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Analysis of cosmic ray data on nucleon-nucleus collisions and its implication on high energy behaviour of nucleon-nucleon total cross section


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PramS.~a, Vol. 2, No. 6, 1974, pp 348-358. Printed in India.

Analysis of cosmic ray data on nucleon-nucleus collisions and its implication on high energy behaviour of nucleon-nucleon total cross section

S O M N G A N G U L I , R R A G H A V A N A N D A S U B R A M A N I A N Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bombay 400005

MS received 8 March 1974; after revision 14 June 1974

Abstract. From existing cosmic ray measurements of the inelastic collision cross sections of nucleons on nuclei of carbon, iron and lead in the range of energies l0 g to 104 GeV as well as the measurements of cross sections on air nuclei in the exten- sive air shower (EAS) regions (105 to 108 GeV), we conclude that the Glauber multiple scattering theory is adequate to account for the data. Recent suggestion of Maor and Nussinov to parametrize the nucleon-nucleon total cross section with a com- ponent growing proportional to In ~ E (E is the incident energy) is at variance with the EAS data. However the data are consistent with a nucleon-nucleon total cross section rising no faster than In E in these energy regions.

Keywords. Inelastic collision cross section of nucleons (10 S to 10 a GeV); Glauber

multiple scattering theory; nucleon-nucleon total cross sections.

1. I n t r o d u c t i o n

Measurements made recently with intersecting storage rings (ISR) at C E R N by Amaldi et al (1973) and A m e n d o l i a et al (1973) in the energy range 500 to 2000 G e V have conclusively b r o u g h t out the rise in the total cross section in p-p colli- sions. The rise in total cross section was also concluded by Y o d h et al (1972) f r o m their analysis of cosmic ray data. The behaviour o f nucleon-nucleon total cross section m u c h beyond I S R energies, which is o f great theoretical importance, has to come f r o m cosmic ray experiments. One such analysis was m a d e by G a n - guli and S u b r a m a n i a n (1973) o f cosmic ray air-shower data in the energy range l0 s to 10 a GeV. This analysis, hereafter referred to as G - S , showed t h a t the growth o f the p-p total cross section beyond I S R energies is unlikely to be faster t h a n In s where s is the square of the total CM energy. In this p a p e r we analyse the existing cosmic ray data on nucleon-nucleus collisions using G l a u b e r multiple scattering theory ( G l a u b e r 1959, 1970) in order to deduce the possible behaviour of nucleon-nucleon total cross section at very high energies. The new consideration b r o u g h t in this p a p e r is the possible rise o f nucleon-nucleus collision cross sections due to an expanding halo a r o u n d the nucleon ( U d g a o n k a r and Gell-Mann 1962, M a o r and Nussinov 1973) at energies > l0 iS eV.

W e would like to stress t h a t the inelastic cross sections as measured in cosmic

r a y experiments refer to meson production. This means that

~t,el = a,bs - - cr~uasl-el (1)



Cosmic ray data on nucleon-nucleus collisions Table 1. Nucleon-carbon inelastic cross sections


Primary alnei energy (mb)

(GeV) Reference Remarks

22 217:t: 7 )

62 2325:5

200 2635:7

610 2665:12 100 2175:13 } 130 2135:24

150 214~12 }

300 1865:17 400 2455:55 600 2185:23

Akimov et al (1970)

Bozoki et al (1970) Alakoz et a/(1971) Anoshin et al (1971) Rubtsov et al (1973)

Satellite experiment

Neutron primary Neutron primary Proton primary

where a,bs ( = atot -- ao~) is the absorption cross section in the nucleus and %u,,l-o~

is the quasi-elastic scattering cross section where one (or more) nucleons are knocked out from the nucleus and the incident particle does not undergo any appreciable change*.

In section 2 we bring out all the existing cosmic ray data.

Glauber multiple scattering theory are described in section 3.

results follows in section 4 and summary in section 5.

Calculations using Discussion of the

2. Details of the existing cosmic ray data

There are basically three types of cosmic ray experiments that give rise to ai.e~:

(A) Observation of direct interaction of cosmic ray particles with specific targets along with a total absorption calorimeter to measure the primary energy, (B) zenith angle distribution of extensive air shower (EAS) frequencies which give interaction mean free path of primaries with air nuclei, and (C) comparison of the unaccompanied cosmic ray proton spectra at mountain altitudes with the primary proton spectrum; this third aspect we shall not discuss in this paper as it has been dealt with in detail by Yodh et al (1972). The experimental results from (A) and (B) are summarised below.

