS ⊆Q,EClose(S) is the set of states reachable via -transitions from S.

Inductive definition of EClose(S):

I for all q ∈S,q ∈EClose(S)

I if q∈EClose(S) andq0 ∈δ(q, ), then q0 ∈EClose(S).


Extended transition relation for -NFA

Extended transition relation

Let ˆδ:Q×Σ→ P(Q) be defined as:

δ(q, ) =ˆ EClose({q}) δ(q,ˆ wa) = [




An-NFAA acceptsw iff ˆδ(q0,w)∩F 6=∅.


Extended transition relation for -NFA

Extended transition relation

Let ˆδ:Q×Σ→ P(Q) be defined as:

δ(q, ) =ˆ EClose({q}) δ(q,ˆ wa) = [




An -NFAA acceptsw iff ˆδ(q0,w)∩F 6=∅.


Removing -transitions


For any-NFAA, there exists an NFA A0 (without -transitions) such that L(A) =L(A0).

Proof: Let A= (Q,Σ, δ,q0,F) be an-NFA. Then, we construct NFA A0 = (Q0,Σ, δ0,q0,F0) s.t.,

I Q0 =Q∪˜q0,q00 = ˜q0, Σ is the same but no -transitions are used.

I F =

(F ∪ {˜q0} ifEClose({q0})∩F 6=∅

F otherwise

I δ0(q,a) =

(EClose(δ(EClose(q0,a))) ifq = ˜q0

EClose(δ(q,a)) otherwise


Removing -transitions


For any-NFAA, there exists an NFA A0 (without -transitions) such that L(A) =L(A0).

Proof: Let A= (Q,Σ, δ,q0,F) be an-NFA. Then, we construct NFA A0 = (Q0,Σ, δ0,q0,F0) s.t.,

I Q0 =Q∪˜q0,q00 = ˜q0, Σ is the same but no -transitions are used.

I F =

(F ∪ {˜q0} ifEClose({q0})∩F 6=∅

F otherwise

I δ0(q,a) =

(EClose(δ(EClose(q0,a))) ifq = ˜q0

EClose(δ(q,a)) otherwise


Removing -transitions


For any-NFAA, there exists an NFA A0 (without -transitions) such that L(A) =L(A0).

Proof: Let A= (Q,Σ, δ,q0,F) be an-NFA. Then, we construct NFA A0 = (Q0,Σ, δ0,q0,F0) s.t.,

I Q0 =Q∪˜q0,q00 = ˜q0, Σ is the same but no -transitions are used.

I F =

(F ∪ {˜q0} ifEClose({q0})∩F 6=∅

F otherwise

I δ0(q,a) =

(EClose(δ(EClose(q0,a))) ifq = ˜q0

EClose(δ(q,a)) otherwise


Removing -transitions


start q1 q2





q0 q1 q2

˜ q0 start

a b a



a a



Can we simplify this?


Removing -transitions


start q1 q2





q0 q1 q2

˜ q0 start

a b a



a a




Removing -transitions


For any-NFAA= (Q,Σ, δ,q0,F), there exists an NFA

A0 = (Q0,Σ, δ0,q0,F0) (without -transitions) such thatL(A) =L(A0).

Proof: Construction in 3 steps:

1. Saturate: repeatedly add shortcuts that make -transitions redundant.

2. Fix final states: if some state reachable from initial state by -transitions is final, then make initial state as final!

3. Remove-transitions.

Can we do this in one shot?

I Q0=Q,q00 =q0, Σ is the same but no-transitions are used. I F =

(F ∪ {q0} ifEClose({q0})∩F 6=∅

F otherwise

I δ0(q,a) =

(EClose(δ(EClose(q0,a))) ifq =q0 EClose(δ(q,a)) otherwise


Removing -transitions


For any-NFAA= (Q,Σ, δ,q0,F), there exists an NFA

A0 = (Q0,Σ, δ0,q0,F0) (without -transitions) such thatL(A) =L(A0).

Proof: Construction in 3 steps:

1. Saturate: repeatedly add shortcuts that make -transitions redundant.

2. Fix final states: if some state reachable from initial state by -transitions is final, then make initial state as final!

3. Remove-transitions.

Can we do this in one shot?

I Q0=Q,q00 =q0, Σ is the same but no-transitions are used. I F =

(F ∪ {q0} ifEClose({q0})∩F 6=∅

F otherwise

I δ0(q,a) =

(EClose(δ(EClose(q0,a))) ifq =q0 EClose(δ(q,a)) otherwise


Removing -transitions


For any-NFAA= (Q,Σ, δ,q0,F), there exists an NFA

A0 = (Q0,Σ, δ0,q0,F0) (without -transitions) such thatL(A) =L(A0).

Proof: Construction in 3 steps:

1. Saturate: repeatedly add shortcuts that make -transitions redundant.

2. Fix final states: if some state reachable from initial state by -transitions is final, then make initial state as final!

3. Remove-transitions.

Can we do this in one shot?

I Q0 =Q,q00 =q0, Σ is the same but no-transitions are used.

I F =

(F ∪ {q0} ifEClose({q0})∩F 6=∅

F otherwise

I δ0(q,a) =

(EClose(δ(EClose(q0,a))) ifq =q0 EClose(δ(q,a)) otherwise


Removing -transitions


For any-NFAA= (Q,Σ, δ,q0,F), there exists an NFA

A0 = (Q0,Σ, δ0,q0,F0) (without -transitions) such thatL(A) =L(A0).

Proof: Construction in 3 steps:

1. Saturate: repeatedly add shortcuts that make -transitions redundant.

2. Fix final states: if some state reachable from initial state by -transitions is final, then make initial state as final!

3. Remove-transitions.

Can we do this in one shot?

I Q0 =Q,q00 =q0, Σ is the same but no-transitions are used.

I F =

(F ∪ {q0} ifEClose({q0})∩F 6=∅

F otherwise

I δ0(q,a) =

(EClose(δ(EClose(q0,a))) ifq =q0 EClose(δ(q,a)) otherwise


Removing -transitions


For any-NFAA= (Q,Σ, δ,q0,F), there exists an NFA

A0 = (Q0,Σ, δ0,q0,F0) (without -transitions) such thatL(A) =L(A0).

Proof: Construction in 3 steps:

1. Saturate: repeatedly add shortcuts that make -transitions redundant.

2. Fix final states: if some state reachable from initial state by -transitions is final, then make initial state as final!

3. Remove-transitions.

Can we do this in one shot?

I Q0 =Q,q00 =q0, Σ is the same but no-transitions are used.

I F =

(F ∪ {q0} ifEClose({q0})∩F 6=∅

F otherwise


Another view of regular languages

Consider any regular language


Another view of regular languages

Consider any regular language I it can be letters 1 ora or etc.

I it can be emptyset.

I it can be a word, e.g., 110: obtained as a (finite) concatenation of letters.

I it can be several words: obtained as a (finite) union of sets of words


Another view of regular languages

Consider any regular language I it can be letters 1 ora or etc.

I it can be emptyset.

I it can be a word, e.g., 110: obtained as a (finite) concatenation of letters.

I it can be several words: obtained as a (finite) union of sets of words Can these be used to generate all regular languages?


Another view of regular languages

Consider any regular language I it can be letters 1 ora or etc.

I it can be emptyset.

I it can be a word, e.g., 110: obtained as a (finite) concatenation of letters.

I it can be several words: obtained as a (finite) union of sets of words I it can be something that “repeats”!


Another view of regular languages

Consider any regular language I it can be letters 1 ora or etc.

I it can be emptyset.

I it can be a word, e.g., 110: obtained as a (finite) concatenation of letters.

I it can be several words: obtained as a (finite) union of sets of words I it can be something that “repeats”!