(A) In this category data exist for carbon, iron and lead nuclei. The data for carbon and iron which are presented in tables 1 and 2 are corrected, wherever necessary, for pion contamination in the atmosphere. The data of Akimov et al (1970) refer to satellite experiments. The data for lead shown in table 3 are not corrected for pion contamination as the correction is negligible compared to the errors. The data of carbon, iron and lead are also plotted in figures 1 a, b and 2 a.

* Analyses made by Balashov and Korenman (1970) and Auger and Lombard (1973) assumed aitml = traba which is not correct. The latter authors did not also correct the data for iron for c~ntamination from pions in the atmosphere,


350 Som N Ganguli, R Raghavan and A Subramanian Table 2. Proton-iron inelastic cross sections

Primary Oirt¢ 1

energy (mb)

(GeV) Reference

88 7974-11 121 780-4-14 | 177 8364-22 262 8104-11 ] 370 804+17 1 565 7844-32 | 750 8804-53 ] 400 7004-35

~250 760-t-37

Jones et ai (1970)

Bashindjhagyan et al (1971) Andronikashvili et al (1967)

Table 3. Proton-lead inelastic cross sections Primary oi~1

energy (rob)

(GoV) Reference

100 16504-170 Alakoz et al (1968) 300200 15834-15834-125167 } Denisov (1968) 400 1765 +350 Anoshin et al (1971) 3 0 0 0 16254-250 )

5 0 0 0 18104-110 ~ Chubenko etal(1973) 9 0 0 0 18354-160 J

3200 1729 + 146 Akashy et al (1963)

he method of obtaining inelastic collision cross section of protons against air nuclei by studying the zenith angle dependence of the frequency distribution of EAS of a given size (number of electrons in the shower) and same age of develop- ment can be found in the works referred to in table 4 (see also Hayakawa 1969) and is contained in the relation

I(O) = I ( O ) e x p ( X s e c 0 )

Atr (2a)

where I


is the intensity of showers occurring at zenith angle 0 at an atmospheric depth X, and At, is the proton-air inelastic collision mean free path. As discussed in detail by G-S, it is not at, that one directly observes in the experiment because very low fractional energy transfer collisions do not significantly contribute to air shower growth. Denoting by Aob, the mean free path deduced from the experi- ment, G-S have shown that these are related by

At~---- Aob. [1 -- J~ ,q,'y-a)p (~)d~T] (2b)



C o s m i c r a y d a t a on n u c l e o n - n u c l e u s collisions 351


o~ 80O



o .


~ 2 5 0 E



tSO ,O

I I i i [ ! i i ~ I



l v , T , I


I L, I I I I IL[


, , , t ,tl I

i i I I I i I I I I i i l , I I i | , I

io 2 i0 ~


Figure 1. (a) Inelastic cross section of nucleon-carbon is plotted vs energy of the incident nucleons. Data points are: O--Akimov et al (1970); A--Bozoki et al (1970); x--Alakoz e t a l (1971) and V-Rubtsov etal (1963). The curve represents the values calculated on the basis of the Glauber theory. (b) Inelastic cross section of proton-iron is plotted vs energy of the incident protons. Data points are: II--Jones etal (1970); x--Bashindjhagyan et al (1971) and A - - Andronikashvili e t a l (1967). The curve represents the values calculated on the basis of Glauber theory.

where ~ is the exponent of the differential energy spectrum o f primary particles and P (~) is the probability o f having elasticity ~ ( < 1) in the p-air collisions. F o r P (7/) we use the same distribution as that obtained at 19 GeV using various nuclear targets (Liland and Pilkuhn 1969).

We assume that the P (7/) distribution in the EAS energy region to be the same as deduced at much lower energies as above. T o a great extent the above assump- tion seems justified from ISR data when one looks at the x distribution o f outgoing protons in reactions p + p ~ p + anything, where x = P*ll/P*m,. and ~ / = x at these energies. The x distribution does not significantly change from 20 GeV to 2000 GeV. The trend o f P (V) above ISR energies which is generally required to explain air shower data (Sreekantan 1972) is if at all such that the collisions become more catastrophic, i.e., mean ~7 represented by (v) decreasing. So long as (,/) does not increase, our estimates o f p-air nucleus cross sections become upper

b o u n d s .


352 Som N Ganguli, R Raghavan and A Subramanian




o 3 7

' " 3:5



, <


I I I I I I I I [ iii

i b ) ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 1

I I I L I i I I I I I I l[

rO 2 I 0 a

E N E R G Y ( G e V )

,. I

26OO e~ <

w .j 2200

, Q

• -~ 1800 E


t ~

i i i i i i

t l

i ~ i i i I


i i i i i i i i i i i i i i ~ i i

~ODEL "TT (L.M)_~

m i , , L , J J i I t l t ~ i t , ¢ , , , , l ~ I t J . , t . A . J

E N E R G Y ( G e V ~

Figure 2. (a) Inelastic cross section o f proton-lead is plotted v s energy o f the incident protons. D a t a points are: I I - - A l a k o z et al (1968); & - - D e n i s o v (1968),

× - - C h u b e n k o et al (1973) and e m A k a s h y e t a l (1963). The cul'Ve up to 1000 G o V represents the values calculated on the basis o f the Glauber theory. Beyond 1000 G e V the curves are based on model I and model I I (see the text).

(b) Accelerator data of inelastic mean free path o f protons in nuclear emulsion is plotted v s energy o f the incident protons (refer text for sources o f dita). The curve represents the values o f inelastic mean free path calculated on the basis o f the Glauber theory.

A conservative value of ~7= taken is 0-7. If ~= is chosen less than 0-7, the air shower is expected to show an increase in the number of muons by more than 4 0 ~ which will be excluded by the experimental resolution which is ~ 25~o. The best experimental resolution is obtained at the largest of the air shower energies because of the large numbers of particles involved.

Thus with the assumed P (~) distribution and ~= = 0'7, one gets ~t~ = 0.83

~ob,. It might be mentioned that due to the steeply decreasing nature of primary cosmic ray spectrum (y ~ 3) the correction factor relating At, and Aobs in eq. (2 b) is not very sensitive to the choice of ~= so as to alter the conclusions arrived at in this paper. The values of ~t, are shown in column 3 and the calculated '~,b, (p-air), using ~t,, are shown in column 4 of table 4. The values of %,~ (p-air) are plotted in figure 3.

Finally it may be mentioned that it is not necessary to make any further assump.


Cosmic ray data on nucleon-nucleus collisions l'able 4. Details of EAS data and estimation of Oab. (p-air)


Primary hobs htr oabs Predicted *',~bs (mb)

e n e r g y (gin/era 2) (gin/era z) (rob)

(GeV) Model I Model II

R e f e r e n c e

for Xo~


106 91 ~ 3 75.5-4-2.5 3304-12 333 528

>105 85"74-4.5 71 + 4 350~:20 . . . . + 3 1

5" lO 5 87 4-7 72 4-6 345 345 649

--27 + 3 8

2.10 s 95 4-10 79 -4-8 315 355 749 ~ --29

+ 4 O

6" I0 e 92 :i: 10 76 -4-8 326 360 816 --33

+ 2 4

2" 107 80 ~ 5 66 ± 4 376 370 884 --33

+ 8 +7 +24

6.107 82 68 366 380 937

- - 5 - - 4 - - 33

+ 11 +9 +40

2.10 s 84 70 356 385 987

-- 8 - - 7 --41

Catz et al(1972) Capdevielle et al

(1973) SiRe e t a / ( 1 9 5 8 )

Matano et at (1963)


tions about air shower development to deduce the collision cross section using eq. (2 a) since energy resolution factors of the detector system employed, etc., are common to both I (0) and I (0). O f course one need not take the values of energy quoted in column 1 of table 4 literally; they represent central values in a range perhaps of a factor o f 2 o f the central value. This aspect hardly matters in the display of data in figure 3.

3. Nucleon-nucleus cross section in Glaubor t h e o r y

3.1. Calculation of absorption cross section

The cross sections o f nucleon-nucleus scattering have been obtained using Glauber theory of multiple scattering. For the light nuclei (carbon and air) we have taken the density distribution of nucleons to be of harmonic oscillator type and the details are described in our earlier paper (Ganguli etal 1973). For the heavier nuclei the inelastic cross sections have been obtained in the following way:

The elastic amplitude for scattering of a nucleon by a nucleus is given by F (q) = ~ ik y exp (iq.b) {1 -- [1 -- S I ' ( b - s)p(r)dar]~}d~b (3) where k is the incident momentum, q is the 3-momentum transfer, A is the mass number of the nucleus and s is the projection of r on the impact parameter plane b. The density distribution of nucleons, p (r), is taken to be of Woods-Saxon type:

p(r) = po[1 + e x p r a----~c] -1 (4)

with S p ( r ) d S r = 1,


354 Sore N Ganguli, R Raghavan and A Subramanlan




~ ~ o



4 0 0

l ' i I I I I I I i " i I I I I I I J I I I I I I I I I i ' i I

MOOt1. I 10-$)