The Kleene Star operation

For a language L, itsKleene closure, denoted L is the set of all strings obtained by taking any number of strings from Lwith possible repetitions and concatenating all of them.


Another view of regular languages

Consider any regular language I it can be letters 1 ora or etc.

I it can be emptyset.

I it can be a word, e.g., 110: obtained as a (finite) concatenation of letters.

I it can be several words: obtained as a (finite) union of sets of words I it can be something that “repeats”!

The Kleene Star operation

For a language L, itsKleene closure, denoted L is the set of all strings obtained by taking any number of strings from Lwith possible repetitions and concatenating all of them.


Regular expressions as a grammar

Given an alphabet Σ,

Regular expressions are all those generated by following grammar L::= Σ| ∅ |L+L|L◦L|L


Regular expressions as a grammar

Given an alphabet Σ,

Regular expressions are all those generated by following grammar

L::= Σ| ∅ |L+L|L◦L|L

I L is being recursively defined.

I |separates the constructors I + is the union

I ◦ is concatenation, often we just writeL1L2


Regular expressions as a grammar

Given an alphabet Σ,

Regular expressions are all those generated by following grammar

L::= Σ| ∅ |L+L|L◦L|L

I L is being recursively defined.

I |separates the constructors I + is the union

I ◦ is concatenation, often we just writeL1L2

I In the above notation, different occurrences ofLare not required to be same expressions



Given regular expressions for the following languages over Σ ={a,b,c} 1. All words containing at least one a.

2. words containing at least one aor oneb.

3. words containing at least one aand one b.

Order of precedence

Paranthesis are used or define precedence order: Kleene>Concat >union I ((0)1) + (0) =?

I (01)2 =?

I 01+ 10 + 11 =?

Is a regular expression unique?

Simplify this: 1∗01 + 1∗01(0 ++ 11)(0 ++ 11)



Given regular expressions for the following languages over Σ ={a,b,c} 1. All words containing at least one a.

2. words containing at least one aor oneb.

3. words containing at least one aand one b.

Order of precedence

Paranthesis are used or define precedence order: Kleene>Concat >union

I ((0)1) + (0) =? I (01)2 =?

I 01+ 10 + 11 =?

Is a regular expression unique?

Simplify this: 1∗01 + 1∗01(0 ++ 11)(0 ++ 11)



Given regular expressions for the following languages over Σ ={a,b,c} 1. All words containing at least one a.

2. words containing at least one aor oneb.

3. words containing at least one aand one b.

Order of precedence

Paranthesis are used or define precedence order: Kleene>Concat >union I ((0)1) + (0) =?

I (01)2 =?

I 01+ 10 + 11 =?

Is a regular expression unique?

Simplify this: 1∗01 + 1∗01(0 ++ 11)(0 ++ 11)



Given regular expressions for the following languages over Σ ={a,b,c} 1. All words containing at least one a.

2. words containing at least one aor oneb.

3. words containing at least one aand one b.

Order of precedence

Paranthesis are used or define precedence order: Kleene>Concat >union I ((0)1) + (0) =?

I (01)2 =?

I 01+ 10 + 11 =?

Is a regular expression unique?

Simplify this: 1∗01 + 1∗01(0 ++ 11)(0 ++ 11)



Given regular expressions for the following languages over Σ ={a,b,c} 1. All words containing at least one a.

2. words containing at least one aor oneb.

3. words containing at least one aand one b.

Order of precedence

Paranthesis are used or define precedence order: Kleene>Concat >union I ((0)1) + (0) =?

I (01)2 =?

I 01+ 10 + 11 =?

Is a regular expression unique?


From Regular expressions to DFA


Every language defined by a regular expression is regular!

Proof: exercise! Try structural induction.


From Regular expressions to DFA


Every language defined by a regular expression is regular!


exercise! Try structural induction.


From Regular expressions to DFA


Every language defined by a regular expression is regular!

Proof: exercise! Try structural induction.


From DFA to Regular expressions


Every regular language can be defined by a regular expression!


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