, I | I I , , , | I I I I I I I l l 1 I I I , I I i I

IO s 106 107 I0 e


I I l

Figure 3. Absorption cross section of proton-air, as obtained from extensive air showers of cosmic rays, is plotted vs energy of the incident protons. Data points are: a--Catz et al (1972) ; "<--Sitte et al (1958) and •--Matano et al (1963). The two curves represent the values calculated on the basis of model 1 and model II (see the text).

where a is taken to be 0.545 fm and the half-density radius c is taken to be

c = 1"07 A x:3 (5)

The function P is the Fourier transform o f the nucleon-nucleon scattering ampli- tude f ( q ) :

r(b)--2~k ,y

exp ( - i q . b ) f ( q ) d 2 q (6) If the nucleon-nucleon scattering amplitude f ( q ) is taken as

ko'to t

f ( q ) = -4~- (i + a) exp (-- Bq~/2) (7)

where crt0t is the total cross section, ~ is the ratio of the real to imaginary part o f the forward scattering amplitude and B is the slope parameter, the function / ' reduces to

/I (b) = crtot (1 -- ia) exp (-- b~/2B)/(4rrB) (6a) F r o m this it follows that

I P ( b -- s ) p ( r ) d 3 r = ½crt0t (1 - - ia) 7'(b) (8) where


Cosmic ray data on nucleon-nucleus collisions 355

1 f T (s) Io (bs/B) exp (-- (6 ~ + sS)/2B) sds (9) ( b ) =

0 o o

T ( s ) = S p(s,z) dz (10)

and I0 is the modified Bessel function of zeroth order. The profile function of the nucleus, FA, is thus given by:

$"~ = 1 -- [1 -- O-tot (1 -- ia) 7"(b)/2] A (11) The absorption cross section is then given by:

O-~b~ : - ]" (1 -- I 1 - - / , a 12} dSb (12) We have made numerical integration to obtain O-abe"

For data points of air and lead nuclei where the primary energy is much more than 2 TeV (1 TeV ---- 10 z GeV), we assume a = 0 and the scattering amplitude f(q) is calculated using the following two models:

Model I (In s rise in


In this we have used the parametrization of O-tot (mb) as given by G-S:

O-tot --- 24.9 -k 39.9 s-~ q- 2"08 In s (13) where s is in unit of GeV ~. This parametrization gives a good fit to the accelerator data up to ISR energies with X ~ : 23 for 32 data points. For the slope parameter, B, in GeV -s, we have used the parametrization of Bartenev et al (1973) in the energy range 8 to 400 GeV:

B---- 8.23 + 0 . 5 5 6 1 n s (14)

Model II (Inns rise in


Here we use the parametrization of Maor and Nussinov (1973) where they use two components for the scattering amplitude as suggested by Leader and M a o r (1973):

f(q) = f ~ (q) -f-f2 (q) (15)


f~ (q) = (iko-j/4zr) exp (-- Bjq~/2), j : 1, 2 (7a) where

a 1 = 38"4 m b ; as = 0.49 [In (s/122)] 2 mb B1 = 10" 8 GeV -~ ; B2 = 5.0 [In (s/122)] s GeV -s 3.2. Calculation of inelastic cross section

F o r the data of category (A), section 2, we need to calculate inelastic nucleon- nucleus cross section. This is done by estimating %ua,i-a and subtracting it from a,b,. The expression for O-qu,~t-o~ is given by (Belletini et al 1966):

a,uui-a = N a f ~ r

where Nat is the effective number o f nucleons of the target nucleus taking part in the scattering and ~ r is the elementary p-p elastic cross section. The values o f N,n are taken to be 3.4, 6.1 and 9.5 for carbon, iron and lead respectively PP 7 " 6 (BeUetini et al 1966). For energies more than 2 TeV we have used a~ = mb and for lower energies we have used the accelerator measurements.

The cross sections thus calculated are shown as curves in figures la, b and 2a.

P - - 5


356 S o m N Ganguli, R Raghavan and A Subramanian 3.3. Error on the calculated curves

Error on the calculated curves basically arises from uncertainties in (i) nuclear radius parameters, and (ii) values of Nat. Total error on the calculated curves comes out to be 2-3~o of the cross sections.

3.4. Check on the calculated curves f r o m accelerator measurements

Among the elements considered in this paper accelerator measurements exist for carbon and lead. Belletini e t a l (1966) made measurements with protons of 20 GeV, and Denisov et al (1973) with protons in the range 20 to 60 GeV. Their results on absorption cross sections agree very well with present calculation:

Belletini et al Denisov et al Present (1966), 20 GeV (1973), 20-60 GeV calculation

oab, (p-C) 2544-6 2484-2 2514-4 mb

a, bs (p-Pb) 17504-125 18124-35 17714-40 mb

Recently a measurement on the inelastic mean free path of 200 GeV protons with emulsion nuclei has been made by Crier et al (1973). Their value obtained from the track scanning method is:

~t,ol (p-Eml) = (35.1 4- 0" 8) cm

We have calculated aln~ for different nuclei of emulsion and weighted them according to their contents in emulsion. This leads to inelastic mean free path at 200 GeV as

At,,a (p-Errtl) = (34' 84-0.6) cm

which again is in good agreement with the measurement. We have also shown in figure 2b the expected h~.el (p-Eml) up to 1500 GeV incident protons, along with the existing measurements in nuclear emulsions (Meyer et al 1963, Cvijanovich et al 1961, Bizzeti et al 1963, Baudinet-Robinet et al. 1962, Jain et al 1961, Crier et al 1973 ; we have taken weighted mean of the three data points at 27, 27 and 28 GeV).

4. Discussion

4.1. Nucleon-carbon inelastic cross section

We see from figure 1 that except for the two points of Akimov et al (1970) at 200 and 610 GeV, the experimental data are compatible with the Glauber calculation.

In an earlier paper (Ganguli et al 1973) we have pointed out that the data of Akimov et al mentioned above could be interpreted as due to contamination of deuterons in the primary cosmic ray protons to the extent of (154-4)% in the energy range 200 to 600 GeV.

4 . 2 . Proton-iron inelastic cross section

Within statistical errors, data for iron agree with the expected values from Glauber theory.

4 . 3 . Proton-lead inelastic cross section

Here the data exist up to 9 TeV and hence we have used the two models (section 3) for comparison. Beyond 1000 GeV the predictions from the two models differ.


C o s m i c ray data on nucleon-nucleus collisions 357 Because o f the large experimental error on the measured points it is not possible to distinguish between the two models.

4.4. Proton-air absorption cross section

Proton-air data exist from 105 to 2-108 GeV, the energy region which is not acces- sible to the present generation o f accelerators. It has been pointed out by G-S that this energy region is not sufficient to distinguish between the models demand- ing asymptotically constant total cross sections for p-p and In s rise in p-p total cross section (here s is the square o f the total ¢ ~ energy). Nevertheless, this energy region is sufficient to distinguish between the models demanding In ~ s rise and In s rise in the total cross section o f p-p. This is demonstrated in figure 3 where we have plotted ~abs (p-air) as a function o f energy. Predicted values from the two models are also listed in columns 5 and 6 o f table 4. We see from figure 3 that In s rise in total cross section o f p-p can explain the data extremely well whereas the In ~ s rise as per model of Leader and M a o r (1973) is in complete disagreement with the measurements.

5. Summary

We made a detailed analysis of cross sections from the existing cosmic ray measure- ments in carbon, iron, lead and air in terms o f Glauber's theory. Up to 2000 GeV our input information on p-p scattering is based on accelerator results. Beyond 2000 GeV our input information on p-p scattering is based on two models:

Model I : In s rise in total cross section, Model I I : l n 2 s rise in total cross section.

Accelerator measurements o f proton-nucleus cross sections exist up to 200 GeV and they are in good agreement with our calculation.

F o r carbon and iron where the cosmic ray data exist up to about 1000 GeV, inelastic cross sections are compatible with calculations using the Glauber theory.

F o r lead the data exist up to 9 TeV, but because o f the large error in the experi- mental data we c a n n o t distinguish between the two models.

Absorption cross section data on p-air are the most useful ones as they cover the energy region from 105 to 2.108 GeV. Calculation made using model I fits the data extremely well, whereas the prediction of model II is in complete disagree- ment with the experimental data.

We conclude that the growth o f the p-p total cross section from ISR energies to extensive air-shower energies is unlikely to be faster than In s.


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